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Chapter 652: The Tiger of the Black Truth Department

Yang Qi knew that Liu Chengzong had never been interested in human heads.

As long as he could sell people's heads, he would not let Bai Wenxuan come to ask this question.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty impeached his own family member Yang Sichang so hard that Yang Sichang almost broke off diplomatic relations with him and would definitely not want his head.

The main reason was that Monan was in an awkward area. Yang Qi originally saw that Yang Sichang was not interested in the head, so he offered to sell the head to Fu Renxi privately.

It's a pity that Deputy General Fu didn't want it. He wrote to Yang Qi and said quite presumptuously: "Fu guarded Datong to kill the Hukou, and faced the Tumote in Fengzhou Beach. The soldiers handed over a bunch of Dongpi heads. The governor thought it was appropriate.


Yang Qi thought about it, and it seemed to be the truth.

He wrote back to Fu Renxi, saying that he would first make lime and nitrate it, seal it in a wooden box, dig a cave and hang it from a beam, and wait for the Jin army to come over next year, so we can trade for a while.

But having said that, Yang Qi himself does not think that these brains can be properly stored until next year. It is estimated that they will not be enough in seven or eight months, let alone what if they don’t come next year?

Besides, if we come back next year, we still have next year’s heads to chop off and sell.

Then someone was sent to ask Liu Chengzong.

Whether there are jujubes or not, let’s hug a pole first and then talk about it.

Anyway, the commander-in-chief doesn't want it, so he has nothing to lose.

He estimated that Liu Chengzong was not interested in heads, but he must be very interested in people. It was so novel for them to capture this savage Tatar.

In the Huayan Temple outside Xi'an City, two Yulin Langs holding Yanling knives in their hands brought the captives to the temple.

The captives of the Horqin tribe were nothing special. They had pigtails on the back of their heads. They looked like a Mongolian squad leader under the Eight Banners. They were very polite and knelt down when they came in.

It is estimated that after being captured by Yang Qi, he was repeatedly kicked by Tumote's Mongolian soldiers in Guihua City. Half of his face was swollen and his eye sockets were still bruised.

The man standing next to him should be the savage Tatar that Yang Qi mentioned.

Liu Shishi originally thought that the "savage Tatar" mentioned in Yang Qi's letter was just a contemptuous term.

But I didn't expect that the one I brought here looked like a savage.

This man was of medium height, wearing nothing underneath his upper body. He wore a sleeveless and studded cloth-covered half-armor, with two bare arms. He wore cotton trousers and a pair of Liaodong military boots inlaid with iron plates.

She was wearing two clothes and one pair of boots, neither of which fit well, and both were stained with old blood and dirt. It was impossible to tell what color they were originally, nor how many hands they had been poured into.

Even if he said it was taken from the defeated soldiers of Saarhu more than ten years ago, Liu Chengzong would believe it.

But what caught the eye was not the old armor, but the man's two exposed arms.

Those two arms are so strong, almost as thick as his chest and back, and his whole body is as strong as a door panel.

This kind of body shape is not uncommon in the Marshal's Mansion where there are many fierce men. However, many of the Marshal's Mansion have poor nutrition and have to work hard to become strong and strong, rather than like this savage Tatar, who not only has thick muscles, but also has muscles.

There is also a lot of fat covering it.

This is very rare in this era.

Liu Chengzong originally estimated that this kind of body shape should be found only at the seaside, but he did not expect that there would be such people in the Northeast.

What's special is that on top of such an exceptionally majestic figure is an old and young face.

The short hair on his head showed that he had braids on the back of his head before, but he had not trimmed his hair for at least seven or eight months, and the braids grew wildly on the back of his head and became a mess.

As for being old and young at the same time, it is because of the deep wrinkles and extremely rough skin on his face that he looks very old.

But with his timid eyes and short mustache, Liu Chengzong clearly felt that this was a young man in his twenties.

Liu Chengzong was so familiar with this savage temperament that he unconsciously looked at Zhang Xianzhong.

What's funny is that Zhang Xianzhong was also looking at him at this time. The two looked at each other and saw each other's eyes dodge.

Both parties are very sure that everyone has one thing in mind.

This man's whole body exudes the temperament of someone who has lived in the wild all year round, just like when the two of them were peasant soldiers.

Everyone is very experienced in being a savage.

This made Liu Shizi, who was sitting in the top position, amused for no reason.

I thought to myself that this could be considered a historic meeting between the savage Tatars from the northeast and the savage men from the northwest.

He said to Yu Linqi: "Get them a futon."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong put his forearms on his thighs, leaned forward slightly, and asked Bai Wenxuan with great interest: "What is his name?"

When Bai Wenxuan saw Liu Chengzong's gesture, he thought to himself that Governor Yang understood the commander-in-chief. Their commander-in-chief was not interested in common things like human heads, but liked these new objects.

