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Chapter 54 Avalokitesvara

 The confrontation front line swept by arrows and projectiles was full of injured people wailing and squirming.

Liu Chengzong rushed out of the smoke and only had time to cut down a few people before the battle was over.

There are indeed many thieves in this gang, but their actual quality is not even 30% as good as Bai Yingzi's.

The thief ran faster than him. Before he could lead the cavalry out of the smoke, those who should have been shot had been shot, and those who had not been shot had already fled.

The speed of his escape was unmatched, and it was impossible to tell that he was about to starve to death.

I just wish my parents had given birth to four less wheels and an engine.

The leader of the thieves ran earlier. If Liu Chengzong hadn't tripped over a field ridge, he almost wouldn't have been able to catch up with him. It's hard to imagine that a man wearing a helmet and armor could jump like a rabbit.

It was because of tripping over a field that he escaped Liu Chengzong's armor-piercing arrow.

Just such a small mistake, the head was stolen by teammates.

Red flag.

Several of the bandit leader's subordinates were being chased by Gao Xian and others, and Liu Chengzong was ready to ride his mount across the fields to catch them alive.

Unexpectedly, the seed management team fell a bit hard and got up slowly. As soon as they raised half of their bodies and staggered forward, they were trampled to death by Hong Qi's hoof.

The shoe stepped on the back of the head, and half of the head of the breeding team was crushed into the soil.

The color made Liu Chengzong sick when he took the helmet off.

This helmet is definitely a good thing. Even after death, the helmet was not damaged, only a horseshoe mark was left on the back.

When he was getting his helmet and armor, Liu Chengzong also took the opportunity to pick up a prisoner. The young man in Confucian robes next to the thief was paralyzed by fright. He couldn't move his legs and had no weapons. He yelled and waved the harp.

Seeing that there was no threat, he asked Liu Chengzong to grab some clothes and tied him up.

Liu Chengzu was worried that the thieves would reunite after being defeated, so he led his country soldiers and strong women armed with spears, bows and crossbows to rush out in formation and sweep across the entire valley, trying to drive all the thieves out of the mountain without causing too many killings.

A battle lasted only a very short time, but the finishing work of cleaning up the battlefield was not completed until the evening.

When Liu Chengzong led the prisoner back, he ran into Xiaoliu. This little bald man came out at some time and squatted next to the big-bellied roadie. He was not afraid of the dead and poked the dead body's hard belly with a small wooden stick.

The child said with a smile on his face: Brother Lion, have you ever seen a belly like this? My dad is like this, it’s amazing.

It’s so confusing that it makes people uncomfortable to hear it.

Liu Chengzong knew that this kind of belly was very common among hungry people.

This is the sequelae of eating too much Guanyin soil.

From those who simply eat to those who simply eat dirt, the distance is very far, far enough to allow a person who should have died of starvation to live a few more months.

Guanyin clay is porcelain clay, and there is always no shortage of porcelain clay in northern Shaanxi.

This name is not an irony or an antonym, nor does it mean to eat some dirt and see Guanyin early.

When there is a shortage of food, people will use every means to collect and forage. Wild vegetables, tree bark, and Guanyin soil that can satisfy hunger will all be collected.

The soil is sifted into fine pieces, mixed with chopped and grated wild vegetables and tree bark, kneaded into balls, steamed over the fire and eaten.

It’s because you haven’t lived long enough and eating this can really extend your life, so it’s called Guanyin soil.

However, porcelain clay cannot be digested and is easy to eat but difficult to swallow. If you eat a small amount, you can dig it out with a wooden stick during defecation. If you eat too much, it will block the intestines and become like this.

And these hungry people who rushed into Heilong Mountain used sickles to cut off the unripe millet and stuffed it into their mouths... They were so hungry that they lost their minds.

The rural soldiers won the battle easily, which should have swept away the haze of the massacre of the old temple village.

But the bloody results could not make them happy.

Tenant Shi Wanzhong was covered in blood from the killing, and he sat on the ridge of the field with eyes blank. His mother-in-law ran out of the village after the war, collapsed in the trampled and damaged millet field, covered her face and cried bitterly, wailing and pointing to the sky and the earth, saying that it was worse than

Let her die.

The millet in the field will mature in just one month, but it will never have the chance to mature.

