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Chapter 148 Big Avalanche

No snowflake is innocent when an avalanche occurs.

Yunchu had been looking forward to this big avalanche for a long time.

The saying that political power comes from the barrel of a gun was a wise saying in the era before Yunchu.

It would be equally effective in Datang.

This is the essence of wise sayings, which can be traced back to five thousand years ago and can be precipitated ten thousand years later.

In the past, whenever the soldiers in Jinchangfang returned from an expedition with great victory or defeat, a sumptuous and delicious meal would be prepared for the soldiers, and the residents would spontaneously sing and dance to welcome them.

From that time on, Yunchu had been coveting the armed forces of the Tang Dynasty.

However, after only a few years of doing it, Li Ji and others noticed something wrong with it, and it was still aborted.

In the past, people could easily die if they touched military power.

Now that Li Ji is dead, Li Zhi is seriously ill, and everyone in the court is busy carving up power, Yun Chu is ready to use the magic weapon of military-civilian unity again.

At least let these Fu soldiers from all over the world know that Chang'an people love Fu soldiers the most.

The most terrifying disaster in the world is military disaster.

If there are ways to resist other disasters, after encountering a military disaster, it will be light even if it is thousands of miles away.

When returning to the Wannian County Yamen, Lu Zhaolin and Yang Jiong did not follow him, so Yunchu happily drank tea and read in his official residence.

Towards evening, Chief Secretary Lu Xiu came back. As soon as he entered the door, he excitedly told Yunchu how he led the common people to deliver food to the Jinwu Guards, and how the Jinwu Guards soldiers ate the food they brought with gratitude.

They also used the blankets they brought to keep out the cold, and repeatedly assured them that they would obey the superior's orders and ensure that nothing went wrong.

"Sixteen guards, 80,000 soldiers and horses. If you have the ability to pacify every soldier of the guard, I will dare to lift the curfew in Chang'an and let Chang'an return to normal life."

Yunchu pretended not to notice Lu Xiu's excitement, but instead put higher demands on him.

"Your Majesty, it costs too much..." Lu Xiu was startled by Yun Chu's request, and finally said awkwardly.

Seeing that the emperor's confidants were afraid of the difficulties, Yun Chu encouraged him: "Don't embarrass yourself in the future, but pool your wisdom and trust your subordinates. They have been able to serve in Chang'an for so many years, so they are naturally superior.


Lu Xiu nodded, saluted, and then exited Yunchu's official residence, closed the door, and went to convene a meeting with his staff.

Yun Chu picked up the steamed bun placed on the stove lid. The bottom of the bun was already browned. He broke it off and ate it slowly with tea. When the browned outer skin was finished, he put the bun on the fire again to bake.

Bake one layer and eat one layer in this way. Eventually, the whole bun will enter his stomach in the most delicious form.

Li Shen drank a lot of wine, but found that the more he drank, the more sober he became. Taking a look at the entangled men and women, he opened the window, and immediately, the cold air filled the room.

The sun was almost setting, and the cold mist surged above the few walls of Chang'an City, as if it was about to swallow up the entire city.

That's actually not the cold mist, but the smoke coming out of people's homes when they light fires for cooking.

Li Shen, who originally thought about being drunk to death, was so angry that he didn't know where it came from at this moment, causing him to yell heartbreakingly - Get out!

The sound was so loud that even drunk people were frightened to wake up, and a group of disheveled men and women fled out of the house in confusion.

Li Shen picked up a jug from the ground, shook it and found there was still wine in it, so he drank it up in one gulp, threw the jug away, found a pipa from the ground, held it in his arms, and played it ding-dong-ding-dong.

stand up.

A group of servants in green clothes and hats walked in from outside the door. They did not disturb Li Shen and just put the leftover wine and meat from last night into a bamboo basket.

The banquet last night was very sumptuous. There was no shortage of chicken, duck, and fish. The drinkers didn't eat much last night. There were still many whole chickens and ducks, and large pieces of meat were even overturned.

Fell on the carpet.

"There are also melons here..."

A clerk said to his companion.

"How about we eat it."

Immediately, the two clerks sat on the carpet and shared the melon.

Li Shen put down his pipa and found half a jug of wine and handed it to the clerk.

After nibbling the melon, the clerk wiped his dripping hands on the carpet, took it, and poured the wine from the jug into a wine jar.

Three people can obviously work faster than two people. Soon, the three of them have collected all the food and drinks in the huge hall.

Seeing the two clerks carrying the basket and about to leave, Li Shen said, "Aren't you coming to catch me?"

The clerk looked at Li Shen and shook his head and said, "We collect these leftovers and send them to the big canteen to make a big pot of dishes for the labor force."

Li Shen frowned and said, "Lao Jun?"

The clerk said: "Yes."

"Use these leftovers?"

"They're all good stuff. There's a lot of chicken, duck, and fish in here. Just take it back and stew it with pickles or something, and you'll have a delicious meal. It's also rich in oil and water, and it's much better than the pig food eaten by the soldiers."

"The soldiers don't have food to eat?"

"While we were reorganizing the sect, many Shangguan officials were killed and arrested by Baiqisi people. A large group of government soldiers were left unattended. The county magistrate ordered the gangtou army to cook, but Baiqisi refused, so our chief clerk mobilized

The common people donated food to the soldiers, and our brothers thought that the food donated by the common people’s families was only rice and noodles, so we thought of coming here to collect more oil and water for them.”

