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Chapter 400 Gambling

 Liu Chengzong’s commanding officer moved outside Bajiao City.

Hearing the news that Lin Dan's time was running out, Batur Hutaiji and the Junggar nobles celebrated. The leaders of Oirat agreed that it would be an honor to lose this war.

This is not a happy funeral, but a strategic goal achieved while Oirat failed at the war level.

People revolve around political activities. The so-called politics, politics is the game of corresponding consequences, and governance is the practice of the results of the game.

As for war, it is just a tool used by political subjects in the game or practice process.

Oirat traveled five thousand miles away, not to come here and be slapped to the ground by Liu Shizi, but to find a place for the Heshuo Special Division, inherit the fine traditions of Oirat, and send the Great Khan of the Golden Family to heaven.

The former is related to the internal conflict between people and land in Oirat, which should be transferred externally to avoid internal strife; the latter determines the free development of Oirat in the future. The Great Khan does not have to die, but he must not live in Moxi.

This involves the grudges between Oirat and Mongolia. Genghis Khan's Mongolia was an empire, but by the time of Kublai Khan, Mongolia became an alliance.

Up to now, this alliance includes the Tatars of the Yuan Dynasty, the three Khans of Mobei Khalkha, and the four Oirat tribes.

The appeal of the Great Khan of the Northern Yuan Dynasty to Oirat was basically the appeal of the Han clan clan to the generals of Cao and Wei.

Yes, but not many.

This is also the reason why Junggar Taiji is willing to help Liu Chengzong build momentum and create the reincarnation of Genghis Khan.

The reincarnation of Genghis Khan by a Han can directly reduce the legitimacy of the Mongol Khan to the lowest level, and relying on this thing, Batur Hutaiji can firmly tie Liu Chengzong to Oirat's chariot.

He did not violate the tradition that non-golden families cannot be called Khan, and he was able to put Oirat on the same political status as Khalkha, making it easier to annex others.

It's a pity that Liu Chengzong is not this way.

If you rely on the army to gain power, you have to bear the cost of soldier deaths and injuries; if you rely on monks to bring power, you also have to bear the responsibility of taking care of the monks.

Everything in the world is a double-edged sword, and there is never a good outcome without any price.

Even so, the generalissimo decided to leave Heshuote in Qinghai and give him a piece of pasture land, which solved Batur Huitaiji's innermost worries.

Now that Lin Dan's life is not long and Junggar Taiwan is full of joy, what does this war mean to him?

It only means a small defeat, a battle that separates him and Liu Chengzong from the big and small kings.

He admitted that Liu Chengzong was the king, and using the casualties and retention of 5,000 soldiers in exchange for fixed gun support may not be a big profit for him, but it was certainly not a loss.

Because of this, Batur Hutaiji could say to the Junggar nobles unceremoniously: "Junggar is the biggest winner in this war."

Of course, in name, they may have a suzerain state called the Marshal's Mansion, and many nobles need to be on the road all year round, but this poses almost no threat to his rule in Oirat. On the contrary, it is a powerful assistance.

After all, they are too far apart. If the garrison of the Marshal's Mansion wants to live well in the Tianshan Mountains, it needs the strength of the Junggar tribe; and after he rules the Oirat of the Tianshan Mountains, if he wants to sit firmly, he also needs this garrison.

Now the only thing left to decide is to see what title Liu Chengzong will confer on him.

Batur Hutaiji was not in a hurry. He believed that the most important thing for Liu Chengzong right now was to take care of the Mongol Khan's funeral as a landlord.

This Junggar Taiji was not polite to the Great Khan at all. The Great Khan was not dead yet. He had already sent people to prepare the coffin for burial with the Great Khan.

Liu Chengzong meant that since he was a profuse man, the burial should not be too shabby. He had to get the best coffin.

Where is the best coffin in the Marshal's Mansion? In Daming.

Han Xiaowang in Pingliang City must have prepared a coffin for himself, and it must be of good quality, but the journey here is too far, and I'm afraid he won't be able to bury the Khan in time, so the easiest way is to find Su Fan of Lanzhou and steal King Su's coffin.

Come here.

There is little chance that King Su will refuse to give it, and he may even send more funerary objects to show that the Marshal's Mansion has fulfilled its duty as a landlord.

But Batur Hutaiji felt that it didn’t have to be so laborious, so according to their tradition, they split the wood from the middle and hollowed it out. Then they turned around to collect the sweat inside, nailed it and buried it.

He said to Liu Chengzong: "Commander, don't worry, the coffin is already being made. It will not delay the Khan's return to the west on time. Marshal tells a time, and I can send him away if he doesn't leave."

Batur Hutaiji has long been impatient to send the Mongolian Khan to heaven.

But Liu Chengzong is not in a hurry.

There is no deep hatred between him and Lin Dan, Hu Duntu, and the Mongol Khan who leads thousands of troops is no threat to him, let alone a terminally ill man who is about to die.

It’s not like Liu Shishi looks down on Hu Duntu.

