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Chapter 399 Tai Hospital

 Mr. Liu has been eyeing the people and places in Gansu for more than a day or two.

It's just that the time wasn't ripe enough in the past, but now he thinks the time has come, and the time has come.

These successive battles that took place in Qinghai, whether it was the early Battle of Weicha or the later Battle of Yuanwei, had nothing to do with the Ming Dynasty on the surface, but in fact they changed the strategic situation of the northwest border defense of the Ming Dynasty.

With the loss of Chahar, the Hou Jin Dynasty occupied the Guihua City of Hohhot. Tens of thousands of households in Ordos between Yansui Town and Ningxia Town became a place of chaos, and the three sides of Shaanxi Province became useless border guards.

The frontier army is the army at the base of the border wall. The whole point of their garrison in the barren land is to defend against the Mongols north of the border wall.

Now Monan Mongolia has fallen apart and been cut into three pieces. Houjin, Mobei Khalkha, and the Marshal's Mansion each get one.

The remaining small tribes that neither fought to the death for Tumut nor followed the Great Khan moved thousands of miles away, but they were just wandering around in the pastoral land of Ordos where there were no Jinong.

The so-called heroes have great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the ambition to swallow up the world.

Although Liu Xiangyu was on the border in Xining, as an official from the border area, he had a very clear understanding of the situation in the north. After a little deduction in his mind, he came to his own conclusion.

From the perspective of the Marshal's Office, this war was nothing more than the Battle of Qinghai that started in May and ended in June of the sixth year of Chongzhen. Even including the Battle of Wei and Cha, the entire war lasted only three months.<


But outside the perspective of the Marshal's Mansion, he realized that this war may involve all the Mongolian armies in the entire north, and the time span may be calculated from the sixth year of Apocalypse.

That year, Lin Dan Khan and Huang Taiji attacked from both sides and jointly destroyed the five major battalions of Inner Khalkha. Until Liu Chengzong defeated the Oirat coalition, the battle line advanced westward from the Liao River Hetao to the coast of Qinghai Lake.

All forces play their own roles in this war. No matter what, what Liu Xiangyu sees now is that as the war comes to an end, many victors in the north who survived the war will start to snatch the spoils.


How much food can a person eat depending on how big his belly is.

The land from Liaohe River to Guihua City has been acquired by Hou Jin, while Ordos between Guihua City and Ningxia is still an unclaimed land. This situation made Liu Xiangyu make two judgments.

First, in view of the fact that Jin forces advance to Jining and Zhangjiakou, when the Jin army bypasses the border and enters Koubei Zhili next time, the northwest, northeast, and south of Beijing will all become areas easily attacked by the Jin, and the capital will become an isolated city.
This means that from now on, the Jin Kingdom will be in a strategically advantageous position over the Ming Dynasty.

Second, due to the loss of foreign enemies on three sides of Shaanxi, the border defense battalions and garrison posts will be freed up, and more than 100,000 troops will be transferred by the emperor to the Central Plains to suppress the rebels.

The border town is a geographical area and a paramilitary organization. There are retired veterans, elite soldiers who are good at fighting, and guard soldiers who serve as reserve field armies. There are also a large number of civilians with military traditions as paramilitary personnel. In the drought environment, their hematopoietic ability has improved.

Extremely strong.

Especially in Yulin and Ningxia, the two border towns are fully capable of dispatching a total of 70,000 to 80,000 troops within five years.

This means that starting from the sixth year of Chongzhen, the massive and vigorous rebel army will gradually fall into a low ebb under the pressure of suppression and recruitment.

But this may not be a good thing for the Ming Dynasty. The fundamental logic of lack of food will not disappear when the rebels become official troops. The tug-of-war like a flesh and blood mill will completely destroy Shaanxi, Shanxi and even Henan.

He began to believe that his son had prophesied about the Jin Kingdom's ability to conquer the world.

The so-called time waits for no one to mobilize the Gansu border troops, which means that if they don't find ways to mobilize the Gansu border troops at this time, Emperor Chongzhen and his lackeys will steal people from them.

At present, the Marshal's Office is still unable to recruit Gansu frontier troops and is still unable to capture Gansu.

Otherwise, he would even want to determine the national boundary with the Jin Kingdom in Monan.

But the victory over Oirat created convenient conditions for them to mobilize the Gansu frontier troops to invade the Tianshan Mountains.

The so-called mobilization certainly does not mean that Mr. Liu gave an order to Wang Ziyong, and the border troops who joined the Three Tribulations Association packed up their bags and launched a charge to the northwest.

The Marshal's Office needs to prepare a full set of strategies to mobilize the enthusiasm of the Gansu border troops and let them go on their own.

For the caravan going to the Tianshan Mountains, the Marshal's Mansion will pay for it, and the Sanjie Society will help recruit guards from Gansu for the caravan going to the Tianshan Mountains.

The Marshal's Mansion occupies land in the Ili River Valley and has to recruit tenants. As long as they can pay well, the former caravan guards can stay, and those who remain can take root there and establish the Tianshan Guard.

Those who did not stay will continue to expand the news when they return to Gansu. If the caravans continue, the immigrants with force will continue.

