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Chapter 147: There is no way out

When the emperor was in poor health and began to protect himself and put more trust in his confidants, Ruichun's power unknowingly increased by more than ten times.

How did emperors treat eunuchs in the past? For example, when Ruichun's master failed to do something well, he asked Ruichun to behead him.

Now, Ruichun does not have the fear that his master faced at that time. He knows that the emperor cannot do without him at this time.

The reason why Yun Chu gradually became domineering was exactly the same as Rui Chu's arrogance.

Just like when the tide goes out, more land will appear.

The exposed land is not only Yunchu and Ruichun, but also more people.

Among them, the two largest pieces of land are called the Prince and the Queen.

The reason why Luoyang Blood Night happened was because the emperor was buying time for himself.

In politics, the weak are bound to be attacked, no matter how close their friends are.

In Ruichun, Zhou Xing entered the imperial city.

Summon the generals of the Sixteenth Guards to read out the emperor's decree.

Then, the imperial city was sealed off as soon as possible.

There is an office for the Sixteenth Guards in the imperial city, and this time, all generals above the rank of general were summoned.

At the same time, Yun Chu took out the seal of the general of the town army and the troop deployment documents from the Ministry of War, and summoned a total of 6,000 Chang'an soldiers to enter the city.

He took out the seal of staying in Chang'an and the emperor's edict to recruit 14,000 people from Chang'an and blockaded the city of Chang'an.

For a time, the people in Chang'an City were panicked.

Fortunately, the common people saw the county magistrate patrolling the city through the cracks in the door. Somehow, their hearts calmed down. Chang'an City was under curfew, and the square gates that had not been closed for a long time were completely closed. The common people

They can only live in the city where they live and are not allowed to go out.

Since it was the county magistrate who ordered the gates to be closed, something bad must have happened, but these bad things must have nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

Anyway, there is everything in the market, except that you can’t go to other markets to hang out, nothing else will be affected.

It's just a pain for people like Ji Wangshen who had the last feast in Pingkangfang.

The gate of Pingkangfang was naturally sealed, and even the royal family couldn't get out. So, during the three days when the city was closed, they celebrated all night long and did something they wouldn't dare to do on weekdays.

all over.

Ruichun and Yunchu didn't ask what Zhou Xing was doing in the imperial city, although the emperor's decree made it very clear that Yunchu could take over the task of eliminating the rebellion when things couldn't be done.

Yunchu still didn't ask.

The gate to the imperial city has been closed for three full days.

Yun Chu led the government soldiers, strong people, and bad guys to patrol Chang'an City for three days.

There is a difference between hunting military generals and killing civil servants.

Civil servants like to be captured most of the time, but military generals are different. Most of them have personal guards and troops around them, and some more powerful people even have private soldiers. When things go wrong, resistance becomes the main theme.


Yun Chu once again patrolled with his men and horses to the Wannian County Yamen. When he was about to drink tea here and continue patrolling, Lu Xiu, whose eyes were red, grabbed Yun Chu's armor and said: "Junhou, how can you do this?"

Yun Chu said calmly: "Your Majesty's decree."

Lu Xiu said: "How can you be indiscriminate?"

Yun Chu smiled and got off his horse, walking towards the Yamen and saying: "Don't ask about things in the imperial city."

Lu Xiu said in a trembling voice: "The Jinwu Guards station outside the imperial city suffered heavy casualties. All the generals were slaughtered. The rest of the soldiers were in panic all day long. There were only a few hundred cavalry officers and secret agents. Once the camp roared, it would be a huge disaster.


Yun Chu came to the official house, poured a cup of tea, took a sip and said: "No matter what, you'd better walk around the market to see if the supply of grain and fodder there is enough. It's been three days, and many people's grain stores have been exhausted."


Lu Xiu hurriedly said: "How can you go on such a killing spree?"

Yunchu glanced sideways at Lu Xiu and said, "Aren't you His Majesty's confidant? You still have the right to secretly report. You might as well write a secret memorial and ask His Majesty the reason."

