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Chapter 584: Scared

No one could see the frontline more clearly than Zu Dalue, who was lying on the river embankment.

He watched as Gao Yingdeng's four-pronged horse infantry quickly formed a square formation, and then used horses and chariots as bunkers on three sides of the formation to orderly discharge the musketeers.

At that time, he had already gotten up from the ground, high-fived his servants to lead the horses, and planned to inform the more than a thousand Liaodong cavalry under his command to launch an assault from the east side of the musket phalanx to support Zu Kuan.

But before the servant leading the horse could reach the river embankment, the next moment the cavalry swarming over there rushed to the edge of the phalanx, and artillery guns were fired one after another.

Zu Dale raised his hands and did a high-five push-up, then lay down again.

In a face-to-face encounter, just a face-to-face meeting, those thieves and musketeers actually fired a hail of bullets that was denser than the artillery team, directly flattening the cavalry team.

In just three rounds of gunfire, half of Zu Kuan's cavalry was maimed, and there were injured horses running around everywhere.

The Zu Family Army got along day and night. Seeing that the remnants of Zu Kuan's maimed cavalry were driven all over the battlefield by the Marshal's Cavalry, the servants around Zu Dale were shaking him and eagerly asking if they would send troops to help, but Zu Dale... couldn't hear him.

At the moment when the smoke from the three rounds of gunfire was about to clear, Zu Dale, who was still seven or eight miles away from the fighting battlefield, felt that he was deaf.

He couldn't hear the distant sounds of fighting, the pictures in front of him were all frozen, and his mind was completely empty. His whole figure seemed to have turned into a heart, with only the deafening heartbeat pounding in all his perceptions.

He couldn't hear anything.

By the time Zu Dale regained consciousness, he was already standing on the land on the south bank of the Wei River.

He was so shocked that he had no idea how he got here. Only the wet clothes inside his armor and the heavy iron boots soaked in river water reminded him that he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to cross the river.

He didn't even understand that he was seven or eight miles away from the battlefield and the rebels would not hurt him at all, yet he could be frightened into such a virtuous state.

Even though everyone had reached the other side, Zu Dalue still could not get over the panic of the rest of his life.

Not to mention that Zu Dale had never seen it before, he had never even thought that there was any enemy in the world who could kill hundreds of Liao soldiers in just a few moments during any war, battle, or battle.


In such a state of shock, it wasn't until his servants reported the results of the soldier count that Zu Dale's mood calmed down a little.

Hey, there are only a few less of the 1,440 cavalry under his command.

But I also picked up 200 more cavalry.

They were the Dong Miao cavalry who had been driven out of the battlefield earlier under Yang Zhengfang's banner.

After they were out of danger, they lay down on the north side of the river embankment to observe the battlefield, looking for opportunities to return to the team.

At that time, Zu Dalue was already lying down on the south side of the river embankment. Therefore, although there were more than a thousand friendly cavalry nearby, the panicked Dong Miao cavalry had no idea that friendly troops were on the side.

It wasn't until Zu Dale did push-ups on the river embankment and then ran away with his battalion that the Dong Miao cavalry discovered that the Liaodong Army was actually beside them, and they ran across the river in pursuit.

Even because they were chasing so closely, the Liaodong Army thought they were the cavalry of the Marshal's Mansion, so they crossed the river and picked up their three-eyed guns to fight.

The Dong Miao cavalry couldn't explain it to them, so they had a fight by the river.

However, while they were in a hurry to run, they were unwilling to take action. They only fought with casualties on both sides, and then the Dong Miao cavalry withdrew first.

But they had withdrawn and they really didn't dare to stay in Hebei, so the cavalry brigade that had been driven out of the battlefield picked a corner of the Mao Gourd Soldier to reconnect with them and reunited with Zu Dale.

The fighting in the north is still going on, but Zu Dale has made up his mind and will never cross the river to the north bank of the Weihe River again.

He was even unwilling to fight Liu Chengzong now. The heavy firepower of Gao Yingdeng's battalion shocked him too much. Zu Kuan's actions also caused too many casualties to the Zu Family Army... He could not afford to lose.

He had made up his mind that no matter what happened to the north, he would never cross the Wei River unless Liu Chengzong was defeated.

He stood on the south bank to collect the defeated soldiers. He wanted to replenish the battalion. No matter whose soldiers he picked up, they were his.

"Let's arrange it like this first and pack up the camp on the spot. As for how to fight the battle later... let's wait until that Lu Manzi comes over!"

Zu Dalue arranged things in an orderly manner in Henan, but the Liaodong cavalry on the north bank of the Weihe River was much more uncomfortable.

Zu Kuan's tribe, with more than 1,400 cavalry, suffered huge casualties in the short period of time when they entered the shooting range of Gao Yingdeng's tribe.

One of the four generals was killed and one was wounded; six of the seventeen cavalry captains were killed on the spot, and five others fell from their mounts; the thirty-five cavalry officers were killed because of their location.

The cavalry at the forefront of the battle had a total of twenty-two people dead.

Only five hundred generals were able to escape with the cavalry in an organized manner because they were at the rear of the formation.

