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Chapter 342 Smallpox

 Liu Shizi recognized Yang Yao's plan in Hezui. In terms of success rate of variolation, official vaccination is much better than private pox doctors.

This does not mean that Yang Yao, a fighting man, is better at vaccination than the folk acne doctors.

But because folk acne doctors do not have the manpower and material resources to vaccinate on a large scale, the whole process will inevitably get out of control.

If there are fewer people, the efficiency will be poor, and if there are more people, the skills will be uneven. And using Yang Yao's method of pressing the knife and monitoring, on the one hand, it is overqualified, and on the other hand, it also puts too much mental pressure on the acne doctors.

Instead, it is better to directly use the vertically managed military and use military law to stipulate vaccine selection and vaccination procedures. They have the ability to reserve thousands of vaccines and vaccinate thousands of people.

While Liu Shishi was making intensive preparations to fight against smallpox, Gansu Deputy Commander-in-Chief Wang Xingshan was in embarrassment... He was isolated.

Liu Chengzong judged others by himself, believing that the Shaanxi government received news of the raging smallpox earlier than him, had more experience in epidemic prevention than himself, and had more manpower to deploy, so the trouble caused by smallpox should be solved soon.

But in fact Lanzhou is already in chaos.

Gansu has a chief military officer with the seal of Pingqiang General, a deputy commander who assists in guarding Ganzhou, and a deputy commander who guards Liangzhou separately. Wang Xingshan is the deputy commander in chief who is stationed in Liangzhou.

This official position is also called Gansu Lieutenant General.

Wang Xingshan, like Mo Yujing, moved to Shaanxi and returned to his base not long ago, but relatively speaking, his soldiers' war-weariness was not that high.

On the one hand, Gansu, like Hehuang, has been minimally affected by drought. The biggest problem in Gansu is the desertification of land in the Hexi Corridor that has lasted for hundreds of years. This has far-reaching consequences, but it is not as shocking as the short-term transformation of fertile farmland into red land.

On the other hand, even if Gansu is returned to Shaanxi's control, the Gansu soldiers are still guest troops. It is a normal operation for the guest troops to suppress civil unrest. No matter what natural or man-made disasters occur in the local area, the guest troops will find it difficult to empathize with the locals and will only think of them as a group of people.

Thieves, officers and soldiers kill thieves, it is natural and right.

It's just that Wang Xingshan's troops were really exhausted. His troops traveled all over Shaanxi, and no one knew where they contracted smallpox.

When he led his army to the mouth of the Lanzhou River, some soldiers fell from their horses. Not to mention that the officers did not take it seriously, and even the soldiers themselves did not consider whether they were sick, but just thought they were too tired.

No one took it seriously.

It was only when we arrived at the mouth of the river that we realized something was wrong. Hundreds of people had fevers, screamed cold, had weakness in their waists and legs, and even fell into coma at the same time. The army just lay down and couldn't move.

Generals at all levels reported the situation to Wang Xingshan, who was also panicked. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was a plague!

While Wang Xingshan asked Lanzhou for medicine, he also investigated the type of plague in the army. He set up another battalion of sick soldiers and formed a death squad to investigate their symptoms, and finally found that some people had pox.


Such a major event must be reported to his superiors. He hurriedly reported the news to Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, but Hong Chengchou...Hong Chengchou couldn't take care of him at all.

At the end of the year, the thieves in Shaanxi were finally cleared away. Hong Chengchou didn't even take a two-day break. After the New Year, he finally had his hands free and planned to clean up the Yan'an Mansion, a bunch of ordinary people who didn't know loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and justice, but something happened.


Last year, there was a small character who repeatedly jumped between Shaanxi and Shanxi. After the jump, he went to Shanxi and Henan and jumped repeatedly. It was very annoying.

The imperial court launched a Shanxi encirclement and suppression campaign against him, closed both sides of the Yellow River, and drove him into the Taihang Mountains.

Just when Wang Xingshan and his gang were causing smallpox, this little character came out of the Taihang Mountains. This little character's name was Li Zicheng.

