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Chapter 142: The Enlightenment of His Holiness

“It must be in compliance with the law!”

Zhou Xing looked at Yun Chu who was casually flipping through the confession documents, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

Yunchu looked at the group of people who were tied to the rack and wondered whether they were alive or dead and asked, "Is it really in compliance with the law?"

Zhou Xing said unhappily: "Your Majesty, are you questioning my conduct?"

Yun Chu sneered and did not answer. Instead, he pulled out Lu Xiu's file and read it. After looking at it for a moment, he closed the file and said, "This man is boundlessly upright."

Zhou Xingdao: "It is not easy for him to govern Yixian County by not cleaning up the streets and closing the doors at night."

Yun Chu patted the file with his hand and said, "Two hundred and seventeen people were killed in the first year of taking office...including his younger brother?"

Zhou Xing curled his lips and said: "There are many powerful people in Yi County, and there are also many lawless people. When Lu Xiu took office, the government orders could hardly leave the county government. Everyone there worshiped the county magistrate as a clay bodhisattva. Lu Xiu gathered more than a hundred

The local oppressed powerful people were against the big powerful people. The big powerful people felt that they could not let Lu Xiu, the county magistrate, make bad mistakes, so they gathered a group of people and planned to kill Lu Xiu while he was on patrol, and replace him with an obedient county magistrate.

Order to come up.

In the end, all this was part of Lu Xiu's plan. In the battle of Nianziwan, he killed more than half of the most prominent strong men in Yi County. It was by confiscating the property of these strong men that he truly gained the ability to establish his authority.


Lu Xiu, who had money, spent a lot of money to mobilize local government soldiers, and in the name of fighting between strong people, he killed those who had helped him and those who had not been affected.

After the government soldiers left, they spent money to recruit many retired old government soldiers to serve as government servants, and the power of the county magistrate was suddenly established.

At this time, his younger brother took the opportunity to plunder some local Qiangliang's property. Unexpectedly, he was sentenced to Ming Zhengdian by Lu Xiu.

Suddenly, Lu Xiu's reputation in Yixian County rose, and no one dared to confront him anymore. Gradually, Yixian County did not pick up leftovers on the road and did not close its doors at night.

So, he came to Wannian County to serve as the chief bookkeeper because of his real merits, the kind of merits that can draw blood. You can't just beat him up at every turn. If you inspire this guy's death

Zhi, he wiped his neck and committed suicide... Hehe, even if His Majesty tolerates you, you will never be able to get away with it."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "To be honest, I don't like people who always take advantage of their own relatives to establish their authority. This was the case with the former Ying Gong, and this is the case with Lu Xiu.

Speaking of which, politics is actually an art of compromise. Compromising with each other and achieving mutual success can be considered a good local official."

Zhou Xing sneered: "Like what your father and son did in the southwest? Compromising with those abandoned women and children and fighting with those strong men?"

Yun Chu said: "It's different. There's no comparison. Military thinking and political thinking are two different things."

Zhou Xing sighed and said, "I just like your approach of leaving a way out for yourself, and the way out is so wide that you can be thousands of miles away in just a moment. I want to learn this skill."


Yun Chu smiled and said, "Why, your rotten wife gave you a baby?"

Zhou Xing nodded and said: "I am satisfied with a daughter. This shows that although I, Zhou Xing, am bloodthirsty, God did not blame me. After all, I gave me some face and a daughter."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "The law kills people. Even if you kill tens of thousands of people without guilt, as long as you don't have any weird thoughts in the future and do things based on the law, God will probably give you a way to survive."

Zhou Xing smiled and said nothing.

Speaking of which, Zhou Xing's reputation has gradually improved over the years. Although the reputation of the evil ghost may not be canceled in this life, this guy's reputation in the court is much better than before. Some people thought before

He was a vicious dog kept by the queen, specially used to bite people. Later, for some reason, people said that he was a lackey of the emperor, specially used to do the emperor's dirty work.

Nowadays, he has served as the right minister of the Ministry of Justice for six years without asking for promotion. He has declared that he is willing to stay in this position for the rest of his life until his death. He is also working tirelessly to remove the malignant sores of the Tang Dynasty. All the officials have slowly become dissatisfied.

Think of him as someone's dog.

After Yunchu read all the files, Zhou Xing said with a smile: "The origins of those people who were stuffed into Wannian County by Lu Xiu are really exciting. Junhou, nowadays, everything, whether human or not, wants to be with you.

