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572. New unreliable advice

Zhang Yanping's sudden arrogance is not because he is an honest and careless man, he has many evil thoughts!

First of all, this is Professor Song! Can what he introduces be bad? If the other party comes on a mission, it will be a slap in the face!

Secondly, even if it was really bad, he could see Professor Song's character, and he must feel guilty, and he would want to make amends if he felt guilty...

Come on three times, Tan Tan said during the meal that Professor Song brought three students, maybe they did it for free!

Isn't it appropriate for such an honest person to say a few words that others like to hear?

However, Professor Song was still a little surprised, and now he became cautious and hesitant:

"Spices are not cheap either. We need so many at once. What if they are not suitable? How about we send out samples to try the taste?"

Zhang Yanping wanted to send out samples for two or three days, test the taste for two or three days, and then send them back for another two or three days... He even thought the store would be empty for a week!

On such a hot day, if there is no business in the online store, wouldn't he be asked to break the corn? He heard that his family is preparing to break the corn in the past two days...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yanping became more determined: "It's okay, Professor Song, if you say yes, then I'll believe it! No need to try at all!"

It's a pity that Professor Song is so old, so many people have never seen him! But I have never seen Zhang Yanping, who looks strong and tough, but speaks so sincerely and boldly!

At this moment, my mood became more and more exciting, and I couldn't help but said: "Actually, I have an idea. Our place is not small. If you have a big demand for spices in the future, would you consider planting it yourself?"


Song Tan came over and said, "Growing spices?"

"Yes!" Professor Song said: "I saw that you planted an star anise and green and red peppercorns on the mountain behind you. Because they are not mature yet, I don't know the quality... But they are growing well and have fruiting rate, that's

Extremely outstanding!”

"This proves that your family's water and soil are indeed good."

When talking about his major, Professor Song's eyes shone, but he soon realized:

"No - I just remembered that it snows here in the winter, and the temperature is as low as six or seven degrees below zero, right? Star anise and Sichuan peppercorns are okay. But strawberries are not."

"I was originally thinking that the black fungus and white fungus in your chestnut forest could be expanded next year."

"Choose a spot around the pond in the valley to be an orchard. You can grow grass fruits under the orchard - you know grass fruits, right? Spices, they are not difficult to grow and the light requirements are not high."

"However, it can't survive the winter, and it only grows best in high-altitude and humid areas..."

After calculating these several spices, Professor Song had no choice but to give up: "I didn't consider it at the beginning...it's still inappropriate."

Song Tan didn't care: "It doesn't matter. I don't use much spices. Just plant some of the commonly used ones and give it a try."

On the other hand, the seventh cousin didn't leave. He felt a little regretful when he heard this: "Can't you plant it? I'm still thinking that after planting it, I will prepare a marinade bag. It will definitely be very fragrant. The marinade bag does not require a large amount, and you can also buy it online.

They sell it in the store..."

Zhang Yanping suddenly felt heartbroken, as if he was watching the money fly away!

He was unwilling to give in: "Is it true that we can't survive the winter? It's not always six or seven degrees below zero here. Sometimes, it's three or four degrees below zero most of the time."

Professor Song was helpless: "That's it for peppercorns. Grass and fruits won't grow if it's below 10 degrees. If it's below 1 degree, it will be even more dangerous..."

Qi Lin had been listening silently, and suddenly said: "Teacher, I think you can give it a try."

Professor Song thought for a while: "You want to cover it with plastic film? Then the planting cost will be high. And what should we do in summer? It is not heat-resistant."

"There should be a place for that." Qi Lin shook his head.

Although the altitude here is not high enough, he has been to places with sufficient altitude. Which agricultural product is better than Song Tan's?

In this case...

"Choose a piece of sloping land next to the pond as an orchard. Choose taller fruit trees. Ensure half of the shading rate on the upper floors. You can try planting some grass fruits at the bottom - grass fruits should be topped when they grow to about 1.2 meters tall.

Some fruit trees can reach this height."

Qi Lin said and gestured:

"Song Tan, there is a corner on the slope of the valley behind your house. We found it when we passed by. It is quite cool. The measured temperature is 33 degrees."

You know, it’s 38 degrees elsewhere at this time!

"The suitable temperature for grass fruit is 10-25 degrees. After proper shade, it should be barely close..."

He said, feeling a little guilty himself: "Forget it, it's still difficult... This isn't our crop here in the first place, let's find another one."

do not!

Song Tan stopped him: "Tell me again, what else is so difficult?"

It sounds quite interesting... The main thing is that interplanting does not take up space. And the seventh cousin is listening attentively!

A qualified host must of course respect the chef’s ideas!

Qi Lin:……

Qi Lin had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue thinking:

"As for winter... It depends on the climate. It can be from August to December. After harvesting, you can cut off the old leaves and wait for new shoots to appear in spring... In this case, covering it with haystacks or mulch to keep warm in winter should be able to

Try it."

Professor Song frowned.

Qi Lin, who has been a teacher and student for many years, also knew what Professor Song meant, but looking at Song Tan's shining eyes, he could only force a smile at this moment: "I was thinking that there are not many crops that like shade, so interplanting in orchards is a good idea.

An attempt.”

"If we really can't survive the winter, but the first year's grass and fruits have been harvested, at Song Tan's price, even if we don't make a profit, we won't lose much, right?"

It can be seen from here that Qi Lin is indeed not suitable for fighting alone——

You know, most people who need to hire agricultural experts only want to make money! If the economic benefits are not high, they will have to give up!

If I say one more thing, I might lose money... What can't I lose too much? I can't lose money!

What's more, there are thousands of plants in the world, and there are so many choices. Who wouldn't want to make it more difficult for yourself?

But Song Tan is different!

First of all, she was curious about the taste, and secondly... secondly, she was sure that she would not lose money. Even if she did, she could afford it!

Looking at the seventh cousin again, his eyes were shining!

I even couldn't wait to start thinking: "The taste of grass fruit is quite overbearing, and the dosage is not large. If you grow Song Tan, I will prepare the brine package later. I will use other bought ones. If you have it at home, use what you have at home... The flavor will definitely be the same."

Very unique, right?”

Song Tan suddenly realized it!


To make money, your seventh cousin must know how to make money!

That being said, you can’t grow all the spices. You can also try Sichuan peppercorns and star anise! They sound much less demanding than this herbaceous fruit!


Song Tan immediately made a decision: "Let's plant this! Let's think about what fruit tree to choose later."

Professor Song:......

It's quite surprising that Song Tan was actually willing to try it, considering it was inappropriate and easy to lose money!

However, after all, he is here to help, not to hinder others with bad ideas. He looked at Qi Lin again - this topic is worth following up and gaining experience for students.

Therefore, a slightly compensating method is given:

"Caoguo has very high requirements for moisture. In this case, you might as well consider interplanting some more expensive mushrooms."

This chapter has been completed!
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