As for the hundreds of thousands of Mongolians from various tribes under the control of the Marshal's Mansion, if it were not for the control of the Han army and the control of the Xining Mansion, these people would be able to fight with themselves to pieces.

When a Tumote sees a Khalkha, they will definitely fight, but if they see a Chahar at the same time, they must join hands and beat him up.

Therefore, even if Liu Shishi ignores the Mongols under his command and Chahar Khan raises his arms, the result cannot be said to be a gathering of followers, but at most they share the same hatred of the enemy.

Coupled with the great Khan's superb depopulation skills, Batulu Genghis Khan, the lord of 400,000 Mongols, became the lord of four thousand Chahars in just a few years.

Give him more than 100,000 people and give him three to five years. Should he not do it, he should not do it.

The political ability is there, and it is not a problem that can be solved by tens of thousands of troops. The Ming Dynasty problem cannot be solved by Chongzhen, it needs Huo Guang; the Mongolian problem cannot be solved by Lin Danbatulu, they need Yan Timur.<


On this basis, Liu Chengzong did not mind showing some mercy to the dying people, and at least showed some courtesy to the Marshal's Mansion regarding treatment.

He ordered the doctors to do their best to treat the patient and to do their best to obey fate.

Even if one of the complications caused by smallpox in Dahan's body was singled out, the best doctor in the Marshal's Mansion could only be 70% sure of the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying decoction.

With so many complications coming together, not to mention this era, even if it were left three hundred years later, it would be impossible to save it, but it would still be considered after four hundred years.

At the same time, he also asked Liu Guoneng, the magistrate of Haixi County, to bring over all the relatives and family members of Huduntu Khan at the request of Zhututaiji. In case the Khan was in a hurry to go to heaven, he would at least let his relatives see him for the last time.

After being summoned by Liu Shizi, Liu Guoneng personally led 200 horsemen and 100 Mongolian guards to send Lin Danhan's sisters, sisters-in-law, eight concubines, and a pair of children outside Bajiao City.

There was no reaction from the people who came here with loud cries. Everyone knew what it meant to be infected with smallpox, but they were still uneasy in their demeanor.

The harem of the Mongolian Khan is also called Or'er or Orudo, which means palace tent. In fact, each Or'er is like a tribe, with subjects, troops, and pastures.

Therefore, Liu Guoneng reminded him that these eight concubines are not so much eight women as eight tribal leaders.

Chahar has been fighting for years, and so far the tribes have suffered heavy casualties and are almost wiped out. The Great Khan's eight Or'er's have also suffered heavy losses in the escape. After all, there used to be tens of thousands of Or''er's, but now the most are only a thousand. But

Relative to other tribes, they still managed to survive and became the most powerful force in Chahar today.

In the afternoon when they arrived at Bajiao City, Liu Chengzong slaughtered a sheep outside the commander's tent, put on a leather apron and prepared to skin it. He saw Liu Guoneng rushing over to report, saying: "Commander, the eight wives of the Tiger Chief and their eldest son

Zhe came to ask for a meeting..."

Seeing Liu Shishi's appearance, he felt that the commander was a bit rude, and asked after careful consideration: "Do you want someone to clean it up?"

Liu Chengzong looked around, thinking that there was nothing to deal with. He shook his head and said, "No, let them come. Call Dai Daozi to be the interpreter."

After a while, several ladies were led by Liu Guoneng and entered near the commander's tent. Both he and Dai Daozi looked a little embarrassed.

Dai Daozi was originally in the Junggar camp. When he heard that Lin Dan Khan's eight concubines in charge of Or'er were coming, Batulu Hutaiji also ran out. On the way, a group of people pestered E Zhe, trying to coax E Zhe to go to Tianshan.


E Zhe will be the meat on the grassland now. Batur Hutaiji just received the news early. If the news of the Great Khan's death in Qinghai spreads, he will not be the only one who wants to coax E Zhe away.


The three Khans of Khalkha will send people over, hoping to take Ezhe away.

Liu Shizi laughed, waved his hands to let the two of them ignore it, turned to look at Lin Danhan's harem, took off his leather skirt and signaled Liu Guoneng to finish his work, then turned around and sat in front of the tent, waving to several people

Madam, sit down.

The eight ladies were of different ages and origins, and their attires were also very different. Dai Daozi stood beside Liu Chengzong, pointed to the lady on the left side of the center, and said: "Commander, that is E Zhe, the Tiger Chief Prince,

The biological mother is the Tiger Chief’s third wife, Yehenala Sutai.”

Liu Chengzong looked over and saw Ezhe standing next to his third wife, Su Tai. He looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a small Mongolian satin robe and taking off a big hat with beads. After bowing, he stood obediently beside his mother.<


He asked: "Jurchen Yehe tribe?"

Dai Daozi nodded and added: "Her sister is the wife of Belzier Harang of the Kingdom of Jin."

Liu Chengzong nodded, not knowing who Jierhalang was, but just said: "Ask them what they plan to do when they go to Bajiao City to visit the Tiger Chief, and I will make some preparations for them."

Logically speaking, the tiger chief's tent has been affected by smallpox, so they should not be allowed to go, but this is human nature.

