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287.Visitors from out of town

Song Tan laughed: "Uncle, I also use WeChat. The sales are pretty good. Are you free? I'll pick up some beehives when I'm free."

The beekeeper's expression showed a trace of envy visible to the naked eye:

"You young people are still smart. I heard that there are people selling on Douyin, Tieba forums, and Weibo..."

He turned around and looked at several beehives beside him, as well as several jars of honey specially brought over. He simply waved his hand:

"I'm waiting for someone! Go get it yourself. There are about five or six empty beehives behind my iron shed. Take as many as you want."

"It's 50 yuan each, but it's an empty box with no gauze cover, partitions and bee cloth. If you want the complete set, you can dig it out in the beehive and put it all together. Then it costs 80 yuan each.


The price is really fair, and Song Tan agreed:


This is how people in the countryside do business.

Song Tan simply got in the car: "Uncle, I'll get it myself and transfer the money to you then."

"Okay, okay, you go..."

A car drove up in the distance and honked its horn.

The beekeeper stood up instantly, full of energy: "The person I'm waiting for is here, you go back first!"

Song Tan also smiled and got in the car directly.

She turned back along the path, and sure enough, she saw several beehives covered with dust and leaves piled up behind the iron shed. When she opened them, she found that they were indeed covered with beehive cloth screens and covers.

After thinking about it for a while, I saw that there were only 5 left, so I moved them all to the car.

Anyway, as long as the bees work hard to give birth, they will be used sooner or later.

As soon as the 400 yuan was transferred and the other party hadn't confiscated it, the phone vibrated and the beekeeper's loud voice came over:

"Girl, are you leaving?"

"No," Song Tan wondered: "Is there anything else?"

The beekeeper suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said loudly: "My client is going to Qingxi Town. There is a navigation system on the main road. It is difficult to find the small road here. How about you lead the way?"


Qingxi Town is the town where Yunqiao Village is located. Song Tanben also wanted to pass through the town, so he agreed directly now.

The sky was dark in the distance, and heavy rain seemed to be coming at any time. She waited patiently for a while, and not long after, she saw a beekeeper riding a motorcycle, and a car behind him was crawling hard on the mountain road.

Just... on this kind of road, I actually feel sorry for the chassis.

The beekeeper smiled and said: "My client introduced me here, and I found out that he is from our local area. He hasn't been back for ten or twenty years."

At this time, a head popped out of the driver's seat, and the young man greeted Song Tan: "We are planning to go to the police station in Qingxi Town to apply for household registration. Girl, could you please give us a guide?"

Okay. What's not okay?

Song Tan turned around and got into the pickup truck: "Follow me."

Halfway through, she suddenly remembered - although she wasn't going to school or working, wasn't today the weekend?!


Standing at the door of the police station, the couple was obviously a little dumbfounded - they had done all the preparations and memorized a page-long memo, but why didn't they expect that today was the weekend?!

Song Tan was sitting in the car. Seeing their numb faces, Song Tan couldn't help but ask: "Then... do you have somewhere to go next?"

It's about time to go back to the city.

There is nothing we can do. How remote and barren is Qingxi Town?

There is only one old hotel in the town, and Song Tan looked at it as if no one had stayed there in ten years.

Not to mention whether these two people are willing or not.

The young woman got out of the car and stamped her feet, her face full of pain.

The young couple sighed and were about to get back into the car when they saw a young man walking out of the Fengfeng Express door diagonally opposite the police station:

"Song Tan!"

Brother Zhang was calling her loudly at the door: "Song Tan!"

Song Tan hurried over: "What's wrong?"

But I heard Brother Zhang say: "Didn't you call me to pack before? Are the goods ready? At 6 o'clock in the evening, I can go to the city to send another batch of goods. I will leave at four o'clock. You are here.

If I can make it in time to pack, I’ll go there.”

Brother Zhang was obviously very considerate: "Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be easy to preserve your peach blossoms."

Especially since it's going to rain soon, the flowers must be picked first.

"Yes, just pack it up. It will be very quick."

Song Tan nodded, and then looked at the message Zhang Yanping had just sent:

"There are more Tremella orders this morning, so I just sent them all together. Oh, and there are tea bags - you can bring more document bags."

Brother Zhang was delighted: "It just so happens that my wife's parents are coming over in the evening. I plan to get a few kilograms of cabbage from your field - is there any more?"


Although there are not many of them left and online stores have removed them, it is still enough to eat at home.

It’s not a problem for Brother Zhang to buy a few more pounds.

But Song Tan still laughed: "Brother Zhang, you are so rich now that you are even willing to buy my food?"

Brother Zhang blushed and tried to save his dignity at this moment: "What does it mean to be arrogant? I have always been willing to give up, okay? Didn't I buy the bamboo shoots you had?"

I bought it, but only once or twice. Every time I ate it, I felt like I was eating my heart and I shivered.

Song Tan heard what Brother Zhang's wife said more than once!

Looking at the sky again, the muffled thunder continued in bursts, and the sky became gloomy. She quickly said: "Let's go back first and hurry up."

But the couple in the distance looked at each other:

"Is this shop selling souvenirs? Why don't we buy some too? Don't uncles and aunts miss the things from home?"

The man was a little hesitant: "You don't need to buy souvenirs. I'll ask my relatives to send them over later."

"you're so dumb!"

The girl scolded him: "How can we have any close connections here? We have to ask for favors from relatives, and we don't have to give them less money. Why bother! We've all come back."

"It just so happens that you also asked me to take a look at the things in your mountain village."

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

He had gone abroad with his parents when he was young. After all these years, he had finally been able to obtain a household registration and buy a house. He had just returned to his hometown. Who knew there were any specialties from the mountain village?

When buying honey, you should rely on recommendations from others.

After thinking about it, he simply walked forward:

"Does your family sell souvenirs? What do you sell? I want to buy some when I come back with my wife."

Song Tan and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, and Xiao Zhang smiled: "Song Tan's products are quite expensive. If you want to buy souvenirs, we also have two stores in the town. They are affordable and of good quality. You can

Go and have a look.”

The couple was puzzled - there are still people doing this kind of business in the world? Are the transactions being pushed out?

The two of them looked at each other and became curious.

"It's quite expensive? Why is it expensive? What are they? We want to see."

Brother Zhang:......

Why don't you listen to the advice?

Is it easy to go to Song Tan's house? Don't go back and pay all the money for household registration!

This chapter has been completed!
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