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Chapter 567: Pockets

 Qinzhou Guard.

After the Ximen City was closed, Zuo Liangyu stood at the top of the city with dark circles in his eyes and disheveled hair, gnashing his teeth, and the sergeants in the Wengcheng came out of the city in full uniform.

Just last night, Zhang Yichuan's soldiers approached the city under cover of darkness and fired more than thirty rockets into the city. One of them flew diagonally into the Wei Yamen and exploded at the entrance of the main hall.

Marshal Zuo, who was so frightened in his sleep, picked up the knife from his pillow, pulled the quilt and got under the bed in one go. When he woke up, he was already wrapped in the quilt and curled up under the bed, very safe.

This is not the first time that Zhang Yichuan has harassed the defenders. Zuo Liangyu is not afraid of this kind of harassment. He has encountered rockets several times. Now he thinks he knows a lot about these big exploding rockets, as long as he doesn't hit his back and be blown up directly.

, this kind of thing actually poses a very low threat to the defenders in the city.

In terms of burning houses and destroying houses, it is not as good as the old rockets that set fire to camps.

Facing Zhang Yichuan's provocation, Zuo Liangyu has always been calm, suppressing the army and not letting them go out to fight, in exchange for precious time, gathering the old Sichuan army troops after Deng Qi's death, and turning them into his own fighting force.

Now it has been several days since the news was reported to the court to ask for mercy. Deng Qi stopped in Longzhou. It seems that Lord Chongzhen is not going to give him an official post. This makes the Sichuan soldiers who went to Qinzhou even more confused. They don't know what they have been doing all these years.

For whom and what battle was fought?

Even Zuo Liangyu is not sure that he can retain these Sichuan soldiers, but there is no need for him to retain them. Where are there no soldiers in the world? Could it be that they have to drag the Sichuan soldiers who have not returned home for several years?


So this morning, he made an agreement with more than 1,300 Sichuan soldiers in the army. When he meets with the Sichuan general Hou Liangzhu, those who are willing to go home will follow Hou Liangzhu home; but before that, they must fight for Zuo Liangyu.

Fight bravely and earn some money for traveling home.

Zuo Liangyu didn't lie, because this morning a newspaper was sent from the east, and enemy traces had been discovered in Qianyang and Baoji counties behind him, which meant that the Marshal's army had broken through from Longzhou - he was about to be surrounded.

At this time, Sichuan's chief military officer Hou Liangzhu's 9,000 troops were stationed in Feng County, and Yunnan's reinforcements Long Zaitian's 10,000 native guest troops were also moving from northern Sichuan to Hanzhong. Hanzhong Prefecture near Qinzhou was the only safe direction.

In the undulating mountains to the west of the city, the sentinels of Zhang Yichuan's peasant army waved their flags when they realized that the government troops were leaving the city.

In fact, very few people in Zhang Yichuan's department can understand the flag language, and the soldiers holding the flag can't read the flag language. The real messenger is the messenger boy running on the mountain road. It's just that the soldiers holding the flag have to do something when they discover the movements of the officers and soldiers.

"Master, the officers and soldiers have left the city!"

By the time the messenger boy ran over to the top of the hill, Zhang Yichuan had already put on his helmet and armor and stood akimbo on the top of the hill. He had a telescope issued by the Marshal's Office and had already seen the city gates open and the troops marching forward, so he ordered the troops to form camps to prepare for battle.

Several orders have been conveyed.

Because of this, Zhang Yichuan was able to sit on the mountain without any scruples and patted the messenger boy on the head: "You're wrong, they are traitors, we are the officers and soldiers."

These words made the messenger boy feel dizzy. Firstly, he couldn't figure out who were the officers and soldiers and who were the thieves. Secondly, Mr. Zhang was a little too calm.

Zuo Liangyu now has more than 5,000 elite soldiers in his hands. Their Henan General Military Headquarters only has 10,000 troops. In their world, 5,000 is obviously greater than 10,000, and it is several times larger.

According to the messenger, Zhang Yichuan used to tremble when he heard Zuo Liangyu's name, not to mention that Zuo Liangyu is marching towards them now. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Yichuan should have ordered the army to break camp and escape. How could he be as calm as today?<


For no other reason, Zhang Yichuan felt: I am not fighting alone!