Moreover, this group of people are members of the Three Tribulations Society. On the one hand, they have a military organization, and on the other hand, they also have a Taoist sect organization. They are not afraid of the monks preaching on defense, and they can form an army and run rampant when attacking.

Liu Xiangyu thought this was a good thing that killed two birds with one stone. He carefully read Wang Ziyong's resume and concluded that whether the three calamities would be terrible, Wang Ziyong was the most terrible.

This man was a Taoist priest, specialized in praying for rain, but was not good at school. He only prayed for rain once in his life, and a rain dispersed the rebel army he had gathered in Yanchuan.

He went to Yan'an Mansion to join forces with Liu Shishi, but he never did any major things. His ability to win over the people was extremely outstanding, and he was always the largest and weakest link in the Shishi camp. He would retreat in every battle and collapse in every battle.

Later, this man joined the Yan'an Guard and became an officer. He even followed the Yan'an God of War to the capital to serve the king. He made great progress in military and leadership. He also met the generals on the Guanning battlefield and got to know outstanding talents from various Taoist sects.<


Wang Ziyong, who returned to Shaanxi, had qualitatively improved his talents and thought more about the cause of rebellion. He learned the benefits of recruiting border troops from Liu Chengzong, the best rebel in the Ming Dynasty.

For such a character, Mr. Liu feels that leaving him in the mainland will always be a hidden danger, but if he is placed in the Tianshan Mountains, he can actually become the sharpest knife in the Marshal's Mansion.

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The leader of the peasant army who dares to fight and kill is not scary, the leader of the cult who makes lies and deceives the public is not scary, and the generals and officers who start a rebellion are still not scary.

But when the three are combined into one, he is really a piece of material for great things. He is full of rebellious skills that cause destruction. Is it possible for him to be content with the status quo?

Mr. Liu's biggest concern about the development of the Marshal's Mansion and the Three Tribulations Society is that everything goes smoothly.

If all goes well, the Marshal's Mansion will take over the Central Plains, the doctrine will be perfected in the Three Tribulations, and in the end we will definitely have to confront each other with swords.

Therefore, the evil cult should be thrown where it belongs. Oirat also believes in Buddhism, so the Marshal's Office sent them a great national teacher.

Master Liu just took some time out of his busy schedule to reply to Liu Chengzong's letter, and the second letter was sent to the Shuai Mansion Yamen.

At first glance, Liu Xiangyu knew that the things mentioned in this letter were far less easy than the first one. The lion's first request was to let Hauge leave the Marshal's Mansion.

It's said to be leaving, but actually it's eviction.

This in itself is not a big deal. Liu Chengzong has never evaded his hostility towards the Kingdom of Jin.

What's more, Liu Xiangyu has already recognized that the Kingdom of Jin is an obstacle to the Marshal's Mansion's control of the Central Plains. Unless the Kingdom of Jin stays outside the customs, war will break out sooner or later.

If Ordos was not too far away, Liu Xiangyu now wanted to push the front line to Guihua City to prevent the Jin Kingdom from occupying Monan.

But expelling Hauge at this time means that the Marshal's Office's preparations to send envoys to the Kingdom of Jin will be put on hold forever, which will greatly hinder the Marshal's Office's ability to grasp the intelligence of the Kingdom of Jin.

Gao Xiandu was called back from Pingliang, but his mission failed, which was quite frustrating.

Liu Xiangyu didn't care about the Jin Kingdom's intelligence. He just saw from the lion's request that the next thing was very important, too important to let outsiders, especially the Jin Kingdom, know about it.

But he never expected that when Liu Shizi mentioned something important enough to expel the envoy, it was actually the establishment of the Taiyuan Hospital.

This is almost a blind spot in Liu Xiangyu's knowledge. He has only a very little understanding of Taiyuan Hospital.

Because I have dealt with medical professors in Mizhi County and doctors in the county jail in the past, I know that this is a subordinate organization managed by the Ministry of Ceremonies, which implements the emperor’s orders on medicine and is responsible for the registration, recruitment, selection, dismissal, and appointment of medical households.

School, education, training, examination, management.

Medical households have their own examination system. If the imperial examination is a civil service examination, then the examination for medical households is the medical qualification certificate examination. It is held once every three years. The results are divided into three grades. The first grade is a medical doctor, the second grade is a doctor, and the third grade is unqualified.

Make up the exam the following year.

If you still fail the re-examination in the following year and still fail the re-examination in the following year, you will be dismissed from the public service. If you get a first-class score in five examinations, the medical teacher will petition and you will be promoted.

Moreover, after obtaining the status of a doctor or medical practitioner, you still have to study for a specialty and take exams, and your results are divided into four grades.

First class, a doctor is promoted to a medical scholar, and a medical scholar is awarded a nine-grade crown and belt. Those who have the crown and belt are promoted to a higher grade and receive a salary and are sent to the inner hall for service.

In the second class, doctors are promoted to medical scholars in the same way. Medical scholars are awarded ninth-grade crowns and belts, and those with crowns and belts are promoted to higher grades and receive salary.

