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Chapter 543: Small Accident

"Mr. Führer, the Chinese government has always been happy to see in-depth and extensive cooperation with Germany. However, the Sino-German alliance design involves various issues, the most important of which is the attitude of the United States. If the United States feels threatened, they will form a new alliance with Britain and France.

The Alliance and even the Soviet Union may abandon their past feud with them. As for Japan and Italy, they are unreliable allies. Based on the balance of power, I can’t see a situation that is beneficial to us at all!”

Qiao Yu's words are very reasonable in the eyes of several senior German military officials. The reason why Germany failed in World War I was the result of the United States' participation, and Italy also betrayed Germany during World War I. The German army has also been reflecting on World War I. They

I hope we can find a suitable way to avoid going back to the old path of World War I.

In the eyes of the Germans, the most important thing is to win over China, delay the United States through China and Japan, and then let Germany give it a try, or let China come forward to attract firepower. However, now China is obviously unwilling to offend the United States for Germany, so let this

The sweet dream has lost its color.

Hitler was not reconciled. He also tried to persuade Qiao Yu: "Mr. President, the politicians in the Republic of China are stupid and fragile. Their system determines that these countries are not efficient at all. If the United States wants to join the war, it has to go through many layers of

It is definitely not something that can be done in a short time, and this time is enough for us. We can completely eliminate the main opponents on the Eurasian continent. By that time, the United States will have nothing to do, and we can still

Take advantage of Canada and USA exchange!

As for the contradiction between the Soviet Union and the Western world, which is deep-rooted, there is no possibility of an alliance between them. Now Western politicians are eager for Germany and the Soviet Union to go to war, so they can just stand by and watch. These stupid people are not our opponents at all, and democratic elections are

It is impossible to elect a suitable leader. They are all weak. A group of fools who only believe in treaties and guarantees cannot lead the world.

In addition, although Italy and Japan are still somewhat weak in national power, they can still fight, especially since Italy has annexed Abyssinia and Japan has also annexed the Dutch East Indies. I think they can be valuable allies. As long as

When the four major powers unite, they can rewrite the world!"

Regarding Hitler's judgment, Qiao Yu could only shake his head secretly in his heart. German history has never lacked generals who are accustomed to fighting, but it lacked great politicians who were able to control everything. Being trapped in the European continent for a long time, the Germans' perspective

Something has gone seriously wrong.

To put it simply, you overestimate yourself and underestimate your opponent!

Politicians in Britain and France are indeed weak and incompetent, but this does not mean that this is the case in all democracies, especially the U.S. government, which is in a period of rapid rise. The current President Roosevelt is a complete old fox. If Americans feel the real

Threats will definitely be mobilized quickly. This was very clear after Qiao Yu's visit to the United States.

As for the contradiction between the Soviet Union and the West, that is not a problem. Ideology is not an insurmountable obstacle. The key is whether it is worth it. In fact, whether it is Stalin, Roosevelt, or the fat man Churchill who is still dormant in the UK

, what they believe in is pragmatism. As long as there are enough benefits, there is nothing that cannot be done in their eyes.

What's even worse is Germany's ability to choose allies. During World War I, it chose Italy, which betrayed it, and then the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which it couldn't afford to support. By World War II, Italy became the country that it couldn't support.

Although Japan was tenacious, it took the wrong direction and foolishly attacked Pearl Harbor, dragging the Americans into the war.

After arriving in Germany, Qiao Yu kept checking the German government's pulse to find out what problems they had. This time when he negotiated with Hitler again, Qiao Yu completely understood that Germany's biggest problem was that it did not know who its opponent was.

Britain's decline is irreversible, and it's time to change the world's hegemon. Germany wants to take advantage of the trend, and so does the United States, which has the strongest industrial strength. The two world wars were actually Germany fighting the United States desperately.

And Hitler now actually wants to satisfy the appetite of the United States with just Canada. It is simply naive. The domestic structure of the United States is enough. What they want is world hegemony, not pure territory.

It is possible to satisfy countries like China and the Soviet Union with territory, but it will never appease the United States. If we cannot see the world clearly, it is impossible to win the war. Qiao Yu has secretly sentenced Germany to death.

"Mr. Führer, it is too early to talk about alliance now. Germany's strength still needs to be strengthened, especially its navy. What kind of help does Germany need from China?"

Qiao Yu was no longer willing to argue with Hitler on the issue of alliance, and turned to specific issues. At this time, Hitler also felt Qiao Yu's indifference. The president seemed not to be as enthusiastic as expected, which disappointed Hitler. Maybe it was

The trip to the United States made the president fearful, and Hitler was puzzled.

"Mr. President, we need aircraft carriers to form combat capabilities as soon as possible. I hope China will provide a full range of talents. In addition, Germany also needs the design drawings of the latest aircraft carriers!"

"No problem. I will keep all the personnel who came with the ship this time in Germany, including carrier-based aircraft pilots and command staff. We will help Germany improve its combat effectiveness as soon as possible. In addition, we will also provide the design drawings of the Zhenyuan, but I

I hope Germany can provide China with an interest-free loan at a price of US$500 million!"

