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Chapter 544 Global military expansion

"President, the whole world is laughing at our navy now, and there are even different voices in the country. Isn't our deal too sacrificial?"

"Then let Germany compensate the navy for the damage to its reputation. In short, we cannot suffer any loss!"

The accident of the Chinese aircraft carrier in the German port was indeed regarded as a joke by the media from various countries, but gradually everyone stopped laughing. The Chinese aircraft carrier was not towed away by the tugboat as stated, but stayed in the German port.

Port, it seems that it is not that simple, but at this time Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili have already returned to the country on the Zhenyuan, and it is too late for Britain and France to take any action.

As expected, news soon spread that the aircraft carrier was seriously damaged and difficult to recover. Immediately afterwards, the German shipyard came forward to make a request to China, hoping to sell the aircraft carrier to Germany in the name of a scrap ship.

When things developed to this point, the UK immediately understood that China and Germany had teamed up to trick themselves. The accident on this aircraft was probably staged. They wanted to sell the aircraft carrier to Germany.

This immediately touched the sensitive nerves of the British. The lifeblood of the British Empire is maritime hegemony. In fact, since the Washington Conference, the British Navy has begun to degenerate into a regional force, and the Pacific region has been completely handed over to the United States and Japan.

What the UK wants to see is Europe.

But now, the biggest enemy, Germany, wants to own an aircraft carrier. This is something that the British cannot accept under any circumstances. The British immediately protested to China and asked China to explain the issue of the aircraft carrier.

The answer given by China was also very heartfelt. The USS has been in service for a long time, and the condition of the warship is getting worse and worse. Originally, China was planning to decommission the USS after this voyage, but now something went wrong in advance, and China just scrapped it.

, as for whether to sell a German shipyard, China has no intention in this regard.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that China is telling lies. When Qiao Yu left Germany, an interest-free loan of US$500 million had already entered China's account. Moreover, Germany also sent a team of experts to assist China in building a 10,000-ton

Forging presses, these things are part of the business of aircraft carriers.

Although the British still do not understand the entire transaction, they can also judge based on clues that China sent an aircraft carrier to Germany in the name of a visit. An aircraft carrier is actually nothing to the British. After all, the British have passed

It already has five or six aircraft carriers. But the UK is worried that Germany will quickly become an aircraft carrier power with China's technical support.

Relying on Germany's shipbuilding capabilities, if the aircraft carrier is thoroughly studied, the Germans will be able to build three or four aircraft carriers in a short period of time. By then, the British Empire's maritime hegemony will be shaky.

Prime Minister Chamberlain was having a headache at this time. The old man was in a very difficult situation as soon as he came to power. Germany and Italy were rapidly rising in Europe. The European continent was swept by Nazism, and various countries established fascist regimes one after another. India, the jewel in the crown of the British Crown, fell into corruption again.


Especially this time, China provides an aircraft carrier to Germany. Not only will Germany's naval technology improve rapidly, it may even mean that China and Germany will form an alliance. By then, the British Empire will really have reached its end.

Chamberlain was well aware of Britain's decline, but the old man was unwilling to be the gravedigger of the empire. Therefore, the old man immediately launched diplomatic operations, contacting France, and then communicating with the United States and even Japan, and did not let go.

China's sale of aircraft carriers to Germany has clearly violated the provisions of the Naval Arms Limitation Treaty. Countries should unite to put pressure on China and stop this transaction before the aircraft carrier is finally sold to Germany.

Unexpectedly, before the old man took action, Japan jumped out first and announced the launch of the new aircraft carrier Zuikaku, and then announced that the Shokaku was about to be launched. The Japanese government stated that the empire must be built on the strength of its own country.

A matching naval fleet will not be restricted by any treaty. Japan's determination to pursue a maritime power cannot be changed. In the future, Japan will build larger and more advanced aircraft carriers!

The combined fleet is currently much weaker than that of China and the United States, which is unacceptable to the island countries. Now that Japan has captured the Dutch East Indies and has sufficient finances, crazy shipbuilding has become inevitable. In fact, their new first-class aircraft carrier

We already had a plan, we just announced it to this world.

Japan was the first to announce its military expansion plan, which was like opening Pandora's box. The major powers went a little crazy. The United States also followed closely and announced a new shipbuilding plan. The Americans had four aircraft carriers and

The momentum of the two battleships was very frightening.

In fact, there was a reason why Roosevelt did this. His New Deal had been implemented for more than three years, but it had actually reached a bottleneck. Roosevelt relied on government investment for infrastructure construction to get the country out of the economic crisis, and most of the money invested by the government was

They borrow money, and then the government issues dollars. After more than three years, this method cannot be maintained. After all, the United States is far from being a superpower in future generations and can exploit the whole world.

These interest rates alone were enough to give Roosevelt a headache. Facing the economy that had returned to stagnation, Roosevelt had no other choice but to focus on military expansion and war preparations. Everyone went to war bare-chested to create a new world.

