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Chapter 529: The book and the article are on the same track

 Chu Huer of Junggar tribe is an unruly person.

He secretly transported a white camel and eight majestic white horses among the goods he secretly transported from Oirat to Kulwan.

Du'er Boda has never seen Chu Hu'er so respectful in his life. He took the most precious tribute from Tianshan North Road all the way to Qinghai and stationed himself at the bank of Qinghai Lake. When the Marshal's Mansion called, he led Jiubai to come respectfully.

See you in person.

Chu Huer asked Liu Chengzong for help, and his status in the four Oirat tribes was extremely special.

On the one hand, as a loser in the war, his pasture was driven to the outlying areas of Oirat, which was closer to the Russian stronghold than to the Junggar temple in Yinli. The situation was very critical.

On the other hand, although the war ended with the Torgut tribe who supported him being beaten and forced to move westward, his purpose of launching the war was fully achieved and he successfully inherited the tribes and property of his brother Qingtai Ji.

, and during the war, he annexed the legacy of another brother, Bai Batu, and integrated it into one-third of the power of the Junggar tribe. He was a rare powerful feudal lord in Siwei Lat.

But Chuhu'er has a very weak point. The tribes and land he controls are not recognized by other Oirat leaders.

Under this situation, his brother Batur Hutaiji received the support of Liu Chengzong and was intensively preparing for war in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. Chu Huer must fight for the opportunity to come to Qinghai, just for three things.

First, he hoped that Liu Chengzong could also give him a decent title to ensure his status in Oirat.

Second, he wanted to know whether the Marshal's Office's land policy towards the west of the Tianshan Mountains was really like the legend, and whoever captured it would belong to it.

As for the third one, he also wants weapons, firearms and armor, the more the better.

It is difficult for the nomadic warriors of the Mongolian tribes to use firearms. There is too much internal resistance, which cannot be easily changed by a wise leader. This is the same reason why it was difficult for Liu Chengzong to use firearms during his time in the Lion Camp.

The processing of firearms is complex, and there are no fixed settlements. Even if there are some craftsmen on hand, existing firearms can only be repaired in a short period of time, and large-scale production cannot be carried out. At the same time, gunpowder and projectiles also require the acquisition and processing of mineral resources.

Ability puts forward higher requirements, and the most important thing is that there are a large number of warriors who have used bows and arrows for half their lives, making it difficult for them to change their main weapons in a short period of time.

The Junggar tribe is the most special in the Mongolian world. External pressure forces them to eliminate internal resistance and maintain their huge desire for firearms.

For no other reason, all around them, the Russians, Kazakhs, Yarkands, and the Marshal's Mansion are all using muskets, and in the past time, these muskets have caused them great losses again and again - the ancient tradition has

Collapse, there is no way to hold on anymore.

For Liu Chengzong, Chu Huer's appearance made him very fond of him.

The soldiers of the Ming army have a fixed image. Their uniforms are red, the soldiers have beards, and the red sea is visible from the military formation. Chu Huer also has a strong beard, which looks very much like his soldiers.

But even so, due to Liu Chengzong's nature, he didn't care about Chu Hu'er's submission at all, because these things may be true or false. Even if they are true now, they may be true a year and a half later.

It's fake.

The attitude of others towards him never depends on others, but on his own strength and the benefits he can bring to others.

At the yamen of the Marshal's Mansion in Xincheng, Liu Chengzong intimately invited Chu Hu'er to sit in the second seat. Although Chu Hu'er could not speak Chinese, with Dalai as an interpreter, the communication between the two was effortless.

Liu Chengzong asked someone to pull out the map, and simply drew a simple and rough line in the northwest along Lake Balkhash. He raised his hand and waved it to the west: "To the west of this line, any place included in the territory will have a Xuanwei Department. In addition to regular tribute,

Full power over local affairs was handed over to the Xuanwei envoys, and local officials were allowed to inherit it from generation to generation, so that the local people would be controlled forever."

"Only." When Liu Chengzong said this, he took a serious look at Chu Hu'er: "The books share the same text, the carriages share the same track, we must share the same wind, and the nine states share the same connection."

Dalai Taiji blinked. Although he had always believed that his level of Chinese studies was quite high, translating this sentence was a simple challenge.

He looked at Chu Hu'er who was waiting for the translation, paused for a long time, racked his brains, and then said: "Everything between the sky and the earth, east, west, north and south, from the Shandong coast to the Irtysh River, all use the same words and languages.

, everyone is under the rule of Dunta Ullus Daichen Khitan Khan and uses the same rules to restrain the tribesmen."

