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Chapter 522 Approval

 Liu Chengzong led his army across the Yellow River and entered Lanzhou.

After settling in Prince Su's Mansion, Liu Shizi only had one feeling in his heart when he saw his teacher Yang Dingrui bringing a mountain of documents from the new city for his approval.

Compared with the huge amount of official documents processed by the Marshal's Office, the battle of Gansu was simply an extremely simple armed parade.

In fact, the Battle of Gansu was indeed an extremely strenuous and high-intensity armed parade for most of the expeditionary force of the Marshal's Mansion. Although there were many enemies, the fighting will was generally not strong enough. Most of the Ming troops defending Gansu did not know why they wanted to fight.

The battle with Liu Chengzong was not a tough battle.

On the contrary, the difficulty of marching was much greater than that of fighting. In less than seven months, we marched more than 5,000 miles with rest and fighting, and took more than half a year to complete a circle along the entire Qilian Mountains.

In fact, if you look at it, not to mention the important officials of the imperial court or outsiders like Zhang Xianzhong who do not have a clear understanding of the territory of the Marshal's Mansion, even Liu Chengzong himself has not felt his unparalleled power in the northwest for a long time.

Because he always leads troops to conquer east and west, wandering on the edge of his own power.

Only when a mountain of official documents were placed in front of him, waiting for his approval, and matters big and small were decided, did Liu Chengzong really realize that he was the true ruler of this land.

In the Chengyun Hall with seven beams and two slopes hanging on the top of the mountain, Liu Chengzong looked distressedly at the countless official documents on the table, and looked helplessly at Yang Dingrui standing beside him: "Sir, why are there so many?"

Although we haven't seen him for half a year, Yang Dingrui is still full of energy, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the slightly swollen bags under his eyes still reveal a tired look. He smiled first, and then said: "Although the Marshal's Mansion has six yamen, the responsibilities and powers of the six yamen are not divided.

The personnel are uncertain, and all official documents from various places are sent to the new city. If you are here, Brother Xiang Yu can still approve the replies; if you are not here, no one can approve these things."

Liu Chengzong spread his hands and said: "Then Sir, please approve."

Yang Dingrui laughed when he heard this and said, "You want to tire your husband to death."

In fact, they all know very well that this is just an obedient saying. Yang Dingrui's official position is the prefect of Xining and cannot be approved.

He has an extraordinary relationship with Liu Chengzong. Not only is he the teacher of Liu Chengzu and Liu Chengzong brothers, he is also the adoptive father of Fan Sanlang, Bai Liuxi, and Yun Jiaoyue, that is, his father-in-law.

But it was for this reason that Liu Chengzong did not establish a prime minister before he went on the expedition.

They have a very good relationship, and everyone is safe and sound. There is no possibility of conflicts, even if the price is chaos in the Marshal's Mansion. Liu Chengzong has thought about it, and the Marshal's Mansion is not afraid of chaos.

The Marshal's Mansion is not stable, but there are soldiers suppressing it. As long as he does not send away the army in one wave, the various chieftains and the old nobles will not dare to rebel no matter how uneasy they are... In other words, even if all the structures of the Marshal's Mansion are withdrawn

If nothing happens, the people living on this land will be able to live in peace and harmony within three to five years.

And if the army is sent away by Liu Shishi, the Marshal's Mansion will collapse even if it is as stable as Mount Tai.

So this is nothing to him. As long as he goes from victory to victory, nothing will happen.

The two chatted without a word, while Liu Chengzong looked through official documents and approved letters and newspapers from various places, while Yang Dingrui explained what happened during this period.

From the top of the snow-capped mountains in Uzang to the Yinli River at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains; from the desolate pastures of Golmud to the prosperous pot houses of Dajianlu, there was no place in the land he ruled without war.

When Batur Hutaiji of Oirat returned, he reorganized his army and prepared for war. According to the agreement, the caravan transporting fur goods had already set off and was going to Hehuang to purchase armaments to arm a battalion.