Are you too easy to bully when you deploy people?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Actually, it is very troublesome to have one or two spies coming in. On the contrary, once there are dozens of spies in Wannian County, it will be relatively easy."

Zhou Xing is a super expert in Xing Ming. After hearing this, he immediately understood Yun Chu's thoughts and said with a smile: "It seems that the Lord wants to rectify the officialdom of Chang'an."

Yun Chu pointed at the poor people hung on the shelf by Zhou Xing and said, "It's just killing chickens to scare monkeys."

Zhou Xing nodded repeatedly and assured Yunchu that he would definitely use the laws of the Tang Dynasty as the criterion to make these people become chickens only used to scare monkeys.

When Yunchu returned to the mansion, his room had been completely renewed. In the late autumn, a copper kettle was steaming on the small stove, and the dark black table also reflected the flowing light.

Sitting behind the desk, Yunchu sighed quietly.

Zhou Xing, this bitch, is not very obedient now. He knows the purpose of going to the dungeon, but this bitch doesn't say a word, leaving him unable to do anything for a while.

He definitely did not come to Chang'an to help him clean up the Chang'an official office. It was enough for Yunchu to do such a small thing as cleaning up the office. What Zhou Xing was doing now was a bit redundant.

The reason why this guy rushes to do these things shows that he has a big conspiracy in Chang'an.

Speaking of which, they are all the heirs of Emperor Taizong and the king of the Tang Dynasty. With such a status, how can they be as cowardly as they appear?

Are you so scared that you wet your pants when you hear Zhou Xing's name?

What are you thinking about?

If they didn't even have this bit of self-control, Emperor Taizong would have stuffed them into urine jars and drowned them when they were born.

If it was an ordinary plot, Li Shen would not hide it from Yun Chu. Since he had to wet his pants in front of him, Yun Chu knew without even thinking that the plot of these bastards must be huge.

Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming were actually not stable in Chang'an. They had been making plans secretly over the years. In view of the relationship between the old gods, Yun Chu did not further pursue what they had done.

Now, it seems that we need to dig deeper, lest Zhou Xing suddenly launches an attack, and he is not even prepared, which would be too passive.

How to find out what things Ji, Wang Shen and others did that they shouldn't have done? Naturally, we have to ask Cao Xing, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Hundred Cavalry Division, An Dadu, who has retired safely.

Cao Xing is not actually old this year, he is only fifty-one years old.

He was a cosmopolitan and generous man, with a beautiful beard that was over a foot long under his chin, which he had been proud of for many years.

It was because he couldn't bear to part with this beautiful beard that he had to transfer from the governor of Baiqisi to the deputy minister of Huangmen of Chang'an.

His Huangmen servant had an empty title, the kind who only received a salary and did not work. He fell from a high position and became an ordinary official. Yunchu believed that Lao Cao must be very unwilling and definitely did not want to be like the old man.

Just like the palace gate chief Lao Huang, he eventually became a passerby unwillingly because he could not keep up with the changes of the times.

The old guy refused to chop off his dick for a beautiful beard. He should have some persistence. According to Yunchu's judgment of him, this kind of persistence is actually quite fragile. Maybe the old guy is regretting it now.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. This is human nature and cannot be changed!

Yunchu felt that as long as he agreed to help his family make a comeback, Lao Cao should tell him everything he knew.

When Yunchu came to the edge of Qujiang Pond, Cao Xing had been fishing for a while. When he saw Yunchu coming to look at his fish basket, he said with some guilt: "I only got six crucian carps, which are suitable for my wife."

It’s not appropriate for you and me to eat when a person secretes milk.”

The sun is shining brightly today, and it is quite warm here in Qujiang Pond. If you want to catch crucian carp, you need to start early in the morning. Lao Cao was able to catch six crucian carp, which means that this guy came to Qujiang very early to wait for him.

Therefore, Yun Chu didn't hesitate at all and was ready to ask the result directly. There was no need to be polite to Lao Cao. Being polite at this time would only make Lao Cao feel disappointed.

After all, the more you pay, the more you will gain.

Yunchu threw the fish basket back into the water, sat down next to Lao Cao and said, "Ji Wangshen and the others haven't done anything extraordinary, right?"

Lao Cao stroked his beard and said: "You don't have the guts to rebel. In order to protect yourself, you learned the skills of a rabbit ten to ten. A rabbit has only three burrows. They made seven or eight caves and hid food in them.

Gold and silver look like rebellion, but in fact they are not, they are just out of fear and leaving a way out for themselves."