Lu Xiu said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, Chang'an must not use swordsmanship. With this killing, more than two years of Chang'an's hard work will be in vain."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I heard that you killed a lot of people in Hebei, but why did you give up when you arrived in Chang'an?"

Lu Xiu waved his hands repeatedly and said: "It's different, it's different, it's very different. Yixian County is just a small place. The losses caused by the three-day closure of the city are very small. Chang'an is different. After such a bloody killing, people's hearts are not stable.

It will also cause merchants to flee, the transactions on the liushui brand will be completely stopped, and the transactions that have been reached will not be able to continue, resulting in heavy losses."

Yun Chu looked at Lu Xiu strangely and said, "You actually understand this?"

Lu Xiu came to Yunchu and said: "The sounds of fighting in the imperial city are endless, the explosions of firearms are earth-shattering, and the palaces inside are in flames. Even if the traitors inside are unforgivable, there are still hundreds of officials from Chang'an in the imperial city.

What about the servants, how innocent they are?"

No matter how Lu Xiu begged Yun Chu, Yun Chu remained indifferent.

When the emperor is making great efforts to suppress the rebellion, it is better for him to act rigidly and follow the emperor's will. At this time, his mind is too active, which is definitely not a good thing.

When the emperor, a giant with a wooden stick, sweeps across everything, it doesn't matter if he hurts a few flowers and plants. If you want to protect those innocent flowers and plants, the wooden stick will probably fall on you.

The emperor already knew what he would lose, and whether it was a good deal. The emperor also knew what he would lose. When he wanted to get rid of mice in his house, he would be willing to smash some bottles and cans.

People don't feel sorry for Chang'an when they say it belongs to the emperor. If Yun Chu feels sorry for those people at this time, it is very likely that the emperor will feel that Chang'an is not his, but that bastard Yun Chu's.

Lu Xiu is a nice person. He came to Chang'an to serve as an official for a short time and was treated roughly by Yun Chu. However, he still regarded Chang'an as his own city and maintained it carefully.

In the end, Yun Chu did not tell Lu Xiu what he was thinking.

After drinking tea, he continued to patrol the city with his troops. When he passed the Yong'anfang station of Jinwu Guards, he went in and took a look. He found that all the soldiers had taken off their armor and were sitting quietly on the ground, showing no signs of resistance.

After Yunchu arrived at the Jinwu Guard camp on horseback, he sat on his horse and asked the soldiers sitting in front of his horse: "Have you eaten yet?"

The soldier looked up at the general and said, "I haven't eaten for a day."

Yunchu said loudly: "Where is the Huotou Army?"

Hundreds of soldiers from the government immediately stood up in the crowd.

Yunchu immediately said: "Hurry up and make food. Take out all the delicious food. When you are full, take out the blanket and put it on. Let it cook for a while and it will be done."

Seeing that the gang leaders were going to make food, several Baiqisi troops wearing cloaks came over quickly and said: "General, it's inappropriate. I don't give them food just to make them weak."

Yun Chu glanced condescendingly at the leader of the Baiqi Division eunuch, then ignored him. He rode his horse and searched around the crowd. After searching for a long time, he found that the highest official here was actually the captain.

He said to the eunuch who was following him in the ranks: "Are all the brigade commanders and above executed?"

The eunuch said: "Only the Zhonglang general, the left and right Lang generals, and the Bing Cao were executed. The captains and brigade commanders were imprisoned. It has nothing to do with others."

Yun Chu said: "Release the captain and brigade commander, the military's morale needs to be appeased."

The eunuch cupped his fists and said, "General, isn't this inappropriate?"

Yun Chu said indifferently: "The Imperial City has been sealed by Chang'an soldiers. I don't care about the things inside. The Jinwu Guards are different. They are outside the Imperial City. If you treat them harshly and cause unnecessary riots, you will die.


The eunuch shook his head resolutely and said: "General, you promised the chief steward not to participate in the affairs of the Sixteenth Guards."

