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Chapter 300: Can’t see clearly

 On the snowy mountain, Guyang Batuer, who was wearing a thick fur robe, jumped lightly on the snow. He raised his hands to rub his chapped face, twitched his nose that was red from the cold, and hummed involuntarily from his throat. Here

The sky was freezing and the ground was so cold that he couldn't stop shivering.

The thick Mongolian riding boots bounced on the snow, making a squeaking sound. Gu Yang looked across the Yellow River. Halfway up the mountain were the arrogant Han soldiers under the marshal.

Looking at the dots of fire on the snow-capped mountains on the other side of the river, Gu Yang sneered in his heart. Those guys knew they felt sorry for Ma, so they hid themselves in the mountains for fear that others wouldn't see them...

Guyang sneered, but sprayed out a bubble of snot from his nostrils. He quickly blew it with his thumb and index finger, and rubbed it on the snow-covered stone: "Let's go, let's go, it's too cold. They don't have reinforcements, so they don't dare to fight.

Without the three-eyed gun, it is nothing."

They tried to catch Tangqi, but suffered a miserable loss. Now they simply camped at two mountain passes in Hebei. The climate here is too cold and it is a bit unbearable.

The herdsmen standing guard on the snow-capped mountains felt like they had been granted amnesty. They hurried down the mountain one by one, chatting about asking for roasted sheep.

Guyang and the monk wearing a black hat and a red crown fell behind. Hearing the words of his followers, he couldn't help but laugh: "Roast a sheep, hey!"

Ever since they were expelled from the Tula River by the Khalkha nobles, they followed Chuoktu Taiji and lived a hard life.

It has been five or six years since he heard such relaxed, cheerful and luxurious words from his tribe.

In the past, when it came to food, the most common question among tribesmen was not what to eat tomorrow, but whether to eat tomorrow.

Guyang Batuer led a group of herdsmen trembling down the mountain, suddenly turned to the monk and asked: "Master, we only sent out troops after the winter, right?"

The black hat monk was also so cold that he folded his arms and stamped his feet. He was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded and said: "Yes, Batu'er was dizzy from the cold, wasn't he? He passed through the Gansu border and entered Subei from Yumen, crossing the Gobi.

, the whole spring was spent raising horses in the oases of Huidan and Huidan, and it was almost summer before they raided the territory of Prime Minister Doluo Huoluochi."

Prime Minister Duoluo Huoluochi, this is an ancient and childish title, and it suddenly drags Guyang Batuer into the memories of sixteen years ago.

At that time Chuoktu Taiji was still very young, about thirty-eight years old, and was born into the most powerful aristocratic family in Khalkha.

The uncle's name is Abadai, the third uncle's name is Tumengken, his father is a military aristocrat, Heshuo Qiba Kalai, and his mother is the daughter of Wengniutebek.

But Chuoktu Taiji had not done anything serious until he was thirty-eight years old. He and his mother spent seventeen years building six large temples on the Mobei grasslands.

However, there were indeed few people doing serious work on the grassland back then, and the biggest serious work was building temples.

No matter listening to the words of the Ming Dynasty Khan or the Tubarbarians, it is of no use to life. Even if you work hard to fight, you can't get a few iron pots, but tens of thousands of livestock are transported to Guihua City. The great monk Suonan lives in Tumut.

If you don’t play tricks with others, you can really make people look like a prostitute.

The prime minister Huo Luochi was the prime minister of An Dahan at that time.

At that time, there was no one around Chuoke Rabbit Taiji. There were only two young men who followed him around every day, one was the waiter Dai Qing and the other was Batu Er Guyang.

Guyang came back to his senses. In the 464th year of Genghis Khan, his memory of hunting with Taiji in Hangai Mountain seemed to be just yesterday. In the blink of an eye, he was in a place colder than his mother's Hangai Mountain.

This made him swear, and turned to the monk and asked: "It took us half a year to beat the ancient Ru?"

The monk shook his head: "Less than a month."

"Then tell me, how did I walk out of the desert in winter and then go from spring to winter in another month?"

