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Chapter 583: Nothing happened in the phalanx

Zu Kuan is not a fool. He went into battle to kill people when he was a teenager and has extremely rich combat experience.

Before rushing into the battlefield, I climbed up a tree in the locust forest to the west and briefly watched the battlefield situation.

After carefully observing the chaotic battlefield, he made a move, firmed his determination, and led more than a thousand Liaodong elite cavalry with high morale to directly attack Zhang Tianlin's headquarters, which only had more than 600 people.

The plan to directly attack the rear seemed very fierce, but in fact it was not important to Zu Kuan whether he could hit Zhang Tianlin - shaking the entire army was his purpose.

Although the battlefield situation was chaotic, with the Marshal's Mansion's cavalry in all directions, surrounding Yang Zhengfang's suppressing soldiers and kicking them, it was clear that there were more Ming troops and fewer rebels.

At this time, if he goes to attack any unit, he will end up fighting with Zhang Bu's cavalry, and may even lead Zhang Tianlin to gather cavalry to drive him off the battlefield. By then, the friendly forces will have been saved, and Yang Zhengfang can retreat to Henan with a breather.

, his more than a thousand horses are in danger.

Zu Kuan's plan was to let Zhao Zhirui see him attacking the Chinese army, and be forced to withdraw the encirclement on the left flank of the Zhenjun soldiers, so that they could fight him fiercely.

In fact, he just asked Zhao Zhirui to change places.

As a result, Zhang Tianlin had no troops to mobilize for support. With the cavalry protection on the left wing of the suppression troops, the square formation on the left side could spread out and pull the square formation facing north into a large horizontal formation facing northeast.

Use the superiority of troops to form a counter-encirclement against Zhang Tianlin.

It wasn't that he was sacrificing himself for others, but that only by fighting in this way could the army, including Zu Kuan himself, be under the cover of friendly forces.

Zu Kuan's killing move was not his own, but the more than a thousand Liaodong cavalrymen who looted Xianyang under Zu Da Le's banner.

Once the battlefield forms a horizontal formation attacking from the southwest to the northeast, Zhang Tianlin's troop disadvantage will be particularly obvious. When Lei Shisheng leads the Huguang cavalry to cross the river to support, and Zu Dale arrives on the battlefield from the east, he will become the final nail in the coffin.

A surprise attack from behind completely dispersed Zhang Tianlin's dismounted infantry.

The battlefield situation was exactly the same as Zu Kuan's imagined plan at the beginning.

He led the cavalry out of the locust tree, raised their spears and raised their knives, and went straight to kill Zhang Tianlin's army. Zhao Zhirui's men and horses were well-trained, quickly assembled, and immediately launched an interception on the route he must take during the attack - it can be expected that they will definitely be there.

Expect a cavalry melee on your own battlefield.

But this is where the situation took a turn.

When the cavalry gallops, their ears can only hear the sound of friendly horses' hooves, and their eyes can only see the swirling smoke and dust. All auditory and visual effects are not as sensitive as static.

But even so, Zu Kuan could still see that the rebel cavalry commander on the left flank of the Zhenyu Army, who originally pointed his sword and horse head, suddenly turned around and led the galloping rebel cavalry out of the way.

He turned around and ran straight to the southwest.

At the moment when they were facing each other two miles apart, Zu Kuan even felt that he could clearly see the sarcastic smile on the face of the rebel cavalry.

In fact, it was impossible for him to see this distance, but he told himself in his heart: That little kid is laughing at you!

When Zu Kuan turned his head and looked to the north, he saw the smoke and dust rising like a sandstorm behind Zhang Tianlin's army, and... under the smoke and dust that blocked the sky and the sun, the mighty Marshal's Mansion troops were leading their horses and running.

Later, I understood why Zhao Zhirui ignored the Chinese army and only ran towards the Huguang army who was crossing the river.

Damn you, reinforcements from the Marshal's Mansion are here!