In Dajianlu, the Changhexi Tusi territory over there is even more lively, and every neighbor of Muya is scary.

In the northeast, Shen Bian had a blood feud with him for killing his father. Above Leng Bian was the Tianquan Chieftain, who was very powerful. In the north, the Jinchuan Chieftain did not have a large territory, but he was an expert at building watchtowers.

The west and south sides are even more scary. They are the territory of Lijiang Tusi Mutianwang, a behemoth that can rival the entire Kangning Prefecture. The most important thing is that these people also love to rob.

It was precisely to avoid this situation that Liu Chengzong rented more than 7,000 acres of cultivated land on the Changhe West Tusi border from Muya. At that time, Kangning Mansion was in urgent need of cultivated land to raise troops. Muya did Liu Shishi a big favor, and the corresponding Marshal's Mansion

We must also provide military support to Changhexi to ensure the security of the territory.

In fact, Muya's original idea was to use Liu Shizi to scare Mu Tianwang, but Liu Chengzong was a man who was fearless and had extensive management.

He left only one instruction to the army stationed in Hexi: If you take one stone of food from me, ten stones will be taken back; if you take one of my people captive, ten will be taken back.

In this situation, it is surprising that both sides can live in peace. The border between Changhexi and Litang has directly become a paradise for bandits from the southwest and bandits from northern Shaanxi to further their professional skills.

Luo Rucai and Li Laojiao were fine when they were in Kangning Mansion. Although there were constant minor frictions on the border, there were two battalions of regular troops guarding the border, so no major conflict occurred.

To be honest, when Liu Chengzong saw the official document mentioning the time when the conflict broke out between the Litang Chieftain and the Changhexi Chieftain, it was just two months after Luo Rucai and Li Laozhen were transferred back to Xining. He understood very well that the Litang Chieftain was dismissed.

Anger that has been suppressed for a long time.

The chieftain of Litang was not a local, he was the leader appointed by King Mutian after he conquered Litang. The Mu family fought all the way in the north and south, and the meritorious generals were awarded the territory. However, they were suppressed by Liu Chengzong from the north for so long. Everyone would be angry.

Got a cerebral hemorrhage.

Therefore, the marshal's army took the lead and Litang chieftain raised his troops to rush across the Yalong River. It is understandable, and of course the ending can also be understood by Liu Chengzong.

The Litang chief under the command of King Mutian came and went quickly. He was buried last autumn. If the reincarnation goes smoothly, he should be almost one year old now.

Although the two battalions guarding Kangning Mansion were transferred away, the Marshal's Army and the Marshal's people were gone in the west of the Yangtze River.

People are inert, and they only have enough enthusiasm during the entrepreneurial stage. For nomadic people, starting a business is to harvest grass and grain; for farming people, starting a business is to build a foundation.

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There happens to be a group of people like this in the west of Changhe River. They come from Songpanwei and have been military villagers for generations. The long peace allowed the chiefs to occupy the land that originally belonged to them. The good family members who sent out soldiers for fifty acres became unable to eat.

A hungry cheap serf.

They still mastered the skills of fighting, but the lack of food and clothing made their bodies unable to carry heavy armor, they were unable to use hard bows, and they were unable to dance with long swords.

The guard house that was born in glory has become a shackles, as if it has lost the meaning of existence. After years of wielding a hoe, there is no freedom in the gloomy life.

They established a foundation in Xifan for the sake of a general, and they were waiting for them to come and enjoy it. They dragged their families and families across the grass, and what awaited them was the most bizarre life in the world.

A field, a family, farming, raising horses, studying and practicing martial arts.

The Generalissimo's Palace only divided the land and gave them cattle and sheep to these ruthless characters who refused to accept their fate. The flag army knew that these lands were not easy to obtain, because this was the same bizarre life as the ancestors of the Songpan Wei Banner Army when the Wei Suo was established.

It took our ancestors two generations to clean up the mountains and rivers that had been smelly for four hundred years.