He quickly replied: "Back to the handsome man, it seems that calling him Amba is still Mafa. I don't understand their language despite my humble position. It probably means tiger. In short... the handsome man can call him whatever he wants."

Bai Wenxuan pointed to Horqin Bing beside him and said, "His master said so."

While the two were talking, Yu Linqi sent two futons.

When Tiger heard the nobleman escorting him say his name to the nobleman in the palace, his brows furrowed into the Chinese character "Chuan" unconsciously.

The cloth armor he was wearing, which he was better off wearing, exuded a musty smell that penetrated his nostrils, and the strange scent of incense in the hall lingered around him. All in all, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

It made him miss his hometown even more.

The tiger's hometown is in the northeast, at the foot of the Xing'an Mountains and on the banks of the Songhua River.

There are no soybeans and sorghum there yet, only large rivers and mountains, forests and swamps as far as the eye can see.

There are bears and tigers in the mountains, jackals and wolves in the forests, water plants in the swamps, and mosquitoes and flies.

There, roads are closed in the spring, poisonous insects swarm in the summer, and wild beasts swarm in the autumn. Of course, there are brutal cold winds, dry and long winters, and roads are cut off by ice and snow.

There, their country was called Heizhen Kingdom. Its predecessor was called Black Water Department in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was called the Five Kingdoms Department in the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and it was called the Envoy Dog Department in the Ming Dynasty. Or they were simply considered to be the Savage Jurchens.

But in fact, the Heizhen tribes have long formed a strong tribal identity, but just like their neighbors, the Shilu tribe, the Sauron tribes, the harsh living environment prevents them from forming a complete hierarchical system.

A political power can be formed, but a country cannot be established.

They are widely distributed on both sides of the Heilong, Songhua, and Wusuli rivers. There are less than 100,000 people in the vast land, and the population density is even much smaller than that of the Marshal's Mansion.

Because they settled by the river, the tribe had superb techniques for tanning fish skins, so people often wore clothes made of fish skins. Therefore, they were also called fish skin tartars by the Jianzhou people.

The name Tiger comes from the day he was born, when Amma encountered a tiger while hunting in the mountains. With a wooden spear and five good hounds, they fought to a draw.

The tiger's front legs were pierced by a spear, and his mother's legs were broken with a slap.

In fact, his Ama is a very fierce hunter, with a strong temper, experienced skills, and strong agility, but she was already old when she gave birth to him.

Families of fishermen and hunters like them, who live in a world of ice and snow, have suffered too much and too much in life. They age quickly. When they reach their forties, their legs, feet, and arms no longer work.

If you encounter a tiger with a hunting dog when you are young, you can at least escape unscathed, not to mention fighting the tiger to death alone.

Of course, this is just a guess based on the tiger's own strength when he grows up.

When his grandmother told him this story, he was not convinced. He patted the lame man's leg and boasted. He pointed at the forged steel tiger gun hanging on the wall and said: "If we had this back then, we would not have been approached by tigers. It's a pity that it was only made of antlers."

It was a wooden gun, and then the barrel of the gun broke, causing the tiger to lose its legs at close range."

This thing is just bragging, because the forged steel tiger gun was made by the blacksmith of Wuguo City. The gun head is equipped with iron antlers that have a deterrent effect. The gun barrel is also wrapped with a foot-long steel wire. It will indeed not be broken by the tiger.


But back then, their entire village didn't have a single iron gun.

It’s a hell of a place where there are five months of winter in a year, and there are still four months left when the snow melts into the mud and the ground is frozen everywhere. Where can I get steel weapons?

It was the forged steel tiger gun that later hung on the wall of their house.

It was the second year after the tiger was born. With his lame leg, he took five dogs and went into the mountains again. He searched for the tiger for two whole months and laid traps all over the ground to seek revenge on the tiger.

His elder brother took all the tiger skins, tiger bones, and tiger whips to Five Kingdoms City, three hundred miles away, and sold them, before returning in exchange for a forged steel tiger spear.

But in fact, that was his last time hunting in the mountains. He originally wanted to take revenge on the tiger, but he didn't expect that he could still come out of the mountains alive.

Otherwise, you should bring your brothers and nephews together to form a hunting team and go into the mountains to be sure of success.

His mother just felt that winter was coming soon, and he was lame and could not hunt. He would become a burden to the family and even the tribe, wasting limited food, so it was better to go into the mountains to fight with his old enemy. No matter he succeeded or failed, he would be a hero.

Even if I feed a tiger with my body, I will not lose my status, but I will feel a headache.

Never imagined.

His Ama had a hard time with his broken leg, but it recovered with the help of his family. He was just a little lame, couldn't work hard, and ran slowly.

The beast's leg was also broken, but no one was there to set the bones. It was difficult to catch a roe deer in the forest. It was so hungry that it was all skin and bones, and the roe deer's harness could not be broken free!

