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Chapter 497: Watching the Wind

 Shandanwei Kaicheng surrendered, it had little to do with others, it was mainly because Zhu Houji had done a good job.

Zhu Houji decided to surrender not because of fear, but because Liu Chengzong happened to use the right method to persuade him to surrender.

Zhu Houji is a forward-thinking person, with a foresight and foresight character, and his underlying psychology is to be hopeful.

Being able to collect enough information to make a decision is called deliberation; not being able to collect enough information to make a decision is called indecision.

To put it bluntly, it is greed, hoping that every decision made will be perfect and maximize benefits.

If there was no external influence, he might still be stuck in making a decision until Feng Yu launched the siege, because no matter what he did, it would be impossible to defend the city comprehensively from the position of commander.

But Ming Dynasty did not give him any useful information that day and night, and Liu Shizi's letter of persuasion to surrender pointed out a clear path for him and helped him delete the redundant information, leaving only the things he needed to consider in this battle.
If you can hold it, hold it; if you can't hold it, surrender.

Making a choice is much easier, because it is not a problem in itself. Ding Guodong failed to defend Jiayuguan, Zhao Zhirui failed to defend Suzhou, Li Hongsi failed to defend Ganzhou, and Yang Jiamo failed to defend Gaotai. Why should Zhu Houji be here?

Can the Shandan Guard be defended?

The Battle of Gaotai brought the worst impact to the Ming Army in Gansu. It was not the death of Gansu general Yang Jiamo that made people realize that Liu Chengzong was invincible.

But after the officers and soldiers in eastern Gansu realized this situation, the Liangzhou direction did not organize the Shandan Guard east of Ganzhou in a short period of time. There were seventy or eighty fortresses around Yongchang Guard, and no post-Ganzhou

The second line of defense.

In other words, the Ming army here was neither organized for defense nor given orders... because the whole of Gansu was frightened with the death of Yang Jiamo, the defeat of Li Hongsi, and the capture of Wang Xingshan.

Everyone has a consensus in their minds. The Marshal's Army has been overwhelming from outside Jiayuguan Pass and has advanced to the front line of Ganzhou in just three months. Then when all the guarding generals are killed, Liu Chengzong's advance will only be faster, not slower... half a month

Enough to advance to Liangzhou City.

Their army even ran faster than the Ming army's messengers. There was no need to build a second line of defense east of Ganzhou that could be broken through at once. It was enough to set up a line of defense directly in Liangzhou.

Even Hong Chengchou did not expect that Liu Chengzong would be invincible on the battlefield, but he would be held back in Ganzhou for half a month by the organizational degradation caused by the surrender of troops.

In his plan, the Gandong fortress group with Shandan Guard and Yongchang Guard as the center could hold off Liu Chengzong for fifteen days after Yang Jiamo was killed in battle.

He never dreamed that Liu Chengzong would squat in Ganzhou for fifteen days at this time.

This period of time was quite fulfilling for the Marshal's Army. Three standard battalions of more than 3,000 people were reorganized into three large battalions of more than 5,000 people. Their equipment was strengthened, and there were new supply regulations. Their ability to fight independently became stronger.

, the overall combat organization has not changed.

The three generals of the camp, Zhang Tianlin, Gao Yingdeng, and Wei Qian'er, were gearing up. Their knives had been sharpened, and they were just waiting for the generalissimo to send troops eastward to see who could cut off another piece of flesh from Ming Dynasty.
The remaining generals were not discouraged. There were many surrendered soldiers who were not organized into the combat barracks, and were all sent to the Ganzhou guards to farm. With their later achievements, they were able to integrate the standard battalion into a large battalion.


Although the war rewards will have to wait until Gansu is pacified, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the generals of this camp must have higher official ranks than those of the standard camp.

But for the three cities east of Ganzhou, they were a little on tenterhooks. Li Hongsi's defeated army ran eastward in a swarm, spreading the news of their defeat everywhere. The overwhelming marshal's army was like a knife hanging in the air.

On the top of the head.

All the guards could not sleep at night. For half a month, no one in the army in eastern Gansu could sleep well, for fear that if they fell asleep, Liu Chengzong's army would come like a tide and drown them all.


At this time, Shandan Guard opened the city and surrendered. In just three days, letters between Feng Yu and Liu Chengzong were sent back and forth twice. First, Feng Yu sent someone to inform Shandan of the city's opening, and Liu Chengzong sent a reply to appease Zhu Houji.

The initial fear told him to prepare a list of those who had made meritorious deeds on the eve of the opening of the city, and wait for him to go there and reward them.

In fact, Shandanwei is also a thorny issue for Liu Chengzong.

The officers of Shandan Guard are trustworthy, because Zhu Houji did everything right. On the eve of the opening of the city, he sent all the seven generals and their families in the guard who were unwilling to surrender to Liangzhou. Those who stayed in the city were basically those who wanted to surrender.

An officer who has no objection.

But from Liu Chengzong's perspective, Shandanwei's public opinion is difficult to handle.

