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Chapter 341 Book of famine relief and epidemic prevention


In the eyes of Yang Yao, the commander of the cavalry camp, at least for the most elite cavalry soldiers in the Marshal's Mansion under his command, there is no smallpox in this world.

This is not only because more than 3,000 of his cavalrymen have been vaccinated against variola, but mainly because Yang Yao trusts him.

The pox vaccination at the Marshal's Mansion was initially spearheaded by Liu Chengzu. Liu Chengzu trusted the pox doctors, and one of them vaccinated the soldiers of the Zhenhai camp. Thirteen of the 120 soldiers died, and he was killed by Liu Chengzu in a disregard of human life.

Another pox doctor vaccinated the Xining Banner Army, but the failure rate was 1%, and more than 20 people died.

Later, it was Juerwan's turn. As the only remaining general in the three major battalions of Juerwan, Yang Yao was dissatisfied with this number and decided to personally supervise the entire vaccination process.

He followed the doctor behind him every day while pressing the knife. He would look askance at the doctor as he chose the vaccine. He put a little pressure on the doctor, which directly reduced the vaccination failure rate of the soldiers left behind in the three major battalions of the Bay to two thousandths.<


Only nine soldiers were infected with smallpox, and of these nine, only one died of smallpox. The other eight only suffered a lot of pain, leaving pockmarks on their faces that will never fade away.

Knives are productivity.

Pox doctors do not need to know medical skills. Pox doctors regard this magic trick as a means of livelihood among the people and do not tell it as a secret. But for the military, no secret can be hidden.

Yang Yao looked at it every day, asked questions at every turn, and didn't dare not tell him when he asked the acne doctor. Over time, he would be vaccinated against variola.

Originally, the commander-in-chief was still besieging the city and asked him to lead the army eastward first. Yang Yao was a little reluctant, thinking that this was killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. He did not participate in the southern expedition and stayed at Juerwan for a long time.

It’s already very boring.

Anyway, it’s just two jobs.

On the one hand, it is to complete the encirclement of Ye Guoqi and others and prevent them from running away; on the other hand, it is to encircle the valley and prevent the news of reinforcements from the east from spreading to the west. The newly recruited Mongolian Tatars are the most suitable to do this.

It was true that the Generalissimo didn’t give him a chance to discuss it. The order had already been issued and Yang Yao could only obey.

Whenever there is an opportunity to discuss matters, Yang Yao will definitely talk to the commander about this overkill issue.

He was a former general of the Guyuan border army, and he followed many fools after the mutiny. Probably not many of the veterans who mutinied with him are still alive today. The best ones are probably him and Wang Wenxiu.

If he has any tips for making a living in this chaotic era, it must be to find the right leader and offer his absolute loyalty in the war years.

If you are given an order, obey it. Even if there is a cliff facing you, if you work together, you can break through.

But when he heard that Gansu reinforcements were coming with smallpox, Yang Yao's feeling immediately changed.

On the one hand, vaccination was a useless experience for his men in the past, but now that the enemy has smallpox, and the east will become a smallpox-infested area, the meaning of vaccination is different.

On the other hand, Yang Yao can vaccinate. This was a useless skill in the past, but when the smallpox epidemic happened, his skill came in handy.

Professional counterpart, double the happiness!

Along the way, Dai Daozi's Tangqi led the way, but the Gansu reinforcements were delayed by smallpox at the mouth of the river and did not dare to continue marching westward, so Yang Yao led his army to the east for fifty miles.

He didn't dare to go to the mouth of the river. He and Liu Chengzu's troops had all been vaccinated, but the generalissimo hadn't been vaccinated yet.

Therefore, he explored the terrain along the way and finally chose to camp in the river bend fifty miles west of the river mouth. This river beach is an area that is very easy to block in the valley.

The Huangshui River bends here next to the mountain wall, which just encircles the river beach for more than ten miles. Anyone who wants to enter the river beach has to cross a bridge, making this land relatively closed.

This place is called Hezui, and it is a really good place. There are more than 30,000 acres of irrigated fields in the river valley alone, and there are five large terraces on the mountains to the north. Not counting the vaster mountains in the north and south valleys, there are more than 40,000 acres of fertile farmland.

Moreover, the terrain here is much lower than that of Xining, and it actually belongs to Lanzhou.

The local people ran away and fled. Only a few poor families and tenants were left to help the fences at the bottom of the mountain and the wealthy households up the mountain to look after their homes and courtyards. As soon as Yang Yao's Western Army came over, the remaining people also fled into the valley.

In the endless fields, there are only a few old people standing like candles in the wind.

Yang Yao asked his subordinates to invite the old man over, and sighed with his generals Wei Qian'er, Yang Chengzu, and Han Shipan that a land like this was left in northern Shaanxi, and there would be absolutely nothing for ordinary people.

Several elderly people came and kowtowed and begged for mercy. Yang Yao asked and took back his emotion.

You're too reckless. In Hehuang, there is nothing for ordinary people in a land like this.