After several days of persistent invitations to friends, all the old friends in the mountains came out, and Zhang Yichuan felt confident to meet Zuo Liangyu.

His old friends are not only Li Zicheng, the general who used to be called the fifth battalion of the Chuang Army, Zhang Yingjin, the king of Huntian, Guo Yingpin, the king of troubled times, Tuo Yangkun, the scorpion block, but also He Yilong, the fierce eye, He Jin, the king of Zuo Jin, and Liu Xiyao, the king of the reincarnation.

, the fifth battalion of Ge Zuo was formed by Wang Lin in troubled times and Ma Shouying, an old Hui Hui.

In addition, there are Xihe Commander-in-Chief Li Yangchun and Ningqiang Commander-in-Chief Zhang Zhengyi. The two guys who gave up their royal titles and called themselves Commander-in-Chief are following behind with their troops... They didn't come out to fight. They don't count as soldiers.

Ningqiang and Xihe have always been mixed with native people, and their farming is almost enough for them to be self-sufficient.

It's just that the two of them analyzed that if they continue to stay in Ningqiang and Xihe... they will probably get beaten.

The Marshal's Mansion is marching eastward, and the rear is empty. The Ming army breaks through the defense line and attacks the rear, and they will definitely be beaten. On the other hand, since the Marshal's Mansion is empty behind and they are stationed there without moving, Liu Chengyun, who stayed in Lanzhou, may also want to beat them.

If you think too much, you will beat them if you don’t get it right.

Li Zicheng is currently near Zhang Yichuan, and the Fifth Battalion of Gezuo seems to have gone directly to Nanzheng County in Hanzhong Prefecture under the leadership of Ge Lieyan.

Originally, Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang wanted to come out from here, but their troops of more than a dozen battalions crossed the border and ate up all the birds and animals along the way. The grass was all eaten up by the big animals, so they decided to enter Sichuan through Long'an Prefecture.

Join in the fun with them.

At this time, the five generals of the Henan General War Headquarters lined up five camps in the narrow valley, with a mighty array of flags. Zhang Yichuan felt that he stood out now and there were more than one person, and he was not afraid of anyone.

Zuo Liangyu didn't take Zhang Yichuan seriously at all. He was very familiar with the fifth battalion of the Chuang Army using the Chuang Dao to attack and break the formation.

He thought to himself that the army of Chuangdao was strong only in the complicated terrain. They clashed over the mountains and plains and broke the army formation. It was said that they were dispersed by scattered attacks, but in fact they were dispersed by whole attacks. In addition, their camp formation level was extremely high.

Low, so as long as the army's military formation does not disperse, it can be invincible.

It's very easy to win, just make it impossible for the intruders to break through, and just strangle them on the spot.

His plan was very simple. He would use his generals Luo Dai and Zhou Shifeng to lead cavalry troops to outflank the northern and southern foothills of Maiji Mountain. He would personally lead the main force to attack them head-on, trap the 10,000-strong army, and kill them all.

Then Feng Fengguangguang turned his head and marched southeast to meet up with Sichuan Commander-in-Chief Hou Liangzhu.

Zhang Yichuan watched Zuo Liangyu's army leave the city. More than 3,000 people stood outside the city, but they were not in a hurry to attack. Instead, they spread out and built camps along the mountain. He was dumbfounded.

After all, the morale is different. When Zuo Liangyu's officers and soldiers leave the city, they stand outside. As long as they are not marching and fighting, it is just like taking a rest. However, half of Zhang Yichuan's five battalions are recruits, and the rest are useless against the officers and soldiers. What is the inner advantage?

They lined up outside, feeling very nervous for fear of being raided by the army.

But at this time, Zhang Yichuan was already trapped by the situation. He must not order the withdrawal of troops. He could only stand up and stare at Zuo Liangyu a few miles apart.

By noon, he couldn't bear it any longer. While Zuo Liangyu's troops were fetching water by the river, he sent a cavalry team to have a small encounter on the bank of the Qianshui River. Zuo Liangyu then sent dozens of cavalry forward to fight. .

