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Chapter 566 Pendant

 On the day Longzhou City was broken, the first person to rush up to the city was named Yue Wenyuan, and then he and his brother Yue Wenkui took the lead in rushing into the state government office.

The two brothers came from a family of hereditary military officers in Zhuanglangwei, and later became rural army officers in the five towns of Hehuang. Jing Xiaoliu made meritorious service while guarding the city of Zhuanglangwei, and was respected because of his family's prestige, so he was promoted to the army by the military office.

Huben Camp.

They are the descendants of Yue Fei.

However, this bloodline is not uncommon. The Yue family has been in the army for generations. With military deployment, it has spread everywhere. Gansu is also a military town. The descendants of Yue Fei under Liu Chengzong gathered together and even formed a Yue family camp.
This time, the two of them originally wanted to break into the Yamen and capture Zhizhou alive, but unexpectedly there was no one alive in the Yamen.

When Liu Chengzong entered the city, the soldiers and horses of the commander-in-chief had already taken over the defense. The horse soldiers and the streets in the city loudly read the notice of peace and security for the people, ordering the residents of the city to close their homes and not leave their homes, and asked people to keep an eye on the livestock at home to prevent big birds from taking it away.

The vultures that followed the army all the way from Qinghai actually gave Liu Shizi a headache.

There are more than thirty groups of vultures following him, each group can have as few as five or six, as many as eleven or two. They will hover in the sky as far as the army can spread out.

The Tang soldiers in the Marshal's Mansion did have the idea of ​​​​taming vultures. After all, the vultures have become dependent on them. Hovering in the sky will expose the position of the Marshal's army to a certain extent. However, if the situation is taken advantage of, it can also serve as a deterrent and help them discover the situation.

Enemy troops.

But later people discovered that there was no need to tame it... This thing is too familiar to people, it is completely familiar with it. As long as it is not hungry, it will not actively attack living creatures, and even if it is hungry, it will not attack the army.

However, when they are hungry, they pose a greater threat to lone small animals, so when the various units of the Marshal's Army are stationed in the camp, they will rob, no, share the vulture's prey.

This actually makes their relationship with them closer.

After all, this is the way of life for vultures living in groups. If a vulture attacks a small animal, other vultures will share in the attack. Then everyone will perform a face change, and their necks and heads will turn red to scare each other.

The marshal's army also knows this skill. Their cloth-covered armor is red. They rush over on horseback and drive away the vultures. They clean the prey, take the best meat, and then cut the rest into strips.

Give it to the vultures, make sure nothing is left.

It is very consistent with the vulture’s no-waste lifestyle.

The Marshal's Army has changed the life of the vultures to a great extent. In the past, they were hungry and satiated, often for several days, and then had a meal that lasted them until they could no longer fly. Now they are better.

Marshal, I have been hungry for ten meals in five days. I have food for every meal, but I am not full for every meal.

After all, an eagle cannot be full. If it is full, it will fly away; if it is hungry, it will eat its master.

Liu Chengzong's attitude towards vultures was very complicated. He specifically gave orders to his soldiers that even if they were feeding vultures, they could not get close to them.

This order resulted in the marshal's army and the vultures getting along with each other like guests.

The main reason is that vultures are big, and he is afraid that soldiers will eat vultures. After all, vultures eat carrion and have strong immunity. No one knows whether they will carry other germs. On the other hand, there are also advantages. In this era, rotting corpses are often seen in Shaanxi. Vultures

It can clean up all the possible sources of infection that may cause the plague.

When Liu Chengzong entered the Longzhou Yamen, there were only twelve corpses in the Yamen besides his soldiers.

Seven objects were placed in the main hall, and two mats were covered by the brothers of the Yue family. Before they entered the Yamen, there was already a chaos in the city. Someone broke into the Yamen and attacked the property, released the prisoners, opened the state treasury, and returned

Beat to death several government servants and six subordinate officials who stayed in the government office.

There were three coffins of different specifications in the back hall, which had also been pried open, but the corpses inside were intact, so they did not disturb Deng Qi's sleep.

Liu Chengzong only took one look and asked someone to close the coffin again - Deng Qi fell so ugly that he covered his body with a thick layer of powder to cover it up, making it even more ugly.

As for the innermost Zhizhou mansion, according to the brothers of the Yue family, the thieves seemed to have just escaped when they entered and had not had time to enter the back house, so it was not robbed. However, Hu Erchun did not bring his family with him when he took office, and there was nothing inside.

Liu Shizixin said that if he came to be the magistrate of the state, he would not bring his family.

A magistrate is considered a high-ranking official. In other provinces, people with their families can enjoy glory and wealth; but in Shaanxi in these days, those who dare to come and take office are desperadoes with their heads hanging from their belts. They are more dangerous than bandits and robbers.

There are too many. Unless they are from Shaanxi and it would be more dangerous to leave their family members elsewhere, how many of them would dare to take their families to take office?

Hu Erchun and Li Qimao are at the back house of Zhou Yamen.

There is half a jug of wine, two glasses, and a long letter on the table in the room.

