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Chapter 530: Liyue Domain

 Liu Chengzong can always come up with some effective but weird ideas.

Take the track carriage, for example, but how to build the track specifically? Liu Shizi didn't know, so this important task fell on Liu Chengyun's shoulders again.

This is very painful for Cheng Yun’s little brain, and he doesn’t understand it even before his second brother!

After thousands of years, who can know what kind of track the Qin Dynasty used, but Liu Shizi conservatively estimated that with this track running through Hehuang, their food transportation consumption should be reduced by half.

Chengyun laughed when he heard this. He said, brother, you are too conservative. As long as you want to solve the road consumption problem in Hehuang, even without this track, you can still reduce the road consumption by half.

Chengyun has been in charge of grain collection, grain transportation and production and construction in the five towns of Hehuang. No one in the entire Marshal's Office knows better than him what problems exist in the Hehuang Valley.

Nowadays, equalizing the land and paying taxes has become a common policy in the Hehuang Valley. The production capacity of this land has also been fully developed. The melted water from the snow mountains can ensure a guaranteed harvest in droughts and floods. The annual grain harvest has been fixed. Under the best circumstances, it can reach two

One hundred and fifty thousand stones are used to make food.

If raw grain is collected, it will be 370,000 shi.

Among them, 280,000 shi are fixed and come from 8,000 hectares of farmland in the Hehuang Valley, and the remaining 90,000 shi come from the 30,000 hectares of land in the Hehuang Mountains.

[In view of the general environment,

Although more and more native people living in mountainous areas are being registered as households, the output of mountainous areas is very low, and there is less that can be exchanged for commercial grain for daily use. Therefore, although there is more land, there is still a lower level of

The output, but on the other hand, there are no restrictions on the crops grown by mountain people, so it is also an important producer of horse grass, medicinal herbs, wood and other materials in the Marshal's Mansion.

There was a large amount of wastage in the process of collecting this grain into the warehouse and making it into military rations. This is a problem left over from history brought about by Liu Chengzong and others.

The Marshal's Mansion was formerly a lone army that wandered to Qinghai. It occupied a barren land with nothing, and faced an environment where it was surrounded by enemies. Everything had to be planned from scratch.

Under the environment they faced at that time, cost was not an issue they had to consider at all. The cornerstone of all production construction and planning was safety.

The government offices and markets in Xincheng, the Riyueshan Iron Works, the Juerwan Industrial Bureau as a handicraft industry base, the Xincheng Academy, the warehouse in Xining City, the Navy Yamen ration processing plant on the north bank of Qinghai Lake, these military fortresses

All buildings are built in the westernmost part of the Hehuang Valley.

After all, at that time, no one dared to put a warehouse on the edge of the Yellow River in Lanzhou, or in Nianbo, which was not under their control at all.

The policy of equalizing land and buying taxes in the entire Hehuang Valley also revolves around these places. Money comes from the Marshal's Office, and daily necessities are produced in the Baigong Bureau. These things are escorted eastward to the five towns of Hehuang every year; at the same time, each township in the five towns maintains

Once the grain is finished, there will be a small amount of road consumption when transporting the grain and grass to the five towns.

The five towns then transported grain and distributed the money for daily necessities of the Industrial Bureau back to Xining for storage, and then sent it to Qinghai Lake for processing in Xining. This was not a big problem in the past. When the military rations arrived at the Navy Yamen, the army did not march to the Heka grassland.

Even if we go to the east of Hehuang to fight, we can transport food back and forth very close to each other.

But it’s different now. To the west of Xining, there is no need to transport food. Even if they go on an expedition to Yarkand or support the Tianshan Mountains, it will not be their turn to transport food. The Marshal’s Mansion does not have this transport capacity at all, and to the east, the war front line is close to Qinghai Lake.

Thousands of miles away, Lintao Gongchang.

Take Dongguan Town at the eastern end of Hehuang as an example. It takes five hundred miles to transport a piece of grain from here to the Navy Yamen. It is processed into military grain by the Navy Yamen and then transported back to Lanzhou. It takes another five hundred miles, and nothing happens.

It’s a thousand miles away.