This place is so strange. It is said that the further south you go, the warmer it gets. The Han people's place is especially warm, but they keep going south, and the colder it gets.

They were prepared to deal with the army of the Marshal's Mansion, but they did not expect that it would be so cold when they walked along Golmud. The season was clearly summer, but the morning and night were not much warmer than the winter outside Gansu.

The monk didn't care, and shook his head calmly: "Lazun escaped, and Prime Minister Doluo Huoluochi's territory became Chuoktu Taiji's. Before long, Taiji will become Khan, and Batu'er will become Nayan.

Even the pony will become noble because of it."

"The prime minister is so fucked, that face is so damn sweaty... Taiji is so sweaty."

Guyang cursed a few words in succession, and then realized that Shunzui had said the wrong thing. He turned to the monk and smiled and said, "Master, please don't tell Taiji this, otherwise he will have to teach me to respect the Great Khan again."

Shaking his head helplessly, Guyang took the monk down the mountain and rode towards the tent camp at the mountain pass. He didn't dare to ride fast because it was too cold.

Not long after they entered the camp, by the bonfire at the sentry post on the top of the mountain on the other side of the river, Liu Chengzong, who was gritting his teeth due to the cold, put away his telescope and cursed with a smile: "Damn it, I don't believe this Tatar can withstand the cold better than me. They

They all got into the tent to keep themselves warm and fed, while Dai Daozi waved the flag and Zou Feng crossed the river!"

The summer evening here is slightly warmer than the winter in Dajianlu. It is indeed very cold, but for Liu Shizi coming from the south, it is not a big problem as long as he does not go to the top of the mountain for a long time.

It's colder than here in Hencheng, but compared to the most difficult road from Xikang Guandao to Yushu to the north and the Yellow River to the south, the environment is getting better for them when they reach the source of the Yellow River... and they can cross the Yellow River.

The weather will be warmer and the roads will be easier to walk.

The first ones to set out were pioneer Zou Feng and his father-in-law's Meng Zhifanzi.

More than 200 people threw down cowhide rafts to cross the river east of the source. This ancient craft from Ningxia is strong and reliable, but it is a little painful to watch.

Zou Feng's batch of rafts were made in a hurry and were not dried and oiled. They were rotten and rotten after just a few uses. They were not as durable as the rafts made by Liu Chengzong.

This group of people crossed the river very smoothly. They were small in number and did not have many heavy equipment. Moreover, the Mongolian equipment they wore was the best protective color. Even if they were far away, they would not worry about being discovered by the enemy.

Then Huang Shengxiao and Gao Yingdeng led 600 artillery and 600 horsemen to cross the river, but things didn't go so smoothly.

Although they had tried their best to put heavy weapons on the two ferries, there were too many armors and too few ferries, so they could only wear soldiers and set up rafts on the shoals on the south bank of the source to cross northward.

A moment after the army entered the water, there were sounds everywhere along the Yellow River. Either someone fell into the river or the war horses pulled the raft over. For a moment, people screamed and horses neighed, breaking the tranquility under the snow-capped mountains.

The Mongolian tent in Shankou was in a state of chaos in an instant. Liu Chengzong saw countless figures emerging from the tent, riding horses and running around. Both sides were quickly forming formations.

On the river, the soldiers driving the rafts were busy retrieving the soldiers who fell into the water. Later, they simply gave up and turned around to use the rafts to come back and lead Basang's Zuoying across the river.

Giving up on rescuing does not mean that people are left to fend for themselves in the river. The main reason is that the river section is not wide, and the place where people fell into the water is basically halfway across. Most of the soldiers who fell into the water shouted and screamed and threw violently in the river, and finally found themselves on their knees.

Half of the head can be exposed at the bottom of the river.

Survival has never been easier, just stand up.

Huang Shengxiao's artillery unit responded quickly. They had been training in Juerwan for half a year, but their talents had nowhere to show. They finally followed the army on the southern expedition and arrived in Nangqian after three months. They all participated in a battle to attack the mountain fortress.

I have been training for the garrison for more than half a year, and I feel exhausted from top to bottom.