Chu Hu'er didn't refute, but he didn't respond immediately. He just looked straight at Liu Chengzong with eyes that didn't look very smart. Doubts occupied his brain - the young Han Khan in front of him seemed to be a real person.

Believe what he said.

Chu Hu'er can guarantee that this Han Khan doesn't even know that even in the tribe under his jurisdiction, the Yi tribes together have at least seven languages. If you count the uncommon words from various sources, there are hundreds of them.

No words are exaggerating.

To put it simply, the Siberian Khanate in the west was wiped out by the Russians. After the death of their leader Kuchu Khan, the survivors fled to the land controlled by the Junggar tribe thirty years ago.

Nowadays, some of the furs brought by Chu Huer from Oirat to Liu Chengzong are fur taxes paid by the survivors of the Siberian Khanate to the Junggar tribe.

Chuhu'er understood that using the same words and the same laws would make the Khanate stronger. In fact, his brother Batur Hutaiji, his father Halahura, and even any ruler on the grassland had

Such thoughts.

It is one thing to have the right idea, but correctness is not necessarily related to success.

There is naturally no necessary relationship between promising and doing it.

So after a brief hesitation, Chu Huer slapped her chest loudly and agreed without hesitation.

His purpose is to obtain some weapons from the Marshal's Mansion to support his upcoming war. It has nothing to do with Liu Chengzong's desire to build a powerful empire on this extremely vast land. Since it has nothing to do with the latter, why is he arguing about it?

Can you succeed?

As long as the Great Khan provides weapons and equipment, if you say the sky is dark in broad daylight, then it will be dark!

For Liu Chengzong, all the efforts made on the Tianshan Mountains were just to stabilize future generations. After all, if you want to consolidate Guanzhong, you must first consolidate Qinlong. If you want to consolidate Qinlong, you must consolidate Hexi. If you want to consolidate Hexi, you must consolidate Hexi.

Denounce the Western Regions - All fears stem from insufficient strategic depth.

"I know what you want; you come to pledge your allegiance, and I feel your heart; I can give you what you want, but not like this."

Liu Chengzong smiled at Chu Hu'er and asked Dalai Taiji to draw Chu Hu'er's territory on the map. The pasture land in winter and summer was very large, but it was not a good place. It was almost within the sphere of influence of the Junggar tribe and the Russians.


He said: "The general trend of the world is changing. If you are enterprising, the territory you will conquer in the future will be much larger than it is now. I will support you. I will grant you the post of General of the Chu Hu'er Camp and fight with my brother Liu Chengzu."

, Tianshan Yamen will record your merits for you, report to the Marshal's Mansion, and I will confer a title on you."

Liu Chengzong wished that he could be granted the title of earl all over Tianshan. The value of a title lies in whether I have you or not. If everyone is an earl, then the earl is nothing.

But everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Every one of the titles of the Oirat nobles in the Marshal's Mansion was obtained by being beaten. When others came to Qinghai to be beaten, Chu Hu'er did not come. After the beating, Chu Hu'er

If you come here, Liu Chengzong can't just grant him a title.

What's more, Liu Chengzong will not be able to grant a title to Chu Hu'er for a while. In order to appease the Golden Family and the Mongolian leaders, the title of the Marshal's Mansion itself was linked to the Mongolian title when setting the rules. Originally, Chu Hu'er should also be a Taiji.

But he had a fight with his father and lost the title that should have been given to him.

Now that he is an ordinary nobleman, Liu Chengzong can of course be granted the title, but it is not necessary.

However, in the future, if Chuhuer can seize a piece of land from the Kazakh Khanate or the Russians, the rules of the Marshal's Mansion will be like this, and no one will say anything if he is granted a title by then.

Fortunately, Chuhu'er knew what a senior general was. Oirat's Taiji was a fake Taiji, and Chahar's Taiji was a real Taiji. He knew that Chahar's Zhutu Taiji had been a senior general under Liu Chengzong before.<


Although he could not be said to be completely satisfied with this official position, he was very satisfied with the officer Liu Chengzong found for him, Liu Chengzu.

With Liu Chengzu here, no nobles in Oirat would be dissatisfied with his territory this time. He readily agreed and happily accepted the establishment of the central camp of 3,000 people, and then rushed to Da Lai.

Taiji said: "Ask the Great Khan, where are the weapons? I am a general, can I do business with the Marshal's Mansion?"

This time he will be disappointed.

With a legitimate smile on his face, Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "The arms trade is a trade between the Marshal's Mansion and the Oirat. You are a member of the Oirat, so of course you are included in it. You can't come alone to trade. You need weapons. You have to

Talk to your brother."

Chu Huer was fearless, but the one he feared and admired the most was his tiger-like brother Batur Hutaiji. When he heard this name, he wilted.