They also followed the most familiar way of life and moved the Songpan Guards who had lost their officers to Changhe West, Luhuo and Makang, and established thirty-six villages named after a certain Hundred House Guards and a certain General Banner Guard.

At this juncture, a group of people suddenly rushed in and wanted to rob... For the Songpan Guards, being robbed by Baicaoban is a common memory that will never be forgotten in this life. When they hear this word, they feel stressed


The flag soldiers asked questions in a panic - is there any king's law? This place is different from Songpanwei, there is no king's law?

The Thirty-sixth Guards Banner Army's brows were filled with joy, and as they drew out their sabers, their smiles gradually became abnormal.

When the new magistrates of Kangning, Liu Jiusi, and Kangning's fellow magistrates, Liu Guoneng, arrived, they were surprised to find that the map of Kangning Mansion sent to them by the Marshal's Mansion was incomplete, with a pond missing.

In the report written by Liu Jiusi to Liu Chengzong, he described in detail the battle process of the Thirty-six Guards Banner Army for Litang. After discussion, the leaders of the thirty-six villages realized that they were short of troops. They could only fight with a few hundred people.

There is no way to fight against Litang, which has five thousand villages.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to mobilize military households to sell all the grain they grew, exchange it for money with Gama from Nangqian County magistrate, and sent people to various guards in Sichuan to hire people.

Some used the same rhetoric as Liu Chengzong's recruitment of the Songpan Guard Banner Army, and others simply bought people from the guard chief of Sichuan Xingdu Division. In the end, each household hired two Sichuan Army soldiers, and then they borrowed the weapon Jiawei from Mu Ya.


As a result, although the military strength is slightly inferior and the combat effectiveness is slightly inferior, the military quality of the flag army is better than that of the native soldiers who are good at robbing homes and houses.

They first fought a defensive battle in the west of Changhe... The chieftains in the southwest had a sparse territory, and they had always fought small battles. The chieftains were all neighbors. The wars were often because they were collecting grain while others were collecting guns. There was no food supply.

The Tao is not the Tao.

As a result, Mutianwang's Litang chief was ambushed, and the Turkish troops who were looting in separate lanes were surrounded and cannibalized. He wanted to retreat, and the iron cable bridge of the Yalong River was guarded. With the escape route cut off, the Sichuan soldiers used fire cannons to kill him.

The Thirty-Six Guards took advantage of the situation and invaded Litang. Muya from the west of Changhe also mobilized his troops and went out in full force. He originally wanted to follow the banner army to pick peaches. After all, to the native people of Litang, Muya and them were of the same race.

, Lijiang’s Mutianwang is an outsider.

The people of Thirty-Six Guards are easy for Muya to deal with. After all, they all rent and cultivate his land. After all, we are also a family, and there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

But the hired Sichuan army is too passionate about the land. Not to mention that Muya wants to expand the territory, I am afraid that even Liu Chengzong will come to Litang in person and want to take this land as his own. These Sichuan soldiers

Everyone disagrees.

Fortunately, Mu Ya was also open-minded. Seeing this situation, he simply didn't mention his thoughts. He just helped Thirty-Six Guards to stabilize Litang's people, sorted out household registration, land and other things, and sent them directly to the Marshal's Mansion.

He comforted himself: You just run a B&B. You are not here to do business, so you should mind your own business. However, Liu Chengzong still has to take care of this group of people, so as not to drive away King Mu and bring in another king.

When Liu Chengzong's perspective returned to Hehuang, his father got him a Yulin army.

In fact, it was the Children's Camp he established in Xincheng. Liu Chengzong had no idea of ​​forming a special army for the war-torn orphans in the Children's Camp. The education for the Children's Camp was from the beginning to entering Xincheng Academy, receiving various educations not limited to military.

After all, when the children's camp was established, the Marshal's Mansion fought two major battles in Hehuang and Oirat in a short period of time, reaching its peak in terms of military strength and wealth in a short period of time.

