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Chapter 2554 The time has come

Just when the Immortal Taoist secretly figured out who was behind the qi machine, many other transcendent beings saw the qi machine running to the other side of Taichu Universe and rushed towards the qi machine one after another.

Sachilos took big strides and ran in the primordial nothingness. Her speed was extremely fast, and Taoist Master Yuxu was not behind. She had hundreds of millions of ribbons fluttering around her body, and in a flash, she actually shuttled through the primordial nothingness.

Yuan Zun Buddha chanted the Buddha's name, and the endless immortals and monks from countless heavens and universes who were transformed by him all fell into a big universe behind him.

He can transform all spirits, especially the creatures created by other transcendent beings, and can get a lot of feedback!

The rest of the transcendent beings don't care about the creatures in the universe, but he doesn't mind at all. They receive them all into his own universe, allowing countless immortals and monks from the universe to fall into his universe somewhere in the original nothingness.



At this moment, a loud noise came, but it was Taoist Yuxu and Sachilos who wanted to give each other a hard blow. Nothing happened to them this time when they collided with each other. However, the power fluctuations caused were all directed towards Taichu.

Go to the universe.


The Lord of Taichu was furious, and before he could take any action, terrifying power fluctuations swept across Taichu Universe, and the cosmic membrane of Taichu Universe shattered!

The extremely thick cosmic membrane could not withstand the collision of the two transcendent beings. Countless cracks appeared, but in the center of the crack was a huge hole, which penetrated directly into the interior of the universe.

Not to mention, this hole was penetrated by the power of Sachilos and Taoist Yuxu. This terrifying power rushed into the interior of the Taichu Universe and swept across the entire Taichu Universe.

Many of the thousands of original worlds were directly annihilated. The huge original world became nothingness, with endless creatures in it, and countless immortals and gods all turned into dust!

The terrifying power almost penetrated the entire Taichu universe, and the entire universe let out a harsh wail, as if it was on the verge of destruction.

As for the Hongmeng Yun Dao formation arranged by the Lord of Taichu, it was torn into pieces and a huge gap was made. The rest of the original world was no longer restrained by the Hongmeng Yun Dao formation and fell in all directions!

Even the Sword Emperor's Great World of Ten Thousand Swords is like this. Fortunately, the Sword Emperor's Great World of Ten Thousand Swords was not affected, otherwise it would have been destroyed in one day.

This is the full power of the transcendent being, and this is because the origin of the universe in the beginning is extremely profound, and the cosmic membrane is extremely solid.

If it were a prehistoric universe, the universe would have exploded long ago!

The Lord of the Beginning's eyes were about to burst, and he couldn't care about anything else. He hurriedly mobilized the origin of the universe and crazily instilled it into the Beginning Universe, trying to restore this terrible gap and loophole.

However, soon after more transcendents arrived and joined the battle group fighting for the Jade Disc Qi Machine, the power fluctuations generated became even greater, causing violent vibrations in the universe at the beginning. With the violent vibrations, the cracks on the cosmic membrane not only disappeared

decreased, but increased.

Many transcendent beings made up their minds, and while fighting for the Jade Disc Qi Machine, they would destroy the Taichu Universe of the Lord of Taichu, reducing the number of Lords of the Universe.

And if you can't get the Qi of Jade Disc, you can at least take away part of the foundation of the Taichu Universe, which can be considered a huge gain.

"The time has come!"

Zhang Gan's eyes flashed, the opportunity he had been waiting for finally came!

At present, the Taichu universe is in pieces, the Hongmeng Yun Dao formation has become loose, and the Lord of Taichu is unable to take action. He is busy resisting the aftermath of many transcendental battles and restoring his own universe.

"Jian Huang!"

Through Taichu's shape-changing magical power, Zhang Qian let out a low shout, and the Sword Emperor on the other side immediately made a move. She silently escaped from her world of ten thousand swords and entered the Hongmeng Yundao Formation.

