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Chapter 651 Fruits of Victory

Just as the Henan General Soldier of the Ming Army was gearing up, he wanted to go to Luoyang to find the Henan General Soldier of the Marshal's Mansion.

Liu Chengzong of Xi'an Prefecture is enjoying the fruits of victory in the war.

The Battle of Monan, in Chongzhen's opinion, was the most humiliating battle that Liu Chengzong had fought in the six years since he rebelled, fell into a famous city, and overthrew famous generals.

The mouse is scurrying around.

But for Liu Chengzong, it was the simplest and greatest victory in his military career.

Every inch of land in the Marshal's Mansion was built piece by piece by Liu Shizi, who personally led his troops, cleared the way with swords and guns, robbed and plundered openly, shot out numerous corpses, and taught the invincible opponents of the northwest, piece by piece, the vast territory of the Marshal's Mansion today.

Only Monan is larger than Qinghai and Gansu combined.

It takes no effort at all to get it.

Yang Qi, a little-known general who defeated the army.

E Linchen, Jinong who was deposed by Lin Dan Khan.

The 20,000 stragglers from Mobei Mongolia, even if Sanhan personally led the army, did not dare to follow Jin Zhaci.

How proud Liu Chengzong was.

All the tribes with a radius of five hundred miles drove their livestock tents into the Ordos desert. The main force shrank all the way to avoid fighting, and most of the governors retreated into the city and did not dare to fight.

It's a bit embarrassing.

But the process is not important.

Liu Chengzong valued results, and his order to Yang Qi and others was to allow them to maintain their presence in Monan.

In other words, as long as Yang Qi and the others are alive and alive on the Monan grassland, even if they do nothing, Liu Chengzong's deployment has been completed.

Even Liu Chengzong himself did not expect that after he wrote thousands of bad checks, the Mongolian soldiers from the Monan Governor's Office would march forward and rush into Harashen's territory.

Let the leading tribal nation be reduced to ashes, and Harashen will almost become a historical term.

As a result of the final battle, Yang Qi's Monan Governor's Mansion not only maintained its existence, but also allowed the power of the Marshal's Mansion to shroud the sky over the Monan grassland.

The Ming Dynasty, the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the Hou Jin Dynasty, and the Three Khans of Mobei were all covered by local chickens and dogs.

No one can protect the enemies of the Marshal's Mansion in Monan, and this is the fate of Harashen.

What's the use of being arrogant when you come here? You have to go back. After you go back, I'm still here. I'm the master here.

This is victory, a great victory.

At this time, for Liu Shishi, the only thing that needed to be considered was how to digest the results of the victory.

Because it’s hard to get rewards.

For such great achievements, it would be inappropriate not to award him a reward.

But the reward involves another issue. The official positions he gave to Yang Qi and the others at that time, including the canonization of thousands of households in Monan, were actually only rewarded after the war.

In other words, it is a top grid in itself.

Moreover, Yang Qi and E Linchen, the two men who contributed the most in this battle, both had a problem: they had no sons.

Yang Qi's son died a few years ago while stationed at Shanhaiguan; E Linchen's son died while fighting with Lin Dan Khan.

In the following years, everyone's living conditions were the same. They were displaced in the war, and no one could care about their children.

As a result, it is very difficult for Yin Guan.

Fortunately, Liu Chengzong, who entered Guanzhong, was at the richest time in his life and faced many problems at the same time.

So just use one problem to solve another problem.

His rewards were also very generous. First, he gave Yang Qi five thousand taels of silver, ten thousand acres of farmland and ten thousand acres of pasture in Jingning Prefecture, as well as armor, swords, horses, and clothes.

At the same time, in Yang Qi's hometown of Lanzhou, two relatives, his nephew and nephew, were selected to join the Yulin camp and were awarded the title of captain.

Correspondingly, the rewards for Guitu Taiji, He Huchen, Wang Chengen, and the officers at all levels who accompanied the army to Monan were reduced successively, and the fields and pastures were awarded in Jingning Prefecture, Guyuan Prefecture and other places.

Because there are no people in those places, the fields and pastures have long been abandoned. There is a shortage of people everywhere in Shaanxi except Guanzhong, and there is no way to immigrate.

After all, immigration does not mean that if people in one place don’t have enough to eat, just move them somewhere else and they will have enough to eat.

In fact, moving it out will only make other places unable to eat enough.

The reason is very simple. In ancient agricultural societies, the Engel coefficient was too high.

For example, after the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, silver became the main currency unit.

It is easy for ordinary people to earn ten taels of silver a year by working as part-time workers as a pawn or a trafficker.

What I do is the most common and common job, and I receive the most common and common salary.

This makes ten taels of silver seem like not much money.

But it was also in this era that a family with twenty taels of fixed assets and wealth was considered a middle-class family.

It will seem very strange. How can the wealth of a family, including the house, livestock, several acres of land, still be less than the salary of one person working out for a year?

Because the commodity economy has developed, society has become very nervous.

It is easy to earn ten taels of silver a year, but this does not mean that he can buy anything big with these ten taels of silver.