Yun Chu glanced at the soldiers in front of him and sighed: "Okay, I don't care, but don't treat them as enemies no matter what. Those who deserve to be fed must be fed. They don't want to resist now. If they want

If we want to resist, just a few of you, to be honest, are not worthy."

The eunuch frowned and said, "If the general wants to overstep his authority, kill a certain family first."

Yun Chu couldn't help but touch the horizontal knife at his waist. After all, he didn't draw the knife. He sighed and led the others away.

After the people left, the gang leaders who had been arranged by Yun Chu to make food were driven back by Baiqisi and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Only this time, the originally quiet soldiers looked at the Baiqisi people with vague murderous intent.

Everyone in Baiqisi soon discovered the difference. One eunuch said to the leading eunuch: "I can't stand it any longer."

The leader of the Baiqi Division said: "Don't offend them again."

After Yunchu left Yong'anfang, he said to Lu Xiu who was guarding the door: "Now, you can deliver meals to the soldiers of Jinwu Guard."

Lu Xiu nodded, and then walked into Yong'anfang with a large group of common people and bad guys carrying numerous pancakes, pickles, and kelp and egg drop soup.

Lu Zhaolin, who was accompanying Yun Chu, said: "It is okay for the county magistrate to force the soldiers to eat."

Yun Chu said: "The only people who can really appease the soldiers in Guanzhong are the people of Guanzhong."

Lu Zhaolin said: "Actually, the Sixteenth Guards are stationed in different places. Do they follow the same method?"

Yun Chu did not answer Lu Zhaolin's words, but looked at the deserted streets of Chang'an and whispered softly: "The officer was killed, why did the soldiers stand by and watch?"

On the other side, Yang Jiong, who knew a little bit about military affairs, said: "I can only say that the upper and lower sides are separated."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "There are big problems in the army. Ruichun, Zhou Xing and others are really good at doing things. They also saw through the corruption in the army. They let the generals enter the imperial city with their personal guards and confidants. They closed the door and opened fire."

Dog, let Baiqisi enter the camp again and eliminate some helpers who cannot mobilize the entire army... This is great. It must have been planned for a long time. It is a big plan.

We really shouldn't get involved.

The only bad thing is that you can't win back the morale of the army after killing people. The Baiqisi and the Criminal Department are actually not suitable for this job."

Lu Zhaolin said softly: "The county magistrate can gather the morale of the army."

Yang Jiong shook his head and said: "It is better to let the people in Guanzhong gather the morale of the army."

Yun Chu looked at Yang Jiong and said: "In the future, don't always say nonsense like "I'd rather be a centurion than a scholar". After this matter is over, you can lead the people of Chang'an to win up the military morale for Chang'an."


Yang Jiong said: "No money, no food, no one, what can I do?"

Yun Chu sneered and said, "If I have everything, what else do I need from you?"

Yang Jiong said with a bitter face: "We in Chang'an can't take advantage of others by taking advantage of others."

Yun Chu said with a bitter look on his face: "We just can't take advantage of ordinary people. There is no such rule for those extraordinary people, right?"

Yang Jiong looked around, raised his hands again and said, "Please speak clearly, the county magistrate."

Yun Chu shouted angrily: "Idiot!"

After saying that, he raised his whip and tapped it on the stirrup, and the horse ran forward in a hurry.

Yang Jiong looked at Lu Zhaolin who was not moving and said, "Aren't you an idiot?"

Lu Zhaolin nodded and said, "No."

"Why not?"

"I'm recalling the way the county magistrate whipped his horse whip just now."

Yang Jiong said: "There is nothing wrong with it."

Lu Zhaolin said: "It's really not smooth when I use the riding crop in my right hand to hit the left stirrup."

Yang Jiong's body was shaken, and he turned his head to look to the left. He saw the archway of Pingkangfang standing on the left, and the gold characters on it were shining golden light in the sun.

This chapter has been completed!
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