The vast smoke and dust made it impossible to tell how many men and horses there were. They could only see boundless troops marching hand in hand. Each tall soldier held a long blunderbuss, and his red armor was rolled up on the horse's back, leading the horse.

Leading out the earth dragons, they divided into four groups and ran quickly through the fields, woods, and trails.

In the galloping Liaodong cavalry, the officers with high helmet flags looked at each other, and everyone could see their own shock in each other's pupils.

The overwhelming reinforcements from the Marshal's Mansion rolled up dust and rushed toward him with a sense of oppression. Zu Kuan wanted to run away at that moment.

This ideological dynamic of the Liaodong Army is particularly obvious in Zhang Tianlin's eyes.

Zhang Tianlin was observing the battlefield situation outside the carriage camp. When she saw a group of cavalry coming from the west, she hid in the carriage camp without saying a word to signal the Qianjin Cannon to turn.

In the process of mobilizing heavy artillery, he saw the Liaodong cavalry charging straight towards the Chinese military car camp where he was, turning around halfway, then continuing to turn halfway, making circles in the battlefield, and then giving up the attack.

Instead, the car camp was filled with smoke and dust and headed north.

The look of Wang Huaizhong, the commander-in-chief of the army, changed and he reminded: "That's bad, general, the enemy cavalry rushed towards the commander's reinforcements. They were marching in a hurry without wearing armor. I'm afraid..."

This was Zu Kuan's first time doing this kind of thing on the battlefield.

That was his thinking time, and it was also the time for him to use his personal will to take over the collective will of this thousand-horse team.

The first time the cavalry turned around did not come from his order, but because all the cavalry were frightened by the massive reinforcements from the Marshal's Mansion, especially the guerrilla Zu Keyong who was leading the cavalry at the front. They immediately turned their horses and led the entire cavalry to turn around.


The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, so it is not wrong to make such a decision.

Although the vehicle formation of Zhang Tianlin's Chinese army does not look like a regular large vehicle formation carrying hundreds of small and medium-sized field artillery pieces, it is just a field camp that is very similar to a vehicle camp with baggage tanks connected, but even so, it is very difficult for Liaodong.

It is also difficult for cavalry to break through in a short time.

The massive reinforcements from the rear cast a layer of gloom over Zu Kuan's cavalry. If they encountered a slight setback in their attack, they would probably break up and flee the battlefield before the enemy arrived.

So there is no need to rush into the car formation.

As for attacking reinforcements, there is obviously a strength gap of more than ten times, and normal people would never have such an idea in their minds.

Turning is necessary.

Zu Kuan also followed the turn in the cavalry, but halfway through the turn, he realized that there was no point in going back.

They can turn around and attack Zhang Tianlin's dismounted infantry who are fighting fiercely.

Although the infantry showed extremely high fighting will in the process of confronting the heavy infantry of the Suppression Army, they could even gain a certain advantage with a smaller number of troops by relying on light artillery.

But as long as their heavy cavalry attacks from behind, they can easily win a partial victory.

It's just that such a result is meaningless to Zu Kuan. Let alone they disperse the thousands of dismounted infantry. Even if they can kill them all, it also means that they will be surrounded by tens of thousands of reinforcements from the Marshal's Mansion.

, there is still no hope of winning the entire battle.

The best option at this time is actually to run away, lead the cavalry to temporarily leave the battlefield, and wait for an opportunity to make a surprise attack back.

Cavalrymen are good at running, and they can definitely escape at this time.

But Zu Kuan felt that if he ran away now, he would most likely not have a better chance.

After all, with more than ten thousand Ming troops assembled on the battlefield, it was impossible for the entire division to retreat. At least Yang Zhengfang's suppressing troops would not be able to withdraw, and it would be difficult for Lei Shi's troops who were crossing the river to withdraw to Henan.