But their horses had long since run out of energy. In one day they came from the south bank of the Wei River and ran back and forth for more than ten miles from the river bank to Xingping County.

Originally, when the Liao soldiers were attacking the military formation, their horses were disabled and they could only rush forward at a fast pace. But now, not only the Liao soldiers on the horses were scared, but the horses underneath them were also scared. They were not afraid at all.

Following the rider's instructions, I ran as fast as I could until I was foaming at the mouth.

Less than two miles away, the six Liao soldiers were overtaken by more than 400 cavalrymen led by Tang Tong. The Tang cavalrymen armed with three-eyed muskets and the guards armed with muskets fought while chasing them.

In order to burn their own horse meat, these hungry ghosts fired wildly at the horses of the Liao soldiers. In a short time, they turned six Liaodong cavalry brigades into six infantry brigades, and they surrounded them and kicked them in circles.

The Huguang Army in the west, which was crossing the river, faced an even worse situation. They could not clearly see the situation on the central battlefield.

Lei Shisheng listened to Zu Kuan's words and walked five or six miles west from Henan before building a pontoon bridge and starting to cross the river.

As a result, as soon as his vanguard troops crossed the river, Zu Kuan had already discovered the fighter plane and launched a charge from Sophora Forest. Not long after the charge, a cavalry team came back from the direction Zu Kuan had passed.

Lei Shisheng was standing on the pontoon bridge in the middle of the Wei River at that time. He really thought that Zu Kuan was driven back from the battlefield by the marshal's army.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After all, how could the enemy come so quickly?

We are still going in the same direction as Zu Kuan. My friend is crossing the river! Didn’t Zu Kuan stop him?

I definitely need some support from my brothers!

Therefore, it could not be the enemy who came, it could only be that Zu Kuan was driven back.

The Huguang Army who had crossed the river didn't even have the intention to take precautions, so they crossed the Weihe River one after another on the small pontoon bridge.

Of course, they can't be said to be completely defenseless. They made way for 'Zu Kuan' and then indeed arranged some defenses.

Guns and small cannons were set up, but they were not aimed at 'Zu Kuan', but were prepared to defend against the non-existent pursuers behind 'Zu Kuan'.

Zhao Zhirui, who was hit by a gallop, was dumbfounded when he saw the Ming army crossing the river behaving like sleepwalking.

Zhao Zhirui used to be a general in Suzhou. After being defeated by Liu Chengzong, he fled to Liangzhou and spent every day thinking about how to kill Liu Shishi. Until Liangzhou ran out of food, he pinched his nose and surrendered to Liu Chengzong.

Because he beat up Zhang Tianlin, Zhang Tianlin wanted him to be his deputy. What he saw every day was the sinister nature of people's hearts.

I'll give you a good job as a lieutenant, but you'll get ten fucking guards to watch me go to the latrine. I'm afraid I'll be blown up to the sky when I poop!

In this working environment of keeping an eye on the slow defense, General Zhao was so mentally stressed that he had nightmares all day long, so much so that when he went to the battlefield and led the troops, he did not work well. He wandered around the flanks of the Zhenyun Army, feeling very conflicted in his heart.

On the one hand, he did not want his army to be defeated in the battle. After all, this was a big battlefield where both sides invested more than 30,000 troops. Once defeated and entered the pursuit stage, Liu Chengzong might not be able to save his life, let alone his own intervention.

Lieutenant general.

But on the other hand, he didn't want Liu Chengzong to win comfortably, especially not because of his own contribution.

So he simply went to work without exerting any effort. He found an opportunity to leave the central battlefield and ran all the way to the Ming army crossing the river. As long as he stopped them on the river bank, the mission was completed.

However, the brothers from Huguang immediately made him feel the warm hospitality of meeting again after a long absence.

Zhao Zhirui's original idea was to have the horsemen surround the enemy and fire cannons a hundred steps away, just like what he did in the east.

But when he saw how enthusiastic Lei Shisheng was, he specifically asked the soldiers to make a way out of the middle of the military formation, and even set up muskets and artillery without aiming at them. This kind of preparation to welcome him directly made General Zhao's brain freeze.

What do you mean?

Zhao Zhirui simply changed his tactics, waved his sword and asked his subordinates to put their muskets on their shoulders, drew out the Guduo Jingua Yanling Saber, and rushed in through the passage vacated by the Huguang Army, knocking the Huguang Army across the river into the ground in the shortest possible time.

All in a hurry, they came out through the formation.

When he gathered the cavalry in the west of Huguang Army and returned to fight again, the two thousand people who crossed the river with a thunderous sound had already scattered in all directions and fell out of formation.

The Huguang army on the other side of the river had not had time to cross the river, so they gave up crossing the river in panic, fearing that Zhao Zhirui would rush over along the pontoon bridge, lose their soldiers, armor and baggage and flee eastward.

This group of people was quickly picked up by Zu Dale, who had been waiting for a long time a few miles away, and the whole Huguang camp was lost.