For him, there is nothing to trust or distrust in the newly surrendered troops. He just needs to ensure that nothing goes wrong. At this time, he has no shortage of troops. It is very simple to leave the banner army in Shandanwei.

As long as all the weapons, armor, horses, donkeys and mules are transferred to Ganzhou, the farm tools and cattle are left behind, and even two thousand headquarters are stationed in Ganzhou, you can guarantee that you will have no worries.

But the problem is that the surrendered Shandan Guards have been burning in the fire for three days, and Feng Rui and Zhu Houji... can't hold them back.

The whole city was in an uproar just because Feng Yu, on behalf of Liu Chengzong, announced that everything in Shandan Guard was business as usual and that the Generalissimo wanted the flag army to prepare for the autumn harvest.

There are four brothers in the city. The elder brother is from Qianhu who has no actual training, and his name is Li Fengji; the second brother is from Baihu who has actual training, and his name is Li Kaizhao; the third brother is a martial arts student from Shandan Health School, named Li Congqian; the youngest is

A hundred households without practical teaching are called Li Congxun.

When Zhu Houji surrendered in Kaicheng, these four brothers were at the forefront. They either had no actual duties or were junior officers. They had always had a good relationship with the lower-level banner troops. Shandan Guards changed their flags. They were like this.

People are the most excited.

But as soon as Feng Rui said that Liu Chengzong planned to let Shandanwei farm well, the four brothers were elected by the Banner Army and made a big fuss. If they followed the Ming Dynasty, they would be burdened with farming, and if they followed the marshal, they would be burdened with farming. So this marshal is not

Did you come in vain? War!

They want war!

It’s a war like Ding Guodong and Milain’s attack on Gaotai, a war in which a city is conquered, and three-quarters of all the profits go to the living and dead members of the army.

It doesn't matter where they fight. They just need the commander to point in a direction. Shandanwei's Qiongqiu Ba wants to fight for himself. If he wants to fight, he will fight. Hei Chengyin will be the first to climb to the top of the city. He will be beaten half to death. If he is saved, he will be promoted directly.

The commander’s battle.

Liu Chengzong looked at Feng Yu's letter, his expression was like a subway boss looking at his mobile phone... It is normal for the flag army to fight for himself. This was the consequence he had thought of when he announced the reward on the high platform.

Because Gansu is not Shaanxi, the soldiers in Shaanxi are hungry, and they will follow whoever can give them enough food. The soldiers in Gansu have a better life and have higher requirements, and they will follow whoever can make them live a good life.

Who will you follow?

What really made his expression complicated were the names of the four brothers.

When good luck strikes, be humble and follow the training.

Why would a father give his child such a name? The whole family emerged from the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. They are good at everything, turn disaster into good luck, and are dedicated to warriors. They are very strong. Kai Zhao means to attack, plan, and territory.

, this name is basically Li Jianguo.

Congxun is the most graceful name among the four brothers, while Congqian is the wildest.

Liu Chengzong was not very interested in the four brothers. What interested him was the father of the four brothers. What kind of father he was? He needed to make his sons not too crazy but humble; not disobedient but obedient; and forget about turning bad things into good fortune.

, but also to open up new territories.

As soon as he found out that the four brothers' father was called Li Kesi, Liu Chengzong understood that the root of this problem was not in their father's generation, but because their grandfather liked this kind of name full of martial arts.

It was very fierce, and Liu Chengzong thought it was good. It happened that the three battalions had been reorganized, so he sent a letter to Jiayuguan, ordering Huang Shengxiao to leave a thousand headquarters to guard Jiayuguan in Suzhou, and then lead troops to Ganzhou.

In Ganzhou, Liu Chengzong appointed Cao Yao as the governor of Gansu, and assigned Huang Shengxiao's artillery camp, Song Xian of Suzhou Guard, and Hei Chengyin of Ganzhou Guard under his banner to guard Gansu, supply military supplies, and plan the distribution of farmland in Gansu.

, Cooking Army Reward.

Then the army set off to continue eastward, and at the same time sent a letter to Feng Yu, telling him that since Shandanwei's flag army wanted to fight with them and the morale of the army was available, they should select the best and form a thousand headquarters, and the remaining people should stay in Shandan to prepare.

Autumn harvest.

Liu Chengzong happened to have an empty Ganzhou Battalion's establishment. Now that Suzhou Battalion had proven through the Battle of Gaotai that it was a combatable division, Fengweizhen, the supervisor, no longer had to stay there, and was promoted from battalion deputy general to staff general.

, transferred to Ganzhou Camp as a staff general.

At the same time, there were personnel changes in the Suzhou camp. Hu Zhishen was transferred to Gansu Dusi to serve as a general, Ding Guodong was promoted to staff general, and Mila Yin was promoted to deputy general. The two generals under the battalion were transferred from outside.

One was named Qi Shuangquan, who was a soldier in Guanzhong. He was the commander-in-chief of the Yan'an camp when Ai Mu was a general in Yan'an. After the defeat of Wen'an Yi, he was dismissed from his post by the imperial court. He went to his brother-in-law Ma Maoguan to transport money to the imperial court, but he didn't know that the boxes he was transporting were empty boxes.

