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Chapter 79 Lianzhu Arrow

 "Liu Xiangyu, you are crazy!

This county is a court official selected by His Majesty Zhu Pi. Where did you hire these desperadoes? This is a rebellion!"

When Liu Chengzong led people into the county government house, Gao Xian was directing two border troops to move firewood.

The magistrate was somehow blocked in the wing by him, with people watching from both windows.

Gao Xian said: "This old dog has a musket. If he can't get in, he has to set fire to it."

Liu Chengzong looked around and saw that it was not easy to set fire to this place.

Fire is easy to burn but cannot be extinguished.

The two streets next to the county government office were all burned down.

The people are living a peaceful life, so forget it if they are frightened once. Setting fire to someone else's house is such a bastard.

When I looked down, I saw a dead body lying on the ground in the yard, and a man dressed like an animal was kneeling next to him.

Liu Chengzong looked left and right, thinking that he should start from the window, and laughed and cursed: "Damn it, why didn't you bring gunpowder to blow him up into the sky? I must kill him. Who are these two?"

Gao Xian stared: "That bastard is my master, and he recited the Ming Dynasty Law to me, saying that the disaster will affect three generations, and I will die for all three generations. I am the only one left, and he still dares to threaten me!

It’s really noisy, I’ll chop it up with a knife.

Next to me is the county magistrate. Let’s see if there’s anything to do with him. I’ll keep it for you.”

The county magistrate seemed frightened by Gao Xian, and even wanted to stay away from Gao Xian when he was mentioned as an official.

Liu Chengzong turned around and asked: "Master, is he there to put you in jail?"

Hearing this, the county magistrate, who thought he would not survive today, suddenly raised his head, hope for life rising in his eyes, and quickly said to Liu Xiangyu: "Brother Xiangyu knows it well, I have never harmed you!"

Liu Xiangyu was indifferent to the plea, and just shook his head calmly: "There is no Prime Minister Meng, lion, don't embarrass him."

Looking at his father's expression, Liu Chengzong could make a guess. He turned around and said, "So you didn't do anything, you just stood aside and watched them try to trick me?"

As long as the county magistrate said something good in the middle, my father's plea would not be so plain.

"I'm afraid, I have no choice. Zhang Qianhu wants to be arrested, Dian Shi also wants to be arrested, and the county magistrate wants to be arrested even more. I went to ask the magistrate, but he also said that Brother Xiang Yu still likes to curse people, because he hasn't suffered enough."

Mengxian Cheng begged: "I am just an assistant officer..."

Liu Chengzong turned to look at his father with a strange expression, and Liu Xiangyu also looked a little embarrassed.

No one should ask the prefect. Liu Xiangyu was imprisoned last time because he cursed the prefect.

This time he scolded the county magistrate again. Even if the magistrate didn't know the inside story, he would never have anything good to say.

"Get up, it's not your fault, though."

Halfway through his words, Liu Chengzong stared at the side room and lowered his voice: "You have to do me a favor, knock on the door and shout to him loudly. You must let Secretary Zhang outside hear him, and you must let the magistrate speak.

At this moment, Cai Zhongpan stepped forward and whispered in Liu Chengzong's ear: "Lion, the government officials from the government office are coming. I will lead the prisoners to stop them. Hurry up!"

Liu Chengzong nodded and looked as usual, and continued to persuade Meng County Prime Minister in a warm voice: "If you don't help me, I can only kill you.

You help me, the Fushi County magistrate is dead, you are the only one, you have the final say."

Liu Chengzong first raised his ax and then his dagger: "Let him speak and be the magistrate of the county; or die here and be the magistrate of Meng County."

Cai Zhongpan is gathering people, and the yamen is in chaos.

The magistrate yelled and cursed in the wing room after a while. Liu Chengzong's suggestion sounded unnecessary, but it made Meng County Cheng open his eyes nervously and horrified: "You can't come back after you run away, why did you harm me?"

He can understand what Liu Chengzong means.


Liu Chengzong didn't reply, but reached out to Guo Zashi for a bow and arrow: "Three."

"What do you want me to do!"


"I, I do."

Prime Minister Meng County stood up and walked towards the door of the wing, shouting loudly as he walked: "Wang parents, please don't let go, it's me!"

Liu Chengzong smiled with satisfaction, took out three arrows from the arrow pot, clamped them in his hands, and walked towards the window of the wing.

"Mengxian Cheng, they didn't kill you? I knew they didn't dare to kill you. Soon, Liu Xiangyu, listen, the guards and troops will come to the city soon, and you can't escape!"

Liu Chengzong first walked to the left window, listened attentively, raised his bow to estimate the approximate distance, and then walked around to the right window.

Pull out three more arrows and insert them in front of you, close your eyes and listen quietly to estimate the direction.

