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Chapter 496: Model Commander

 In May of the seventh year of Chongzhen.

On the evening of the eighth day of the lunar month, Marshal's Office Counselor Feng Yu led a man-made chariot camp to the west of Shandan Acropolis, stationed at Hejiazhuangzi five miles outside the west gate, and sent troops to move into the book city.

Zhu Houji, the commander of Shandan Guard, went to the city to look around. He very calmly took the letter and unfolded it on the city. The letter paper was made of very exquisite official blue paper. The handwriting was very special, and the excellent pavilion style could be seen in the outline.

Good skills, but illegible writing.

The title of the letter was also written very politely. My brother, Zhu Houji, wishes to express my gratitude.

Zhu Houji opened the letter with doubts, thinking that some acquaintance had been captured by the Marshal's Mansion, so he would send the letter to him at this time, but unexpectedly, the content of the letter was filled with murderous intent.

"Attack the city tomorrow and think about it for yourself. If you can defend it, defend it. If you can't, surrender it - my younger brother, Liu Chengzong."

Zhu Houji folded the letter expressionlessly and put it into his arms. In the shadow on the north side of Shandanwei's gate tower, he looked at the smoke rising from the Feng Yubu camp not far away until the shadow moved back and the sky turned dark.

Fading dark.

He thought about how polite Liu Chengzong, whom he had never met but was known to everyone, was so polite. Besides being polite, he also really didn't save anyone any face.

Where can I be persuaded to surrender like this? Why don’t you just say something nice instead of saying nothing and making people think about themselves?

Zhu Houji walked down the city gate tower, spent a quarter of an hour measuring the strength of the enemy and ourselves, expressed regret to Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City in three seconds, took grain and grass and treated all the soldiers in the city to a full meal, and finally spent the whole night cooking.

I have done everything I can.

The afternoon of the ninth day of the Lunar New Year.

Liu Chengzong was convening a general-military meeting at the governor's office in Ganzhou City. The main focus of the military meeting was the next establishment of the Marshal's Mansion at the battalion level.

It was very risky to change the organization during the war, but at this time Liu Chengzong's army stationed in Ganzhou had as many as eight battalions, and except for the headquarters Huben Camp and Feng Yu Camp, the remaining six battalions were all overstrength. Normal command, marching, and supplies were very difficult.

Difficulties, let alone fighting.

The supernumerary troops will certainly give the generals the illusion of "I am so awesome at commanding so many troops." However, from Liu Chengzong's perspective, he knew very well that the increase in troops brought about by the occupation of Ganzhou did not enhance the army's combat capabilities.
On the contrary, since entering the customs, as the number of troops has increased, the command and scheduling of battles have become more and more laborious. By the time he captured Ganzhou, his huge army, with a strength of nearly 30,000, had reached the critical point before collapse.

Army organization is a very sophisticated technology. The selection of personnel and equipment for each organization has its own tactical purpose. The generals of each battalion are satisfied with the false prosperity brought by the recruitment of surrendered troops. The consequences are bloated organization, difficult command, and complicated equipment.

, combat effectiveness decreased.

However, taking the three battalions of Zhang Tianlin, Gao Yingdeng, and Wei Qian'er as examples, Liu Chengzong was really unwilling to directly reduce the strength of their command to the standard.

Because the troops he led to surrender were all caused by his own defeat, he could cut them off as he pleased. If the general's enthusiasm was affected after cutting them off, he would still have to bear the consequences himself.

Therefore, the expansion of the battlefield has become a foregone conclusion. For Liu Shizi, what needs to be considered is how to maintain the generals under his command without affecting the combat effectiveness of the army under the premise of limited equipment.

Fortunately, Liu Chengzong had already prepared for this matter. During this period, he communicated with the generals of each battalion in private. Of course, the reason for the expansion was not to satisfy the generals' vanity, but that the military achievements could not be changed until the end of the war.

They have official positions, so they should advance some war rewards in advance.

Specifically, on the basis of the 3,600-person standard battalion commonly used in the Marshal's Mansion, a battalion commander will be added to the camp directly under the direct control of the general, making the standard battalion a large camp with 4,800 to 5,000 people.