I can’t afford to feed too many.

His original intention was to use the children's camp as a talent reserve for grassroots officials.

However, for those older children who are already fourteen or fifteen years old when they enter the camp, in the center of the Marshal's Mansion where the military commanders dominate, all they see when they come in and out are military attaches riding tall horses and wielding wild goose feather swords. It is difficult for them not to yearn for this status.


Therefore, when their enlightenment was over, although Liu Chengzong opened seven subjects in Xincheng Academy: law, literature, agriculture, industry, commerce, medicine, and military, the children generally chose to go to the academy to study military affairs.

This is not surprising. After all, the military science and teaching staff of Xincheng Academy are second to none in the world. Three former Ming Dynasty military officers personally taught classes. The general who defeated them compiled the textbooks. Teachers who had experienced wars often took them to the school.

Hehuang, on-site teaching on the battlefield in Heka Grassland.

At present, the first batch of war orphans in the New City Children's Camp have grown up. There are 134 children in total. Among them, 63 people have entered the Baigong Bureau, Juerwan Market and various towns and townships. Most of them are girls. The remaining seven

All eleven of them studied military affairs.

Their study time was only two years, but they also learned a lot of things that officers should know. If they were to serve as officials in the countryside, they would not be able to develop their talents. Liu Xiangyu planned to organize them into a Yulin Army, and each of them would be awarded the Military Medal of Tiger and Ben.

, put it next to Liu Chengzong.

The purpose of writing this letter is to ask Liu Chengzong whether Huben's military honors are appropriate, because according to the regulations of the Marshal's Office, even the lowest third-class military honors of Huben require four years of service without having achieved military merit.

Liu Shizi raised his hand and replied: "Li Yu Lin Lang, yes; Hu Ben's military service is not acceptable. It is better to give it to a first-class talent officer and take it to Huben's camp for use."

He knew what his father meant was to give the children who had grown up a good start and cultivate a sense of honor. But on the one hand, rules and regulations were rules and regulations. On the other hand, these people were obviously not outstanding enough to require him to make an exception and break the rules.<


Indeed, orphans are like blank sheets of paper. The Marshal's Mansion is the only place they can rely on. Liu Chengzong is the only person they can rely on. There is a high probability that they will be very loyal.

But Liu Shizi felt that they were not the orphans of the Lion Camp. To put it bluntly, when he established the children's camp, he only saw that the Hehuang War had caused great damage to the place, and the children suffered a loss from fighting for porridge with the refugees outside the city, so he did not want the children to starve to death.

He was a warrior who came out to fight for heaven and earth, because the people who died unjustly were filled with pits and valleys, and the people who relied on him to survive to this day are also everywhere. He killed many people and saved many people. He would have thought that he would have passed away long ago.

The stage when you owe someone, or someone owes you something.

In a military government, the treatment of soldiers is a top priority, and the honors related to the soldiers' sense of honor are naturally the top priority.

A piece of blank paper, which of the bankrupt farmers who ran out of northern Shaanxi is not a blank piece of paper, even if they are in their prime, who followed him from northern Shaanxi to Qinghai, who is not loyal?

They have gone through many bloody battles on the battlefield. Except for some people with extraordinary ability and luck who have become generals, most of them are now generally serving as commanders, chiefs, and team management warriors and tiger warriors. Some of them have made mistakes in the process, and they may still be

Where is the official?

Others followed him and shed blood and left their homes to become rebels. Why should he let a few children step on these people's heads just because they had studied for two years?

There have been teachers in the camp since the Lion Camp. Which veteran at the level of Marshal Huben has not studied for two years?

Liu Chengzong was more willing to give them slightly lower military honors and stay by his side to observe them slowly. It would not be too late to promote those who are truly capable in the future.

However, Liu Shizi never expected that when he finished writing the reply and opened the next official document, his eyes widened.

What dad wants is just the military service of the soldiers. The real owner of this official document is even more powerful, and he went directly to him to ask for the throne.

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