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The 137th important minister should be reused

When Yunchu returned from the Western Regions, he heard that Master Xuanzang had emerged from the inner demons.

He didn't expect that he would come out like this. His old man now seems to not care about anything and takes everything very lightly, even to the point where it doesn't matter whether things are good or bad, success or failure.

Perhaps it was because of this free-spirited mentality that he was no longer obsessed with things like iron birds and iron dragons, and returned to his true self, unmoved by external objects.

Yunchu always believed that the highest realm of eminent monks was clay and wood sculpture.

The highest state of Taoist cultivation is stone.

The highest state of Confucianism is to make everyone become one person, act and think uniformly.

Seeing Xuanzang's appearance, Yun Chu thought of the big-bellied monk for no reason. He laughed and told the world all day long that a big belly can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world.

This is obviously not possible. People cannot be hungry all day long and still laugh and enjoy themselves. They cannot watch their loved ones die of cold and hunger and still smile.

At least, in Yunchu's opinion, this is impossible.

Only by contending with heaven and earth can man finally gain true peace.

After leaving White Horse Temple, Yunchu received the emperor's order to summon him.

After entering the Hanyuan Hall of Luoyang Imperial City, he did not see the emperor, but only the queen Wu Mei.

The queen is a very straightforward person. When Yunchu came in, she said directly: "Your Majesty has a headache and is currently sleeping. Your Majesty has made arrangements before, and ordered you to take control of Hanjiacang City, and you must ensure that Hanjiacang City

There cannot be any problem with the food in Jiacang City.

Yunchu, can you do it?"

Yun Chu frowned and said: "If your Majesty allows me to mobilize the government troops from Chang'an, not to mention Hanjiacang City, even the defense of Luoyang City will not be a problem."

Wu Mei said sarcastically: "Can it be said that except for the soldiers in Chang'an, the rest of the soldiers in the world are not your Majesty's subjects?"

Yun Chu raised his head and looked at Wu Mei and said, "Just in the early morning, Wei Chen personally killed no less than a hundred Luoyang soldiers."

Wu Mei looked directly at Yun Chu and said, "You don't trust Luoyang soldiers?"

Yun Chu said: "Sixteen guards and horses will give me two thousand, and I will guarantee that Hanjiacang City will be safe."

Wu Mei said: "Yun Chu, you are so suspicious, who else in the world can you trust?"

Yun Chu lowered his head and said, "When a humble minister does something, he must put success first."

Wu Mei shook her head and said: "I can't give you the sixteen guards and horses you want. If you want people, you can only choose from Luozhou's soldiers."

Yunchu raised his head and looked at Wu Mei and said: "Hanjiacang City stores three million tons of grain stored in our Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty ordered Wei Chen to guard Hanjiacang City, but he trusted Wei Chen and felt that Wei Chen could take on this important task.

Although Wei Chen will not belittle himself, Wei Chen's life is still not worth mentioning in front of three million dans of grain reserves.

Therefore, in order to protect the granary and prevent the old incident of Wagang thieves from seizing the granary from happening again, either we should give Wei Chen two thousand and sixteen guards and horses, or we should give Wei Chen no outsiders and guard Hanjiacang City alone.

Guarantee that the granary will be safe before dying in battle."

Wu Mei shook her head and said: "His Majesty has asked that those who guard Hanjiacang City must use Luozhou soldiers."

Yunchu looked at Wu Mei and said: "To win over Luozhou's soldiers, using Hanjiacang City is too much. Once something happens to Hanjiacang City, it won't be a big deal if we lose three million tons of food.

How many people will die of hunger and cold."

Wu Mei walked down the stage and came to Yun Chu, stared into his eyes and said: "If we don't use Hanjiacang City, do we want those government soldiers to serve as guards outside our palace?"

Yun Chu's eyes did not dodge at all, and he said bluntly: "As long as the ministers are guarding the queen outside the palace, we can still protect the queen from the thieves."

Wu Mei said coldly: "In other words, in your eyes, the safety of this palace is not as important as Hanjiacang City, right?"

Yunchu lowered his head and remained silent.

After a while, Wu Mei said: "There are six Zhechong Prefectures in Luozhou. Your Majesty has found out that only two of the soldiers from the Prefecture participated in the rebellion. The other four Zhechong Prefectures are innocent and are our elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, if we can't stabilize people's hearts as soon as possible, it will chill the remaining Luozhou soldiers, and it may even involve the soldiers in Hebei and Shandong."

Yun Chu said: "Once two rotten oranges are found in a basket of oranges, Wei Chen has reason to suspect that the rest of the oranges are also rotten. Even if they are healthy on the outside, there must be rot of varying sizes on the inside."

"So, should we throw away all the oranges?"

"Even if you can't throw them away, you can't put this basket of rotten oranges next to the fresh pears in Hanjiacang City at this time."

"Yunchu, you are so impudent!"

As Wu Mei shouted angrily, a bottle flew towards Yun Chu's face. Yun Chu didn't even look at it, he grabbed the bottle with one hand and placed it gently on the ground.

Yun Chu listened to Feng Wei and grabbed two bottles, a white jade paperweight, a jade Ruyi, and a pen holder, and then heard Wu Mei said angrily: "Just because this order came from me,

How much do you say no?"

Yun Chu felt that a person like Wu Mei was definitely not someone who would lose his temper by throwing things.

Losing her temper in this way will only make people look down upon her.

Therefore, the meaning of temptation is very strong.

Moreover, where is Hanjiacang City? It is filled with giant granaries that can hold five million tons of grain. This kind of place is already a military powerhouse. If Li Zhi only remembered the importance of Hanjiacang City now, Yun

I didn’t believe it at first.