Hearing that the people of Baiqisi were busy killing the officers of the Sixteenth Guards, Li Shen shivered and said in a trembling voice: "Didn't Baiqisi go to arrest people elsewhere?"

The clerk said: "There are rivers of blood being killed in the imperial city, so how can we take care of the outside world?"

Li Shen took out a handful of golden melon seeds from his arms and handed them to the clerk: "Who is in charge outside the imperial city?"

The clerk held the golden melon seeds and said dullly: "Of course he is my county magistrate."

When Li Shen heard this, he immediately took out the money bag from his sleeve and put it all in the hands of the clerk and said, "Where is your county magistrate?"

The clerk said happily: "In the county government office."

Seeing the two young officials leaving happily, Li Shen pinched his thigh hard, causing him to scream in pain, then he picked up the pipa and started playing it like a convulsion, tuneless, just to vent his anger.

It wasn't until two Baiqisi wearing high black crowns and scarlet cloaks with slumped waists and swords came into Li Shen's eyes that the pipa in his hand slipped weakly from his hand with a muffled sound...

The people from Baiqisi left, and Li Shen, who looked pale, fell down on the carpet. He touched a wine bottle from the ground and wanted to take a sip of wine to calm down. Unexpectedly, the wine in the wine bottle had been consumed by the two clerks.

It's all gone.

Li Shen, who was slumped on the ground, murmured to himself after a long while: "So, this king was blackmailed by Bai Qisi?"

Until dark, Yunchu did not leave his official residence. The situation was urgent, so he did not take off his armor. He just sat in his official residence without going anywhere or seeing anyone.

In fact, many people left Chang'an City that night. They carried all kinds of food and various things to keep out the cold and entered the camp of the Sixteenth Guards.

In the early morning, Yong Wangxian came to Wannian County Yamen to look for Yun Chu.

As soon as he saw Yun Chu, he asked, "Are you ready to guard against the Sixteenth Guards?"

Yun Chu raised his head and glanced at King Yong Xian and said, "Did you just think of this now?"

Yong Wangxian said anxiously: "It's the fourth day. I thought one day was enough."

Yun Chu said: "The soldiers of the Sixteenth Guards are all loyal men. They all stay in their own camps and have never caused trouble to Chang'an."

When Yong Wangxian heard this, he was stunned for a moment, looked at Yun Chu and said, "Did you comfort him?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "Your Majesty has sent me a very useful chief clerk. It seems that His Majesty has other instructions for you?"

Yong Wangxian nodded and said: "I am not allowed to leave the mansion within three days. Today is the fourth day."

Yun Chu was startled when he heard this. He looked at Yong Wangxian and wanted to speak. In the end, he opened and closed his mouth twice without making any sound.

When Zhang Jia came in to deliver water, Yun Chu asked, "How is the situation around Chang'an?"

Zhang Jia saw that the county magistrate was asking the question in front of Yong Wangxian, and immediately said in a trembling voice: "The sixteen scout horses sent by the younger one only came back to one place. He said there are government soldiers on the other side of Baqiao."

Yun Chu waved Zhang Jia to retreat. While removing his armor, he said to Yong Wangxian, who was shaking like a cold leaf in the wind, "How do you feel?"

King Yong said wisely: "Father, even I..."

Yunchu hung the armor on the shelf and said to King Yong Xian: "Go back to your palace and have a good sleep. I'm going home to sleep too."

Yongwang Xiandao: "I don't know anything, I only know one thing. Before you came back, all the firearms of the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an were taken away by the Ministry of War in the name of upgrading. I also heard that the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an were conducting military exercises in the autumn.

The various ordnance consumed was not replenished during the night.

Even the supply of food and fodder for the army is only five days."

Yunchu sighed and said, "You should have told me."

King Yong said wisely: "This is a top secret in the army, how can it be leaked so easily?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I always thought that the commander of the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an was General Zuowuwei He Qi, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Yong Wangxian let out a long sigh and said to Yun Chu tiredly, "I'm going back to rest."

Yun Chu nodded and watched him leave.

After King Yong Xiancai left, Zhang Jia came in again and said: "The soldiers from the sixteen states in Guanzhong are around Chang'an."

Yun Chu nodded to express his understanding and asked Zhang Jia to leave.

At this moment, all the mysteries in his heart have been completely solved.

The moment the emperor launched the Blood Night in Luoyang, the Blood Night in Chang'an had already been prepared. Unlike the urgency of the Blood Night in Luoyang, the purge in Chang'an was much more secretive.

Luoyang is to the east of Chang'an, and Jiucheng Palace is to the west of Chang'an. The emperor actually had to pass through Chang'an when he arrived at Jiucheng Palace from Luoyang, the eastern capital. However, Yunchu, who was left behind in Chang'an, had never heard of the emperor's arrival in Chang'an.

When the emperor's decree to settle in Jiucheng Palace came to Chang'an, Yunchu learned that the emperor was already in Jiucheng Palace.

This shows that the emperor passed by Chang'an but did not enter!

He arrived at Jiucheng Palace secretly.

Jiucheng Palace is three hundred miles away from Chang'an!

This distance is exactly the distance between the general manager's camp and the forward camp, which is a very safe war distance.

The imprudent emperor's edict to eradicate traitors and Zhou Xing and Ruichun's imprudent anti-corruption actions were only intended to stir up the hearts of all those with evil intentions in Chang'an.

Yunchu's heart felt cold, but cold sweat ran down his back.

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent. As long as the snowflakes move, they will be killed in this big avalanche.

This chapter has been completed!
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