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Chapter 523: Not a bad idea

 The letter requesting the title of king came from Uzang. It was the three brothers Huo Luochi, Guru, Lazun, and Baiyan who came together to request the title of king.

Liu Shizi was thinking in his heart, I'm not a fucking king yet, you'd better let me make you king first.

In his heart, Wu Zang is in the best condition right now. With Kangning Mansion blocking Qamdo outside and Huo Luochi brothers controlling it inside, there will be few things that will affect the energy of the Marshal Mansion, freeing up his hands.

Fight eastward.

But these three brothers asked him for the throne... It's not that Liu Chengzong didn't want to give it, he just felt that Brother Huo Luochi was a little impatient.

In the Chengyun Hall of Prince Su's Mansion, he took the letter and looked at Yang Dingrui in surprise: "Sir, these three brothers are out of their minds?"

Yang Dingrui knew he was talking about the three brothers Huo Luochi.

He was the prefect of Kangning earlier and was most familiar with Wuszang's affairs. What's more, this was a manifesto sent to Xincheng this summer. Yang Dingrui and Liu Xiangyu had already studied it several times.

The result of their research is very simple: "Without the support of the Marshal's Mansion, the Huo Luochi brothers will be defeated sooner or later."

"Defeat?" Liu Chengzong said in surprise: "They didn't seem to suffer any big losses when they entered Tibet. How did you see that they would be defeated?"

"From Kangning Mansion."

Yang Dingrui said it was reasonable and said: "The pirates have entered Tibet several times in the past. Each time they entered Tibet smoothly, but after a period of time they would be defeated. This is because of insufficient supplies and unstable military morale. This time they can

We stayed in Tibet for two years because Kangning Mansion provided material support behind us."

Liu Chengzong had heard a little about the support Yang Dingrui mentioned. Strictly speaking, it was not support, but trade.

It was said that Taiji transported the human and animal goods gained from the war into Tibet to Qamdo County via Leiwuqi, and then purchased the necessary armor, gunpowder, wooden cannons, as well as noodles, pickles, and carry-on items from Kangning Prefecture for the soldiers to go on an expedition.

In addition, every few months, Kangning Mansion repairs a batch of weapons for them.

Every few months, Kangning Mansion would send a report about Uzang to Xining Mansion through the inn. In fact, on the eve of Liu Chengzong's northern expedition to Gansu, he had just read a report from Kangning Mansion.<


What he analyzed from the report was that the three brothers Huo Luochi had gradually established a foothold in Uzang, and they already had craftsmen who could repair armor and weapons, which could meet military needs.

Because they no longer transport old armor to Qamdo.

But what Liu Shizi imagined was not the truth. Yang Dingrui spread his hands and said: "When I was in Kangning, I sent some monks to Uzang to find out the situation in the place under the pretext of worshiping Buddha. At the beginning of this year, those monks came back.

The situation in Huo Luochi is not as optimistic as the battle report shows."

"Sir, are you saying that Huo Luochi sent me false information?"

Liu Chengzong frowned and said: "According to the battle report, they have occupied most of the land in Uszang. The cavalry raided the noble territories over and over again. Only the Zongshan Fort in Shigatse occupied by Zangba is still resisting."


Yang Dingrui sighed helplessly and nodded: "Huo Luochi didn't lie. It's because we didn't do a good job with Wuszang's intelligence. They controlled the grasslands in Yidangxiong, Naqu and other places, and relied on the Yellow Sect monks to control Zangba.

Suppressed south of the Lhasa Valley."

"Even looking at the entire topographic map, Huo Luochi controls four or five times more land than Zangba."

Yang Dingrui couldn't help but smile bitterly as he said: "But in the world, whoever has more land never wins. If we take the Marshal's Mansion as an example, it is equivalent to Zangba ruling the Hehuang Valley, and Huo Luochi occupying Heka and Golmud.

Who does the commander think is strong and who is weak?"

Liu Chengzong blinked: "I understand what Mr. Huo Luochi said. Huo Luochi occupies a barren land."

"Yes, although Zangba is invincible on the battlefield, he controls millions of acres of irrigated fields in the Lhasa River Basin, has land, and has a population; Huoluochi's offensive is like fire, but their Mongolian soldiers and horses are numerous

, if one dies, one will be missing."

Yang Dingrui shook his head slightly: "It won't be long before they become a nomadic tribe on the Damxung Grassland. At that time, in order to survive, they will rob all the places around them, not just in the Lhasa Valley, but also in Qamdo and even Kangning.

Liu Chengzong frowned instinctively and wanted to ask: Do they dare to rob me?

But soon after, he felt relieved, and even felt that his mentality was a bit funny... He was a rebel in the peasant uprising, and he should understand the behavior of dying people clutching life-saving straws.

Either die now or die after robbing, no one will care at that time.

"Because of this, Huo Luochi urgently needs stronger support from the Marshal's Mansion...such as the Marshal's Army entering Tibet." After Yang Dingrui said that, he raised his hand and tapped on the table: "But how can we guarantee that the Marshal's Army's Tiger and Wolf Division will enter Tibet?