Three hundred and twenty hectares of fields at the mouth of the mountain, seventy-two pavements on the main road in the countryside, nine water mills, one boat mill, two coal holes on the mountain, and a glass porcelain kiln all belong to Prince Su of Su Fan.

In this area, the only things belonging to the common people are eighty-three hectares of farmland, an oil house, and an oil mill.

Yang Yao handed over the matter of stabilizing the people to Wei Qian'er, and selected several villages not far from each other in the West Bridge of Hezui, and asked him to pick up all the fleeing people and inform the people about the victory of the Marshal's Mansion and the appearance of Tianxing in the east.

The news about acne reminds people not to run around.

When smallpox appears in a place, people get sick, live or die, and those who survive will have antibodies and will not transmit the disease to others.

Because smallpox is not contagious when it is carried, but is contagious when it occurs, smallpox appears sporadically in various places. After a period of time, most of the people who survive have antibodies, and smallpox will be temporarily extinct.

After a few years, all newborns will have no antibodies, smallpox will resurgence, and the whole process will repeat itself, so it seems that smallpox will never disappear.

Because of this, vaccinations are usually only given to children, as if only children can get this disease.

It has never been like this in the Marshal's Mansion, where all the sergeants were brought here. Regardless of whether you had been vaccinated against pox or not, or had smallpox, they all had to be vaccinated against variola.

Because vaccination is a unique technique, in places where the law has not broken down and the imperial rule is peaceful, vaccination requires money for the doctor; but in places where the law has broken down and the rule has collapsed, no doctor is willing to go.

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But when Yang Yao knew how to operate this thing, he thought it could be applied to everyone without spending money or medical skills. His soldiers could do it.

He chose this land to camp in order to isolate... The Marshal's Mansion inoculated soldiers on a large scale because Xiao Lazun implemented the measure of separating yin and yang in Huangnan.

Yang Yao does not plan to implement such a high-level quarantine. His soldiers have antibodies and are not afraid of this. As long as they ensure that smallpox does not go westward.

So he plans to conduct a large-scale experiment here and vaccinate everyone.

The migration of the people to the villages in Hexi was not smooth. When they heard that the Western Army was coming, those who had hid in the mountains were reluctant to come out. Later, when they heard that the officers and soldiers were fighting smallpox, they were even less willing to come out.

But soon the backup troops from the west came over. In fact, when the first soldiers climbed to the top of the city, it was only a matter of time before Racecourse City fell.

Small-scale encounters and surrenders continued, but the defenders of Yeguoqi still held on at the official headquarters until evening, until heavy artillery outside the city was mobilized into the streets, and it seemed that there was no longer any hope of victory.

Li Tianyu asked Liu Chengzong outside the city to capture the Ye brothers alive, but Liu Chengzong did not allow it. He only sent a heavy gun team to follow the artillery into the city, and then Li Tianyu's last attempt to persuade him to surrender was ineffective.

At dusk, Ye Guoqi and Ye Bingqian, wearing armor and holding swords, shouted long live from the official office, rushed towards the heavy gun team occupying the streets, and amidst the sound of gunfire, they announced that the Hehuang chieftain's battle against the Western invaders was completely failed.

It wasn't until the bodies of the two brothers were carried out that Liu Chengzong saw Ye Guoqi for the first time. He didn't say much. He just personally wrote the epitaph of the late General Xuanwei who commanded Ye Gong, and asked a craftsman to engrave the monument so that his descendants could find the place.


At the same time, he ordered people to record the merits of his own soldiers, and also personally wrote inscriptions to find a place for burial, and then continued to send troops eastward.

By the time Liu Chengzong arrived at the mouth of the river, Yang Yao had already divided the land into five villages. He drew a plan on the paper and said: "Commander, along the canal from east to west, it is divided into east beans, beans are planted, beans are waiting, and acne is treated.

, there are five pox villages in Yidou, and each army is stationed to guard them, dig trenches and build village walls. I can inoculate the civilian soldiers from the east."

Liu Chengzong was surprised: "Can you vaccinate people with pox?"

Yang Yao responded with a smile: "Don't worry, Commander, I've watched the pox doctor do these things thousands of times, it's not difficult at all, and I have mastered all the key points... Don't worry, Commander, we are stationed in Hexi, and we will wait for the best seedlings to be selected."

"Excellent, the commander-in-chief and all the troops can also be vaccinated."

To be honest, Liu Chengzong felt that it was not reliable. He understood the principle of vaccinia, but it did not mean that he would vaccinate. Just like a person knows that if you sprinkle seeds on the ground and water them, things will grow, but that does not mean that he will vaccinate.

As if this man is a good farmer.

Why is a vaccine called a vaccine? Because the only vaccine in this era is called vaccinia. Yang Yao made it simple and he didn’t believe it.

Sensing Liu Chengzong's distrustful expression, Yang Yao quickly said: "Commander, this is really not difficult. It's just that those acne doctors treat it as a unique skill, which makes it mysterious. It's actually the same as farming."
Liu Chengzong was surprised and said: "You know how to farm?"