Not to mention, now that he ran away and the army was defeated, the others were all guest generals and reinforcements. After the defeat, the army retreated to the south bank of the Wei River, and they would definitely flee to Huguang. Only he, the commander-in-chief of the reinforcement and suppression, clearly received the mission and was transferred to Shaanxi.


Even if he leads the Liaodong cavalry to retreat to Henan, the only ones who can cooperate with him will be Lu Xiangsheng's pacesetters. Even if he gathers more defeated soldiers, his strength will hardly exceed 10,000.

Obviously, if all the more than 10,000 troops are defeated at this time, then with only 10,000 troops, can they still defeat Liu Chengzong, who has the power of victory?

Isn't that a daydream?

At this moment, Zu Kuan knew very well that he could run even if he ran, but the monk could not run away from the temple.

So in the process of circling, Zu Kuan thought for a moment, then hurriedly urged his horse, passed the guards on his side, ran to the front of the cavalry, held a long sword, took over the command, guided his flag-bearing horse soldiers, and pointed at the marshal running in the distance.

Military reinforcements: "While they are not wearing armor and their camp is unstable, disperse them!"

Liu Chengzong's reinforcements came quickly.

From the dust they brought up that covered the sky and the sun, Zu Kuan could tell that these were the troops stationed in Maoling earlier. They had received news of the Ming army crossing the river in the south and marched all the way over.

Emergency marches are also divided into purposes and circumstances.

Generally speaking, when marching to compete for geographical advantages, they may walk fast on the road. Soldiers may also put on armor and continue marching quickly when they are ten or twenty miles away from the target location, in order to grab the place first, and then rest for a while to prepare for the battle.

When the front line is engaging the enemy and the goal is to support friendly forces, there is a high probability that armor will not be worn during a rapid march, or only a small number of troops will wear armor. This will maximize the strength of the soldiers so that they can directly wear armor and go into battle after arriving on the battlefield.

As for the latter, the higher the Tang soldiers cover the battlefield, the stronger the scout cavalry's perception of the battlefield, and the fewer soldiers wearing armor during the march - it's safer.

Based on this common sense, Zu Kuan judged that it would be good if at most half of the large reinforcements were marching in armor, so he made the decision to take advantage of the rapid movement of the large reinforcements and launch a surprise attack on them.

The Liaodong cavalry was already well-trained, and they carried out plundering in the suburbs of Xingping County before the war. The men and horses were well fed, and they still carried mouths for several days on their horses. Their morale was very high at the moment.

As Zu Kuan gave orders during the march, the huge cavalry, composed of more than a thousand cavalry, changed formations during the gallop. It was first divided into two large groups of more than 500 cavalry, and then divided into ten brigades of 100 cavalry. The large cavalry was then divided into small groups.

, there were even servants riding around in the gaps between the various brigades, conveying Zu Kuan's orders.

His orders were simple. Each trooper would find countless flaws in the reinforcement line while running, that is, the horse-led infantry who were marching in a hurry without wearing armor.

Then use the five brigades in your hand to attack the flaws in sequence. If a flaw fails, they will attack the next flaw. The next team will continue to attack until a flaw is touched and rushes away. The following brigade will drive straight in through the gap.

Squeeze and stir up the entire formation of tens of thousands of soldiers who were unable to stand firm, completely scattering and defeating them.

This tactic is very reckless. On the surface, it is attacking the many with the few, but in reality, it is attacking the weak with the strong.

For example, the Grand Master also first faced Mingbao Zongqi Town, using the strategy of withdrawing first and then returning, attacking the Ming army in their moving camp, and annihilating each other in one fell swoop.

But when facing a well-trained army, this trick is not easy to use. In Liaodong, the Eight Banners often got into the face of the moving Ming army.

Give away the head.

But this does not mean that the Eight Banners of Houjin are weak, but that the generals used wrong tactics when facing the wrong opponents. In fact, those battles in which the Ming army fought well ended up being defeated, surrounded, and trapped by Houjin who gathered superior forces.