The reason is the same as the great uprising in the Ming Dynasty: people need to eat.

This person has to eat nine taels to eat by himself, so as the old saying goes, people are not rich without windfall, because their income is below the basic level, and it is impossible to save money.

This great uprising had nothing to do with farmers in the beginning.

When the drought hits, the price of food doubles. If serious farmers in Shaanxi had not suffered from man-made disasters, they would most likely still be farming honestly in the fields.

But because the people who ate commercial grain were starving to death, Liu Chengzong, who was a soldier and paid, Zhang Xianzhong, who was a messenger and fed grain, Li Zicheng, who was a soldier and delivered letters, and Wang Ziyong, who was a craftsman... These people couldn't afford to eat, so they rebelled.

Immigration is equivalent to removing these people who are silent and silent, or turning those who forage in the fields into refugees.

Not only will it not solve the problem, it will also create new population problems.

People who have no food to eat are 100% tied to the land. Even if they kill people and steal goods and become bandits, they can only become bandits.

As long as they have food rations to eat on the road, they will not become refugees or bandits.

Only by letting people who have food to eat go to places where there is food to eat can we successfully immigrate.

In places like Jingning Prefecture where there is empty land but no one, it would be difficult for Liu Chengzong to lead immigration because the cost would be too high.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But the situation is different when the land is given to the generals who have made meritorious services in Monan. They have money and people, and the land is rewarded, whether they place the wounded soldiers or let their families take care of it.

, can make full use of the fields.

Use a little bit to make a difference.

Liu Shizi was not unkind to the Mongolian military households in Mobei who had made great efforts, but it was much easier to reward them.

What is the most precious thing on the Mongolian grasslands?

pasture land.

Liu Chengzong specially transferred a team from Xining and reactivated Gao Xian, who had been idle for a long time.

He also summoned Zaisang from Or'er of the Khan Court, cartographers from Xincheng Academy, children from the Children's Camp, and officers from the two Yulin Camps to form a work team with strong comprehensive capabilities.

Gao Xian was very excited when he received the transfer order in Xincheng and immediately rushed to Xi'an Prefecture without stopping.

When I arrived at Xi'an Mansion and saw Marshal Liu, my face immediately collapsed: "Here, are you going to Monan?"

Gao Xian was a senior official in the Marshal's Mansion. After leaving Yuhe Fort, he spent the whole day hanging out with Liu Chengzong.

Guan Ning's army who was fighting Cao Wenzhao in Pingliang was wounded by war horses. Because there were many wounded soldiers at that time, many people stayed in Pingliang. Gao Xian also stayed in Pingliang as the commander of the Lion Camp, and was absent from the founding period of the Marshal's Mansion.


However, just like Hu Sanhuai's seniority, although Gao Xian, who moved from Pingliang to Qinghai, no longer led troops, his military rank still increased with the popularity of the Marshal's Office, and his food and clothing expenses were based on those of a general.

But Gao Xian's situation is different from that of Hu Sanhuai and Wu Yangchen, the two generals who specifically protected Liu Chengyun and became my disciples. The others were clamoring for a war, but Gao Xian resigned to Liu Chengzong's arrangements and was not eager to be promoted.

Because he became the son-in-law of Prince Han, his dowry was very generous.

His father-in-law was the general of the Han Dynasty and the great-grandson of King Han Ding. Because he couldn't bear the King of Han trying to get money from his relatives, he tried to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf, so that he could not get the title of king from the court.

His youngest daughter married Gao Xian, who was recuperating in Pingliang.

In terms of seniority, Gao Xian is now the uncle of King Han.

However, because his mother-in-law was separated in drought and chaos in his early years, his mental state was very problematic. The better his life, the stronger his sense of guilt. His whole person had a temperament of striving towards death, and he was tired of living.

"I know you have been idle these past few years, but there is no need to go to Houjin as an envoy to live a good life."

Liu Chengzong looked at Gao Xian with complicated eyes.

In recent years, the old brothers have been leading troops to fight in wars. Gao Xian has been busy since he learned that Liu Chengzong wanted him to go to Houjin as an envoy.

When I first arrived in Qinghai, it was pretty normal. I gave birth to two children. I used my new aunt's dowry to buy some fields and pastures in the Yaoshui River Basin of Xincheng, and recruited some veterans who had retired from the battlefield to take care of the family business.

But he himself studied all day long, eating and drinking, exerting himself, and honing his skills.

He even applied to the old man to form a 100-man guard team, and the commander's office provided food and salary from the supplies allocated to Xincheng Academy. They spent all day practicing running, attacking, blasting, poisoning and the like.

So much so that the generals who went to the battlefield in the Marshal's Mansion lost a lot of weight one by one. Gao Xian gave him the fat and strong body, and he became stronger twice.

Even because he was afraid that Huang Taiji wouldn't understand, he also specialized in Mongolian language and learned many swear words that he could use skillfully.

Gao Xian was really holding himself to the standards of an envoy. He had obviously read books and learned from the experience of his predecessors in serving as envoys.