This was heartbreaking. Yang Yaozhen didn’t know how to farm. He shook his head and defended: "Let me tell the commander this way, to vaccinate is to treat people as the ground, and the poison as seeds, growing and decaying on people."

Liu Chengzong nodded, he understood the truth and said: "Tell me something I don't know."

"The most important thing for farming is seed selection, seed storage, and land selection, and the same goes for vaccination. The symptoms of smallpox include smooth pox and bad pox; there are two types of pox, one is seed seedlings, and the other is seasonal seedlings... These are both

The commander needs to know first."

Liu Chengzong also knew about this. There are actually two forms of smallpox, smallpox and smallpox. Smallpox has a low mortality rate, while largepox has a high mortality rate. They are actually mild and severe cases.

Yang Yaodao: "The vaccine is made from the natural acne scabs of the human body. This vaccine is highly toxic and the recipient of the vaccine is easily injured."

"The vaccine is to select the acne of the person being vaccinated. It is best to choose those acnes that can be cured without medicine. Grind it into powder. When using it, pour it into a water bowl, dip cotton in water and put it into your nose."
"For storage, you need to wrap the selected vaccinia in paper and put it in a bamboo tube. Calculate the time. It can be stored for thirty or forty days in winter and ten days in summer. The longer it is stored, the lower its effectiveness will be and the harder it will be to get acne.

Do not use expired vaccines."

"Otherwise, people who get vaccinated think that they have been vaccinated, but in fact they are not sick. When the time comes when the pox spreads, it will cause serious problems."

Yang Yao said with a smile: "As for choosing a place, it's much easier. Look at the appearance and energy of the person who is vaccinated. Vaccination is nothing more than fighting the evil spirit of the pox poison with the righteousness of the person. Only when the righteousness of the person is strong and the power can drive away the poison can the vaccine be used."

The toxicity will disappear on its own.”

"On the contrary, the toxicity will permeate the whole body and lead to severe illness. Therefore, women will not be able to vaccinate if they are not energetic, in poor health, or when they are menstruating or pregnant. Vaccination will cause diseases at a high rate."

Yang Yao said this, and finally said to Liu Chengzong: "So the most important thing in this matter is the choice of vaccine. The vaccination itself does not cost anything. I suggest you not to rush at the beginning, choose ten copies of the vaccine, vaccinate ten people, and choose the other."

Take the acne scabs from those who are prone to acne, make a vaccine, and inoculate a hundred people; then use the scabs of those who are prone to acne to make a vaccine, and inoculate a thousand people."

"Selecting the best from the best after layers of treatment has greatly reduced the toxicity of subsequent vaccines. I asked the acne doctors to do this in the three major camps. No matter how long it takes, I can still survive."

After listening to Yang Yao's explanation, Liu Chengzong completely understood this process. This relatively primitive vaccine has been established in a system, and viruses with milder toxicity are selected for vaccination to protect against viruses with more toxicity.

And the toxicity of the seedlings is reduced through existing artificial means, and the toxicity of the seedlings is weakened by inoculation again and again; and whether the vaccine is suitable for vaccination depends on the immunity of the vaccinator.

After listening to this, Liu Shishi thought this process was quite good. He smiled and said: "It sounds like you really know how to do it. Okay, then I'll do as you say, but... I'll try it on a cow too."


Yang Yao was waiting for praise. He was very happy when he heard that Liu Chengzong agreed to do it his way. But when he tried it, he felt that what the commander said was not serious.

How should Liu Chengzong explain to Yang Yao? He did not explain, but said: "There is no harm in giving it a try. Let's see if cows can get the disease, and if the disease can be transmitted to people. If people get smallpox from cows, it will be better than that of people."

Smallpox is weak, General Yang."

Liu Chengzong said seriously: "Every few years, thousands of people die from smallpox. This is a blessing to the world. Every possibility is worth a try. If we can eliminate smallpox, future generations will remember it."

Live your name."

"Except for vaccination, this place you chose is good. We are going to try to isolate the plague here... How wonderful."

Liu Chengzong suddenly sighed with contentment, looked at the fertile fields around him and opened his arms: "This smallpox has come at the right time. In northern Shaanxi we have learned to fight famine, and in Hehuang we will learn to fight plague. Now that there are many plagues in the world, God

If we want dead people, let’s live alive and let’s see who can beat him!”

"This is a good time. We should vaccinate the people, isolate and treat the sick, and at the same time take good defense. I believe that the government and army in the east will soon send troops with acne." Liu Chengzong said with a smile:

"Besides that, I want to edit a book."

"What book does the commander want to compile?"

Liu Chengzong showed his white teeth and smiled proudly: "In the future, our students and generals at all levels must learn the book on famine relief and epidemic prevention. If our hometown is destroyed by natural disasters and man-made disasters, we will rebuild it brick by brick."


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