This formation used to connect thousands of origin worlds and had boundless power. However, after the formation was shattered, there were flaws and loopholes everywhere.

The Sword Emperor had a very detailed understanding of this formation before, and now he naturally entered the interior of the formation with ease, and once again came to the ocean full of endless primordial scriptures.

This is where the skeleton of the Hongmeng Yun Dao Formation is located. The Sword Emperor did not hesitate. After looking at the direction, he avoided the violent torrent of Primordial Dao Wen and headed towards the Dao Furnace in the center of the formation at an extremely fast speed.

The Great Avenue Furnace is the true core of the Taichu Universe, and it is also the place where the Lord of Taichu refines the foundation of the universe. With the great power of the Hongmeng Yundao Formation, he condenses the power of the Taichu Universe and refines the plundered foundation of the universe, allowing it to Become the material for the growth of the universe in the beginning.

The fluctuations in power that many transcendent beings deliberately directed towards the Taichu Universe not only caused chaos in the Taichu Universe, but also caused a riot in the ocean of primordial Dao Wen within the Hongmeng Yun Dao Formation.

The endless original Dao text was like a violent storm, forcing the Sword Emperor to carefully avoid it. After all, she was in the realm of heaven, and finally passed through countless storms without any danger, and came to the core of this great formation.

This place has not been affected, and a terrifying furnace stands there, which is the Dao Furnace.

The furnace is so vast that it suppresses the universe.

This furnace is also a condensed version of the original Dao text. The secret method that the Sword Emperor deduced by Zhang Qian last time passed through the furnace and entered the interior.

The endless power of the Dao is rippling inside the furnace, and with the transcendent Dao intention of the Lord of the Beginning, the Sword Emperor will be immediately sealed after entering.

This is a place that can refine the foundation of the universe, so it is naturally very terrifying.

The moment the Sword Emperor passed through the furnace of the great avenue, Zhang Qian triggered the mystery of Taichu's shape-changing magical power. His will, his power, and his transcendent power, through the connection of Taichu's shape-changing magical power, with the Sword Emperor as the starting point, penetrated Endless primordial nothingness descended from the great world into the primordial universe.

To be precise, he arrived in the furnace of the great avenue.

A figure suddenly appeared above the Sword Emperor's head, it was Zhang Qian.

After appearing, his will and his transcendent power were all blessed on the Sword Emperor, causing the Sword Emperor's power to skyrocket. The vast transcendent Taoism enveloped him, and there was also the mysterious blessing of the jade disc in the secret, which made her ignore it immediately. The power of repression in the furnace of the avenue.

Deep in the furnace, the foundations of the universe are clearly visible, emitting a rich and unparalleled light of origin and destruction!

That is the divine object that Zhang Qian strives for, the foundation of the universe, the origin of the universe and the basis for the existence of the universe.

It only takes one step to integrate into the medium-sized world, so that the medium-sized world can transform and advance to a large universe.

The Sword Emperor was shrouded in Zhang Qian's transcendent Taoism, and was protected by a jade disc in the dark. He ignored the suppressive force in the furnace and flew into the depths of the furnace with a streak of divine light.

Without these many protections, she would have been crushed to pieces long ago.

This is also the reason why Zhang Qian came to seize the foundation of the universe after he achieved physical transcendence. Without the great power of transcendence, there is no way he can act in the furnace of the great road.

Boom boom boom...!

The fluctuations in power caused by the battle between many detached beings prevented the Lord of Taichu from even noticing that the Sword Emperor had entered the Dao Furnace. The blessing of the jade plate was not just talk.

It concealed all the energy of the Sword Emperor, preventing the Lord of Taichu from discovering her at all.

At the moment, all his mind is busy resisting the aftermath of the Transcendent War and restoring the primordial universe. He does not lack the origin of the universe, but his speed of repair is still not as fast as the speed of destruction.

At this moment, the Sword Emperor silently arrived at the depths of the Great Avenue Furnace and came to the three foundations of the universe!

This chapter has been completed!
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