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Chapter 141 Breaking the illusion and returning to reality

Yun Chu was also smiling, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Because Zhou Xing was not recruited by him.

Now, he was very sure that Zhou Xing should have been obtained by the Wu brothers through their relationship with the empress, and there should be the emperor and the prince's intentions behind it.

Just like Wu Chengsi said, Luoyang has been purged, how can Chang'an stay out of it?

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the national policy of strengthening the branches and strengthening the branches has never changed.

In the past, Chang'an was the main trunk, but now, Luoyang is the main trunk.

Even if Li Zhi planned to use the national policy of dual-backbone, Chang'an would never be allowed to defeat Luoyang.

Of course, this strong point refers to politics, not economics.

When the emperor was young, he was often very heroic, and would dare to do anything. But when he got older, he would become a coward. He would no longer look like a wise emperor, and would become suspicious and murderous.

The Wu brothers thought they were very clever in their scheming this time. In the past, when their brothers had only the queen behind them, Yun Chu beat their brothers, and they had no way to sue. Now they have the emperor, the queen, and the prince behind them.

I feel that this time Yun Chu is being plotted, and Yun Chu can only swallow the blood.

Therefore, when Wu Chengsi screamed and flew out of the Yunchu Mansion through the window, the officials who had opened the window to work saw the county magistrate kicking Wu Sansi into the wall like a ball.

After landing, they looked like they were kicked against the wall again, so they closed the windows of their mansions and hid behind the windows, whispering to each other about how the Wu brothers had angered the county magistrate again, and throwing them into a basket.

Money, bet on how long the county minister will beat the Wu brothers.

As Wu Sansi was finally kicked in the right direction by Yunchu and flew out of the broken window, the furious county magistrate also jumped out of the window, grabbed the Wu brothers by their ankles and dragged them back to the official residence.

After the door was closed, the dull sound of fists hitting flesh could be heard again in the official residence, as well as the weak cries for help from the Wu brothers.

At this moment, the only one who dared to stand in the courtyard was Lu Xiu, the chief clerk.

His face was livid, not because he was frightened, but because he was angry.

A prince of the Tang Dynasty beat the other two princes in the official office, just like beating dogs. As an official of the country, Lu Xiu would not tolerate this kind of brutal behavior that ignored the rules.

Wannian County officials watched helplessly as Lu Xiu walked towards the county official, apparently intending to stop the county official from beating the Wu brothers.

Lu Zhaolin withdrew his eyes from the crack of the window and said to the officials in the room: "I bet the county magistrate will beat the chief clerk in his rage."

After finishing speaking, he threw a piece of jade pendant into the basket and continued: "I am the banker, who can control the idler?"

Yang Jiong, the director of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, said: "Considering the story of the prince beating hundreds of officials in Luoyang, the chief secretary's beating is indispensable, and I will not follow him."

Hou Ting, the head of the criminal investigation, shook his head and said: "That's not how it looks. If Lu Xiu gets beaten, it means he will survive. If he comes out unscathed, he will be dead.

Looking at the County Lord's usual style of doing things, judging from the fact that the Chief Registrar openly contradicted the County Lord in the lobby, coupled with his behavior of laying off half of his old brother just after he came to Wannian County, it seems that the County Lord has murderous intentions.


Therefore, if I bet ten dollars, the county magistrate will not beat him, but will let him come out unscathed and find another opportunity to kill the chief clerk."

The other officials in the official house immediately started talking, because what the two principals Yang Jiong and Hou Ting said were very reasonable, and many people bought it for a while.

Until Lu Xiu screamed and flew out of the window, crawled into the official house and continued to break up the fight, the criminal director Hou Ting sighed and said: "Lu's position as chief secretary is finally secured."

Lu Zhaolin won money, but sighed: "There is no hope of promotion..."

The sound of beatings in the official residence was loud enough for a stick of incense to gradually subside. Immediately afterwards, the county official was heard shouting in the official residence: "Bring us tea, are all the people dead?"

The servants who had prepared tea early ran into the mansion quickly. At the same time, the servants who were responsible for repairing the doors, windows and furnishings of the mansion also swarmed into the mansion.

There was only one intact chair left in the entire official hall, and the magistrate was sitting on it. The servant quickly put the warm teapot in the magistrate's hand, turning a blind eye to the three people who were lying on the ground and groaning faintly.

Lu Xiu reluctantly raised her body, and before she could speak, she vomited a mouthful of blood, and then the arm she barely raised fell down again.

Yun Chu drank a full pot of tea, then squatted on the Wu brothers' heads and whispered softly: "How long has it been since you were beaten? Do you think you can be compared with a certain family?

Is it because you think that certain family has been very polite to you recently, so you think that certain family is timid?"

Wu Chengsi's eyes were full of fear and he shook his head repeatedly.

Yunchu said again: "Letting your brothers go to Chang'an to serve as the chief official of Chang'an County is the biggest concession for a certain family. Why, have you brought the official habit of taking advantage of your illness to kill you to Chang'an?"

Wu Sansi opened his mouth, revealing his blood-stained teeth and said with difficulty: "Zhou Xing came to Chang'an at the initiative of His Majesty, the Empress, and the Crown Prince, not on the initiative of our brothers."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "I understand, your brothers are the punching bags given to a certain family by your majesty, queen, and prince."

Wu Chengsi muttered a few times and said with difficulty: "Junhou, please send our brother to the Imperial Hospital. The bone is broken."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "It's not broken, it's just that some of the five internal organs have been displaced. Please ask the acupuncture miracle doctor from Taiyuan Hospital to take action. You can recover as before in half a month without affecting your life."