Not only did the United States expand its army, Roosevelt also managed to pass a militia training bill. Such a bill had never been seen before in the history of the United States. Roosevelt was referring to China's militia reserve system, which would require young adults of military service age across the country to undergo training.

Initial military training.

Of course, the United States' approach is still normal, but Red Russia's actions have become more serious. Since Sorge was arrested, Russia's intelligence system in the Far East has been greatly damaged. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain China's intelligence, and the Spanish Civil War has also

Gradually it became favorable to fascism.

The Red Empire, which has faced numerous threats since its birth, began its own plan to rapidly expand its army. The army was expanded by one million, and Stalin also asked the Red Navy to conduct a demonstration on aircraft carriers. Russia is prepared to build its own aircraft carriers if necessary!

All countries around the world are in an overall situation. The expansion of one country's military will inevitably cause a sense of crisis in other countries. Therefore, like dominoes, one after another, more and more countries are involved, and Germany is also rapidly expanding.

The Wehrmacht, as well as the SS, and Hitler also ordered the strengthening of naval and air forces.

By now, Chamberlain suddenly discovered that his actions not only did not form an alliance to punish China, but also indirectly caused a world arms expansion race. This made the old man feel exhausted mentally and physically, but the British Empire had to bite the bullet and follow suit, especially Germany.

Already possessing an aircraft carrier, Britain must increase its strength.

This is true for the UK, and even more so for France. Now the French have gone crazy and put all their energy on the Maginot Line. They want to build this place into an iron wall and an insurmountable natural barrier. The UK has the English Channel.

France has the Maginot Line!

At this time, China and Germany finally reached an agreement. China sold the ship to Germany for US$200 million. Of course, it declared to the outside world that it was still a scrapped warship. As for how Germany dealt with it, China did not care; why could scrapped warships be sold?

If it reaches US$200 million, China doesn't care; why the Chinese navy retains a large number of professional talents, it doesn't even matter.

Anyway, China sold its warships to Germany. As for others, they can think whatever they want! In fact,

Qiao Yu did not expect that this arms sale would have such a huge effect. The world was caught in a fiery arms race. For Qiao Yu, this was both unexpected and expected. The scale of the Great Depression was unprecedented, and its impact was unprecedented.

Still exist.

The U.S. economy is experiencing problems again. Germany relied on armament expansion to get out of the crisis. The consequences have also emerged. The country's policies are completely controlled by the military-industrial complex. It has embarked on the road of military expansion and cannot turn back.

Facing the worldwide military expansion, China must also take action. The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has also recently come up with a military expansion plan. Wu Tong is reporting the situation to Qiao Yu.

"President, so far, all major countries are expanding their armies. Among them, Japan, the Soviet Union and Germany have expanded their armies the most. In addition to expanding their navy, Japan has also increased its army standing divisions to twenty-seven. In addition,

In the establishment of reserve corps, three divisions are placed in Borneo, two divisions are placed in Java Island and Sumatra Island, there are five divisions in South Korea, and one and a half divisions in the outer northeast.

, these troops have posed a certain threat to China, and the Soviet Union has also expanded its military forces in the Far East at a very large scale. The total military strength now exceeds 700,000, accounting for more than one-third of the total military strength of the Soviet Union!"

The Soviet Union and Japan are China's main enemies on land. Now that both countries are increasing their troops, China's border defense forces must also be strengthened. Qiao Yu is constantly calculating in his mind that China's finances are not very generous, and it also has to maintain a huge

The navy actually requires a lot of effort.

However, the war is not far away, and China must not fall behind. Qiao Yu thought of this and said: "The army has temporarily expanded by 300,000, bringing the total strength to 1.7 million. Japan's troops are scattered, which is actually nothing to be afraid of. What is most worrying is

The polar bears are still the ones who are fighting. The border guards in the northwest must be ready for battle at all times. Any unreasonable moves by Russia will be severely punished by me!"

The more you are afraid of something like war, the less useful it is. As long as you stand tall, show courage, and make complete preparations, you can truly avoid war.

There are not many countries on land that China can be afraid of. The only country that can be feared is the Soviet Union. However, the navy has become more important. This is not just a matter of defending the country, but a guarantee of expanding interests. It cannot help but be ignored.

"Within the next two years, the Jingyuan and Ningyuan will be launched. By then we will have six large aircraft carriers, which can basically ensure maritime safety. Of course, in order to cope with future changes, our new generation of aircraft carriers will also

It needs to be built, tentatively named Jingyuan, with a displacement of nearly 50,000 tons and a capacity of more than 100 aircraft!"

Both the navy and the army need to expand. Qiao Yu still agrees with this plan, but Qiao Yu also has his own opinion: "Our military expansion should not just focus on the army, but should also focus on the military-industrial system. Judging from the current situation, once a war starts

It will definitely affect the world, and the war will definitely not end in a short time. I am afraid it will be more cruel than the last time. Most of the existing equipment will become consumables and will be used up as soon as the war begins. The new equipment we designed will not

Just look at the performance, ease of production, and simplicity of operation!”

This chapter has been completed!
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