, wasted, destroyed - being able to quickly gather superior forces on a local battlefield is in itself a manifestation of strong organizational capabilities.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Tianlin could easily detect Zu Kuan's tactical purpose.

Therefore, he quickly gathered the 600 cavalrymen in the chariot camp, stood on the chariot with a telescope, and looked towards the reinforcements with a livid face: he was judging whether Liu Chengzong needed his assistance.

His 600 cavalry can now intercept Zu Kuan, but once the 600 cavalry rush out, the Chinese army's baggage will be taken away at any time. He has not forgotten that Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry is a full camp, with only half in the west and half in the east.

There is also half of it in the direction of Xianyang, I don’t know where it is hidden.

At this moment, Zu Dale, who led the other half of the Liaodong cavalry, actually arrived at the battlefield. He was behind the river embankment seven or eight miles to the east. He laid down all his horses in a particularly insignificant manner and hid on the river embankment to observe the battlefield.

Due to the relay of news, Zu Dale led the cavalry to arrive at the battlefield a little later than Zu Kuan.

It was this time difference that allowed Zu Kuan to launch an assault when he didn't see Liu Chengzong's reinforcements. After rushing out, he saw the vast smoke and dust to the north. When Zu Dale arrived at the battlefield, he saw Zu Kuan assaulting. To be precise, he saw Zu Kuan.

Launch an assault on the mighty reinforcements of the Marshal's Army.

Zu Dalue's original idea on the river embankment was to see how the situation was going. If Zu Kuan rushed forward, he and he would launch an attack together. If Zu Kuan ran away, he would run away first and then beat Zu Kuan when he turned around.

But seeing this scene on the battlefield, Zu Dale's face turned green: You are so damn brave, you domestic servant son of a bitch, you're so damn brave, you can take my ancestral soldiers and put them in Liu Chengzong's mouth, right?

However, Zhang Tianlin's complexion improved.

Because there were Tang cavalry during the march, and Ma Ke from the Huben Camp led a thousand cavalry to set up defenses along the west side to defend against possible Zu Kuan troops, so Liu Chengzong's army did not have many soldiers wearing armor during the march, only about a quarter.


But Zhang Tianlin saw that the vanguard walking in the front, divided into four groups, was from Gao Yingdeng's camp.

Tang Tong was riding a horse and shouting in front of the formation. The horse-led infantrymen of the four columns saw the enemy cavalry coming. No one took this time to put on armor and quickly led the horses to merge together. They didn't even have to form a team, and they merged into one.

Large square array.

A number of lying war horses and gun carts were placed in front of the formation as a cover, and the soldiers took heavy muskets and took aim directly.

At this time, Zu Kuan's cavalry had also trotted into the dangerous distance of 400 paces, and began to urge the horses to speed up, preparing to enter the impact stage. This distance was only a blink of an eye for the cavalry who were charging at a fast pace.

He watched the marshal's army quickly form a square formation, and he was initially a little worried about facing these well-trained enemy troops.

But then I saw that the enemy actually used the precious time to put on armor to load the clumsy muskets, ignite the match ropes, and then set up a pure musketry team. There was even an officer wearing a shoulder-baring shirt every ten steps.

Standing on the side holding a wild goose feather sword and a red corner flag in one hand.

This made Zu Kuan laugh out loud while galloping!

The best person in the world who plays with firearms is Guan Ningjun. The current coach of Jiubian Mines, the generals of the Shenji Battalion, and the chief generals in various places are all from Guan Ningjun.

Your phalanx can hold up five to six hundred muskets from the front, and a salvo only contains five or six hundred lead pellets. Even if every lead pellet hits my soldiers, I still have more than 500 cavalry, and there is no chance to reload.

, enough to rush in front of your unarmored soldiers and kill everyone!

Isn't this a big fool?