Speaking of which, this beating gave you brothers all the advantages, otherwise, when Zhou Xing comes to Chang'an, you brothers will be the first to be inspected."

A stream of bright red blood flowed from the corner of Wu Chengsi's mouth, and he said helplessly to Yun Chu: "Don't try to trick me."

Yun Chu added: "Letting your brothers leave Luoyang means that a certain family saved your life. Zhang Jianzhi originally wanted to kill your brothers with one blow during the bloody night in Luoyang.

I was kind enough to save you, but you bit me hard in Chang'an. If I don't give you a good beating, I will be sorry for my bad kindness."

Wu Chengsi shook his head and said, "I want to go to Tai Hospital."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Just write a memorial to inform Your Majesty, the Queen and the Crown Prince. Just look at their attitudes and you will understand everything."

Wu Sansi shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

Yun Chu said calmly: "Let's give it a try. Someone, send them to the Imperial Hospital and ask the Divine Acupuncture Doctor Wei to regulate their internal organs."

The handymen who were repairing the doors and windows immediately brought two stretchers, skillfully carried the Wu brothers onto the stretchers, and quickly went straight to the Tai Hospital, which was nearby, not far away.

Yunchu came to the top of Lu Xiu's head again and looked down at him and said: "Don't bring the things you did in Hebei to Chang'an. You can't even manage Yixian County in Hebei with your methods. How do you expect to manage Wannian County well?"

His Majesty is interested in you because you are loyal and loyal, not because of your ability to govern the local area. Speaking of which, in the states and counties of the Tang Dynasty, those who can really manage local governance and the people who are rich are basically in Chang'an.

Official resume."

Lu Xiu swallowed a mouthful of blood and said angrily: "A certain family has the right to secretly report."

Yun Chu sniffed and said, "The two people who were carried out just now were able to bypass the Zhongshu Province and place the memorial directly in front of His Majesty. Are they very powerful if they have the power of secret memorial?

I tell you that in Wannian County, there are at least twenty people with the power to report secretly, and among them, no less than three are secret agents holding the position of Governor of Baiqisi. Are they not serving as minor officials in Wannian County?"

Yun Chu ignored Lu Xiu's shocked eyes and continued: "I guess, before you came to Chang'an to take up the post, the three provinces and six ministries, as well as the chief of the Baiqi Division must have talked to you, and even His Majesty gave you some encouraging words.


You should still be carrying the identity of the Baiqisi secret agent and the official who controls the Yushitai, right?"

Lu Xiu said in surprise: "How did you know?"

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Every chief secretary has this kind of virtue. What's so strange about it? Since everyone is worried about Chang'an, you should monitor me carefully to see if I have any intention of treason. That's why.

This is your responsibility when you come to Wannian County to serve.

I don't know if you have offended anyone. When I sent you here, I didn't even tell you the key points of your work. You just came to Wannian County to take up the post with great fanfare.

As for the rest, to be honest, it has nothing to do with you at all.

When it comes to your ability to organize the economy and govern the local area, you are not even as good as a senior official in Wannian County.

I didn't plan to give you a way out, but I didn't expect that you are still brave enough to rush in to save people when I am furious. From this point of view, Your Majesty did not mistrust you.

From now on, you should do your job well and be responsible for reporting every move of your officer in Chang'an to His Majesty. Don't add fuel or jealousy, let alone your own ignorant judgments. Just keep it straight.

In this way, you, the chief clerk, can work well in Wannian County. After a few years, you can understand the management system of Chang'an, and then you can be promoted to work as a valet in another state capital. It means that you did not come to Chang'an in vain.


Now, get out and do your thing, first send all the people you promoted to the dungeon and wait for Zhou Xing to interrogate them one by one."

Yunchu's words sounded like thunder in Lu Xiu's ears.

As Yun Chu said, before he came to Wannian County to take up the post, the chief officials of the three provinces, six ministries, and the two stations in the east and west really had high hopes for him, and even His Majesty was kind to him.

They even gave him all the powers that could be given to him, not to mention that many of the powers were beyond the limit of a sixth-grade official, so he was considered a super-grade promotion.

Now after listening to Yunchu's words, I realized that the high position and power he thought was just the standard for Wannian County's chief registrar.

"I want to report it!" Lu Xiu said unwillingly.

Yun Chu looked at him with disgust and said: "Then get out of my official residence first, and come back to serve after experiencing Zhou Xing's discrimination."

"Zhou Xing?"

"Yes, in order to show the integrity of Wannian County, the evil spirits recruited by the Wu brothers will be identified first by newcomers like you. It will not be too late to take up the post after passing the identification."

"Zhou Xing is already here?"

"I have been here for four days and have been living in the dungeon in Wannian County. I am just waiting for me to start working after I officially sit in court."

If there was anyone among the officials of the Tang Dynasty who could make all the officials fearful, it would undoubtedly be Zhou Xing who was the first.

During the six years of the Tang Dynasty, the official position of the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment was neither promoted nor demoted. It is said that Zhou Xing himself did not want to be promoted, so he liked to stay in the position of right minister of the Ministry of Punishment and supervise all officials.

The right minister of the Ministry of Punishment rarely went to court on weekdays. The time he spent in Zhao Prison was much longer than the time he spent in the official mansion.

Not only that, he also creatively created many torture instruments that made prisoners unable to survive or die. One of the most famous torture instruments was to put the prisoner into a large urn and set it on fire. It is said that as long as it is used,

There is no way this instrument of torture will not be confessed.

Even though the beating by Yun Chu was painful to the bone, when Lu Xiu heard that he was going to be judged by Zhou Xing, a chill still spread from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai.

This chapter has been completed!
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