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574.Fruit tree arrangement

After hanging up the phone, Wu Jun stared at the transfer and couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to return it - it was just one pound. He had previously said that he would send two pounds to Professor Song to try, but the other party only wanted one pound in return.

Is this really true? How much free advice did the other party provide when planting?

However, no matter what, it's only one pound. This year he sent out a lot of samples, and some of them were bought back, mostly one and a half pounds. The remaining large orders...

Just don’t mention it!

He sat in the yard, but he was still a little confused.

Do you really want to go back to selling barbecue crayfish?

He couldn't figure it out, why is there no market for Sichuan peppercorns that are so good? The wholesale price is 30 per kilogram. The price has really dropped to the bottom line. No one in the 70s or 80s on the market can match his taste!

Then open the backend of the online store and take a look - okay, there is no publicity, no purchase pins, and you can't sell a single order for a whole month. It's hard to do online store business now!

But this search top advertising space is too expensive! The conversion rate of new stores will not be ideal...

I was thinking about this, and I don’t know how long it had passed before I saw my phone light up again - Yuncheng’s phone number, it was for advertising, right? But after hesitating, I remembered that the address Professor Song had just given was Yuncheng, so I finally got through.


On the phone, a voice that sounded particularly bold said: "Hello, is this Boss Wu? I, Professor Song, introduced me - how do we sell our Sichuan peppercorns? Let's get five kilograms first!"


Wu Jun was stunned: "I am... five pounds, right? OK, OK, I will send it out tomorrow. I will send it by air. It will arrive the day after tomorrow!"

Now, it was Zhang Yanping's turn to be stunned - are all business people so generous these days? He didn't even say the price!

And this evening, Zhang Yanping contacted all the spice sellers introduced by Professor Song one by one. Now, everything is ready, just waiting for the goods!

Everyone chatted at night, but they were more passionate than during the day. For example, Professor Song had already planned the planting of star anise, fragrant leaves, and pepper.

"The octagonal anise grows vigorously. If it grows for a few years, it will not be a problem to reach more than ten meters."

"Scent leaves are like laurels. They have strong skin and are easy to grow. They are not afraid of the sun or cold. Planting here is not stressful at all. But they grow slowly. The seedlings in 78 or 78 years may only be less than 70 centimeters... But the leaves

After drying, don’t weigh it, just plant a small piece and that’s enough.”

Zhang Yanping followed and looked at the pictures given by Professor Song, and couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "If I had known I would buy a few trees in the spring, I just ordered spices, and fragrant leaves are the most expensive, costing 100 yuan per catty!"

Fortunately, when paired with other three-to-five-pound packages, you only need one pound of fragrant leaves.

Professor Song was amused, there were some things that were separated by rows and separated by mountains, which most people wouldn’t expect and it was normal.

"There is also cinnamon, which is also commonly used, but it is not difficult to plant, but you need to peel the bark of the tree... I don't think anyone grows it here, and it doesn't produce yellow cypress... No one knows this skill, so I suggest you buy it if you need it.


Song Tan nodded fiercely. She couldn't find anyone now, let alone advanced professionals... Just save trouble if you can.

Calculated in this way, these spice planting areas really only require a few acres of land to sell...it can be arranged!

Professor Song explained these things in detail and even had pictures. Not only Song Tan and others were listening, but Qiao Qiao, Seventh Cousin, and Wu Lan and Song Sancheng were all attentive and reluctant to move.

There were many people listening, and Professor Song felt even more recognized. This was different from teaching students, so he became more and more excited:

"I have roughly thought of several types of fruit trees. One is winter dates, the other is apples, and the third is pomegranates - they are all durable in storage and transportation. But there is one thing that makes the orchard tiring to take care of."

He sighed: "Didn't you plant peaches? If you want the peaches to grow neatly, you have to take care of them all year round... Weeding, removing insects, thinning the fruits, waterproofing them from rain, and bagging them, it's not easy!"


The old Song family looked at each other: Are you tired of planting peach trees?

Not to mention, those days of picking peaches were really tiring.

As for weeding... Wu Lan smiled sheepishly: "Our family didn't do much weeding this year, so what? Yanping, the kid, found a lot of people to come fishing. The one who caught the least every day was weeding the fields... fishing before and after.

It’s been two or three months.”

Needless to say, the old men may not always be neat at work, but they are quite serious.

If you don't stop for two or three months, the grass in the garden will have no chance to grow, and the roots of the grass will be pulled out...

As for fruit thinning…

Song Sancheng's mouth watered when he heard this: "I hired someone to pick it at that time. I didn't do much at home. It's the salt water green peach. It's so delicious!"

"The sugar-pickled ones are more delicious, like the plums in the supermarket, but harder and crisper."

Speaking of this, everyone's saliva secreted uncontrollably, and they were all eager to have another peach.

As for rain protection...the rain this year has been quite good, but their family has not taken care of it!

There's also bagging... isn't there a net on the top of the head? Although it costs a lot of money, it saves time and effort in bagging, how convenient it is!

Professor Song:......

Why, has his agricultural experience been accumulated in vain?

He silently lucked out and reiterated his confidence: "Domestic apples have not been easy to sell in the past two years, but your family..."

He paused and changed his perspective: "Apple trees are resistant to moisture, and some older fruit trees will grow taller. If you sacrifice a little of the lower branches, they can be perfectly interplanted with grass fruits. I think it is very suitable for your family's situation."

"There are also pomegranates, there are many varieties. You can learn about them first, and then we can consider planting them - it is best to plant them in autumn. Let's get used to the environment this year, and then properly supplement fertilizers and rest in winter. The yield will be good next year."

"Needless to say, winter jujubes? The price has been very good in the past two years, and I see there are wild jujube trees on the mountains, and there are pomegranates at the door of many people's homes. They are very adaptable to the climate."

"Okay, okay! Okay, okay, okay!" Song Tan nodded as if pounding garlic. Each of these is delicious! She likes them all!

The question now is...

"Professor Song, do you have these fruit trees?"

Professor Song:......

Although he initially considered introducing me through channels, your question is really very discreet!

He said in a sullen voice: "Yes, but you still have to think about the specific size of the saplings you want!"

Song Tan shook off the problem and was very free and easy at the moment: "What are you thinking about! I just want big seedlings that can bear fruit, or a finished tree!"

For example, the apple tree used for interplanting must not start from a short and squat tree, right?

Professor Song was speechless: "The cost of the finished tree is high...not to mention the difficulty of planting, the transportation cost is also high."

"It doesn't matter," Song Tan said confidently, "Wouldn't it be possible to earn back the money if you bear fruit next year?"

And even if this million is not enough, next month, when the pruned tea leaves grow again, the tea leaves and autumn tea in stock can be sold again!

This chapter has been completed!
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