There may be something wrong with the book I read.

After Liu Chengzong learned about it, he thought that Gao Xian's role model might be the kind of Han envoy who was arrogant and domineering in his work style, had no return in his work attitude, wasted an envoy, and obtained an excuse for war.

In this state of mind, Liu Shishi didn't dare to send him the money for his mission.

In the past, it was okay to have a light cavalry to kill the Khan King. The key point was that it was not necessary.

The envoys of the Han Dynasty looked like the ancestors who rushed out of the barbaric era to gain world hegemony. The international diplomatic order was created from scratch. The envoys were all followers of the emperor. They went out to be arrogant and domineering just to cause trouble.

Then the diplomatic rules were set to kill the Han envoys and destroy the country.

But that method was obviously too civilized for the Marshal's Mansion where mad dogs were running around.

The Marshal's Mansion has enemies all over the world. Every one of the surrounding forces has either been beaten to submission or is being beaten. There is no opponent who needs an excuse to start a war.

From Changbai Mountain to Tianshan Mountain, everyone is a slave to hunger and cold.

You need an excuse to fight a war, and you also have to hook up with an envoy. How novel.

"You don't have to risk yourself. It's a great achievement to take those people to Monan, map out the map, and assist Governor Yang in dividing the territory and pastures of 230,000 households."

Liu Chengzong told Gao Xian very cautiously about this matter, saying: "This matter is not easy. If it is not handled well, the battle in Monan will be in vain."

This is the true sharing of the fruits of victory.

Gao Xian nodded solemnly and said: "I know that dividing pasture land will require fighting, right?"

"Big battles should not be fought this year, but small conflicts are unavoidable. Don't worry about this. Twenty-three troops will not spit out the land they have obtained. We will fight when it is time to fight."

Liu Chengzong's speculation in this regard mainly involved the Khalkha border nobles of the three Khans of Mobei and the remaining forces of Harashen.

Mobei was very powerful and would probably be interested in the ownerless pastureland in Monan. Liu Chengzong estimated that they would have some minor conflicts with Yang Qi.

However, even if a conflict does break out, Liu Shizi is very optimistic about the prospects of the Monan Governor's Mansion. The three Mobei families are not aligned and cannot accomplish anything big.

In comparison, he still felt that Harashen's remaining soldiers would cause more trouble to Yang Qi.

Even though they only have a few hundred horses left, they can at best play the role of grassland bandits and horse bandits in eastern Monan. But because of this, they wander around causing trouble and are difficult to catch.

Liu Chengzong was an expert at making trouble, and of course he understood this.

To suppress bandits, the difficulty is not in suppressing them, but in first finding where the bandits are.

However, before Gao Xian left for Monan, Yang Qi had already sent back the loot from Monan to Xi'an.

During the battle of Guihua City, the Hou Jin Army attacked the city in anger and left behind some weapons and armor. Yang Qi picked out several sets of infantry and cavalry equipment and packed them up for Liu Chengzong.

The person who led the team back to deliver the goods was General Bai Wenxuan, who led more than a hundred riders and escorted several cars.

Bai Wenxuan did not dismantle his armor when he arrived at Xi'an Mansion. He came to see Liu Chengzong first and entered the Huayan Temple where the Central Army of the Commander's Mansion was located. He saw that Liu Chengzong, Zhang Xianzhong and the King of Han were all there.

He saluted Liu Chengzong first, then Zhang Xianzhong, and then glanced at the King of Han with his nostrils: "Commander, Ministry Hall, I have been ordered to escort the Hou Jin army with eight sets of armor, three military horses, two hunting dogs, and two prisoners and escorting soldiers."

, has been delivered to the Central Military Camp."

"here you go."

Liu Chengzong said casually that he actually had no interest in the armor of the Later Jin Army.

These days, all over the world, including the Marshal's Mansion, from Oirat, Beiyuan, Houjin, and Korea, the specifications of the armor are basically the same as those of the Ming army, basically with some exotic decorations.

He was more interested in people and dogs, so he asked: "What happened to the prisoners?"

"He was wearing double armor and was extremely strong. The wooden pillar called the city defense on the battlefield was stunned at the top of the city. When he woke up, he couldn't understand his words. He thought he had been beaten stupid, but he knew how to train dogs."

Bai Wenxuan laughed innocently: "It seems that he is not stupid, but he doesn't know Wang Hua and can't understand the language. I asked other flag slaves and captives, and they seemed to be called Yuskin Tarzi or some other weird name. It was Tartar."

I caught it from the river."

"There was another Horqin man who could barely understand a few words he said and could also speak Mongolian. Governor Yang sent someone to send him along with three Liaodong dogs to raise dogs for the commander. All other prisoners and wounded soldiers were killed.


After that, he asked Liu Chengzong: "By the way, Commander-in-Chief, Governor Yang asked his subordinates to come over and ask. Monan has captured more than 600 heads. Do you want Commander-in-Chief?"

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "Why do I want that thing? Let him sell it to Ming Dynasty."

This chapter has been completed!
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