This is why Cheng Yun only talked about road construction in Hehuang and not Qinghai Lake. He suggested that Liu Chengzong split the Navy Yamen, leaving only a department that handles salted fish and smoked fish. The other personnel who process military rations have their skills eastward.


Liu Chengzong considered this suggestion very carefully. His proposal to build the Xilan track was indeed a whim, but after listening to Chengyun's analysis of the Hehuang road consumption, he really became firm in his idea of ​​building the track.

The administrative structure of the Marshal's Mansion must be moved to Lanzhou. Some things, such as government officials and official documents, are easy to move; but there are also some things, such as iron.

Factories, mines, ordnance bureaus are difficult to relocate.

But if these departments don't move eastward, all the military supplies of the Marshal's Army will have to be transported from thousands of miles away, and the cost will be too high.

But if you really decide to build a track, you will be faced with difficulties.

Let’s not mention the track for the moment. Even if the Marshal’s Mansion builds the track, no vehicles except artillery carriages will be able to run on it.

Because Liu Chengzong was a rag picker, whether it was a tank or a baggage vehicle, military or civilian, except for the gun carriage, all vehicles were picked up by him.

The artillery carriage with only the thousand-pound cannon was made by the Marshal's Mansion itself, but even the artillery carriage, wheelbase, wheel width and load-bearing weight did not have unified specifications.

It is true that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Liu Chengzong did not expect that he would start from the step of designing vehicles when he casually mentioned building a track. This was a very professional matter. Liu Chengzong did not dare to take over all the tasks and directly sent people.

Please come and teach me.

He and Shicheng are both amateurs in carriage design, but what they have in common is that they both know the importance of design in creating things.

Liu Chengzong was a man who was good at using knives and also liked to hide knives. Almost every time he fought, he would choose a few good knives from the trophies and send them to the marshal's office to hide them.

But the sword he carries, even though he has changed to better equipment, the blade will always be the standard Yanling official sword made of ordinary materials.

The quality of standard knife blades is very average, and the processing technology of the blade blade is also very ordinary, but it has one advantage that technology and materials can never replace, that is, reasonable design.

The most important thing about a weapon is its center of gravity. Only with the right center of gravity can you take advantage of it. Only by taking advantage of your hand can you kill people, and to kill people, you only need one knife.

A good carriage is like a good knife. The materials used are important, but the more important thing is the design. A good design can not add extra weight to the horse, so that it can run faster and farther. Only by doing this step well

, are qualified to talk about materials and quality.

Designing a universal two-wheeled carriage chassis, I was overjoyed when I heard about it - fortunately Liu Chengzong said it early!

The Ordnance Bureau under the Marshal's Office is currently doing this job. Since I received the caravan sent by Oirat from Tianshan on the way, I have received complaints from Liu Chengyun and others about the insufficient vehicle reserves of the Marshal's Office.<


The Marshal's Mansion uses troops everywhere, and its level of mules and horses is very high. It doesn't even build carriages. It's strange that the vehicles it captures alone are enough!

Not to mention that before Liu Chengzong's expedition to Gansu, he gave an order to the workers' office, asking him to move the rocket launcher box to the tank, saying that it would be equipped with the entire army. Originally, more than a hundred of them were ready, because the cargo had to be transported.

He also removed the rocket launcher box and took away the cargo.

When I was a teacher, I originally wanted to design a two-wheeled carriage that could carry guns, transport artillery, load rockets, transport supplies, and even be able to add baffles to temporarily modify simple fortifications in the wild.

Now when Liu Chengzong mentioned this matter, it was nothing more than a number of wheel width and axle length. This matter came to me immediately: "Go back to the commander, the work office is already doing it. The axle is four feet and three feet."

It’s just that the wheels are different now. There are wooden wheels and iron wheels, wooden axles and iron axles. You can definitely set a rule for the wheels."

Liu Chengzong knew that this iron shaft, wooden shaft, iron wheel and wooden wheel were all prepared for the thousand-jin cannon.

The iron shaft is a forged iron shaft, but the iron wheel is not pure iron. It is a circle of iron sheet wrapped around the wheel. At present, their thousand-pound cannon is not as heavy as an iron wheel made of pure iron.

Liu Chengzong nodded and said: "It will be much simpler this way. After formulating wheel width regulations that are suitable for various occasions, the experimental track can be put into use. A single carriage can carry 600 to 1,200 kilograms, and a double carriage can carry 800 kilograms.