If this place was really dangerous, even Li Zhi wouldn't dare go to Hanjiacang City to watch the joke.

You know, without Hanjiacang City, the Tang Dynasty would not be able to control the Central Plains.

Therefore, in this trial, the emperor and Wu Mei chose the wrong place and used the wrong method.

The most important point in guarding Hanjiacang City is to defend it. If Hanjiacang City is not defended, the defender will not be able to escape punishment even if he dies in battle.

"Choose two thousand troops from the prince's six ranks."

Li Zhi's weak voice came from behind the screen.

Yunchu clasped his fists and saluted, "I will accept your order."

After saying that, he took the troops mobilizing talisman and documents brought by the eunuch, turned around and left Hanyuan Hall.

Compared with the troops of the Sixteenth Guards, Yunchu believed more that Li Hong had just formed a prototype of the Prince Liuliu.

Watching Yun Chu go away, Wu Mei's cold voice sounded in the hall.

"Your Majesty, you can come out now. Your kingdom is gone."

Li Zhi, with a silk scarf tied on his head, slowly walked out from behind the screen and said indifferently: "You went too far and exposed your flaws."

Wu Mei said: "Aren't you worried about Yun Chu?"

Li Zhi pressed his temples and said painfully: "You have to try before you can rest assured, but you just didn't try it."

Wu Mei pressed her hand on Li Zhi's temple and said, "I told you a long time ago that you shouldn't use Hanjiacang City as a test.

But no minister who cares about his family, his country, and the world will guard such an important place with the Luozhou soldiers who have just shown signs of rebellion."

Li Zhi growled filial piety in a low voice: "It hurts me to death."

Wu Mei sighed and helped Li Zhi go to the inner room. She knew that Li Zhi's illness was not as serious as he showed. He was just unwilling to face such a complicated situation.

After Yunchu left Hanyuan Hall, he stood in front of the palace gate and hesitated for a moment. He knew that Li Zhi's wind disease was breaking out at this moment. He had known for a long time that Li Zhi's disease was high blood pressure. It was not difficult to judge this.

Lao He from the Imperial Medical Office once mentioned the word astringent pulse when discussing the emperor's pulse with him.

Yun Chu took another opportunity to ask Dr. Sun what a astringent pulse was. Dr. Sun said that it was a headache with no localized pain, and a pulse that was as painful as acupuncture.

Then Yunchu only had to compare some patients with this disease in the Imperial Medical Office, and he would know that this was what the Tang Dynasty people called - wind disease.

Wind disease is a general term for many diseases. Yunchu is willing to break down wind disease into cerebral thrombosis, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease and other diseases.

Referring to Li Zhi's headache symptoms, Yun Chu believed that Li Zhi had either high blood pressure or cerebral thrombosis.

Based on the characteristics of Li Zhi's headache, dizziness, dizziness, bloating, and blurred vision after he became ill, Yunchu finally determined that Li Zhi had high blood pressure, a very serious form of hypertension.

For the condition of high blood pressure, Yunchu also knows some folk remedies, such as bloodletting or drinking ginkgo leaf tea.

Yunchu had used it on patients at the Imperial Medical Office, and bloodletting could only be temporarily suspended. Ginkgo leaf extract might be useful, but drinking ginkgo leaf tea was absolutely useless.

Treating the emperor is something that people like Sun Shenxian do, and forget about others. People like Lao He go there with a death wish when treating the emperor. Seeing him once is equal to death.

Once, it caused great harm to Lao He's body and mind.

Yunchu felt that he still had many things to do in the future, so he would not take the risk to treat the emperor. Anyway, he would not die for a while.

Li Hong took 4,000 of his prince's six subordinates to guard outside the palace to show their filial piety.

However, from the fact that he can only guard the periphery of the imperial city, it can be seen that his father is even on guard against him.

"Master, is my father seriously ill?" Li Hong asked worriedly.

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I only met your mother, and she asked me to lead Luozhou's soldiers who did not participate in the rebellion to guard Hanjiacang City."

Li Hong was surprised and said: "Why is this so? Hanjiacang City is the lifeblood of millions of people in the Central Plains, how can it be used to test people's hearts?

Master, just wait, I will go to see my mother and father to ask for my life back."

Yunchu grabbed Li Hong and said, "Don't go. I disobeyed your orders several times before your majesty allowed you to lead two thousand princes and six troops to guard Hanjiacang City."

Li Hong waved his hands and said: "This is not possible. There are more than 700 large and small granaries in Hanjiacang City, the largest diameter can reach six feet, and the grain storage is 10,000 tons.

Master, the disciples guarding Hanjiacang City naturally believe that they can be impregnable. However, there are no less than 3,000 officials, clerks, and coolies in Hanjiacang City. Master, you cannot let them leave.

You must know that not everyone can do the job of managing a granary. I once heard Xu Jingzong say that when managing a granary, you must turn it over on time, otherwise the grain will spontaneously combust.

If someone is really up to no good, all he needs to do is use some of the dark tricks in the grain storage business to make the master die without a burial place."

Yun Chu patted Li Hong on the shoulder and said: "Xu Jingzong disappeared immediately after he was assassinated. Now he is in Hanjiacang City. With the caution of this old thief, he will not allow me to enter Cangcheng."

Li Hong frowned and said, "Why him?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Putting aside his character, Xu Jingzong is also one of the best people in Qiancheng in the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as the incident happened, people knew that Hanjiacang City was the most critical place at the moment. No matter how many people died in Luoyang, as long as there was food, there would be no chaos in the Central Plains."

"Why would my father put you and Xu Jingzong together? This would be a bit wasteful."

Yun Chu looked back at Luoyang Imperial City and sighed: "Because we were the only two unscathed in the assassination!"

This chapter has been completed!
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