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Chapter 301: Changing Homes

 He ​​specializes in martial arts. Even if Huang Shengxiao fired cannons and cannons at the mountain pass to shake the world, once the Mongolians start running, he really doesn't want to chase them down.

But Gao Yingdeng thought.

Liu Chengzong remembered that Cao Yao once said that there is a kind of person in the world who lives full of anger and does not know who to seek revenge from. If no one shows him a clear way, he will fall into trouble and hang himself. If anyone points out a way out, he will be determined.

Do it...

Liu Chengzong felt that Gao Yingdeng was this kind of person.

Since Liu Shizi’s uprising, all the junior officers under his command have been brave enough to fight.

Some of these people were killed and some were injured, but there are not many people like Gao Yingdeng who always feel that they are related to Zhang Zhiyong.

This time was no exception. When Guyang Batu'er led his army north, Gao Yingden sent his horsemen in hot pursuit. They ran through Huashi Gorge, Drunken Horse Beach, and across the Bitter Sea and hot springs to pursue him.

Guyang Batu'er ran for three days, and Gao Yingden chased him for three full days. The army behind him was afraid that he would be missed, so they had no choice but to chase him away for three days.

Liu Chengzong pursued him until he reached the grassland where five rivers converged, and then he saw Gao Yingdeng's horse soldiers setting up a simple camp on the grassland. Outside the camp, there were piles of booties, horse gear, scimitars and other trophies.

Gao Yingdeng greeted him outside the camp, and Liu Chengzong arrived with his army. He said to him from a distance: "You are smart, you know to stop here."

Liu Chengzong was afraid that Gao Ying had passed here and pursued him. There was a mountain range of more than 80 miles to the east. A zigzag road was formed along the mountain. Bypassing this mountain, the northeast was the Heka Grassland, where Guru Taiji passed.

’s residence.

Gao Yingdeng chuckled, patted himself and said, "Commander, look, he's not injured. He's fine... As long as I pursue them too hard, they won't be able to form a whole team. A rout means a rout."

In the camp, hundreds of prisoners were skinning and bleeding dead horses and smoking dried meat under the supervision of horse soldiers.

Gao Yingdeng reported to Liu Chengzong: "In the end, more than 300 people escaped. The troops were divided into two groups. One group went east, most of them fled to the Heka Grassland, where Chok Rabbit Taiji was; the other group fled to the northwest and captured prisoners.

It is said that they have a large camp in Wulan Mountain, and the son of Chuoketu Taiji is stationed there and is building a city."

Wulan Mountain is located to the west of Chaka Salt Pond. Liu Chengzong saw that mountain from a distance during his southern expedition.

However, Gao Yingdeng looked a little weird at this time, as if he was suppressing a smile. Liu Chengzong asked: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, which side does the commander plan to attack first?"

Gao Yingden got a piece of news from the captives. The eldest son of Chuoktu Taiji had the same name as their commander, named Arslan, and he was also a lion.

"Don't worry, we have been running for several days. There is enough water here to let the army take a rest." Liu Chengzong said, raising his finger to the mountain to the east and saying: "The two ice eggs in Zuoying have already gone up the mountain. You fight this battle."

Well done, let the cavalry rest."

Liu Chengzong said and patted Gao Yingdeng on the shoulder.

Gao Yingdeng's pursuit shows that the three training camps in Juerwan were not in vain, and Gao Yingdeng has made great progress.

The officers in the Lion Army basically all have Ming army backgrounds, and there are only a handful of people above the rank of general. Thanks to the large number of deserters in the Ming army, he manages the team under his command, and there are surprisingly many generals, and there are even many under the same organization.

The two officers before and after.

Zhang Tianlin and Liu Chengzu are just two generations of team managers under the same establishment.

Their ability to be in charge of the team and to be the boss depends on their ability to fight and rush. Therefore, for these people, daring to fight and rush is not a skill. Knowing when to stop is a skill.

After letting Dai Daozi go out to investigate from the northern mountain pass, and sending mountain men under Basang's command to climb the mountain to collect information, Liu Chengzong finally breathed a sigh of relief and set up several camps on the grassland.

This may be the most tiring long-distance march he has experienced in his life.

The quality of the soldiers in the three battalions is so different that it can even be said that they have three professions. The middle battalion is a professional soldier, the left battalion is a professional slave, and the right battalion is a professional aristocrat.

Involving the language barrier, the enemy is currently unable to mix, and the rations and rebellion problems in the south require him to bring people to the north. The internal consumption of his energy along the way is very serious.

Gas brought the 600 heavy infantry from the west of Changhe River. The equipment of those people was very good, which even made Liu Chengzong's eyes shine when he was used to seeing Huoluochi Mongolian soldiers.

They are the best warriors in the hands of various local households under Mu Ya. In order to be selected for the expedition, Mu Ya specially competed in musket shooting, heavy crossbow shooting, javelin throwing, stone throwing, and fighting. After many hardships, he was selected.

, they are the pride of the chieftain, and they are all good fighters.