The third class will remain as it is, and the fourth class will have a graded salary. Those with a belt will be removed from the rank, and those without a belt will be demoted. They will take a make-up exam after half a year. If they still fail, they will go to the Tai Hospital to take medicine.

Prefectures, prefectures and counties at all levels have set up medicine in addition to the official school and yin and yang school. The chief official of prefecture medicine is called Zhengke, which comes from the meaning of medical division and is from the ninth level; the Zhengke of prefecture and county medicine is not mainstream.

In addition, Taiyuan Hospital is also responsible for selecting doctors from all the good medical clinics in the royal palaces, all prefectures, states, counties, prisons, Imperial Colleges, Huitongkans, border guards, villages and towns across the country.

It is not difficult for Liu Xiangyu to establish the Tai Hospital. All he needs to do is allocate funds, land and personnel to build the Tai Hospital, register all the medical households, and select officials to manage it. Xining itself has a medical department, although it is only a health-level medical officer.

, after all, he is a knowledgeable person.

On the contrary, the Infectious Disease Prevention Bureau and Infectious Disease Prevention Department mentioned in Liu Chengzong's letter were new things to Liu Xiangyu.

But it’s not hard to guess.

Rather than establishing the Taiyuan Hospital, Liu Xiangyu was more concerned about what Liu Chengzong's expulsion of Hauge meant.

Liu Chengzong believed that the respective epidemics in the future would cause great obstacles to the Marshal's Mansion's entry into the Central Plains, and this obstacle would also affect the Kingdom of Jin, which was thousands of miles away.

In order to avoid such an influence, Shiwa wanted to set up a Tai Hospital and add a bureau and a department. However, in order to prevent Jin Guoxue from going there, he had to drive away the Jin envoy Hauge.

On the day Liu Xiangyu received the letter, he first contacted the army and then summoned Hauge.

Hauge has become accustomed to life outside the new city. When meeting, he still behaves in the same respectful manner, saluting and saying hello. He smiles and asks Liu Xiangyu: "Master, is the winner of the war in the south decided?"

Liu Xiangyu frowned, shook his head and said, "Hauge, you have to go back."


Hauge seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue and asked: "Why is this? I haven't seen the generalissimo yet."

During this period, he has been paying close attention to the martial arts of the Marshal's Mansion. Generalissimo Liu Chengzong defeated the Ming Dynasty's five-town coalition forces with overwhelming force. Others had not arrived at that time, and he still does not have an accurate assessment of the military capabilities of the Marshal's Mansion.

As soon as he received the news that the Marshal's Mansion and the Oirat Allied Forces were at war, he would soon know the accurate military strength of the Marshal's Mansion.

Not to mention that he doesn't want to go back, even if he wants to go back, he can only go back after confirming the military strength of the Marshal's Mansion. At least there will be something to restore his father Khan's life.

Liu Xiangyu wanted him to leave at this time.

What's the point of leaving the Marshal's Mansion at this time? As long as he didn't persuade the Marshal's Mansion to make any agreement with the Kingdom of Jin, and he didn't have accurate information about the military capabilities of the Marshal's Mansion, it was like his trip was in vain.

How could he give it up?

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiangyu said two words with a solemn expression: "Smallpox."

Hauge's expression changed drastically. The Han people and the Jurchens had almost two different attitudes towards smallpox. The Ming army always dared to fight against smallpox, while the Jurchens avoided smallpox like a tiger.

Even when fighting against the Ming Dynasty, if intelligence learned that there was a smallpox outbreak in the Ming Dynasty, the troops going to war would specially select people who had already had acne to join the battle.

This is not only because the Jin Kingdom took the initiative on the battlefield in Liaodong, but also because smallpox is completely two things in people's eyes.

If the Jurchen Zhushen were infected with this, they would have a narrow escape from death.

As for Hauge, he never had smallpox.

"Where did this smallpox come from?" Hauge was extremely surprised: "I heard that the smallpox in Hehuang has ended."

From this sentence, Liu Xiangyu believed that Hauge still didn’t know about the large-scale vaccination in the Marshal’s Mansion.

"It's not Hehuang, it's on the battlefield in the south. I don't know where it came from. I just know it's a letter from this morning, saying that there have been many soldiers infected with smallpox in the south."

Liu Xiangyu's words were both true and false, which made Hauge stunned: "On the day when the army reorganizes, smallpox will also come back. After all, you are the crown prince of the Jin Kingdom. I know you are very brave, but if you die here, I will worry about you."

Father misunderstood."

Hauge also nodded. If he didn’t misunderstand, don’t tell him. If this happens, everyone else will die. What’s the use of misunderstanding?

"Then before I leave, can I meet the Generalissimo?"

Liu Xiangyu said in his heart that Shiwa wanted to see you a long time ago. You want to ask some questions and get some answers, but not seeing you is also an answer.

It's just because Liu Shizi has his father here to support him that this answer is not so blunt.

Mr. Liu shook his head and said: "He also went to the battlefield in person. Smallpox doesn't care who is the generalissimo or the prince. I think you should not take this risk and set off immediately. I have prepared five hundred soldiers for you, led by General Gao Xian of the Marshal's Mansion.

, escort you to Guihua City."


Good evening!

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