Liu Chengzong didn't have many good ways to prevent smallpox, and it was too late to vaccinate them temporarily. He could only prepare some linen masks for them and visit them within a short period of time to avoid infection as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, Liu Guoneng, who was wearing an apron beside him, turned around and said: "Commander, none of the eight ladies have ever had acne. They had discussed it on the way here and hoped to wait until the acne scabs on Dahan's body fell away before visiting."

Liu Chengzong was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's okay."

This is safe, but no one knows whether sweating profusely will last until the acne scabs fall off.

On the contrary, Dai Daozi, who had just met them, said to Liu Chengzong: "Commander, I have talked with Junggar Hutaiji. He estimated that these eight ladies came here not so much to see the Great Khan for the last time.

We are here to discuss the submission of the Chahar tribes."

"Now that a catastrophe is approaching, there are not many things in Chahar headquarters for people to fight for and inherit. After all, the eight ladies still have their own good offices that need to be taken care of by the commander."

As soon as Dai Daozi finished speaking, maybe he heard the words Junggar and Chahar in the words, the third lady sitting not far away held E Zhe and said something with a smile.

Dai Daozi immediately got into the mood. As a competent interpreter, he stood up straight and said: "I heard that Han nobles rarely cook by themselves. The generalissimo is a scholar. Isn't that true?"

Liu Chengzong was stunned for a moment before he realized that Su Tai was talking about the gentleman far away from the chef.

He didn't think that Lin Dan Khan's concubines were women who didn't understand anything. Liu Guoneng had already reminded him that these eight ladies were eight leaders.

This may be a sign of weakness, using something you don’t understand to open up the topic and reduce embarrassment; it may also be a way of pretending not to understand, to bring out the topic you want to say.

Liu Chengzong followed the words and said: "What the third lady said is what Mencius said. When a gentleman sees an animal alive, he cannot bear to see it die; when he hears its sound, he cannot bear to eat its meat. Therefore, a gentleman stays far away from the kitchen."

After saying that, Liu Shizi smiled. The third lady Su Tai sitting opposite clearly knew the context of this sentence, which was a conversation between Mencius and King Xuan of Qi.

The state of Qi wanted to sacrifice an ox, and King Xuan of Qi saw it. When he wanted to kill the ox, he felt pity for him, so he asked someone to replace the ox with a sheep he had never seen before. The people in the country thought he was stingy and could not understand.<


The focus of the story is not the chef, but the compassion.

As for the words of the third lady, the focus is not on Liu Chengzong's killing of sheep, but on Liu Chengzong's compassion for the orphans and widows of Chahar.

But this is playing the piano against a cow, and Liu Moo only feels noisy.

"Madam knows this story." He smiled and said: "But madam may not know that a gentleman sits in the Forbidden City and enjoys the world. This is useful to him. In my opinion, there is another version of this story that madam wants to hear.


Mrs. Sutai's expression changed. She was choked on what she wanted to say next and could only nod.

"In my eyes, the Ming Dynasty's war in the Northeast is the cow in the story. Chahar was once one of them. In order to prevent the cow from dying, a gentleman chose to let other sheep die. What crime is the sheep guilty of?"
Liu Chengzong's eyes were sinister: "I am a sheep!"

These words directly caused Dai Daozi, who was acting as the interpreter, to break his guard. He broke away from his state and said angrily: "The damn handsome man is right, I am also a sheep."

Mrs. Sutai was shocked. She lowered her head for a moment, but still couldn't hold back what she should say. She simply fell to the ground and kowtowed: "Weak Khan Bintian, I hope the generalissimo can take care of our orphans and widows, and help Ezhe inherit the inheritance."

Chahar Khan, we will never betray the Generalissimo."

Generally speaking, anyone who kowtows to Liu Chengzong will be pulled up.

The only exception is this time.

Liu Chengzong stood up and took two steps to the side and said: "You don't have to kowtow to me. We all know the current situation in Chahar. The world is so big, including the Kingdom of Jin, Khalkha, and Oirat. They all have to sweat.

, there is no place for you."

"It's better to open it up and say it. It's like playing leaf cards. The big and small cards in your hand are only temporary. As long as you don't get off the card table, there is always a chance to make a comeback. Jianzhou was once swept away by Li Ting.

Now it’s time to annex Ye He and show off his power.”

"Chahar gets off the card table. I will ensure that Ezhe and you will live in peace and prosperity for the rest of their lives; or Ezhe will inherit the throne of Khan and become the Khan of the country. When I take over the Central Plains and stabilize the world, he will die a violent death. I will not kill him.

My son will also be killed."

"You are Ezhe's mother. I think it's better to let you make the decision on this matter. Should you live a stable life or take a gamble on Chahar's comeback?"

In the silence where the eight ladies looked at each other, a messenger came to report: "Commander, Chief Tiger is awake and wants to see you."

Liu Chengzong nodded and asked the ordering soldiers to retreat. Then he squatted down and waved to Ezhe: "Ezhe, come here, uncle will roast a lamb for you tonight."


Good evening!

This chapter has been completed!
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