The tenancy rent is gone, and so is the summer tax.

The father of the family sat gloomily in the hall, interrogating the prisoners kneeling on the ground.

The prisoner's name is Song Shouzhen, a native of Yijun in the south. He is not a scholar, but a musician.

This group of thieves is not the same group as those who massacred the old temple village. They came from the south and are subordinates of King Baishui.

Not long ago, Wang Er was killed by the army in Shangluo. Tens of thousands of thieves fled in all directions. They continued to flee north, gathering thousands of people along the way.

I went to Yan'an Prefecture two days ago. I mingled with the refugees outside the city and found out that Heilongshan had bought 2,700 acres of land and that it was an official who had been dismissed. I wanted to come and join a wealthy family.

Liu Xiangyu felt a dizziness on his forehead. He closed his eyes and steadied himself before saying, "Your ancestor was also a loyal and good man. Why did he do... alas!"

"After Zhongliang? After Zhongliang, I can only wear long clothes if I rebel - ouch!"

Before Song Shouzhen could finish speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Liu Chengzong: "If you don't want to live, just talk back."

Liu Chengzong was worried about his father and ordered Guo Zashi, who was carrying the iron hook, to keep an eye on the prisoners.

He went over and helped Liu Xiangyu stand up and said, "Da, you've been tired for a long day. Come in and take a rest. I'll interrogate him."

He knew that Song Shouzhen was indeed Zhongliang, and everyone knew it.

The Lehu people in Shanxi, Shaanxi, are all descendants of loyal ministers who supported Emperor Jianwen when Emperor Chengzu was in trouble.

During the Yongle period, a new lowly register was compiled, and imperial examinations were not allowed. Generations of prostitutes were born, and they would never be able to stand up again.

Liu Xiangyu looked really tired and had no intention of arguing with his second son. He let him help him into the inner house, sat on the couch and sighed heavily.

Liu Chengzong was about to go out when he heard Liu Xiangyu say: "Chengzong..."

Turning his head, my father stopped talking.

Liu Chengzong nodded and said: "It's okay, just rest and relax, I know what's going on."

He read too much worry on his father's face.

Summer taxes have to be paid from May to August, but the harvest in Heilong Mountain is now ruined.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get through this level.

Coming out of the inner room, brother Chengzu and cousin Chengyun were in the hall. Cao Yao, Gaoxian and other frontier soldiers were all packing their armor and fetching water to wash their faces in the front yard.

"Is everything okay?"

Liu Chengzong shook his head: "It's okay. There are too many things going on in Black Dragon Mountain. I'm afraid he will faint. The rest will depend on our brothers. Are there any casualties among our soldiers?"

Liu Chengzu also looked very tired, nodded and said: "The only child of the coffin maker's family has died, and there is no descendant; the fifth child of Uncle Xiang Liang's family has a broken intestine, and it is estimated that he cannot be saved; there are still a few injured, Mr. Yang is treating them."
"Has the thief's body been collected?"

"We are moving to Beishan. There are forty-six of them. We have to dig two big pits until dark. Come back and wash away the blood. We will dig the pits later."

Liu Chengzu sighed tiredly: "I don't have a clue about what to do next, so I want to ask you."

"Stop asking, call all the women and children in the fields back to the village, and don't let them go out at night. The bodies will be placed beside the pit instead of being put into the pit. Two carts of lime will be pushed over from the brick kiln.

Then, after doing the calculations, while it’s still dark, go to the fields again and calculate the losses of each family’s fields this time.”

Liu Chengzong took a deep breath, turned to look at Cao Yao, Gao Xian and Tian Shoujing, and stretched out his hands: "Brothers, please lend me your wrist-breaking swords."

As soon as he said this, everyone knew what he wanted to do.

Liu Chengzu said: "Chengzong, they are all hungry people, so they will not die without their whole bodies."

"We are neither relatives nor friends or enemies. It seems that I have a heart of stone. Brother, if you want me to say that they should not die, but we should die?"

Liu Chengzong took the wrist-relieving knife from Cao Yao and said: "Whether the living or the dead are more important, I only know that they are thieves. The leader of the thieves can receive rewards in the county government. If you are punished by God, you can report it to the official and don't care. I want to

Cut off their heads themselves."

This chapter has been completed!
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