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Chapter 53 Starving Ghosts

 "As far as the virtues of the Yan'an Guards are concerned, whoever suppresses whom should be suppressed? I will slap those trustworthy soldiers into pieces!"

In front of the cave dwelling at the foot of Xingpingli Mountain, Cao Yao spoke nonsense.

Liu Chengzu leaned against the tree trunk and said angrily: "You can eat as much as you want. The purpose of raising food is for the 2,700 acres of land in Changpingli. Not only will the land of the officers and soldiers be lost, but Xingpingli will also be lost."

This is not a matter of whether they can defeat the officers and soldiers. Hundreds of men, women, and children have no place to escape, not to mention that even if there is a place to go, others may not be willing to follow them.

We are clearly related by blood, but for the sake of pride, the clan is separated, and the ancestral graves are gone. No one can bear this sin.

"I will give you a thousand kilograms of millet, and the family will be completely empty. He will find a way to borrow some from Xingping. However, Liujiamao will have to use food in the past few months to build the fort, and there is not much food left in the village.

, I guess I can borrow another one or two thousand catties?"

Cao Yao chewed the seed with his head down and said vaguely: "I have ten stones of rice and grain, which is equivalent to one thousand five hundred catties."

"The borrowed grain must be paid back before the end of the year."

Liu Chengzu crossed his arms and counted, and asked: "Before six months, you have to get another three thousand kilograms of rice to have enough food. Lion, are there any flax beans in the old temple village that we can harvest?"

Liu Chengzong shook his head.

Cao Yao picked up the remains of the seeds that spilled on the stone and put them into his mouth. He said angrily: "The land has been ruined by thieves. It is cleaner than the dry trenches of Yuhe Fort."

The three of them looked at each other in silence.

Until the silence was interrupted by the sound of drums.

There is a big drum in Xingping, which is located on Liujiamao. It will be beaten only when important events occur.

Cao Yaoshang didn't know why, but the Liu brothers were so frightened that they ran outside.

They met Guo Zashi who was limping over.

The butcher had a sharp knife on his waist and a long iron stab in his hand. He handed over the leather belt holding the knife, bow and quiver, and said: "My boss, someone has entered the mountain!"

In the event of a sudden incident, Liu Chengzu's training had some effect, making the village chaotic and orderly.

The woman hurriedly ran home with the baby in hand, the strong man picked up his weapons and walked out. Mr. Liu and Yang Dingrui also headed towards the entrance of the village surrounded by their clansmen.

Liu Chengzong jumped up and climbed up the wall step by step. Looking towards the valley, he realized what Guo Zashi meant by "people entering the mountains".

The huge crowds came from nowhere, like a plague of locusts.

Spreading two miles from the mountain pass, hundreds of thousands rushed straight into the valley and scattered in the fields.

The old, weak, women and children carried bamboo baskets and sickles as if to grab the harvest, and cut the freshly green millet into bundles with a knife. Some were so hungry that they grabbed the green sprouts and stuffed them into their mouths.

The men did not do this, and each armed with sticks and sharp weapons, they approached the entrance of the village in groups, forcing a dozen young men who rushed out after hearing the news to come back.

Behind, on the dirt slope of a field a hundred or so steps away from the village entrance, five or six people were standing.

Some wear half-sleeved chain mail, some wear cotton-padded clothes and red lacquer helmets with the word "Yong", and some wear blue robes for government officials and robes for Confucian scholars.

These people surrounded a man wearing a blue cloth mask and a hundred-general flag helmet, and said something to the two bare-butted men.

Then, the two men were wrapped in clothes and walked toward the entrance of the village.

Those are two characters who don't look very human.

They had no weapons, were skinny and barefooted, and were covered in tattered clothes picked up from nowhere, which could not cover their bulging bellies.

From this distance, Liu Chengzong couldn't see their faces and expressions clearly. He could only see their bulging bellies, which looked like starving ghosts in ancient paintings.

They walked forward slowly with their bellies puffed out like this.

The rural soldiers in Xingpingli have blocked the road leading to the village with wooden fences. People took their bows and crossbows and everything that could be used as weapons and stood ready.

The training time of the rural soldiers was still short, and seeing the countless thieves scattered in the fields, they felt fear in their hearts.

The thieves and soldiers did not expect that so many people with weapons would emerge from this village, and they were also a little panicked.

The two sides formed a confrontation situation thirty or forty steps apart at the entrance of the village.