After such a battle, Zhao Zhirui, who was showing off his power on the north bank of the Wei River, no longer felt any resentment in his heart that he only wanted to do his job but could not do anything. Instead, he felt that following the crowd in Liangzhou and surrendering to Liu Chengzong was a blessing in disguise.

It would be strange to win a battle with these confused coalition forces!

When Liu Chengzong led the Chinese army to the central battlefield, good news came from all directions. In his eyes, the overall situation of the battle was completely decided.

Only Zhang Tianlin was reporting: "Commander, the two infantry battalions led by the enemy general are still resisting stubbornly."

Liu Shizi actually felt that they couldn't be said to be resisting, but more like they were passively fighting back.

Your dismounted cavalrymen, Zhang Tianlin, went up to fight with others, and they formed a formation to fight you. There was no one to fight on the other three sides, and the soldiers just stood there, like old mice that have seen a cat, unable to move.

Liu Chengzong was puzzled by the postures of the Zhenyi and Maohulu battalions, because looking at the formations, it looked more like these people took the initiative to rush out to fight from the positions of dug trenches and earthen fortresses.

But how could an army that took the initiative to attack fight like this... The Great Khan said he couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

But compared to Zu Kuan's fate, Yang Zhengfang's luck was actually much better.

When Liu Chengzong rushed to the front line of the battlefield, soldiers under Gao Yingdeng's bid had already found Zu Kuan. This was a ruthless man who had climbed to the highest official position in the Ming army from a commoner. Liu Shizi originally wanted to recruit Zu Kuan.

But this unlucky guy was shot seven times, both his men and his horses. He lay on the battlefield with more air coming out than in. He kept coughing up blood. The medical officers of the four battalions shook their heads.

Because there was no external injury on Zu Kuan's body, only one of the seven lead pellets was a one-two-five-cent heavy bullet belonging to a heavy gun. The heavy bullet hit Zu Kuan's horse on the head, killing the horse directly.

The remaining six were all loaded with three-coin bird-gun bullets. Zu Kuan's armor was very good, with cotton on the outside and iron on the inside. Even the six lead pellets could not break through his cotton armor.

The most serious injuries on his body were that his left leg was crushed by a war horse, and three of his ribs were broken by a deformed armor piece.

Not to mention that military doctors are not capable of treating this kind of internal injury in a battlefield environment. Even in the rear where medicines are sufficient, whether a person can survive or not has nothing to do with the doctor. It all depends on the horoscope.

However, Zu Chengyong, a guerrilla general under Zu Kuan, was lucky. When he fired the gun, there was President Bai in front of him. Seeing that President Bai fell from his horse and the horse stood upright, he jumped off the horse and hid behind the horse's corpse to save his life.


It wasn't until after the war that Gao Yingdeng's soldiers pulled him out of the battlefield, with all his tail and tail intact, and he surrendered on the spot.

In front of the banner-hunting Tiger and Ben army camp, Liu Chengzong, who was sitting on horseback, raised his whip and pointed at the Zhenjun army formation and said: "They don't have much fighting spirit anymore. Let your people retreat a hundred steps and send someone to try to surrender them."


Yang Zhengfang was in a very embarrassing position on the battlefield:

Fight, can't beat.

Run, can't run.

He almost went crazy, regretting for the first time that he led his troops too quickly.

Why are we walking so fast? We are obviously seven thousand mountain infantry, but we rush to the plains to get beaten.

At this moment, they were thinking about their escape route and had no willpower to continue resisting the Marshal's army.

"Retreat a hundred steps?"

Zhang Tianlin looked troubled: "Commander, you think it would be easier to blow them up with rockets first and then recruit them to surrender? What if the infantry retreats and they run away?"

Liu Chengzong looked at the Zhenyuan Army standing on the battlefield, then at Zhang Tianlin, and instantly understood what this guy was thinking.

He's not afraid that people won't surrender, he just wants to blow people up.

Liu Shishi smiled and said: "You think the camp in the north was built in vain, right?"

Zhang Tianlin was immediately told what was on her mind. She grinned sheepishly and said to herself that the commander-in-chief understands me!

Liu Chengzong pointed at him angrily, then he held his riding whip and pointed to the east and west, saying: "There are horsemen from your camp to the west, and that is led by Zhao Zhirui? Further to Xingping County, there are a thousand cavalrymen from the Heshuo Special Camp.

Waiting for the enemy troops to flee that way."

"Don't worry about the east side. Zuo Guang from Huben Camp has already led a thousand horses over. He just reported that there are so many guns and gunfire here that all the people in Xianyang came to the plateau to watch the excitement hand in hand. It was like a crowd of spectators!"

"Go and recruit us to surrender. If you don't want to surrender, the camp you built can be used. We can rest there tonight."

After saying that, Liu Shizi then stretched out his hand, opened his fingers and grasped it fiercely: "In three days at the latest, we will go north to take down the 20,000 Ming troops, shock the world, and then come back to fight Xi'an City. This battle will be enough...

It can give our army an advantage in Guanzhong and make the scholars of the whole dynasty live in peace!" If you like Naughty Thief, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Naughty Thief's novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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