Especially the equipment of this artillery unit has been changed again and again, from the earliest small cannon captured by the army, to the self-cast medium-sized lion cannon, and back to the 70-pound small cannon. Everyone wants to try these gadgets.

The power of.

Liu Chengzong was watching with a telescope on the mountain, and he found that Huang Shengxiao's artillery unit was somewhat interesting.

One after another, the 70-pound Lynx Sun was unloaded from the ferry. The gun crew was composed of three people. This gun was designed for rapid movement and fortification in mountainous operations. In terms of design concept, it was basically a suture monster. Liu Chengzong could almost

See the shadows of all the artillery they used.

For example, the gun mount and ammunition box of the Pearl Cannon were combined into one, the shape of the Lion Cannon was reduced year-on-year, and the unicycle chariot of the General Cannon was all integrated into one cannon by Huang Shengxiao.

I saw a three-person gun crew in the telescope. One person wrapped a thick cotton pad on the gun and lifted the gun lug onto his shoulder. The other two people carried the ammunition box and gun mount, and the other pushed the one-wheeled trolley, and quickly assembled it.

Finally, I put the cannon on the cart, stuck it with the mortise and tenon structure, and pushed it to the battlefield.

There are also three people in Huang Shengxiao's gun-carrying team. The two swordsmen carry the guns, but the gunman carries a large negative shield like a bastard's shell and carries half a stool, which is very suitable for fighting.

The equipment of the other six soldiers under the same organization was much lighter, including four musketeers and two spearmen. They used four little donkeys wearing flowered cloth coats to carry four pouches and made bird cannons, and carried eight large muskets on their backs.

The basket contains all the supplies needed for the entire squad to fight.

In the mountains on the south bank of the river, they still had a large number of mules and horses, and the carts with heavy equipment had not yet reached Hebei.

This group of people quickly formed a team by the river, five to one team, two teams to one, forming a wide-width, small-depth horizontal formation. Before all the horsemen who should have climbed higher were mounted, the six horizontal teams marched towards the Mongolian camp at the mountain pass.

Launch an attack.

Liu Chengzong, who saw this scene with a telescope, frowned at first, and then felt relieved. The Khalkha herdsmen's reaction was not slow. After all, they had the process of boarding and disembarking, and the Mongols only needed to rush out of the felt tent.


But most people still have to run back and put on armor.

After Gao Yingdeng's cavalry has been assembled, the enemy's infantry and cavalry have also assembled, so it is better to strike first.

Liu Chengzong knew in his heart that Huang Xiao was definitely not taking the lead in attacking because of the overall situation, but just because he was fighting the Tatars and was a professional counterpart.

This young man with only one ear in the Lion Army was guarding the border all his life. He spent the most terrifying time in his life on the loess mound outside the Great Wall. He often faced sudden attacks by hundreds of Mongolian soldiers. All he could rely on was

An old cannon, a loess mound without a ladder, just a few thieves and an army.

Liu Chengzong can guarantee that at this moment, Huang Shengxiao looks at the Mongolians and thinks only that he will have this day.

Six horizontal columns were deployed in a straight line and pressed towards the narrow mountain pass. Two centuries of the Mongolian camp behind the wooden fence ran out to disperse the flanks and guard. A centurion-looking armored Tatar also ran out and rode towards the front.

I don’t know what the hook-raised sickle gun is talking about.

Then Liu Chengzong discovered that Huang Shengxiao's artillery was unmoved, but a horse from the flanking cavalry rushed out with a spear and went straight to kill the armored Tatar. There were still forty or fifty people in front of them. There was a bang of artillery, and the sky rose in front of the formation.

A cloud of smoke.

The armored Tartars fell down at the sound, killing both men and horses.

Gao Yingdeng, who was left alone in the middle of the charge, held a spear under his ribs. He reined in his horse and stood in front of the two armies. He looked at the dead horse and then at the smoke gradually dissipating from the artillery column. He looked at it twice. Under the angry Mongols,

In the rain of arrows, he yelled and yelled, and then he rode back to the formation.

