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Chapter 78 Don't Live

 The waiter in the teahouse is still shouting.

The storyteller narrated: "But it is said that on that day when the Holy Lord was born, red light filled the sky, Lieutenant Hong mistakenly walked away from the demon, and a hundred and eight Demon Lords came into the world, and the black energy rushed into the sky..."

Cao Yao held a bowl of tea foam soup and drank it slowly.

Not far away, Liu Chengyun lowered his bamboo hat and pushed a wooden cart full of hay. He turned to the path on the right side of the city gate entrance near the steps to the upper city and stopped.

"Hey, don't park the car here!"

The gatekeeper sitting on the stone steps to avoid the sun was giving orders with bare feet.

Liu Chengyun apologized, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Master, don't worry, take a rest."

More than a dozen steps away, Cao Yao took out a dozen copper coins from his arms and threw them on the table. He put down the unfinished half bowl of tea soup and everyone stood up.

Liu Chengyun left the hay truck and walked towards the teahouse; Cao Yao left his tea bowl and walked towards the hay truck.

Both of them are faster and faster.

Seeing a group of people approaching in a menacing manner, the gatekeeper noticed something was wrong and was about to stand up and call out.

Cao Yao took three steps at a time and ran up the stone steps. He knocked him over with one punch and rolled to the bottom of the steps. He asked Feng Sui to pull out a knife from the car and stab him in the heart.

The knife was white and the blood was red. The waiter in the teahouse was stunned for a moment. Before he could scream out with his mouth wide open, he was grabbed by Cheng Yun: "Don't scream, go make your tea, and don't meddle in other people's business!"

The waiter didn't scream, but followed a group of soldiers who took swords, bows, clubs and shields from the car. For a moment, the Wengcheng was beaten into a ball, and Minzhuang was carried by Feng Ru and thrown off the city wall.

With so much fanfare, the woman across the street screamed, her voice shrill.

Cheng Yun had no choice but to give up and patted the waiter: "Forget it, just scream."

The waiter was so frightened that his face turned pale and he opened his mouth wide and shouted.


At the end of the long street, Liu Chengzong had just walked to the county government office when he heard hysterical shouting at the city gate and stopped.

Cai Zhongpan asked: "What should I do? It's still a while away from Zhang Qianhu's house."

The county government office is close, they can hear the shouting at the city gate, and they can also hear it in the county government office.

"Let him go and go to the county government to rescue me first."

Just as I said this, I could already hear the chaotic assembly of the county government officials.

In the blink of an eye, Dian Shi, who was riding a horse and carrying a dozen government servants dragging sticks, iron rulers, and chain-waist knives, ran out quickly, shouting: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Cai Zhongpan shouted to them: "There are murderers at the city gate!"

Hearing in a hurry that there was a murder at the city gate, the government officials didn't even bother to identify who was wearing official robes.

People only recognize official robes.

Naturally, he would not be regarded as a thief.

Just as the two people were about to cross each other, Liu Chengzong lowered his arms, and swords and axes fell from the sleeves of his official robe.

With a sharp weapon in his hand, he jumped out with both feet, rushing into the crowd like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, slashing and smashing with knives and axes.

For a moment, Guo Zashi, Gao Xian and others followed behind them and rushed into the crowd with weapons. In a blink of an eye, they were killing people like melons and vegetables. The government officials were instantly defeated.

The Dianshi of Nafushi County was attacked. Seeing that the yamen servant could not resist, he grabbed the reins and turned the horse to rush into the yamen. However, he was stopped by Cai Zhongpan, who had been standing on the threshold of the yamen earlier.

Cai Zhongpan went to look for a torch and lit the match. As soon as he put the gun in his hand, he heard the sound of horseshoes hitting the bluestone behind him. Without even taking aim, he turned around and fired the gun.


The loud noise of the cannon startled Dian Shi's mount, and the horseman stood up. He couldn't control himself for a moment and knocked him to the ground.

Before Dianshi could get up, Cai Zhongpan had already chased him up. He took two or three steps, holding the reins with one hand and holding a blunderbuss close to him, hitting him in the back of the heart, killing him immediately.

Just at this moment, Gao Xian and several border troops, armed with steel knives in their hands, went crazy, chasing the scattered government officials on the street and hacking at them.

Cai Zhongpan quickly shouted: "Lion, don't worry about them, save your brother-in-law first!"