Then they entered a distance of 200 steps. The cavalrymen of the ten brigades of Zu Kuan's department also followed the current order and directly laid out a wide front with two stacks on the battlefield: The enemy's entire front was full of holes, so they could just rush across.

Make a reverse roll bead curtain!

A hundred steps.

First the cannons fired. Several small-caliber lion cannons sprayed out hundreds of iron pellets, breaking out of the fan in the smoke and spraying towards the charging cavalry.

Some of the cavalrymen were knocked down while the war horses screamed. Some horses stood up in pain after being wounded and refused to move forward. But more cavalrymen ran faster. Some cavalrymen even knew that they had been hit by an iron bar.

He still endured the pain and leaned on the horse to continue the attack.

Everyone knew that the enemy troops had no armor penetration.

Everyone knows better that only by overwhelming the enemy can the wounded be treated after the war.

The galloping horses' hooves stirred up clods of earth. Everyone in the Liaodong cavalry knew that they were about to receive a volley of muskets and ride into the battle. Under the mixed emotions of tension and excitement, everyone clutched their spears or waist knives and breathed heavily.

Fifty steps.

There were even some cavalrymen who could no longer restrain themselves, pointed the sabers leaning on their shoulders forward, and roared in disobedience to the military order of silence.

Then with a high-pitched suona sound, small red flags were waved in front of the formation. At the same time, a famous gunman held his musket flat and pulled the trigger. The match fell and ignited the primer in the medicine chamber, and then detonated the gun.

Gunpowder in the chamber.

Bang bang bang bang!

Amidst the muffled sound of a series of heavy guns, a large amount of gunpowder smoke surged in front of the formation. Each heavy gun fired one large, three small and four lead pellets out of the barrel. At one time, thousands of projectiles rushed towards the Liaodong cavalry like pellets.

The galloping cavalry was stunned.

Thousands of war horses fell dead, and dozens of war horses stood upright. Amidst the noisy neighing and wailing sounds that resounded across the battlefield, the cavalry at the rear bumped into the buttocks of the horses in front. The cavalry in the front looked around. There were horses that had lost their masters and were running away everywhere.

People reined in their horses and stood in the cavalry that was forced to stop. Only then did they realize that the cavalry had been almost flattened by a volley.

But in the smoke that had not yet dissipated in front, the sound of densely moving footsteps could still be heard in an orderly manner, and soon there was another suona sound like the king of hell calling for his life.

The rotation of the muskets is over!

Bang bang bang!

Gao Yingden, who was in the center of the square formation, looked at the thick smoke in front of the formation. Although his eyes could not penetrate the smoke, he saw that only a few cavalrymen crashed into the smoke from different directions. They were immediately blocked by infantrymen holding cavalry spears and wild goose feather knives.

Turning, slowing down, and not having time to turn around, the horse's hooves plowed the ground and slid crookedly into the formation, and was chopped up by the unarmored soldiers who were messy, knowing in their hearts the fate of the enemy.

Just kidding, I plugged four blunderbuss into one blunderbuss and had a hit rate of more than 100% against the arrayed targets. How many lives do you have to dare to attack?

Gao Yingdeng turned his head and smiled at Tang Tong, who had just fastened the last buckle on his robe. "It seems they didn't rush in."

After that, he looked back at the hundreds of Tangqi and guards who were already wearing armor, and drew out the wild goose feather sword hanging on his waist: "Pass my general's order to beat the drum and start the formation on the right wing; Tang Tong, I order you to lead the cavalry.

Attack...announce to the whole camp that they will eat horse meat and burn it on fire tonight!"

After a while, the heavy gunners formed on the right side of the phalanx gave way to the passage, and the galloping cavalry, led by Tang Tong, who was wearing a bare-shouldered jersey and carrying a spear eight feet long, filed out in column, and after having taken enough shots from the front, they were

The collapsed Liaodong cavalry launched a pursuit! If you like the naughty thief, please bookmark: (www.sodu777.net) The naughty thief search and reading novel website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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