The rich magistrate and the eggless eunuch are all the same at this time, with six feet of plain cloth hung on the left and right on the beam.

When Liu Chengzong saw Li Qimao hanging on the beam, his heart was not disturbed. However, when he saw Hu Erchun hanging on the beam, he became very angry and frowned.

The two brothers Yue Wenyuan and Yue Wenkui, who were leading the way, looked at each other in confusion, wondering why the commander's face suddenly darkened.

Yue Wenkui thought that Liu Chengzong had not seen the seal of Zhizhou, so he quickly pointed to the table and said: "Commander, the seal of Zhizhou is still there. Under the tree in the courtyard where it is hidden, in the newly dug soil, you can tell at a glance that something is hidden."

"Well done."

Liu Chengzong rested his left hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, walked to the table, picked up Hu Erchun's letter, and started chopping it up.

This Hu Erchun died without honor. Before the war, Liu Shizi wrote to him when he was still on Liupan Mountain. He made it clear that Longzhou City only had people and no officers and soldiers, so it was impossible to defend it. Even if it was defended to the death, the three

Without reinforcements within a few days, the city will be destroyed. It is better to surrender early so as not to harm other people's lives.

So as soon as the city was broken in the morning, Liu Shizi had one thing in mind: I have to give him a good scolding when entering the city.

If I had known today, why would I have to surrender in the first place?

He was still thinking about the war between heaven and man in his mind. He was thinking that if Hu Erchun would cry bitterly and regret his mistake, he should surrender and then give him an official position. After all, this man is also a talented and capable official, plus he has a strong backbone, which suits Liu

The lion has all the requirements for wearing official robes.

As a result, as soon as he entered the city, Liu Shishi had all his curse words ready, so he hanged himself.

Now he was only looking forward to this last letter, hoping that Hu Erchun would repent when his life came to an end, but he opened the letter and read it, and was disappointed.

This Hu Erchun is really pure and tougher than Liu Chengzong imagined. The letter was written to his old mother and son in his hometown, and he only mentioned him at the end, asking him to be kind to the people.

Li Qimao was even cooler. He left without leaving a single word.

Liu Chengzong had no temper at all towards these two people. He waved his hands impatiently and said to the Yue brothers in the house: "Put down these two pendants of loyalty, and have someone prepare two more coffins. Together with Deng Qi in the main hall, give them both to the left. No.

, all sent to Tang Jiuzhou hidden in the mountains to the north."

In fact, Hu Erchun regretted it.

When the moat outside the city was filled in last night, Hu Erchun regretted why he didn't open the city directly.

But war is like this. Sima Yi said that if you can fight, fight, if you can't fight, defend, and if you can't defend, leave. The other two things can only be surrendered to death.

However, the moats have been filled in, and Hu Erchun feels that it is inappropriate to surrender at this time.

When two armies are facing each other, when is the best time to surrender?

When the gap between the two sides is smallest, the cost to the enemy is greatest.

Liu Chengzong was outside the city, and Hu Erchun was inside the city. There was a city wall and a moat in the middle. The moats blocked the way. Even if the victory or defeat was not fought, the victory would be determined. There were 300 defenders, so the attackers would have to make a mental decision in advance to pay the price of 600 lives.


It is most advantageous to surrender at this time.

When they actually attacked the city, the marshal's army suffered three casualties. Two of them were killed by the three-eyed blunderbuss. One of them was frightened by the sound and light of the fire blunderbuss when he was riding his horse to the city.

The defenders were defeated - there was no threat at all, so why surrender?

If a person is not a threat, he has no value.

Hu Erchun thought to himself, rather than surrender and be insulted by others and bring disaster to the family, it is better to be a loyal minister and I will die!

Soon the two seals were presented by Yue Wenkui. Liu Shizi was looking at the two seals when he heard Yu Linqi report that General Bee Tail Needle was asking for an audience.

Liu Chengzong asked people to come in and said with a smile: "If you don't pick up cannonballs in the city, why do you come to the state government?"

It's tiring to attack a strategic location, it's so refreshing to attack a city, but it's so hard to clean up after attacking the city.

Liu Chengzong also had to use this Longzhou City. After all, this was not the front or rear, but behind the enemy's lines, so the filled trenches had to be dug again, the built hills had to be removed again, and bricks were even built outside the city.

Factory, we need to repair the parapet wall at the top of the city and the sheep and horse wall outside.

Bee Tail Needle Zhang Zhen carried a long bundle into the back hall and pouted. All he saw along the way to the Yamen were corpses. He thought that it turned out that the city head was not the place where the most intense resistance was, but the Yamen was.

Seeing Liu Chengzong from a distance, Bee Tail Needle hurriedly ran two steps, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Commander, I have picked up the cannonball. I am here to present a good thing to the commander."

What can I say, this guy's two-step running was quite fake, but it made people feel quite comfortable when he saw it. Then he gave Liu Chengzong the black satin bag he was carrying.

Liu Chengzong took the baggage, which weighed four or five kilograms. When he opened it, he saw that it was a short blunderbuss, which was very finely made.