To one thousand six hundred catties."

Chengyun and Shicheng couldn't help but frown slightly when they heard this number.

The carrier asked: "Brother, is this the most we can carry?"

In fact, this number is not small. A single carriage with a load of 600 kilograms is the prescribed cargo capacity of the current single carriage in the Marshal's Mansion. Of course, it can carry more cargo. The baggage soldiers who drive the carriage often sit on the carriage, but the horse will definitely be more tired.


As for the two-carriage that Liu Chengzong said weighed 1,600 kilograms, the Marshal's Mansion usually doesn't use horse-drawn carriages except for firing cannons

Carrying such heavy cargo.

Chengyun felt that Liu Chengzong's estimate was low because this number was the cargo capacity of a carriage traveling on dirt roads and grasslands.

He doesn’t understand rail carriages, but he knows a lot about carriages. The weight of horse-drawn goods is not static and has a lot to do with the towing vehicle, mileage, and road conditions.

Long-distance marches in the wilderness, continuous days, a horse-drawn cart and a mule cart can pull 500 kilograms of cargo, which is considered a lot. Especially when marching in a hurry, loading 300 kilograms of goods on the cart is considered heavy duty; but for short-distance freight, hauling 600 kilograms is considered heavy duty. This is the wilderness.

Grassland, the condition of the land.

If you switch to a hard road, although it is not good for the horse's hooves, the vehicle will move more quickly without bumps, and it will be able to pull heavier goods and travel a longer distance.

There is a gravel road in Xining Fucheng. On such a smooth road, not to mention horses, Bajiao City Chieftain Chen Shiwen's chieftain soldiers could drag seven to eight hundred kilograms of grain all over the ground by pulling a flatbed cart with a belt, but if it were changed to

On the dirt road, it took three people to push and pull him back to the chieftain's territory.

The wooden track they want to build now, in the carrier's understanding, is to use limited costs to build the best road conditions for carriages along the ruts - they are all paved with elm tracks, so smooth.

Not to mention the wooden flat road, even if it is an official road, it is still full of small dirt slopes and pits. When walking outside, you will never encounter a flat road.

In the understanding of transportation, once this kind of road is paved, a Hexi horse can drag two thousand kilograms of cargo out no matter what.

"Of course that's low."

Liu Chengzong explained with a smile: "If our track is only a dozen miles long and covered with iron sheets, even if a horse pulls three thousand kilograms, I think it will be fine. But it will take four hundred miles to build, and even if a bicycle weighs one thousand two hundred kilograms, it will be fine."

If the horse runs for an hour and a half, it will lose its strength. When it loses its strength, it will have to be replaced."

"This track is for transporting armaments. If the transport is small, we can build more vehicles. We are not short of horses or vehicles, but if the transport is slow, it will not work."

As Liu Chengzong spoke, he waved his hand on the map to the east: "Once the war breaks out over there, the goods will have to travel another four to five hundred miles to cross the Yellow River. They are all heavy vehicles. What will happen if there are not enough vehicles on the front line?"<


Cheng Yun suddenly realized that he did not want to engage in war, but only thought about transporting goods, but then he asked: "In this case, the two sides of the Yellow River should also build wharves together. The track will be built soon to transport goods, and the current small wharf is not enough."


As he spoke, he tilted his head and said, "Should we also build cars in Lanzhou? If not, we can build heavy trucks in Hexi to transport goods on rails; we can build light trucks in Hedong to supply military supplies. Anyway, when the goods arrive at the shore, they have to be unloaded and loaded on ships. Just two sets."

What are the rules?"

"That's what you said."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly, but then he shook his head and rejected the suggestion, and said with a smile: "There is still a set of rules. If the track in Hehuang works well, we will build a track wherever we go in the future! By then, Hehuang will really become a

Once we have reached the rear, it is not too late to build a heavy vehicle under another set of regulations."

"That's a lot of money."

Chengyun secretly smacked his tongue, took out a small abacus from his waist and started playing, saying as he was playing: "There are four hundred miles of land, two from the north and the south, one from west to east, and one from east to west, otherwise the carriage will be hit; cast iron

The Riyueshan Iron Works does have the ability to connect strips of iron together, but there are currently too many uses for the iron materials and they cannot afford to lay them on the ground."

