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Chapter 2553: The Air of Decay

No one knows how this world was broken. Even the oldest transcendent people only know the existence of this world and have not seen what it looks like with their own eyes.

Perhaps only the mysterious Eternal Demon knows the appearance of this world and the cause and effect of its fragmentation. Even if Zhang Qian had the jade plate in hand, he would not be able to deduce the secret of this fragmentation.

This is the ultimate secret of primordial nothingness, and is even related to the realm above transcendence.

After this world was shattered, countless fragments were scattered into the original nothingness and fell into the big universes. Some merged with the universe and became part of the universe, while others turned into treasures with incredible power and fell into the universe. into the hands of strong men.

Some fell into the interior of the universe, destroying that universe, and some fragments fell into the hands of some transcendent beings, becoming their treasures for understanding the secret of the transformation of existence and non-existence.

Tongxuanzi and Di Fentian had competed for a fragment of this world, but Di Fentian failed in the competition, so he thought of embarking on the path of the Lord of the Universe, in order to speed up his understanding of the secret of the change of existence and non-existence.

Otherwise, he would not have embarked on the path of being the Lord of the Universe. He would only need to use the mysteries of the fragments of this world to quickly understand the meaning of the change of existence and non-existence, and even understand some of the secrets of this world.

In the endless primordial nothingness, the foundation of the universe is an extremely precious divine object, but the fragments of this world are more precious divine objects than the foundation of the universe, and they are of infinite value!

Even the original lord would covet it.

The roots of the Immortal Taoist Master are related to the fragments of this world. When this world was shattered, endless destruction, decay, dilapidation and other Tao Qi were born. These terrible Tao Qi were born when this world was broken. Extremely terrifying.

One of the fragments was contaminated with a trace of decay. That trace of decay accompanied the fragments of this world and fell into the original nothingness, entering a newly born universe.

The big universe had just been born not long ago, and it hadn't even had time to give birth to the cosmic avenue. It was still in the process of being gestated. At this moment, this piece of this world stained with the aura of decay fell into the universe.

The light of origin that gave birth to the Great Avenue of the Universe also acted on this fragment. If it were just a fragment, it would not produce any changes. This fragment of this world can also add to the foundation and origin of the universe.

It's a pity that this fragment is stained with a trace of decay. This is the decay that was born when this world was shattered. It is not easy to destroy a universe.

But it happened that this trace of decay encountered the light of origin, which was the light that created the universe, and contained incredible mysteries and mysteries.

The sharp opposition between the two Taoist intentions actually caused a spark to fly out during the collision, and this spark was the Immortal Taoist Master.

In the collision between the light of origin and the air of decay, a strange spirituality was gradually born, and this spirituality is the Immortal Taoist Lord.

After his birth, as time went by, he gradually gained self-awareness, gave birth to his own spiritual intelligence, and became a living being that has not yet transformed.

Immediately afterwards, he relied on his innate power to restrain his decaying energy, left the fragment of his own world, and lurked in secret.

Not even the Universal Avenue is clear about all this, because the Universal Avenue in this universe has not yet been conceived at this time.

When the Great Way of the Universe was born, it didn't know that the eternal universe had been targeted by a terrifying demon.

The Immortal Taoist Master is hiding in the dark, even more perfect than Emperor Fentian who is dormant.

As time goes by, the cosmic avenue of the eternal universe created the founder of the sky and many chaotic gods and demons. Step by step, the creator of the sky created the world and created the original world. The other chaotic gods and demons all died in the great catastrophe of the opening of the sky.


But after the creator of the world created all things, something terrible happened. It stands to reason that since the original world was born, many creatures and countless ethnic groups would be created continuously, and among them there would be many innate gods.

But a strange thing happened. When the first living being was born, this living being was favored by the universe and cultivated extremely quickly. However, when he became the Great Luo Golden Immortal, he was inexplicably resented by the Chaos Gods and Demons who died in the Great Tribulation.

Infected with the true spirit, one dies an untimely death.

Then more innate great gods were born, but they did not fall at the threshold of the Great Luo Jinxian. Instead, when they achieved the Great Perfection of the Great Luo Jinxian and hit the Hunyuan realm, one by one they died for various reasons.

Years of hard work turned into dust!

As more and more innate gods died, not only the Heavenly Dao of the original world was dumbfounded, but even the Great Dao of the Universe felt something was wrong.

However, neither Tiandao nor Daodao discovered the reason behind this.

What comes next is a nightmare!

No matter how many creatures and gods appear in the original world, they will all die for various reasons, but no one survives!

Slowly, the world no longer knows how many creatures have been created and how many lives have been born, but all of them have died.

In the long epoch, countless trillions of living beings were born, but died one by one. In the end, there was not a single living being left in the entire eternal universe.

If it weren't for the Universal Dao without intelligence, it would have gone crazy!

After all creation in the eternal universe is exhausted, no living beings can be born in the universe. At this time, even the original world begins to die.

This huge world fell into destruction inexplicably, and then finally collapsed.

It wasn't until the original world collapsed that the mastermind behind the scenes emerged.

It is none other than the immortal Taoist master who was formed by a trace of decaying air.

After trillions of years have passed, the Immortal Taoist secretly used the energy of decay to cause the endless creatures born in the eternal universe to die. Every time a creature decayed and died, his realm improved by one point. After the endless creatures died, the Immortal Taoist was already

Achieved the great perfection of heaven!

Even after the original world was corrupted by him, he achieved the half-step Dao realm and began to challenge the eternal cosmic Dao.

At this time, the eternal cosmic avenue has long been weakened to the extreme, the original world has collapsed, and there is not a single living being in the universe. Naturally, it is no match for the immortal Taoist master.

The Immortal Taoist master easily succeeded in transcending, and then corrupted the eternal universe, gaining the last bit of creation in this universe.

Everything in a vast universe was used to support the immortal Taoist master. He obtained everything in this universe and achieved transcendence.

His corrupt ways have also reached an incredible level, and no one has discovered his existence from beginning to end!

Zhang Qian was stunned to see this path of transcendence, and at the same time, he was also horrified by the viciousness of the immortal Taoist master.

These are endless creatures created by the endless years of a large universe, and thus turned into the material for the growth of the Immortal Taoist Lord!

How tragic and despairing must that universe be back then?

What makes Zhang Qian even more shocked is that the Immortal Taoist Master is actually a being in the later stages of transcendence, and is not far away from the Great Perfection of Transcendence.

Of all the transcendents present, no one is his opponent.

However, he no longer participated in the fight. He knew very well that the master behind this qi machine would not let him get this qi machine, and it would be useless for him to fight for it.

This chapter has been completed!
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