But the farthest road everyone walked was from Dajianlu on the west side of the Dadu River to fighting with Lengbian Tusi on the east side of the Dadu River. Before the march, they ate pot helmets and Dongpo elbows. The march was a hundred miles long and the total battle was

It often takes eight days to win and then walk a hundred miles home.

It's good now. I eat fried noodles and tsampa every day when I'm hungry. When I'm thirsty, I put a big pot on the stove to boil a bowl of cow dung and boil snow. I just walk every day for half a month.

The horseman who led the team, Gas, was exhausted. It was time to reach Xunxiang, right? Finally, he mustered up the courage to ask Liu Shizi how far it was to Xining. The commander waved his hand: Very good, we have already walked four minutes.

One of them.

From that day on, in order not to embarrass Mr. Mu Ya, the Qian Corps, which marched with all their strength, a group of heroes who could wear heavy armor and carry heavy troops, and traveled through mountains and rivers as if they were walking on the plains, burst into tears as soon as they were stationed in the camp.
There are many professional soldiers in the right camp, but their morale is low. Many of them don't want to participate in this battle at all. They all feel that Liu Chengzong is not a good person. He dragged them out of their hometown and certainly has no intention of letting them go back.

The aristocrats were all busy counting Liu Chengzong's food reserves. They were all like little Zhuges. Every day when they were stationed in the camp, they would gather together and secretly mutter: Look, this bad marshal didn't prepare any food for his return.

If the people on Basang's side ran away, Liu Chengzong might not pursue them, but there were no deserters on Basang's side. Everyone was loyal to Master Basang, but many people's attitude towards 'Master's Master's Master' was beyond question.


Pious, they were very pious to Liu Chengzong.

Over the years, they have provided their own meager things to the temple, but they have not seen the Buddha's miraculous effect at all. The "master's master's master" is more clever, and he gives them as many acres of land as he wants.

But I really can’t keep up with my physical strength. If I can’t keep up, I’ll have to fall behind. If I fall behind, I’ll have to keep people in front to gather them. Not only do I have to show the direction, but I also have to let the wild beasts go... Most of the places I walked along were like no man’s land, and the wild beasts

I have been hungry all winter and am in a hurry to find food.

Even now, there are still more than 200 people in Zuoying who have fallen to the south of the Yellow River and have just begun to cross the river.

It's just the opposite on Ah Liu's side. The nobles want to run away, but most of them don't dare to run away. If there are those who run away and are worried that they will rebel, Zhang Tianlin must send people to chase them back. Those who resist will be killed outside and their heads will be taken away.

Come back.

It wasn't until Huang Shengxiao and Gao Yingdeng won the battle across the river that the morale of Ah Liu Right Battalion improved greatly. They always thought that the first battle would be fought by them, and the Northern Expedition was just an excuse for the bad marshal to kill them all.

It now appears that the Lion Army's combat effectiveness is very strong. As long as they are not placed in the front as dead soldiers, they have a chance to survive.

After understanding this, the nobles' mental outlook improved a lot.

Two days after the garrison was stationed at Wudaohe, Zhang Tianlin, who was interrogating the prisoners, sat in Liu Chengzong's tent, shook his head and said with a smile: "Commander, this Chuk Rabbit has a very big plan!"

"How to say?"

"Among the prisoners were several soldiers who had lived in Wulan Mountain for generations. They said that Chuoketu Taiji was like a god who brought them seven skills."

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "I would like to hear the details."

Zhang Tianlin crossed her legs next to the brazier and counted her fingers: "The first is Mongolian writing, the second is doing business, the third is making snuff, the fourth is building city walls, the fifth is predicting rain or shine, the sixth is mining, Marshal

Guess what number seven is."

Liu Chengzongguang was puzzled: "The Wulan Mountains used to be considered the territory of Guru Taiji. Why, you can't even speak Mongolian?"

"What a fool, then Guru Taiji only wants to recruit Timba from the tribesmen, and doesn't care about anything else. On the contrary, this Chuck Rabbit seems to want to do something big in Qinghai."

After saying that, Zhang Tianlin laughed and said: "Fortunately, we came back early, he has just started these things, and he can only speak a few sentences in Mongolian."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly and then asked: "What is the seventh one you mentioned?"

Zhang Tianlin spread her hands and said: "Make guns and cannons."

"This cannon you are talking about..."

Liu Chengzong looked strange: "Is it serious?"

Doubting the Mongols' cannon-making ability is an instinct that does not require thinking.

Because this kind of thing is basically two separate words, Mongolian Liu Chengzong understood it, and artillery Liu Chengzong also understood it, but when they were put together, they touched Liu Chengzong’s knowledge blind spot.

Similarly, there are things like Tubo farmers and Mongolian navy. When two very serious words are put together, it will make people feel that they are not so serious.

"It's very serious. It should be an iron cannon. There are a lot of iron mines in the area. The cannon-making skills should not be learned from us. We don't make iron cannons in Juerwan."

After Zhang Tianlin finished speaking, she frowned and said, "It's hard to say about muskets. The soldiers said they made all kinds of muskets. There is a musketry team over at Wulan Mountain. Some are the same as muskets, and some are bigger than muskets.

"Bigger than a blunderbuss... How big is it specifically? Is it as big as a gun?"