Huo Luochi’s dominant position in Uzang?”

Liu Chengzong raised his hand to cover the form sent by Huo Luochi's three brothers, and replied: "Accepting the title of the Marshal's Mansion and becoming the king of the Marshal's Mansion... you are truly worthy of them."

The three sons of Huo Luochi have been dealing with the Ming army for half their lives and are very familiar with the ritual system of the Central Plains. Moreover, they have been living in Qinghai and have many contacts with Hexi, which was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. They are very familiar with the political system of the Central Plains.

, and entered Uzang, a place that has always had a tradition of inviting foreign aid.

Combining the two, the Marshal's Mansion is the easiest foreign aid for them to attract.

However, when Liu Chengzong heard Yang Dingrui's words, he thought of something else, which made Yang Dingrui smile and say: "That is, after all, the first person who advised you to become the emperor asked you to make you a king. It is normal.

Liu Chengzong laughed loudly after hearing this.

Not to mention, although the entire Marshal's Mansion's goal was to make Liu Chengzong the emperor, the Han generals in the Marshal's Mansion supported him in declaring him the Great Khan of all Mongolia; and the third brother Huo Luochi, who was born in Mongolia, persuaded him to join him at that time

Be the emperor.

The emperor of the Yuan Empire.

After laughing, Liu Chengzong put on a serious expression, frowned and said: "It is easy to be crowned king, but it is difficult to handle the appeal of the three brothers Huo Luochi."

The real purpose of their request to be crowned king was to hope that the Marshal's Mansion would send troops to Tibet. However, even Liu Chengzong and Yang Dingrui knew very well that simply sending troops to Tibet would be just a sequel to Huo Luo Chibu's entry into Tibet and would not solve the problem.

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As for completely solving the Uzang problem, the Marshal's Mansion has limited capabilities at this stage, so it is not cost-effective.

To put it simply, Uszang is very special because of its geographical isolation. As an independent geographical unit, the historical process of Uszang is actually not lagging behind.

From the first generation of Zangpu of the Yarlung tribe to the 32nd generation of Zangpu Songtsen Gampo, Songtsen Gampo, who was already relatively powerful, took two generations to unify the whole of Tibet, divide the four regions of Tibet, and have 200

With a population of 860,000, a powerful centralized slavery state on the snowy plateau was established.

Inconvenient transportation, language barriers, different customs, war victories, prisoners of war, aborigines, debtors, criminals, all countries in the world that conquered large areas of land in a short period of time, from the Western Zhou Dynasty to Rome, from Rome to England, from England to the United States, have adopted


Tubo is not lagging behind.

After that, Uszang developed rapidly. In the ninth century when Tubo was destroyed, a large number of civilians and slaves revolted, forming a long-term chaotic separatist regime and entering the era of feudal serfdom, which was not far behind in the world.

But after that, Uszang ushered in the most special place - the Liangzhou Alliance.

More than three hundred years of secession and turmoil caused a sharp decline in the Uzbek population. During the heyday of Mongolia, the Mongolian army deployed troops on Fengxiang Road, Lintao Road, Lizhou West Road, Lizhou East Road, Tongchuanfu Road, and Chengdufu Road.

, and in the north, when Genghis Khan surrendered the Uighurs and destroyed Xixia, they were already bordering the border.

The Mongolian army surrounded the entire Uzang on three sides, and the encirclement was even tighter than the current siege of Uzang by the Marshal's Mansion.

Later, a Mongolian army marched into Uzang, burned the temple, and stayed there for two years to ascertain information. Then they invited the most powerful religious leader Sakya Pandita to Liangzhou to discuss the ownership of Uzang, and eventually the entire Uzang was destroyed.

The cache is included in the territory.

This is a compromise made by both sides to avoid war, and it is a great achievement in shaping peace, but it also creates a problem - the social problems within Uzbekistan have not been resolved.

The history spirals upward. In every era of the Central Plains Dynasty, it will experience a lot of waste at the beginning. After repairing the damage caused by the war, it develops rapidly. The happiness and satisfaction people gain can bridge the problems caused by development, until the land conflicts become increasingly

Intense, and ultimately social unrest, returning to the war years.

Only at this time will people enter the time of reflection in pain. In the end, the most capable people will stand out from the chaos and killings, lead the most powerful army and unrivaled prestige in the land, and set out to solve the legacy of past development.

solve the existing problems, eradicate the long-standing shortcomings, and create a new foundation for the next dynasty.

The Liangzhou League interrupted this process of Uzang. The social problems of the Tubo period were left to the Yuan Dynasty due to the intervention of external forces. The Mongols of the Yuan Dynasty solved their own problems. As for other people's problems, the Mongols had nothing to do with them.
When the Yuan Dynasty fell, the Xifan people's own problems were still unresolved and were left to the Ming Dynasty. While Zhu Yuanzhang solved the Han people's own problems, he would also not solve the problems of the Mongols, Semu people, and Xifan people.