The results of the battle were not great. Thirteen soldiers who were fetching water from Zuo Liangyu died by the river. Eight of the cavalry sent by Zhang Yichuan were also shot dead. The remaining cavalry soldiers fled back when they saw that they were no match for Zuo Liangyu's cavalry. In the array.

However, Zhang Yichuan was not happy that he had a slight advantage in this test. On the contrary, he was very worried.

It is true that the troops under his command cannot fight, but Zhang Yichuan also has basic military judgment. From this small-scale conflict, he can tell that Zuo Liangyu's camp outside the city is fake, and what he is waiting for is real, otherwise it will be completely You can add more troops to the field to expand your advantage.

But no matter how much he wanted to kill him, he would never have imagined that Zuo Liangyu, who had just over 5,000 troops at his disposal, actually planned to surround him with 10,000 troops.

He just felt that Zuo Liangyu was waiting for reinforcements, and the formation of camps outside the city meant that reinforcements were about to arrive on the battlefield.

Sometimes wrong judgment does not affect the correct result. Since there are reinforcements from the government and army nearby, Zhang Yichuan has only one choice: kill Zuo Liangyu before the reinforcements arrive.

Almost at the same time that the dozens of cavalrymen under Zuo Liangyu's command had just returned to camp after victory, gongs and drums were beating in the narrow valley, and the fifth battalion of the Henan General Army immediately broke out of the camp and marched toward the southern foot of Maiji Mountain to build a camp. The left army attacked.

Zuo Liangyu didn't expect Zhang Yichuan to be so decisive, and he was really shocked. However, his troops were well-trained, with the war drums roaring and the military flags swaying. Before Zhang Yichuan could reach the bottom of the mountain, the troops originally scattered on the hills were The array has been assembled.

Seeing that the enemy had no advantage in making a surprise attack, Zuo Liangyu weighed the strength of both sides and directly asked the flag officer to wave the white flag and ordered the army to take the initiative to attack.

The white flag of the Zuo Army is very famous among the peasant army. People even directly use the white flag to refer to Zuo Liangyu's army. This is not because Zuo Liangyu likes the white flag, but because his army fought from Jifu to Shaanxi. Fight westward.

In the traditional five-party military flag, the color representing the West is white.

The influence of these five colors is very great. The names of the Black Sea and the Red Sea are derived from the five correct colors.

Therefore, as soon as the left army's white flag moves, people will know that they are about to attack.

Zuo Liangyu put the guns and artillery in front, and the infantry spread out on both wings, formed a front-line formation, and then slowly pressed on the enemy.

Zhang Yichuan's former battalion commander Chong Tianzhu originally wanted to take advantage of the surprise attack and use his cavalry to rush forward to disrupt the left army who had descended from the mountain to establish a stable camp. However, he did not expect that Zuo Liangyu's army assembled much faster than he imagined, and the cavalry on the front line formed a formation.

The front line rushed over and hit the arrow of the front arrow array.

It was impossible to call a halt at this time. Chongtianzhu could only grit his teeth and watch the cavalry attack. At the same time, he ordered the rear infantry to quickly support the troops with guns and artillery, preparing for a head-on fight.

The person who served as the arrow was a Sichuan soldier who had just defected to Zuo Liangyu. The general was Wang Yuncheng, who had forced Deng Qi to death. He had an infantry commander from the Sichuan army and a cavalry commander from the Liao army under his command.

Facing the peasant army cavalry galloping in multiple sharp formations hundreds of steps away, Wang Yuncheng, who was galloping in front of the formation, showed disdain. He did not even pull out the sword on his waist and calmly rode into the formation.

Let the Sichuan infantry carrying guns and artillery form a large horizontal formation on the front line.

In a forest of spear formations, Franco-style general cannons fired loudly, and in the rising smoke, scattered particles were sprayed overwhelmingly towards the peasant army cavalry.

Bang! Bang!

Several gunshots were fired. The artillerymen with dark skin and red iron helmets kept taking out their muskets in the smoke. Before the smoke cleared, the artillerymen who had been waiting aside reloaded their brand new muskets.

The second shot was fired in a very short period of time.

Amid the neighing of the war horses, a group of horsemen rolled off their horses while galloping. Half of the sharp formations were dispersed by a few cannons. The remaining few bravely fought against the formations, but were eventually killed fifty steps away from the front of the formations.