Huang Shengxiao waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of the formation, and handed the fire hook for lighting the cannon to his subordinates: "What are you doing standing around, reloading... What, you want him to ride a horse and shoot arrows, but you don't want me to fire cannons on the ground?"

Liu Chengzong couldn't help laughing when he saw Gao Yingdeng's reaction on the snowy mountain. The terrifying influence of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is not only reflected in the fact that Ming army servants and low-level generals like to choose the Yanyue Sword as a weapon, but also reflected in the Han-Mongolian battlefield.

There will always be generals who clamor to fight alone.

The key point is that this cannot be accomplished by one person. When someone calls for formation, someone has to take the fight. But in this era, there are often people who take the fight.

Just a few years ago, Han Gan'er, the bandit leader who endangered the four border towns, challenged You Shilu, the commander-in-chief of the Ningxia Army of the Ming Dynasty, to a duel in front of the formation. As a result, You Shilu actually accepted the challenge and beat him with a mace in front of the formation.

The son was scolded and dismounted, and equipment such as golden dragon armor and red sand war horses exploded all over the floor.

Liu Chengzong had never heard of this kind of thing in the past, but he was lucky enough to see it today, and he actually had two heroes under his command at the same time who dared to take on the challenge.

Great military might!

As the centurion-looking Tatar was knocked down by Huang Shengxiao's shot, more than two hundred Tatars dispersed and surrounded Huang Shengxiao's horizontal formation from the flanks in a formation of hundreds of cavalry, hoping to catch the formation.

, creating opportunities for the subsequent horse and infantry to charge into the formation.

But the small cannons of the artillery array went off.

Huang Shengxiao's horizontal formation had an extremely high density of firepower. Guns and artillery were fired in turns, lead pellets and iron bullets surged, causing the outflanking cavalry to flip over on both sides of the horizontal formation. The rest of the troops retreated in a hurry, fighting with the horses rushing out of the camp.

The infantrymen bumped into each other and huddled together at the mountain pass.

Liu Chengzong observed carefully and discovered the secret of the dense concentration of firearms in Huang Xiaojun's formation. Soldiers using cannons were prone to accidents if they were too close. They were usually separated by half a person or even further. However, in Huang Shengxiao's formation, the cannon-hands stood apart from each other, but the firearms were not.

Still very dense.

Because the gun was designed by me as a flintlock gun machine, the medicine tank for carrying the gun is on the right side, and the match rope for the bird gun is also on the right side.

Each bird gunner stands on the left side of the gun, and the other gunman can stand close to the left side, raising the gun, without worrying about the match being set off.

The artillerymen had enough time to prepare and replaced the loose bullets with solid iron bullets. The four centurions in the middle fired a round, slowly and orderly raised their equipment, and moved forward ten steps. The gunners in front stood still to load the ammunition, and the gunners in the back continued.

Advance and launch a new round of shooting at the camp. At the same time, the two centurions on both sides stayed stationary to provide cover for the flanks of the front army.

Gao Yingdeng looked at me on the flank and was itching to see him. He just used his firearm to steal my opportunity for a duel in front of the formation. You artilleryman also took up my flank cover task?

Taking advantage of the gap of more than 20 steps between the two teams in front and behind, Gao Yingdeng immediately divided the 600-horse team into two parts, one on the left and one on the right to bypass his own army's formation.

But when he went around, he was dumbfounded again. The cannons and artillery fire were too intensive, and Huang Shengxiao had no intention of stopping. The artillery fired for a while, advancing ten steps until the Mongolian soldiers in the Bushankou military camp were completely beaten.


This group of 600 artillerymen who specially trained in Qianmo Palace in Nangsuo for mountain attack and fortification were fully armed with 50 small bronze cannons, 50 rifles, and 200 blunderbuss. This was for the sake of convenience.

, before setting off, leave all the heavy guns to Cao Yao to defend the city.

How did Gao Yingdeng know that Huang Shengxiao wasn't just pressing forward to gain credit?

It's just that the smoke was too thick and he couldn't see clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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