The newly added Commander Qian, who is sitting in the camp, leads two Commanders, namely the Commander of the Chinese Army and the Commander of the Artifact Commander.

The Chinese Army has five generals under its jurisdiction, each leading the staff and guards, accompanying troops with banners and drums, siege equipment, military doctors and Tangqi.

The Divine Weapon Commander has five hundred commanders under his jurisdiction, each managing three thousand-pound cannons, ten lion cannons, equipment maintenance, ammunition, and donkeys and mules.

Such organizational changes put heavy firepower under the direct control of the generals. The original firepower of the three thousand headquarters was severely weakened. This was mainly because after the army expanded, Liu Chengzong did not have so many lion cannons and could not strengthen them for each thousand.


But correspondingly, they captured a large number of general cannons and Fran machine guns, so they transferred these artillery pieces to General Qian, who used them as supplementary firepower.

Liu Chengzong selected two types of artillery from two years among all the captured artillery. As Qian Commander, each commander was equipped with one regular artillery piece for General Hongwu, and each commander was assigned one for General Nantang.


The Hongwu General is a large iron general cannon that was cast in the Hongwu year. There are many of these in various cities in Gansu. The shape has neither a front sight nor a rear sight, nor cannon lugs. The shape is relatively backward, but it has uniform specifications and excellent workmanship.

Excellent control.

It is five feet long, six inches in inner diameter, has a spherical medicine chamber, the barrel is straight up and down, and has a lower diameter. Its range is much closer than that of the Hongyi style cannon. Of course, even if the maximum range is achieved by double the charge, this diameter ratio is also

Not sure.

But it can basically meet the needs of the generals for defensive or assault firearms when encountering enemy forces in the field, on the basis that the generals have battalion artillery.

As for the Nantang General, he is the Franco-type Invincible General improved during the Qi Jiguang era. This model is much more advanced in appearance. It has a front sight, a cannon, and an artillery carriage. It can fire solid iron bullets continuously and quickly to break the formation.

, or spread the word to form a suppressive barrage.

At the same time, the quality is better than that of General Hongwu, and some of the muskets are forged, which are light and easy to use.

In addition, at the level of General Bai, a lot of small cannons such as Yongzhu and Luo Destroyer were distributed. However, Liu Chengzong did not intend to have the army always have such small cannons, so they were not available to every General Bai.

They all have cannons, and even if they are issued small cannons, they are all issued with ten or twenty rounds of ammunition, and there is no need to transport ammunition in the future.

After shooting, just throw away the cannon belt and ammunition box and that's it.

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This is what Liu Shishi thinks, Yongzhu can do everything a small artillery can do with a gun, but it can't do tactical tasks with a gun.


It's like building a civil engineering project. Even if the cannon fires a pound of shells, the gun only shoots two and a half lead bullets. However, the diameter ratio of the gun is higher, and the gun cannot penetrate the wooden wall on the west side.

The commonly used 100-pound wrought iron cannon cannot penetrate the enemy.

Therefore, the slight tactical advantages brought by increasing the attachment of small artillery to the Hundred Corps cannot outweigh its disadvantages in delaying the march speed and increasing the difficulty of supply.

But if ammunition is not supplied and the weight only delays the march, Liu Shishi can still accept it.

Then the problem is much simpler.

If the battle fails and this kind of gun runs out of ammunition or is not used up, it doesn't hurt to just throw it away. It can increase the transfer speed and there is no need to resupply shells.

If the battle is successfully won, there will be no need to resupply ammunition, the Ming army has it!

Isn’t the problem solved?

The first army to be reorganized was the severely overstaffed Zhang Tianlin, Gao Yingdeng, and Wei Qianer battalions, which were all reorganized into large battalions. The basic combat methods remained unchanged, and the ability to fight alone was enhanced.

However, the establishment is given to the main camp, but three battalions require three thousand technical personnel from the headquarters. Even if they Shatai super-staffed eight thousand soldiers, they still did not have enough people. Cao Yao still needs to slowly find the follow-up troops in Gansu.