They were scattered and repulsed, so they had no choice but to draw their bows from a distance and shoot a few arrows, then they rode back.

Despite this, the cupola at the rear breathed a sigh of relief.

In Zhang Yichuan's Henan General War Headquarters, horse soldiers are the most elite soldiers. It can even be said that each battalion is formed with horse soldiers as the core. The remaining swordsmen and pole gunners are just leading the horses for the horse soldiers in their free time.

Just an auxiliary to feed and walk the mount.

If he really rushes to the front of the formation, let’s not say whether these cavalry soldiers can rush into the formation. If they rush in, they will not survive, and his battalion will be scattered.

Fortunately, the cavalry retreated after suffering some losses, and the artillery support from the rear was also fast. The remaining three battalions of Songjiang, Yidougu, and Santiaolong followed closely behind. The army rushed over and ate them even if they were forced to eat.

There are three thousand people.

But Zuo Liangyu obviously didn't think so. His cavalry retreated, but Zuo Liangyu's front arrow formation fired two cannons on the spot, then pushed the artillery cart and started moving, even hitting the formation.

All the Juma gates on the accompanying chariots were taken out and distributed to the teams during the march. Two of them each were taken one step at a time, lifted up at one step, and pressed down forcefully.

Zhang Yichuan almost laughed out loud when he saw this very obvious formation.

Zuo Liangyu wanted to take advantage of the strength of his soldiers and break through his formation from the middle - this was impossible.

Not to mention that he has five small battalions of 2,000 people. Even if he only has three battalions, Zuo Liangyu's 3,000-strong army cannot kill him. Let's just say that the rogue bandit army can no longer fight. It will stick out its head and receive a knife, six thousand heads.

They are also exhausted.

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Not to mention trying to kill him, it is impossible to kill him. His soldiers are proficient in breaking through the sword. Even if they are killed, they can still wrap up the three thousand people of the left army when they break through.

Zhang Yichuan immediately ordered the soldiers of the fifth battalion to form a triple-deep formation to cope with Zuo Liangyu's sharp arrow formation collision. He immediately led the Chinese army down the mountain and also threw themselves into the formation.

In the Ming army's formation, Zuo Liangyu, who was wearing a crimson shoulder-baring shirt and fish-scale armor, looked at the Henan Fifth Battalion from a distance and saw the enemy's formation changing slowly and scatteredly as the messengers moved their horses and ran, gradually moving closer to the center.

, couldn't help but smile on his face, ordered his people to display a few military flags in the middle of the army, and then rode on his horse confident of victory.

At this time, Wang Yuncheng, who was on the front, once again led troops to engage the enemy, but the artillery from the Chongtianzhu Department also arrived at the front line. The leading troops of the two armies used artillery to go back and forth on the front line, fighting fiercely amidst the roar of artillery.

Zuo Liangyu smiled at the generals of the Chinese army on the left and right: "I originally thought that since the sweeper king defected to Liu Chengzong, the army would always be sent to a few generals, but now it seems that the manpower of the Marshal's Mansion has been exhausted, and there is no

If you send people to him, Zhang Yichuan will not make any progress at all."

"After taking care of him, we went to find Hou Liangzhu with our military merits. Ha, this can be considered a great victory for the imperial court against the Marshal's Mansion."

As soon as he finished speaking, the formation of the army changed. The original sharp arrow formation was blocked by the artillery bombardment in front of the formation. However, the troops on both wings did not continue to seek a breakthrough to the center. Instead, they formed a flying geese formation and continued to move towards the center.

Before that, they even accelerated their speed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yichuan's five battalions shrank to the center, while Zuo Liangyu's flamboyant thousand-man troops on both wings carried the Juma Gate, and tied the Juma Gate to the ground one by one to maintain the width of the battle line. At the same time, the army

Spread to the sides.

Even Wang Yuncheng's 400 Liao Army cavalry made a circle behind their own square army formation and quickly charged forward from the left side of the left-wing Thousand-Man Corps.

Zuo Liangyu made a big bag and used three thousand troops to surround the ten thousand peasant army in the bag.

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