While he was shouting, Liu Chengzong had already chased several government officials and chased them across the street. The people around him suddenly heard about the commotion and ran all over the ground.

It's funny to say that someone actually ran out to help him hug the yamen servant.

"My benefactor, run quickly!"

What the hell are you running for?

Without caring about who it was, Liu Chengzong stepped forward and gave the officer a stabbing blow.

Only then did he realize that he was the unknown veteran who had received some relief from him a few months ago.

"You want to push people's carts all your life? You can't hold a bow but you can still hold a knife. Follow me!"

Liu Chengzong did not wait for his answer. He raised his foot and kicked the yamen servant's waist knife, turned around and ran past the huddled crowd into the county yamen.

The veteran's face was spattered with blood. He lowered his head and looked at his left hand with a missing thumb for a long time. He gritted his teeth, picked up the knife on the ground, and chased Liu Chengzong into the county government office.

In the county government office, Zhang Pan, the clerk of the household office, heard about the commotion and ran out of the household office. He bumped into Cai Zhongpan and shot Dian Shi to death in front of the government office.

Before he could swallow his surprise, Liu Chengzong had already jumped into the Yamen with his sword in hand.

Zhang Pan quickly shouted: "Chengzong? Are you crazy? This is the county government!"

"Secretary Zhang, if you don't have anything to do with me, please go back to your house."

Liu Chengzong pointed his knife at the sixth room and forced all the clerks and clerks back to their rooms.

Only Zhang Pan relied on his familiarity to persuade him: "If there is anything we can't discuss, it must be like this. You should have told me earlier and I will help you release the fourth master.

You still have time to run now, but no matter how late you are, you won’t be able to get out of the city. No matter how brave you are, will you still be able to defeat the Yan’an Guards?”

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said with a smile: "Why did you go there earlier? Liu Chengzong, an obedient citizen, would not dare to hit anyone, but do you think I am compliant today? What kind of dog official can you really think that wearing an official uniform can protect him?"

After saying that, the veteran rushed into the door first, and then Gao Xian also came in with two swords.

Liu Chengzong winked at Gao Xian: "Stop the county magistrate."

Gao Xian, whose clothes were stained with blood, took orders and went straight to the main hall of the county government office with a knife.

Cai Zhongpan was about to go to the West Yamen, but a jailer blocked the door of the hospital and refused to let him in. He had to step aside angrily to load his musket.

Liu Chengzong did not push the door open, but when he saw a figure flashing behind the crack in the door, he stabbed the dagger in along the crack in the door.

I heard a scream from behind the door.

He took two more steps back, turned around and broke the door bolt with one kick, then rushed into the West Yamen with a knife and ax.

Seeing how he dared to stop him, the remaining jailers scattered one after another.

Someone was about to sit on the wall when he grabbed him and knocked him to the ground. He was expected to die and screamed, but Liu Chengzong held him with a knife and said, "Open the cell door and spare your life."

As if he had been granted amnesty, the jailer kowtowed twice on the ground, took the key with a trembling hand, and led him to the prison.

There is no longer a jailer in the dark cell.

Dozens of prisoners were making noises and shouting, and some tried hard to destroy the wooden fence of the cell. When they saw Liu Chengzong, who was as bloody as a gourd of blood, escorting the jailer in, they didn't dare to speak for a while, expecting to look over.

Only Liu Xiangyu looked ashen.

He had a premonition, and he already had a premonition in his heart from the chaos outside.

At this time, I saw my son directing the jailer to open the cells one after another. His lips were trembling and he couldn't say a word.

It wasn't until the cell was wide open that he held Liu Chengzong's arm and said, "Lion boy, I've done a lot of harm to you!"

"Oh, in this world, sooner or later, this day will come. Let's go."

Liu Xiangyu also knew that this was not the place to talk, so he nodded and said: "Yes, we need to get out of the city quickly. Let's go."

A group of prisoners each picked up the chains and sticks scattered by the jailers on the ground. Even Liu Xiangyu dragged a short stick and held it in his hand.

Everyone rushed out of the West Yamen following Liu Chengzong's noise, and when they were about to rush out of the Yamen, they saw Liu Chengzong stopped and refused to leave.

"Lion, let's go, what's wrong?"

Liu Chengzong tilted his neck, raised his knife and pointed at the government hall: "Sir, the county government master won't let our family live, and I can't let him live either. Don't even live!"

This chapter has been completed!
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