However, there was a slight deviation in the direction. Li Zicheng did not come out from the west of Taihang Mountain. He went out from Jingxing in the east, swept through Zhending Mansion, headed towards Beijing at a speed of four kilometers per hour, and was expected to hit Shunyang Gate three days later.

When Hong Chengchou received the news, he was so scared that he was scared out of his wits. Who had time to take care of the smallpox at the mouth of the Lanzhou River? Now he wanted to push all the troops to Shanxi.

As a result, this man feinted a shot, turned back to the Taihang Mountains, and was blocked by the officers and soldiers on the banks of the Qingzhang River in Shexian County.

Got a good beating in the mountains.

Mr. Hong asked Wang Xingshan to take care of it, and Wang Xingshan took care of it. He wrote to Gansu Marshal Yang Jiamo to see if he could transfer more troops, and also asked Shaanxi Governor Lian Guo for help, but that was it.

News of smallpox in Gansu frontier troops on the north bank of the Yellow River caused chaos in Lanzhou.

The commanders and deputy commanders of the five towns gathered in Lanzhou with their troops. The generals stationed in Lanzhou spoke softly and no one could control them.

In the end, Su Wang Zhu Shihong stepped forward and asked the army to block the river bank, and drove the people who had crossed the river from the north in the past few days to the mouth of the river. From the commanders and generals of various towns, he selected 300 sergeants with pox to cross the river and gave them to them.

Looking for village resettlement.

They also selected 600 flag troops from Lanzhou Guard to punt at the Yellow River ferry to transport supplies to both sides of the strait.

Su Wang Zhu Shihong had no other intentions. He sealed the blockade for a hundred days and could not let smallpox spread to the south bank of the Yellow River with hundreds of thousands of people. People in Lanzhou lived too densely. Once smallpox spread, this important city would be destroyed.


Each vassal has its own style of painting. Qing Fan in Shanxi and Zhou Fan in Henan are very fertile and have many descendants. Han Fan in Pingliang has always liked to do some shitty things.

So the characteristic of Lanzhou Sufan is that it cherishes life and has talent.

They are not as troublesome as other relatives, and the chance of a good king being born is particularly high, because Su Fan simply cannot afford to make troubles and there are few people.

I don’t know why, but this team has been passed down to three generations from the beginning, and the difficulty of successfully inheriting the feudal kingdom is no less difficult than winning the Pingbo War.

The heirs are exterminated at every turn, and it is difficult to find a county king as a prince. No one will inherit the county and the country, and the number of feudal countries is getting fewer and fewer.

Therefore, Su Fan is not as greedy for money as other clans. In other vassal countries, there are many people, and Lumi sets the upper limit, so everyone is poor;

Wang Tian and the land he has accumulated over the years are not short of money.

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King Su, Daidai, has a good upbringing and a good family tradition, and no one is particularly a jerk.

Especially the previous generation of King Su, who was a hard-core wise king who allowed Emperor Wanli to build an archway for him.

Zhu Shihong's idea is good, but Prince Su's palace guards and the Lanzhou Banner Army are very slow in execution, and it is impossible to find everyone and drive them to Hebei.

It's easy to find everyone, but finding them doesn't mean they can be kicked out.

Those who were big bosses in Hehuang were still big bosses who could not be bullied by the Yiwei Banner Army in Lanzhou. King Su only gave orders, but could not support the Banner Army everywhere.

These days, the status of the flag army is down to the toes, even worse than a government official. Without strong backers, how can it be possible to do this well?

The big master who came from Hehuang asked his servants to carry sticks and beat them away, and no one dared to say a word; the young master who came from Hehuang casually handed them a few taels of silver, and the flag army left on their own.

I was happy to collect the money, but what should I do if I can’t pay the difference? It’s easy to handle. You have to chase people away anyway, so who shouldn’t be chased away?

Those who can't afford the money can just be pushed to the north bank of the Yellow River.

Zhu Shihong never dreamed that the order he issued would result in not only the poor people in Hehuang being driven back, but also many poor people in Lanzhou.