"Yes, these evil thieves! They will not hesitate to die!"

Meng Xian Cheng's glare and angry words are somewhat tinged with personal feelings.

"Brother Meng, don't be afraid, they..."

The magistrate in the wing just said half a sentence.

Outside the window, Liu Chengzong stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, shooting one arrow, two arrows, and three arrows one after another.

Arrows broke through the window.

Just when Liu Chengzong leaned over and pulled out the arrow from the ground, a scream came from the room, followed by a series of exclamations and curses.

Immediately afterwards, a gunshot was heard in the room.


The lead shot shattered the window lattice and partition, scraped against the window and flew out diagonally.

Almost at the same time, by the window on the other side, Gao Xian flew through the window and threw himself into the wing.

The screams in the room stopped.

The wooden door opened. Gao Xian took the blunderbuss in his hand and looked at it for a moment. He handed it to Guo Zashi and turned around and said, "I was hit by an arrow. Why didn't I expect that?"

"Young Master."

Liu Chengzong raised his head and looked inside, and saw that the magistrate was being hit in the abdomen by an arrow. He asked Gao Xian to inflict two more blows before he fell in a pool of blood, leaving most of the suffocation in his chest.

He said easily: "If you bring five more bows, why don't you listen to where he is? Why bother? Just shoot him to death with random arrows."

Guns were fired at the gate of the government office. Someone shouted from a distance and couldn't hear clearly. Most of the government officials had already arrived.

"She Tuotian hasn't entered the city for so long. Let's go. Let's kill them for a while, defeat them and seek revenge on Zhang Qianhu."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong asked Guo Zashi to protect Liu Xiangyu. After taking two steps, he turned back, patted Meng County Prime Minister and said: "County Prime Minister, remember, Black Dragon Mountain can be destroyed, and no one in Liujiazhuang can touch it, otherwise I will die.

Come back, you are not the only one who will suffer.

Go ahead and look for the money hidden by the magistrate. If you throw anything away, throw it at me."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong took a big step and led people out of the back house.

Mengxian Cheng has no intention of looking for money at this time.

He looked back at the magistrate who was lying in a pool of blood in the wing, and then at the backs of Liu Chengzong and others leaving. His knees softened, and he slid down against the wall, slowly slumping to the ground.

When I walked from the back house to the main hall, I heard the noise of people. It was actually the prisoners who were surrounded in the hall. They were supported by two desks at the door. Several people were leaning against the door holding sticks and swords to block them.

Outside the yamen, dozens of yamen servants and more than a dozen patrol archers have formed a formation, with shields in front of them and bows and arrows behind them. There is also an inspector who comes from nowhere, raising his sword to command them.

The inspector from the Government Inspection Department took a few people into the city for business yesterday and happened upon this incident. Seeing a fight outside the county government office, he went to the government office to gather the government officials.

The prisoners fought with them outside the Yamen, and three of them were shot before they could reach the Yamen. Everyone did not dare to resist, and immediately retreated into the Yamen.

Although Cai Zhongpan had a musket, he couldn't hit it accurately when he was far away. Even the two muskets he fired were empty.

The uncle was a little panicked and said: "The two prisoners who ran out to surrender were hacked to death. They didn't even want to surrender. What should we do now?"

Liu Xiangyu said: "Don't be impulsive, lion. You can jump out of the back room."

"It's okay, go and sit behind you, keep an eye on your lion's ability, and pull out the knife with force."

After hearing this, Guo Zashi helped Mr. Liu to sit down in the hall. Then he took the horse-toothed iron goose-wing knife, pulled it out an inch, blocked the copper from being exposed, and held the scabbard against his shoulder.

"If we hit him, he should be embarrassed!"

Liu Chengzong tore off the horn leather belt around his waist, took off his official robe and threw it on the ground. He picked up a fast arrow with eagle feathers, ran past the entrance of the lobby, and caught a glimpse of the inspector's position.

Several arrows were hammered into the doors and windows, and two arrows hit the front door of the main hall, knocking down the hanging plaque on the mirror and smashing it to the ground, breaking into three pieces.

At the same time, Liu Chengzong once again leaned out of the door, filled his bow, and shot out an arrow.

The inspector covered his face and screamed, falling backwards and rushing to save him. The arrow was nailed to his face, and blood was flowing out from between his fingers.

In the hall, Guo Zashi pushed out the knife, only to see Liu Chengzong leaning behind the door, throwing his head back and laughing.

He said: "Listen, hungry people have entered the city!"

The chaotic footsteps are far away in the horizon, rushing like thunder.

Liu Chengzong stopped smiling, held the handle and slowly pulled out the Wild Goose Wing Knife. He caressed the exquisite patterns on the back of the knife with his palms, and held it in both hands with a solemn expression.

"Whoever dares to follow me out will be killed and run away with their heads covered!"

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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