Yun Chu said: "How can you be sure that you are afraid and not plotting to rebel?"

Lao Cao looked at Yun Chu in surprise and said, "Is there a problem?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Zhou Xing is here. He didn't tell me why he came. Instead, he helped me clean up Chang'an and Wannian counties first."

Cao Xing frowned and said: "The plot is huge——"

Yun Chu said: "Who do you think he will start with?"

Cao Xing thought for a long time and said: "There are really too many places to start. However, Yongwang Xian should not be affected, your Yun family will not be affected, and Wen family and Di family are in important positions in Luoyang, so it should not be affected either.


Any one of the remaining families is possible, especially the Sixteenth Guards!"

Hearing what Cao Xing said, even though he was as calm as Yunchu, he took a breath and said, "No one is clean?"

Cao Xing sighed and said: "Back then, I asked you to exert your strength on the Sixteenth Guards, but you refused. If you didn't exert your strength there, others would think that you didn't want to get involved with the military. Naturally, some people would exert their strength on the Sixteenth Guards.

When Xue Rengui took office as the general of the Chang'an Army, everyone was very calm. You went to the southwest, and Xue Rengui went to Hebei, and the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an became a big fat piece of meat that everyone wanted to take a bite of."

Yun Chu's face twitched and he said, "The Yanmen County Government is not involved, is it?"

Cao Xingdao: "The head of the Yanmen County Duke's Mansion is Liang Ying who you brought out. Apart from him, there are no outstanding disciples. Now, Liang Ying has entered the Sixth Prince's Rank. The main attack direction is Luoyang. In the East Palace, naturally he will be with Chang'an Sixteenth."

Wei has nothing to do with it.

Changes in the Sixteenth Guards occurred in the second year of Linde. In that year, Yu Zhining died, Master Sun Ren died, and the nobles of Chang'an lost two of their smartest elders and the old commander.

Cheng Gong and Su Gong now live in seclusion in Lishan Mountain and do not care about worldly affairs.

Later, when they did things, they became less calm and more urgent, that is to say, they dared to do anything."

After listening to Lao Cao's words, Yun Chu was filled with emotion. As expected, there is no vacuum in power. As long as there is the slightest gap, those predators can create a typhoon like the boss's.

"Zhang Donghai refused to chop off his dick, which led to him being marginalized by Baiqisi. If I hadn't traveled to the southwest, he would be in a worse situation now. You are also unwilling to chop off his dick. The powerful Baiqisi Chief of Chang'an

Are you really not sorry that the governor has become an idler?

Seriously, if you are willing to cut off your dick, I can recommend you to His Majesty, or you can follow the path of Ruichun, the chief manager of Baiqisi, so that your old Cao can revive his family."

Cao Xing lowered his head and looked between his legs and was silent for a long time before sighing and saying: "I despise abandoning my brothers for the sake of glory and wealth."

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "The transformation of Baiqisi into eunuchs is a goal that Your Majesty has set long ago, and it is also an opportunity to select loyal ministers. If you refuse to chop off your dick, you are disloyal to Your Majesty and disloyal to the royal family.

Otherwise, you can go back and ask if there is anyone in your family who is willing to be loyal to His Majesty. If there is, tell me and I will introduce him to Ruichun when he comes to Chang'an."

Cao Xing's eyes lit up, he threw away the fishing rod in his hand, took Yun Chu's hand and said, "Brother, you don't joke."

Yun Chu said: "You have to be willing. Don't blame me all over this matter."

Cao Xing said categorically: "If you dare to complain about your benefactor, you are going against heaven."

When Yunchu returned to Wannian County, he found Zhang Jia and ordered him to go to Zhongnan Mountain, Qinling Mountains, Fufeng, Gaoling, and Taibai County to confiscate some unnamed manor houses. He also told Zhang Jia, "There is no need to arrest people."

Just bring back the food and property stored inside. If you see armor, bows, crossbows and other military supplies, destroy them on the spot.

Zhang Jia led the troops and left because Yun Chu was urging them urgently.

Lu Zhaolin likes to come to Yunchu's official residence to drink tea now when he has nothing to do. He saw the arrangement of the county magistrate with his own eyes and said with some fear: "County magistrate, whose ass are you wiping?"

Yun Chu looked at the old pen holder on the desk and said, "Some things have been used for a long time and they are reluctant to throw them away. Why, do you have a different opinion?"

Lu Zhaolin thought for a moment and said, "What the county venerable said is that this should be the venerable's awakening."

This chapter has been completed!
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