The vast majority of people who were driven to the north bank of the Yellow River did not dare to go anywhere. They did not dare to stay at the mouth of the river, nor did they dare to go to Gansu in the north, nor did they dare to go west to enter the battlefield.

All the murderous intentions brought by God are far less terrible than the murderous intentions of human beings.

But there is a voice in the crowd that has been guiding people to flee westward. The rumors from the Zhenhai camp are so good that people cannot believe it.

They said that when they go to the west, Marshal Liu is not afraid of smallpox, and Hehuang will give them land to recuperate, and there will no longer be endless tax payments and oppression by the gentlemen, and Marshal Liu will make the decision for them.

People were doubtful, and some poor people who had nothing left went west. More people gathered in villages at the mouth of the river, waiting to see the situation. On the one hand, they were waiting for the situation in the west to become clear, and on the other hand, they were also looking forward to the replies from the people who fled to the west.

In Lanzhou, Su Wang Zhu Shihong wrote to the court, requesting more vassal guards and strengthening Lanzhou City; at the same time, Shaanxi Governor Lian Guoshi also hurriedly led his troops and settled in Lanzhou, which stabilized people's hearts.

After practicing state affairs and stationed in Lanzhou, he immediately dispatched manpower to strengthen the city's defenses. The first thing he did was to divide the defense zones on both sides of the Yellow River for the commanders and deputy commanders of the five towns, and at the same time sent some native soldiers back to their places of origin.

The more soldiers the better, especially now that there is smallpox blocking the front. The five-town frontier army and his standard camp already number 30,000. Add in the Lanzhou guards and camp troops, and the army is already large enough.<


Lanzhou has plenty of food and grass, but also has to take care of the garrison in Gansu. When the time comes, whether there is a mutiny in Lanzhou or a mutiny in Gansu, it will be a big problem.

Secondly, based on the Shaanxi thieves' combat habits of making good use of light and heavy armored cavalry and firing cannons and muskets, they deployed iron caltrops along the Yellow River, dug earthen forts and laid out muskets and cannons; and used ants to attack the city in Lanzhou City.

Defeat ten thousand enemies, prepare reeds, firewood, and oil, and prepare to defend the city.

Finally, Wang Xingshan, the deputy commander-in-chief of Gansu Province who was stationed on the other side of the river, was ordered to select soldiers who had suffered from acne from the army to form scouts to explore the enemy's situation westward.

However, this matter went very badly. Their scouting horses found out that the enemy was clearing the ground at the mouth of the river fifty miles west of the river. However, it was difficult to advance due to the river obstruction. They only knew that the enemy was well-defended and had no idea of ​​the enemy's situation.

It was not until the beginning of March that Wang Xingshan, whose defense zone was on the other side of the river, sent people around three times before sending a message to Lanzhou, saying that a soldier who lived in the Baban Gorge at the mouth of the river had escaped and brought information from the west, and asked the governor if he wanted to see him.


Lian Guoshi was overjoyed when he heard this and asked someone to release the student.

This man's name was Wei Yingshi. He cried bitterly when he saw the state affairs and stated that his hometown was Shangzhuang in the Bapan Gorge south of the intersection of Huangshui River and the Yellow River.

Previously, a large number of horsemen suddenly came south from the Huangshui River and settled in the Baban Gorge. They installed pseudo-officials on the village and declared that the war in the Hehuang Valley had subsided.

Wei Yingshi wanted to kill the thief, but he was worried about causing trouble to the people in the village, so he had to make a false offer with the fake official to help him count the people on the village and clear out the land.

But when he saw that the false officials had completely destroyed the land tenants, masters and servants, and confiscated 1,200 acres of his family's land, there was no royal law at all, which made him furious.

When he heard that the puppet officials were going to drag the people to the mouth of the river, Wei Yingzhi used it as an excuse to recruit more people and escaped.

Lian Guoshi was sitting in the main hall of the General's Office in Lanzhou, listening to Wei Yingzhai's report, and secretly analyzing Liu Chengzong's situation in his mind.