Of course, Hitler knew that China still had a newer aircraft carrier design plan, but the other party was only willing to provide the Zhenyuan, and it also wanted to increase the loan by 500 million. It is obvious that China has raised the price, but after seeing the power of the aircraft carrier, Hitler has already

I have long made up my mind to acquire aircraft carrier technology no matter what.

Therefore, he could only agree without hesitation. After Qiao Yu returned to the hotel where he was staying, he handed Jiang Baili to his side.

"Brother Baili, what do you think of Germany?"

"There are tactics, but no strategy! There are ambitions, but no structure! There are opportunities, but no days! In short, it is difficult to achieve anything big!"

"Brother Baili, hasn't he always advocated that the son should not talk about strange powers and confuse the gods? Why are you talking about the number of days?"

"Otherwise, the rise and fall of a country seems to have a certain national destiny behind it. For example, when Japan defeated the Manchus, it seized the national destiny and brought disaster to China from then on. The British took the luck of the Industrial Revolution, while the United States took advantage of the last

The opportunity of war has stolen the national destiny of Britain and France, and no matter how hard Germany tries, it will fall into the same situation before the last war and continue to make the same mistakes again. It is difficult to change!"

"I think the theory of national destiny is just that the right time, place and people are right. The Great Depression has just passed and the international situation has changed. Germany has taken advantage of the right time. Hitler has used various means to boost the morale of the people, and he can be regarded as having the right people and people. It's just that he still has the right time.

Without the right location and all three, it will be difficult to achieve anything!"

Qiao Yu once again talked about the things of the Three Talents, but both of them had similar views, that is, Germany has the ability to cause trouble, but it does not have the ability to achieve it.

During the conversation, someone reported that Sekter came to see him. Sekter was also an old friend of the country. It was under his single-handed planning that Germany preserved the seeds of its military industry as much as possible. Therefore, Sekter was there.

He has a high status in the German Wehrmacht and is highly respected. However, this old man is now in his final years. His health is getting worse and he rarely appears in public.

However, Sekter's technology transfer is extremely important to China. If a developing country wants to develop, it will inevitably learn technology from advanced countries. Everyone in China respects this. Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili personally brought him in.


Sekter was indeed aging at this time, his body was trembling, his old eyes were dim, and his face and hands were covered with age spots, as if a gust of wind could blow him away. Qiao Yu personally supported Sekter.

"Old General, I was supposed to be the one to visit you, but I asked you to come first. It's really rude!"

"Your Excellency, President, I am just a bad old man. My visit to China that year left a deep impression on me. I am afraid that I will never be able to go to that beautiful country again in this life. I can only come to visit you and treat it as a fulfillment of my wish."


While they were talking, the three of them had already sorted things out. Sekter coughed again and again, with tears and runny nose coming out. It took him a long time to finish cleaning up. Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili were waiting patiently.

"Mr. President, are you not optimistic about Germany's future?" Sekter suddenly asked this question just after he finished cleaning up. Qiao Yu was also a little at a loss. This old general was too direct.

If he agrees, it will immediately cause a diplomatic conflict. If he lies, he seems to be deliberately not caring about this dying person. Qiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Germany is a great country, so naturally there are

There is a bright future, but China's current main focus is still on domestic people's livelihood. We have a huge population, and more than half of the population just solves the problem of food and clothing. Our energy is still on developing people's livelihood. Regarding territorial expansion,

Not interested!"

Although Sekter is old, he is not stupid. If China does not want to expand its territory, then why would it go to war with France and seize the three Indo-China countries? It seems that China is indeed not optimistic about forming an alliance with Germany.

In fact, as an old German military officer, Seckter also disliked some of Hitler's ways of doing things, but he no longer had the ability to change anything.

After seeing off the aging Sekter, Qiao Yu successively visited major cities such as Munich and finalized a large number of cooperation agreements. However, at this time, there was already a rift between China and the Nazi Party.

Qiao Yu's visit is coming to an end. In fact, all countries are paying attention to this visit. In fact, all countries are very worried that China and Germany will actually become allies. Just when the countries are nervous, a news suddenly comes out that China's trumpet

A fire suddenly broke out in the cabin of the ship. There was a problem with the two boilers and it was no longer possible to sail.

When they received this news, many countries were a little bit happy. China's aircraft carrier is not as powerful as imagined, and problems will still occur. Moreover, problems occurred at the juncture of a foreign visit. It is simply a big joke.

Of course, some people have analyzed that the "Zhenyuan" is an old warship and will inevitably cause problems during long-distance voyages. It is normal for fires to occur now. Fortunately, China still has a "Zhenyuan" staying in a port in Germany. Otherwise, the Chinese President will be so majestic.

The circumnavigation of the world is completely over.

Soon everyone got the news that the ship needed to be maintained and then transported back to the country by tugboat. However, it was still very difficult to get a big ship of more than 20,000 tons back, so Qiao Yu had decided to take the Zhenyuan

It left Germany first, where it underwent brief maintenance, and then was shipped back to China.

This chapter has been completed!
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