Liu Chengzong was very concerned about this issue. The ratio of the length of the firearm to the charge involved the range and power. The firearm with the longest range in his hand was the gun. If Chuk Rabbit's garrison in the west had weapons with a longer range than the gun, then

He will have to cast a batch of cannons here.

Zhang Tianlin obviously didn't consider this issue, and just thought it was because his competitive spirit was aroused, and said with a smile: "No, no, then it must be the commander-in-chief's arrogance."

Hearing this, Liu Chengzong felt relieved and simply said: "If this is the case, I think we should destroy the troops in Wulan Mountain first, then turn eastward and cooperate with the troops in the north to surround and annihilate Chuok Rabbit.

This prevents them from running around and being difficult to catch."

On the one hand, he stationed troops here to restore the soldiers and horses to their best condition to cope with the upcoming battle; on the other hand, he wanted to ascertain intelligence and either find the enemy's main force or let the enemy's main force come to him.
Otherwise, it would be quite difficult for the 40,000 Mongolian troops to hide and seek with him in this vast land from the Qilian Mountains to the Kunlun Mountains.

"Oh, by the way, Marshal, there is one more thing." Zhang Tianlin heard Liu Chengzong's plan and said quickly: "Lazun's small river snare has been lost."


Liu Chengzong was very sorry to hear the news: "Oh, I thought I had gone fast enough."

But there was no trace of pain on his face, and he was eager to try and even wanted to laugh: "Is Lazun dead?"

Zhang Tianlin shook her head.

The disappointment on Liu Chengzong's face was beyond words: "That's quite regrettable... huh?"

He was already thinking about what official position would be suitable for Lazun, and he was still arguing for a long time, which was a waste of emotion.

Just listen to Zhang Tianlin say: "He didn't resist. He surrendered, and we can't say he surrendered. He took thousands of people and ran south. I heard that the prisoners ran so fast that their troops in the east couldn't catch up. It's possible that they would not be able to catch up."

It’s almost time to reach Luhuo.”

Liu Chengzong was so angry that his face turned red immediately, and he pulled out a handful of fur from the tiger skin under his buttocks: "What the hell is he doing!"

He was not angry with Lazun for abandoning his territory and running away, but he was angry with Luhuo. He felt that this bitch Lazun had met a strong enemy and wanted to play with him and change his family.

"It's better now. Kangning Mansion is in chaos. Fortunately, I left Cao Yao in Kangning...waiting for me to write a letter." As he said that, he turned around and wrote a letter on the table. After a while, he walked out of the tent and called for the guards.

: "Let the inn transfer Nang Qian."

When he came back, Zhang Tianlin asked: "The commander-in-chief asked General Cao to guard against La Zun?"

Liu Chengzong nodded, and then he laughed helplessly: "I guess he started fighting after receiving the letter. Why does this little guy have such a big brain? He doesn't dare to mess with Chuk Rabbit but dares to mess with me?"

When he wrote the letter, he estimated the time. If Lazun wanted to attack Kangning Mansion, it would definitely not be enough for him to take a few thousand people with him. He probably wanted to hold on to the fire until he died. After writing the letter, he probably started a fight.

So in his letter, he first asked Cao Yao to handle it carefully. It would be okay if he really couldn't defeat him. If he withdrew, he would have to capture Kangning Mansion again next year. If there was no fight, he would guard La Zun. Secondly, he asked Cheng Yun not to run around and not to help others in the war.

No matter what, hurt him again.

If he really changes his family, he won't lose as long as he beats Chuck Rabbit.

Xiaohetao is a good place. There is more land suitable for cultivation in that place than in the entire Kangning Prefecture combined.

If I hadn't just arrived there that year and hadn't yet established a firm foothold in Qinghai Lake, and I was more aware of current affairs, this place would have been a must-conquer.

Liu Chengzong took a moment to calm down. When his thoughts became clear, he couldn't help but worry about the Marshal's Mansion: "It's just that this coward ran away. With such a large defense area empty, the pressure on my brother's side will be great."<


Zhang Tianlin nodded slowly and heard Liu Chengzong say: "Then we can only attack the main force of Chuck Rabbit first."

At this moment, the guard outside the tent reported: "Commander, Zuoying Awang and Bai Zong are asking for an audience."

After Liu Chengzong's permission, the mute Awang brought his own paper and pen, entered the tent and prostrated himself before starting to write. Lao Qijia, who still had icy eyebrows and beard, also saluted beside him.

After waiting for a moment, Ngawang silently handed over a piece of paper with both hands, which read, Lao Qijia saw tens of thousands of Mongolian troops on the other side of the mountain gathered on the snowy mountain, and they were heading northwest, planning to bypass the mountain.

Liu Chengzong nodded. He felt that he had miscalculated. The translation efficiency of Zuoying Awang was really not very high.

"Then let's prepare for war. Let's fight them here while we wait for work. Call the generals Basang and Ah Liu to come over."

After Awang finished writing that sentence, he picked up the pen again and wrote: Lao Qijia has explored the mountain road, and he can order his troops to go through the mountain and block the back road. Zuoying, Zuoying can do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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