Although he and Liu Chengzong had never met, Yang He asked his opinion when Liu Chengzong visited Qinghai a few years ago.

When practicing state affairs, he wanted to disband all Liu Shishi's troops. At that time, he knew that moving Liu Shishi to Qinghai was just a matter of delaying change.

The bet is to put the most ferocious rebel in northern Shaanxi at sea to recuperate and see whether he will be fully prepared in the hungry and cold land first, or whether the drought sweeping Shaanxi will pass first.

In fact, when Lian Guoshi led the army to move to Lanzhou, the biggest emotion in his heart was anger, because Shaanxi's intelligence on Xining failed very badly, and there was no sign of the Hehuang War.

Not only Liu Chengzu was envoy to Hekou, but the Shaanxi Yamen and the Lanzhou garrison of the imperial court also stopped infiltrating Xining. Although the famous officials entering Xining were like nothing, the Jin Yiwei who pretended to be ordinary people could not stop them.<


But their spies stopped at Xining Guard.

Curwan has not made any achievements in sealing off spies, but the crackdown on smuggling is very strong. Anyone who appears suddenly will be stopped and caught as a smuggler, and cannot enter Curwan at all.

The intelligence in Xining Guards is basically that Liu Chengzu and the chieftains were fighting for power and profit. Before the war began, the only sign of war was the chieftain Li Tianyu recruiting grain merchants to sell grain.

This is just a preparation for war. Lian Guoshi believes that this war will not start until at least autumn.

Who knew that Liu Chengzong’s puppet officials were all stationed at the mouth of the Lanzhou River!

Lian Guoshi analyzed the intelligence brought by Wei Yingzhao, a member of the Hehuang Health Department, without commenting whether it was true or not. After waiting for it to go on, he invited Huchen, Zhang Quanchang, Zhao Dayin and other generals to enter the scene and inform them all of the intelligence.

When the generals heard that Liu Chengzong was giving equal land to the people in the Hehuang Valley and allocating cattle to breed, they all frowned... They hated the rebels who always did this, making it seem like the rebels were the ones who were benevolent and righteous. They, the court officials

The army is all like bastards.

Later, Lian Guoshi made a decision: "Even if smallpox overflows at the mouth of the river, it is necessary to rush troops and march directly to Hehuang...Liu thieves are stationed in the fields. The Hehuang Valley has thousands of hectares of land, including the mountainous areas. When the troops are well-supplied in the coming year, Lanzhou

It’s dangerous!”

The generals had different expressions. Commander He Huchen, who came from Ningxia, wanted to persuade the generals not to fight with Liu Chengzong in the field, but because Liu Shishi had defeated him head-on and sent away all his elite soldiers, he found it hard to say so.

He Huchen has always been worried about being defeated by Liu Shizi. He believed that his loss to Liu Chengzong was an accident and was blamed on the rain in Huanglong Mountain.

And now there is another surprise like smallpox, and He Huchen really wants to persuade everyone.

But before he could say anything, another commander Wang Chengen who came from Lintao had already said: "Yes, go straight to Xining!"

Wang Chengen was the most anxious among the five commanders who came to the rescue, because he was from Xining, and his home was in Wangjiazhuang, forty miles east of Xining City. As soon as Liu Shizi sent troops from Xining, his family fell. Who could send troops to send troops?

All anxious.

I'm still in Xining, why do I care about smallpox?

"Temporarily, please ask Commander Wang to move north, sprinkle ten miles of lime, and march westward to suppress the army. Even if he is infected with the pox of Tianxing Time, he can survive for ten days... He can fight here in ten days. I am waiting for the border commander of the five towns. How can I

Can’t we call back in ten days?”

At this moment, an urgent official document arrived. Yang He, the Minister of Rites, was rushing from the Great Wall to Lanzhou. The imperial court sent him to see the defense situation in Lanzhou City of Sufan and to review the situation in Qinghai.

Lian Guoshi, who was sitting upright, frowned and shook his head: This old unfortunate guy is here again.

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