As they walked, one of them looked up at the sky, staggered, and fell heavily to the ground lifeless.

Only the bulging belly was left, which was made transparent by the sunlight, revealing the green intestines inside.

The other man with a big belly didn't even look at it, he just kept walking forward with his head lowered. The field road with the rising sun in the sky looked like the underworld.

At this moment, Guo Zashi had already brought the armor from the inner room, waiting for Liu Chengzong to jump off, put on the armor, and lead the horse forward.

After he squeezed into the crowd, the pot-bellied man walked very slowly until he was ten steps away from the wooden fence. He tried his best, but his voice was still weak.

"The king of my family is the second brother of King Baishui. He will be a general in charge of the breeding team. He must quickly get the food and offer the cattle, donkeys and horses to ensure safety. Otherwise, the chickens and dogs will not be left!"

After hearing this, the ordinary people in Xingping looked at each other and did not dare to say anything. The elders of the clan also had no idea and could only look at Liu Xiangyu.

Mr. Liu was capable of taking charge. He took a step forward, raised his arms and said, "Go back and tell the thieves that Mr. Liu is the leader of the people in Beixiang, Yan'an Prefecture. I pity you for being hungry. You have to get out of the mountain within a short time. Otherwise, don't blame me for being incompetent."


The clay figurine still has a third of fire. Whose family would not be angry if their fields were destroyed?

But these hungry thieves who were half human and half ghost came to shout, which made people feel that they were really at the end of their rope, and they felt a little pity for no reason.

Mr. Liu spoke forcefully, but in the end he didn't feel like he wanted to fight with them.

Liu Chengzong stepped forward and said beside his father: "Big, these thieves won't be able to make it back alive to spread the word. Use the cavalry to drive them away."

Yang Dingrui couldn't bear to look at them any longer, and said: "These people are also the princes of the imperial court. Drive them away, otherwise they will ruin the crops and make it difficult to survive the autumn."

After hearing Liu Chengzong's words, Mr. Liu was still a little hesitant.

It wasn't until he heard Yang Dingrui say that the crops were ruined that his eyes finally became firm and cold.

He can't let his own people become like this!

Liu Xiangyu looked around at his nephews and nephews, and finally fixed his eyes on Liu Chengzu's face: "Chengzu, there are thousands of thieves, can you win?"

This sentence is tantamount to agreeing to go to war.

Liu Chengzong stepped forward holding his helmet and said: "Hey, the leader of the thief is there, I can kill him."

Liu Chengzu nodded in agreement with this plan and said: "The front team's rural soldiers and machine soldiers first used bows, crossbows and fire blunderbuss for a while, and then the lions led the border troops and cavalry to directly attack the thieves' heads. The thieves will disperse."

After that, he turned around and said hello.

Shi Chang Tian Shoujing, who usually assists in training the rural soldiers, led the rural soldiers to form a formation at the entrance of the village.

Liu Chengzong strung his bow and arrows, specially selected three arrows with armor-piercing awls, and moved them to the best position in the quiver.

Gao Xian followed Liu Chengzu's instructions to "take good care of the lion" and led four cavalrymen to follow him, inspecting the weapons and armor, and making final preparations.

This time it was Cao Yao's turn to be an idler, but he couldn't stay idle. Seeing the fear spreading among the village soldiers during the first battle, he infiltrated into the ranks and held up his three-eyed blunderbuss, mobilizing before the war.

"Don't lose your life because of your soft heart. These hairballs are desperate. If they don't want to die, they have to kill us all. They don't dress like humans, they don't eat like humans, and they don't do human things. They are not human beings! What are they?"
In the voice of the old Sarhu thieves shouting out the word "hair ball" at the top of their lungs, the firecrackers of the Beixiang Motor Corps were fired, and the first-time local soldiers shot arrows at the hungry thieves outside the village through the smoke of gunpowder.
Amidst the shouts, Liu Chengzong saddled his horse tightly, and the five cavalrymen behind him followed suit.

As the smoke gradually cleared, the village soldiers were shot three times to make way for them at the entrance of the village.

As the horse walked out, Liu Chengzong took a deep breath, drew out his Yanling Saber, raised his arms and raised his fingers, leaned forward on the horse and stood up slightly.

Sensing his master's intention, Hongqi shook his head from side to side and spread his hooves, rushing through the smoke and rushing into the enemy's position.

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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