At the same time, as the biggest contributor to the Eastern Campaign against Gansu, Liu Chengzong also fulfilled Zhang Tianlin’s small wish—to mobilize Ganzhou craftsmen to make a batch of rocket launchers for his Zuoqian headquarters.

To be honest, Liu Chengzong did not pay special attention to the rocket launchers made by the Ordnance Bureau of the Marshal's Mansion. The rocket launchers were of course very important, but what they made in Hehuang were defective products under specific conditions. During the development, they only considered the difficulty of crossing the Qilian Mountains, so when

There are many restrictions on weight.

On the contrary, the most important accuracy, range, and power of the rocket launcher have all given way to portability. A ten-pound rocket contains seven pounds of fuel, one pound of explosives, and fifty-three iron pellets.

The cost is very high and the price-performance ratio is extremely poor. The range is 500 steps and the diffusion is 500 steps, which means there is only a safe range of 100 to 250 steps.

This kind of weapon is incompatible with Liu Chengzong's tactics.

Liu Chengzong was a typical example of an educated man leading a reckless man in battle. The generals under his command were all born in poor wars, and the combat habits they developed were to concentrate the elites, force breakthroughs bit by bit, and repeatedly charge into the formation or pull back until the enemy army collapsed.<


It's just a matter of combat style. Gao Yingdeng concentrated his elite troops to overwhelm the enemy, while Zhang Tianlin used repeated maneuvers to overwhelm the enemy.

He himself is on the other extreme. He first demands that he be undefeated, because he cannot afford to lose, so he can only form formations within formations and camps within camps, fight steadily, and advance as a whole, completely crushing the enemy's army with force and skill.
In Liu Shizi's mind, if the Marshal's Army wants to deploy rockets on a large scale, it needs to develop a normal rocket, which weighs twenty kilograms and should be equipped with a balance bar. Try to extend the range to a thousand steps. The safe distance is

After five or six hundred steps, let’s talk about mass production and assembly.

But this kind of defective rockets with wide coverage, wide killing range, and huge consumption, for Zhang Tianlin who is good at maneuvering, running around, and good at cavalry fighting... is particularly! special! refreshing!

Zhang Tianlin said, Commander, we have no shortage of gunpowder. This thing is much more fun to use than cannons. Although two or three hundred of them are fired at a time, the weight alone is very heavy, but the rockets carried by three hundred regiments can solve a problem.


This is Zhang Tianlin's practical battlefield experience. When the cavalry rushes, the enemy troops form a formation. No matter what car or infantry camp you have, no matter how advanced your equipment is, or how powerful your guns and cannons are, three thousand kilograms of gunpowder will be dropped directly, and there will still be people standing.

Then he smashed another three thousand kilograms, and the cavalry ended the battle immediately.

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The price/performance ratio is very high!

When the two armies faced each other, ten thousand-pound cannons with this amount of ammunition would have to fire for four full hours. It was really hard to bombard the carriage camp. As long as the ranges of the artillery on both sides were almost the same, what would be the loss of four hours of fighting?

The rockets were all over with a swoop. Even if the King of Heaven came, I would not be able to catch these Liu Guoneng falling from the sky.

The truth is that the truth is correct. He doesn't have to say whether the rocket is useful or not. The person most qualified to evaluate it is Bai Guangen.

Liu Shishi thought that he would have to ask Bai Guangen about his evaluation of rockets.

They held a military meeting here all afternoon, arranging a series of things such as reorganizing the army into a large camp as soon as possible and making rockets. They were discussing the next strategic deployment. The reorganized army was pushed to the east to fight to see what the effect was.

Then I heard the guards from the yamen coming to report: "Commander, General Feng Shen from Shandan Guard and his subordinate Qian are here."

Liu Chengzong's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Calculating the time, Feng Ruan was the Shandan Guard who arrived on the evening of the eighth day of the lunar month. He would definitely not be able to fight at night and would launch an attack at dawn.

Shandanwei and Ganzhou City are 120 miles apart. Even if the envoy changes horses along the way, if he wants to reach Ganzhou before dark on the ninth day of the lunar month, it is best to set off in the morning. However, the two armies have just fought in the morning. It is difficult to achieve any results.