, so he voted for Liu Shishi, and he has been following the war without making any achievements. He was still a general manager earlier, so he is considered a promotion.

The other General Qian was a Pingtiao named Feng Dakui. He was a cavalry general who had made many military exploits. He was first a member of the Northern Shaanxi Peasant Army. Yang Yao was the Commander of the training camp. He overthrew the official Dong Xueli in the Battle of Hehuang and was later given to Zhang Tianlin.

Be a Qianzong.

When Liu Chengzong was marching to Shandan, he did not enter the city to rest at all. He just camped outside the city and summoned all the officers and flag troops of Shandan Guards for training and a meeting.

The Shandan Guards' banner troops were arranged in two formations. The 800 elite soldiers selected by Feng Yu formed one formation, and the 3,400 flag troops who were not selected formed one formation.

Liu Chengzong met Zhu Houji outside the city and also met the four Li brothers of Shandanwei. They were not all talented people, but they were indeed powerful.

It doesn't look like Hu Zhishen is a useless snack. At least the hereditary military officers of the Guards have not lost their martial arts skills. They can even ask a few questions about military laws and regulations.

On the other hand, Feng Lun selected these 800 elite soldiers from the old and weak in Shandan Weisha, but they did not meet Liu Shizi's standards.

Shandanwei is not like Suzhou or Ganzhou. Suzhou is on the border. Although it has never experienced war, daily training is sufficient; Ganzhou is where the Gansu capital is located, and the officers are usually very attentive.

This place is located in the heart of Gansu. The flag army usually only has two main tasks, one is farming and the other is herding horses. The military is quite lax.

But at this time, the morale of the army was available. To be honest, this was the first time that Liu Chengzong knew that all the profits from the captured city would be rewarded. This would be a great encouragement to the banner army who heard this news.

In fact, his gain from capturing Gaotai was not huge, because Gaotai didn't have many people, but even that little thing could make the entire Shandan Guard boil. What the flag army saw in their eyes was not wealth, but wealth.

Hope——the hope that you will get as much money as you put in.

The four Li brothers succeeded in joining the team this time. The four of them won the official positions of one Qian Commander and three Hundred Commanders among the eight hundred elite soldiers. They were merged into the Ganzhou Battalion of Bee Tail Needle and became the new thugs.

Liu Chengzong had led troops for a long time, and he never talked to the soldiers in a formal way. He asked the two battalions to form an array. His instructions were simple and easy to understand: "If you are selected to join the marshal's army, you will follow me and work hard. It is natural for you to serve as a soldier and eat food. As long as you keep guard

In military law, you must obey military orders and fight with all your might. I, Liu Chengzong, was born in Qiu Ba, and I will be your backer from now on, and I will have all the rewards and rewards you deserve."

There were more than 4,000 people in the two battalions. Even if he shouted at the top of his lungs, he couldn't make everyone hear him. Fortunately, Zhu Houji was a very sensible man and was particularly particular about the formation. Thirty-eight hundred households led the troops.

The long queue for Erlong to get out of the water ensures that someone in every hundred households team can hear it.

"Soldiers are mobilized with righteousness, and righteousness belongs to me. The imperial court cannot solve the chronic diseases in the world. The clans, vassals, local powerful, corrupt officials, and billions of people in the world have been suffering for a long time. We, the soldiers, will rely on force to overthrow them all.

, so you are not only fighting for me, Liu Chengzong, but also fighting for yourself, and even more so, fighting for the world."

"Don't be discouraged if you haven't been selected. There will be more wars in the future. You can farm, eat, train, and give birth to babies in the guard station. No one can covet your military land. Practice your martial arts well and follow suit next time.

I'm going to war."

Shandanwei's flag army responded with a bang, and Liu Chengzong ordered General Qian Li Fengji to lead his troops into the Ganzhou camp, and sent troops with him to the east toward Yongchangwei.

However, as the army set off, something disappointing happened to Li Fengji's troops in the Ganzhou Battalion.

First, Xinkaiba, Yangjiaba Fort, Nuanquan Fort, and the garrison commanders and guards inside the border wall came to surrender; then, the gelding horse Hudun outside the border wall also sent people to surrender, but Huazhai Fort did not send anyone.

Come, but all the defenders there fled ten days ago.

Tangqi reported that there are forty-two sheep occupying Huazhai Fort now... Their sheepherders ran away as soon as they saw Tangqi.

Going further east, Xinhebao, Fengchengpu, Shixiakou Station and other places along the side wall also either surrendered or fled. There are also several fortresses where the White Lotus Beidou flag of the Sanjie Society was directly planted.

When they approached Muyang River, a big one came.

The Yongchang Guard experienced an internal strife. The surviving commander Ge Jin brought the Yongchang defense plan to Liu Chengzong and even brought him a very heavy news.

Hong Chengchou ran away.

Good evening!

This chapter has been completed!
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