Because even if a person has the supreme imperial power in the world, he can only solve the social problems that he has seen with his own eyes, because if a person removes a stone, there is no other reason than that the stone is blocking his way.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. She doesn’t see, doesn’t know, and can’t empathize with her. How can she solve it?

Everyone has their own problems to solve. Some people have more people and some have fewer people. This has something to do with the environment. Zhu Yuanzhang has the most experience and has solved the most problems.

His son didn't have that much social experience, but he was very capable. The biggest problem was his great nephew - which was also solved.

It's not so good when I get to Chongzhen Ye. I don't have enough social experience, but my advantage is that I'm diligent and capable, and I'm good at discovering problems and solving them.

High-ranking officials are a problem, which can be easily solved; common people are a problem, which falls apart; finance is a problem, which is puzzling; finance is a problem, which is difficult to solve.

Anyway, it’s solved.

But social problems are like cancer. The earlier they are discovered, the easier they are to solve; the longer they remain, the more difficult they are to solve - problems never want to be solved by themselves.

The centuries-old feudal system problems left over by Uzang are the reason why Uzbek soldiers are weak. The people are all the same. Zangba Khan’s army is even better equipped than the Mongolian army of the three brothers.

The root of the problem lies in starting a war but losing ground.

Zangba Khan ostensibly occupies Tibet, but in fact he has many local kings under his command. Some dare to fight, some enjoy themselves, and a hundred nobles have a hundred tricks. How can he fight against the Huo Luochi brothers who have lost their hometown?

Yang Dingrui said: "Actually, I thought it would be easy to send troops to Tibet, but it would be difficult to make them a king... Which king would be suitable for them? Now there is no king in the Marshal's Mansion, Huitai Jidu is just a state uncle, even if brother Huo Luochi gets a title,

The title should also be under Batur Hutaiji."

Liu Chengzong waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter. I gave Batur Hutai a low title because I have my heart to give him a title promotion in the future. The three brothers Huo Luochi may not need to have a title promotion in the future - not to mention, if it is difficult to solve, we will not do it."

Let’s do it.”

Liu Shishi smiled and said: "I wrote back and told them that I remember their support for me, but now that I have not become king, it is a bit too early for them to ask me for the title of king. According to the rules of the commander's mansion, the three brothers are all Taiwanese."

Ji, let's all make them county magistrates first, handle Wu Zang's affairs step by step, and their titles will be promoted little by little. It is not impossible that they will be granted hereditary royal titles in the future."

Hearing this, Yang Dingrui shook his head and said, "Are you really planning to make a Mongolian king in the Central Plains?"

"Of course not."

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "I don't want to be too stingy with leaders like them who have their own troops and are willing to surrender, but of course I will not confer a Mongolian title on the Central Plains... Sir, the world is so big!"

After that, Liu Chengzong sorted out the documents and said: "This reply letter is sent to Uzang. It is estimated that it will not be long before Taiji will ask the marshal's army to enter Tibet. Kangning's garrison cannot be moved and the fortress of Zangba will be pulled out."

, it should be enough to mobilize a battalion of troops and horses. Can the Kangning Mansion have the ability to transport artillery into Uzang?"

Yang Dingrui wanted to nod in agreement. After more than two years of development, Kangning Mansion has the ability to be self-sufficient and has sufficient manpower. It is also familiar with transporting supplies to Uzang from the direction of Qamdo.

However, thinking about the changes in the Marshal's Expeditionary Force in Gansu still made him hesitate: "What weight are you talking about?"

"Thousand-pound cannon."

Yang Dingrui thought it was okay, it was not the big monster Liu Chengzong built in the north. He nodded and said: "The road is difficult, but it is not unlucky."

Liu Chengzong thought about the list of generals in his mind, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, the battalion given to Li Laojiao will be promoted to the main camp, equipped with craftsmen, and then cast after Qamdo. I will give him another one with only more than a thousand soldiers."

Camp, go to Kangning Mansion to replenish the troops."

A camp of more than a thousand soldiers?

Yang Dingrui asked: "There is still a small camp with more than a thousand people in the Marshal's Mansion?"

"With Zhang Xianzhong's newly surrendered troops in the north, I plan to send General Feng Shuangli to follow Li Laojiao into Tibet to explore the way."

Liu Chengzong has been thinking about the benefits of entering Tibet. The manpower and material resources that Uszang can provide are almost offset by the long distance. Many mineral resources on the plateau are difficult to exploit with current technical means. The biggest benefit is probably that it is close to India.


Tubo once pushed the border to the Ganges River, and Liu Shizi did not intend to dig up the ancestral tomb of Emperor Taizu, but he thought that if Zhang Xianzhong had the courage, he would be able to attack Fengyang in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty and capture Xiangyang along the Yangtze River.<


After a few years, relying on the integrated Uzang, asking him to go down the mountain and take a stroll in the Ganges might not be an option.

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