If you go later, you don't need to beat him, the beast will starve to death on its own.

In fact, his later life was not as desperate as his Amma imagined. Although hunting was inconvenient due to his lame leg, the lifestyle of the Black True Tribes was not limited to hunting.

They can also catch fish, which is of course quite difficult.

In the middle of winter, in the ice caves on the river, people would sit outdoors for an hour or two, eating large salmon, carp, and 30 to 50 kilograms of jellyfish, whose skins are the best material for making clothes.

In any case, that hunting left him with a lingering fear in his heart, so he named him Tiger, hoping that he would be as strong and powerful as a tiger.

Later, his eldest brother used the tiger gun to hunt another tiger with his second brother, making their family famous hunters on the Songhua River. Even in Wuguo City, 300 miles away, they are well-known.

Five Kingdoms City was located in what was later to be Yilan County, Harbin, near Jiamusi.

Going northeast from Shenyang, we still have to walk two thousand miles.

They have their own language, culture, production habits and livelihood skills. The tiger should also be the king of beasts in the forest, sea and snowy plains.

Until the Jianzhou people discovered that savage women were an excellent source of soldiers.

Of course they are the best source of soldiers!

Autumn has just entered Shenyang, and winter has already entered in Five Kingdoms City.

The temperature difference between Five Kingdoms City and Shenyang is as big as the temperature difference between Shenyang and Beijing.

The people of Jianzhou lived in a world of ice and snow, and they were cold-resistant and good at fighting. Compared with Heizhenren, they were nothing.

The physical health, shooting skills, survival ability and luck of the tribesmen living on the banks of the Songhua River and at the foot of the Xing'an Mountains are better than those of the people born in the Central Plains or even in Liaodong, and are generally much better.

This has nothing to do with race. What kind of life was a person living in the Central Plains like growing up?

When Tiger was a child, he heard his Ama tell stories and knew that all the way west along the Songhua River, as far away as the horizon, there was a group of people called Black Coats.

The black coat is a native of the Central Plains, and the transliteration of Khitan in Heizhenren's language.

Amma said that the black coats were different from them, they wore clothes made of cotton, and hey, they could also write.

Tiger asked what cotton was, and Amma said it was like clouds in the sky, like fish skin, and could be woven into clothes.

The tiger asked again what the word was.

Amma was very distressed at the time. She frowned and thought for a long time, and finally raised her hand and slapped Tiger: "You have so many problems with your little brat!"

Later, when Ama mentioned salt, he forgot about the word. Salt is very precious.

Amma said that the salt they Heizhen bought from Wuguocheng was all sold by Heiyi from Jianzhou and North Korea.

Hei Yiyi also said that he had been studying since he was a child. If his family conditions were poor, he would drop out of school as soon as he could read and work as a farmer, herd sheep, or run errands as an apprentice. If the conditions were good, he would study hard.

This time the tiger learned so well that he didn't dare to ask what the book was, and the back of his head still hurt.

He only remembered that in the cellar built for hunting at that time, the cold wind blew howling through the small window, but he was wrapped in a thick deerskin robe and did not feel any pain on his face because it was already frozen.

Amma was the same, her eyebrows, beard, and eyelashes were all covered with white ice, and she said: "You can study for ten years just sitting there, and why do you ask Han Chuang to study so hard!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At that time, the tiger looked at the small window of the diwozi covered with bream skin, and thought to himself, it is really bitter, but also really powerful.

I had no time to hunt or fish, so I just sat by the small window. For ten years, I could neither freeze to death nor starve to death.

The memory of Amma telling stories when he was a child was deeply rooted in Tiger's mind. He always believed that black coats were immortals who wore white clouds and sat facing the cold wind for ten years without giving birth, without eating, drinking or being afraid of the cold.

But if you were born in Xing'anling, most people's lives would be much simpler.

The God above our head here is like a professional and serious quality inspector, saving all sentient beings, and has to inspect it several times every year.

If you can't make it through the spring, let the wolf take it away; if you can't make it through the summer, let it be bitten by poisonous insects and send it away.

If it doesn’t work in autumn, let’s freeze him to death first.

Winter is simple, starving to death.

Life is easy. If you can't bear it, just step into a hole in the snow. You won't be able to get out for half an hour. But half a year later, when the snow melts, it will still be lifelike.

In these years, the Northeast and the densely populated area of ​​Liaodong were no different from Siberia.

As for the later large granary of the Songnen Plain, it was still a frozen tundra swamp. More than three hundred years later, 40 million people broke into Guandong, and 5.7 million young people spent decades developing the Great Northern Wilderness.

The tribal people living in Xing'an Mountains, Songhua River, Heilongjiang, and Wusuli River, every adult male in this area, are screened out by God in this way.