"The elm rail mentioned by the second brother alone is calculated as one foot per material, which is 18 materials per mile. Paving 400 miles of road will cost 7,200 materials. The stone reinforcements are also calculated according to the same calculation, and the wood needs to be made.

Waterproofing and anti-corrosion are just labor and materials, plus labor and food... Such a big project is estimated to cost 400,000 workers."

Four hundred thousand workers, Liu Chengzong pondered: "The total amount is okay, how do we calculate it?"

One worker works one day, and four hundred thousand workers sounds like a huge amount, but in fact, over a year, the labor and food expenses are equivalent to the cost of raising troops for a thousand headquarters.

But in fact, Liu Chengzong's Marshal's Mansion did not have such easy-to-maintain soldiers. After all, hired workers did not need to raise war horses - for Liu Chengzong, there was no cost more expensive in the world than feeding a huge army.

Of course, he has never paid for the cost of raising soldiers. The wool comes from the sheep. He will be a sheep-brained man until he dies. It is Xikang Erfu who raises the soldiers

There are nearly one million people, and the food used by the Marshal's Mansion, Generals, Schools, and Soldiers is all the people's fat.

Cheng Yun finally reviewed one side of the calculation on the abacus and confirmed that the calculation was accurate, so he confidently said: "Five hundred people, four hundred miles, two days and one mile."

"It's a bit slow, you have to go faster."

Liu Chengzong secretly calculated in his heart that according to this progress, it would take more than two years to build this road. Anyway, the total amount of work is the same, so he opened his hands and said: "Two thousand people, four hundred miles, two miles a day."
"Farming is heavy in Hehuang and it is too cold in winter. The whole road starts at Xining and ends at the mouth of the river. It is divided into twelve sections in the middle. There are ten horse stations in the five towns of Hehuang. They are responsible for changing horses and repairing carriages. At the same time,

It also serves as a market town for the five towns and twenty townships."

Although the load capacity of the wooden carriage track is far less than that of laying sleepers, it is also impossible to pass the four-hundred-mile-long track in one line. After all, the four-hoof engine is not a steam engine. The steam engine can run all the time, but the horses will get tired.

Firstly, horses need to be changed, and secondly, there needs to be time and place for loading and unloading goods and cleaning the track. Therefore, no matter how long the track is, it must be built section by section.

"Even if two thousand people are used, this road will definitely not be used until next winter or even the spring after."

After Cheng Yun said this, he sighed and said: "Right now, the Shuai Mansion's reserve of materials is insufficient, so we can only do a stretch of twenty or thirty miles to test the situation."

"Also, brother, I think we still need to find a dedicated person for this matter. I am in charge of the household office. This is the work of the government office. It is better to set up a special department in the government office and set up a chief envoy."

Liu Chengzong pondered and nodded slowly, then said: "In that case, as you said, we will set up a road administration department under the engineering office and find a reliable person from among the workers who are building the reservoir to take charge of this matter."
Speaking of this, Liu Chengzong suddenly became interested and said to Chengyun and Shichengwo: "Now that my brother has gone to Tianshan, there is no one to take care of the affairs of the military office for the time being. In addition, there is no one in the Li Yamen. What do you think of this person in charge?"

Just think about it, who is suitable?"

I thought about it for a while, but couldn't find a suitable candidate. It wasn't until I saw the look in Liu Chengzong's eyes that I asked: "Commander, how about Bai Yiqing from Gansu?"

"That guy is reciting sutras in the Ganzhou temple. He must be talented enough, but this will make him the head of the ceremonial office. It doesn't matter what happens in the marshal's house. If he meets the imperial court, he will be a one-off. If he finds an opportunity, he will do it.

If you let go, you might even write a book about Escape from the Tiger's Mouth in Beijing."

After Liu Chengzong said that, he quickly waved his hand: "No, no, think of another one. I need to be able to receive tribute envoys from the vassal, be in charge of internal and external rituals and music, and understand the affairs of the imperial court and the peasant army... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yun said: "Brother, I'm thinking of someone, do you think it's okay?"


"Zhang Xianzhong."

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