While he was examining the workmanship of this self-generated fire gun, he heard the bee-tailed needle beside him, looking at the two people lying in the hall, and asked: "Hey, Marshal, this one with the hairless mouth is the guard eunuch Li Qimao, right?"
Liu Chengzong handed the self-made fire gun to Yu Linqi and asked them to keep it first and send it to the Ordnance Bureau after the battle. Then he turned to the Bee Tail Needle, nodded and asked: "Is there anything else?"<


"Commander, that bludgeoning weapon is not a fun thing for a humble job."

Bee Tail Needle said with a smile: "When I was looking for cannonballs in my humble job, I bumped into some Jinyi fans hiding in a private house. I killed several of them, and they were all Li Qimao's personal followers. I left one alive and said that Yaozhou has more than 4,000 horses. Seal the letter."

As for Li Qimao, just write a letter over there asking them not to move, and we can go over and get the horse."

"The imperial court has raised horses for the Marshal again. More than 4,000 horses are kept in Yaozhou, waiting for the Marshal to pick them up."

As soon as Beetail Needle finished speaking, he saw Liu Chengzong throwing something casually. He caught it in his hand without even reacting. He was stunned for a moment before he saw clearly that it was the seal of the guarding eunuch.

"You've been promoted."

I was so frightened that my crotch felt cold.

"You take care of this matter. Write to them and ask them to take good care of my horse."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong turned to look at the two Yue brothers again, his eyes roamed over their faces repeatedly, and finally settled on his brother Yue Wenyuan's face: "Have you read a book?"

Yue Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the generalissimo meant... They all had to study before entering Huben Camp, and there were no illiterate soldiers in Huben Camp.

After realizing that Liu Chengzong was still waiting for his answer, Yue Wenyuan quickly said: "Coming back to the commander-in-chief, my brother Xiaoren has been studying in the military academy since he was a child, and he was favored to study at Huben Camp."

Liu Shizi nodded and pondered: "In that case, take the reward for being the first to get there...and I will dispatch a hundred people from each camp to help you."

The seal was thrown into Yue Wenyuan's arms, and then he heard Liu Chengzong say: "I will know the affairs of Longzhou temporarily. If you do well, you will come. If you do not do well, wait until Zhang Yuanheng comes to take over."

Yue Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, looking at Liu Chengzong in a daze, then looking down at the official seal, then looking up at Liu Chengzong, and then he suddenly came to his senses and quickly bowed down to express his gratitude.

He didn't even understand until he prostrated himself that the official position of magistrate, who could bring glory to the ancestors, could fly into his arms so easily.

But Liu Chengzong obviously didn't care about this matter. Longzhou is a scattered state with no counties. It is a checkpoint with several inspection departments under its jurisdiction. There are only more than a thousand households under its governance, so it is not a difficult place to govern.

"You don't need to worry about military matters. If a senior counselor will temporarily station a battalion in Longzhou, you can just stabilize Longzhou."

After Liu Chengzong finished speaking, he reminded again: "However, there are many things to worry about when governing a place. You just took over and it was very difficult. I won't make it difficult for you. I don't ask for merit, but I ask for no faults."

"Yes! I will obey the commander's instructions carefully!"

"As for Wen Kui, do you want to stay here to help your brother, or continue to stay in Huben Camp?"

Before Yue Wenkui could speak, Yue Wenyuan had already raised his head and said: "Follow the Marshal, Wenkui is following the Marshal."

However, when Yue Wenkui saw Liu Chengzong looking over, he thought for a moment and said, "I'll listen to the commander-in-chief."

Liu Chengzong smiled: "Then continue to follow me."

After leaving the yamen, Liu Shishi calculated the time and estimated that Liyang and Baoji in the south had also been surrounded. Zhang Yichuan in the west of Qinzhou should also fight Zuo Liangyu. If he didn't come to support, he might not be able to hold on for too long.

Then he called to Yu Linqi, planning to let Gao Yingdeng clean up the mess here and send someone to order the camp to break out.

However, they did not expect that before the waiting Yu Linqi could reach them, they heard the sound of a cannon from the northern suburbs of Longzhou City while they were in the city.

"What's going on?"

As soon as Liu Chengzong asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart.

Because the sound of artillery fire from the north did not stop, but became more intensive, mixed with the sound of gunfire.

There is no doubt that a fight started.

Soon, a sergeant rode into the city outside the north gate. It was Gao Yingdeng's Bai Zong Yingshanhong. He rolled off his saddle and prostrated himself: "Commander, the enemy is trying to break out to the south. It seems that they want to go to Liupan Mountain. They have been captured by our troops."

Blocked at the mountain pass."


Going to Liupan Mountain?

Liu Shizi wondered if there was such a good thing?

Isn’t this courting death?

"Wenkui, go in and tell your brother that Deng Qi is not looking for Tang Jiuzhou anymore."

After Liu Chengzong finished speaking, he turned to Ying Shanhong and said: "Don't stop him, let him go up... Come here, tell Brigadier Wang on the mountain to guard the mountain road for me. If Tang Jiuzhou comes in, don't even think about going back!"<


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