Of course they are strong and powerful, can withstand hardship and cold, can wear strong armor and carry sharp soldiers, and can charge into battle to the death.

Otherwise, why in this era, the population of Jianzhou is more than the people of the entire Northeast, because Liaodong is the most suitable place for human survival in the entire Northeast.

Since Nurhaci, the Jurchens of Jianzhou have wanted to force the Heizhen tribe to pay tribute, but the Heizhen tribes have always refused. Even though Nurhaci has used troops for this purpose several times, the Heizhen tribes still refuse to accept it. If you dare to come, I will fight.

They just worry about paying tribute.

As early as the Yuan Shun Emperor's period in the Yuan Dynasty, the Heizhen tribes had revolted twice because of the government's pressure to conquer Haidongqing, and Shui Dada had been suppressed for ten years.

The Heizhen people were rigid and straightforward, and they also liked people who were rigid and straightforward. However, the Jianzhou people were cunning and could not ask for tribute, so they sent troops to fight.

Tiger's eldest brother died in Nurhaci's last war against the Hezhe tribe.

Just because of that forged steel tiger spear from Five Kingdoms City.

In fact, the wars launched by the Later Jin Dynasty against various tribes in the Northeast were generally not very intense.

It was not because of kindness or not wanting to kill people, but because the productivity of the various tribes was too poor. Weapons and arrows made of antlers and animal bones were unable to break through the defenses of the Hou Jin army wearing iron armor.

On the other hand, it is difficult for tribesmen wearing thick and heavy leather robes and leather armor to die directly from being stabbed by swords and arrows.

As a result, the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty were able to hunt and catch animals with ease when facing the fishing and hunting people of various tribes with extremely strong physical fitness.

But the big brother with the tiger gun is different. No matter what you wear, you will be shot at close range. You are regarded as a great threat and will die under the specially made plum needle arrows.

In the Huang Taiji era of the Later Jin Dynasty, with the insufficient population of Jianzhou and the shortage of military resources, the Heizhen tribes were under greater military pressure.

The year before last, Huang Taiji sent someone to send a message to the Heizhen tribes, saying: "Your ancestors are all from our country, and the records are very clear. You still don't know about it, so you are willing to leave it alone."

Isn’t this fart? Is it a person from the same country? We Heizhenren don’t know, but you Jianzhou people know?

As for saying that the recorded records are very clear, that's even more nonsense. Our Black Truth Department only has words, no writing, and relies entirely on word of mouth.

What kind of registration do you have?

Besides, if people from the same country in ancient times should have interacted with each other as equals, there would be no reason to pay tribute to you!

We are all obviously friends, so why do we Heizhens have to pay Jurchens a good friend fee?

When war comes, it is always inevitable that the situation will escalate.

Tiger's other two brothers were captured by Hou Jin's army. During the war the year before last, Ama slapped Tiger into the river. He took his bow, arrows and wooden spear to fight with the pursuers, and died on the bank.

The tiger swam across the Songhua River, but failed to escape the pursuit of the Hou Jin Army. After being captured, he was incorporated into the Mongolian Right Battalion of the Hou Jin Army.

At this time, Houjin did not have the Eight Banners of Mongolia, but only the Mongolian Niulu of the Eight Banners, which was the Mongolian army under the jurisdiction of the Eight Banners.

There were two battalions in total, namely the Mongolian Gushan left camp led by Wunage, and the Mongolian Gushan right camp led by Obundui.

In the past, there were two Mongolian Baylor battalions composed of surrendered nobles, but they were both driven west by Lin Dan Khan. After Monan Mongolia lost its threat to Houjin, Huang Taiji canceled its independent status and merged it into the two left and right Mongolian battalions of the Eight Banners.

In other words, during this short period of turmoil, the Houjin Mongolian Camp was actually a powder keg with very weak cohesion and relied on the containment of all parties to maintain its existence.

Among them were Manchus who were born in Mongolia and had surrendered to the Hou Jin Dynasty as early as the Nurhaci period and were incorporated into the Eight Banners; there were also old Mongolian nobles who had lost their independent status; there were also Mongolian soldiers who had neither independent status nor Manchu status.

There are also a group of people like Tiger, the 'Fishkin Tartars' from the Dog Tribe and the Sauron Soldiers from the Deer Tribe, who were captured as foreign prisoners of war and given iron armor to fight to the death.

These foreign soldiers did not even occupy the establishment. Anyway, they could not understand the language and were four or five thousand miles away from home. They had neither the possibility of joining forces to rebel nor the ability to break away from the army. They could only wear iron armor and fight for Hou Jin.

Huang Taiji also promised them that if they could prove themselves on the battlefield, they would be incorporated into the Eight Banners and regarded as Manchuria. In future wars, they would be able to divide the spoils like the Eight Banners soldiers.

Of course, this kind of promise is bullshit to Tiger.

Where the hell is this?

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