Seeing his expression, Liu Chengzong shook his head and said with a smile: "But now that you are my general and you have given me nine white animals, I will always give you a little gift...a hundred muskets."

In fact, Liu Chengzong originally wanted to provide him with a batch of armors, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't ask. It was not because the armors were expensive, but because Chu Huer's territory was far north, and other armors were not suitable in terms of performance.

The most suitable one is cotton armor.

Pure cotton nails.

As for pure cotton armor, the Marshal's Mansion has only just been able to produce it on its own - because the Marshal's Mansion had a survival crisis in the past few years, and the land policy attached great importance to food, Hehuang rarely planted cotton. This situation did not happen until Gansu was conquered.

Only with a piece of normal farming land can we have a large amount of raw materials to make pure cotton armor.

There aren't many pieces of pure cotton armor in the Marshal's Mansion now. It wouldn't make much sense if he gave him some chainmail or something like that. They can do it themselves.


After entertaining Chu Huer, Chengyun had already come to Liu Chengzong before he could spare his hands.

"Brother, something big happened this time."

The carrier came forward with the receipt form from the Marshal's Mansion and said: "It may be that Oirats is in urgent need of collecting furs. There are 250,000 pieces of skins, all of which are rawhide. If they make another shipment next year, they will have to collect the furs from the Baigong Bureau."

The craftsmen are exhausted and can't handle it - Hehuang has to build roads."

When Liu Chengzong asked, he learned that with the arrival of the caravan transporting huge quantities of fur goods from Oirat, New City Juerwan ushered in an unprecedented trade boom.

From Haibei County to Juerwan, the carrier mobilized 400 Lele trucks from Xincheng to collect the goods. As a result, 80,000 sheepskins alone took three round trips. The carrier responsible for receiving the goods complained more than once about the treatment of the Oirat people.

The frizziness of goods.

As the goods with the lowest unit price transported from Oirat, Batur Hutaiji did not even prepare a special vehicle for sheepskins. They simply covered them on the backs of horses or stuffed them into the corners of vehicles transporting other goods, and transported them all the way from Tianshan.

Coming over.

When these untreated raw hides are shipped, they are all hardened and hardened and need to be pickled urgently, otherwise the fine leather will easily rot and be damaged.

The technology of processing fur is a piece of cake for the craftsmen of the Baigong Bureau. The problem is that the Baigong Bureau of the Marshal's Office in Irvine is a department that gathers high-end craftsmen from all walks of life. Even if they make leather goods, they form an assembly line.

The processed leather is subjected to finishing processing and does not have the ability to process raw hides in large quantities.

In the past, Xining Prefecture also sent rawhide directly to Baigong Bureau, but even if the cobblers in Xining Prefecture did not rest all year round, they could only process about 150,000 sheepskin and cowhide at most.

This is almost the output of Xining Prefecture's own leather industry, which suddenly increases the burden of 250,000 pieces of skins, including a large part of mink skins, which are relatively valuable skins.

Xincheng, all these fine leather materials have to go bad.

Liu Chengzong asked: "Do you mean to transport it to Lanzhou?"

Chengyun nodded and said: "Yes, and Hehuang has to repair the road. We fought in the war before, and the road was full of potholes. The cart fell apart after running back and forth a few times. With Weilat transporting leather every year, the road can be repaired.

And there’s another thing, we’re almost running out of cars.”

"It's impossible."

Liu Chengzong glared and said: "I have seized so many cars, how come they are all used up?"

"Brother, we have captured a lot, but we will also use a lot. My eldest brother went north and pulled all those carts away. You go to Gansu to fight. The baggage carts all went with the army. Now they are all in Lanzhou, Xincheng

There are only these four hundred Lele cars left."

"Books and carriages run on the same track. How long is the river Huang? I remember it was three hundred miles."

Liu Chengzong thought to himself that Hehuang is now the largest grain-producing land controlled by the Marshal's Mansion. The only areas that can compare with Hehuang's cultivated land are Zhangye and Jin County. However, Zhangye has not had that many people to fully utilize the land in a year and a half, and Jin County has

It is the front line. In the future, Hehuang will inevitably transport grain to the east year after year.

What's more, Hehuang also has the largest iron mine and arsenal in the Marshal's Mansion. Building a road here will definitely not be a loss. If a road can be built to transport materials quickly, it will be greatly beneficial to future wars.

Liu Chengzong thought, clapped his hands and said: "We need to repair the road anyway. Let's build a track in Hehuang, from west to east, from east to west, north and south, and let the carriages run on the track, all the way to the mouth of the Lanzhou River."

This chapter has been completed!
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