If the messenger sets out in the afternoon, arriving in Ganzhou at this time means two horses will be killed on the road, so there is no doubt that something has happened!

Liu Chengzong immediately stopped discussing matters with the generals and quickly said to the guards: "Come in quickly."

There were several summonses in the governor's yamen, and soon he saw Qian Zonglian wearing an iron-trimmed hair scarf and walking quickly into the hall with his bowl in his hands.

Lian Daqi is a veteran of the Marshal's Army. His nickname is Erlang Shen. During the Battle of Huanglong Mountain, he faced He Huchen. When he was practicing Daqi, he served as the captain of Zuo Sen. He led his troops to resist the enemy on the ridge on the left wing. He was hit in the forehead by an arrow drawn by the Ningxia army and was nailed by the arrow.

There was no penetration in the forehead bone. After the war, the arrow was pulled out and it was jumping to life on the spot. The soldiers in the army thought it was amazing.

His existence has popularized common sense to the Marshal's Mansion that the human forehead bone is very hard. Even for many soldiers in the Marshal's Army, they can directly conclude that the forehead bone is the hardest bone, otherwise you would think where Erlang Shen came from.<


However, despite being active and active, practicing martial arts has also left behind the root cause of headaches caused by violent fighting and excitement.

Liu Chengzong gave Lian Daqi a pair of iron-inlaid forehead scarves every year because he was afraid that his forehead would be injured again.

This problem almost eliminates the chance of becoming a general. A general is not afraid of losing his arms and legs, old age, illness or disability. He can command battles even if he is being carried in a sedan chair, but he must be mentally strong and be able to endure days and nights without sleep.

Huge pressure brought by all kinds of intelligence.

Because of this, Huang Shengxiao, the commander who fought side by side with the captain Lian Daqi, became a general, and Lian Daqi is a talent

But do it the best.

Fortunately, there is another promotion path in the Marshal's Mansion. Liu Chengzong talked to Lian Daqi. His physical problems could not bear the hard work, so he asked him to do more theoretical records and study. In the future, he would receive the rank of general and be promoted to the Huben Camp to do a thousand jobs.

In general, he will be put into a military yamen as a training officer or an academy as an instructor for officers.

Lian Daqi also knows his physical condition very well and is very satisfied with this arrangement.

Liu Chengzong knew that he was suffering from physical problems. When he saw that it was him who was coming here and that he did not look particularly nervous or painful, he knew that Shandanwei's problem was not serious. He smiled and said, "Da Qi, did you set off in the morning?"

Lian Daqi smiled and greeted him with a clasped fist and a salute. When he saw many generals in the hall, he quickly saluted all the generals seriously. Then he smiled and said to Liu Chengzong: "The commander is really clever, he is not in a hurry on the road.

"General Feng asked you to come over and tell me what happened to Shandanwei?"

"Going back to the commander-in-chief, it all depends on the commander-in-chief's personal letter urging him to surrender. Shandan commanded Zhu Houji to open the city to surrender this morning. General Feng asked me to come back to help Zhu Houji seek an appointment from the commander-in-chief. General Feng suggested

, the commander-in-chief considered his situation and granted him an official position."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly: "Then tell me first, what is his condition, the clan?"

"He is not a clan member, but he is very sensible." Lian Daqi smiled and handed over a long letter, saying: "Zhu Houji received a letter from the commander-in-chief and invited the sergeants in the city to have a meal last night. After eating, he started taking action all night long.

He controlled the son of Wang Yunzhong, the prince's Taibao Minister of War, Shandan Jinshi who was idle at home, and Wang Jianhou, who participated in the politics of Jibei."

"Then they spent the night arranging the weapons, horses, grain and grass supplies to appease the hearts of the military households in the city. When we opened the city in the morning, the entire Shandan Guard army did not carry weapons and weapons. The swords and guns were put into the warehouse and the cattle and horses returned to their pens. The grain, grass, supplies, and personnel working in the fields were all registered.

Stand at the city gate and wait for the Marshal's Mansion to receive you."

After practicing his weapons, he looked at Liu Chengzong and clasped his fists and said, "General Feng thinks this commander is a role model. Let the commander make his decision."

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