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Chapter 545: A Fragile Power

World wars and regional conflicts are completely different concepts, especially the competition between major powers. You cannot look at the numbers on the books at all. Everyone’s current equipment will be exhausted soon. The next step is to compete with the country’s production and mobilization capabilities, including

Everyone inside will become expendable. Whoever can grit his teeth and hold on will be able to win the final victory. This is the overall trend of World War II.

The more advanced the weapons and equipment, the better. Of course, it is not good to be completely backward. The key is to find a balance between quantity and quality, national quality and industrial capabilities. One-sided pursuit of any one aspect is problematic. To put it simply, it is a bit like a

Linear programming problem, find an optimal solution.

Of course, there are not many countries in the world that can do this. In the original history, only the United States was able to do it very calmly. This requires three conditions: rich local resources, a complete industrial system, and not being seriously damaged by war.

Overall, only the United States had all three conditions in place during World War II. Germany's weakness lay in resources, and the Soviet Union's weakness was that it was severely damaged by the war. As for the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries, their own industries were not complete and are not worth mentioning.

Now, China has almost been able to squeeze into this circle. World War II is definitely another good opportunity for China's development. There are not many strategic opportunities that a country can encounter, and whether it can grasp it is even more difficult.

The First World War made China stand up. For World War II, Qiao Yu’s goal was to become stronger. China must use this foundation to grow steel and iron bones and have the ability to be invincible. As long as this problem is solved. With the help of the Chinese

Intelligence will lead to a smooth road in the future.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu became even more concerned about the development of nuclear weapons. After years of research, China has initially understood the principles of nuclear explosions. All that remains is to accumulate raw materials, including uranium and heavy water. In addition, China has begun to build a nuclear reactor in Gansu.

Experimental reactor.

This speed is not very fast, but every progress is very stable. Qiao Yu does not require that he get the nuclear bomb before all other countries. As long as he can squeeze into the first echelon, it is enough. Nuclear weapons are only the last resort.

After listening to Wu Tong's introduction, Qiao Yu added: "China's military industry must adhere to the principle of integrating military and civilians. It must raise fewer troops in peacetime and be able to quickly build a strong team in wartime. The most important thing is to integrate the entire society.

Let’s all get organized. As long as 500 million people can be armed, no one can threaten us!”

The demographic advantage is indeed one of Qiao Yu's biggest reliances. The world's population is currently only about 1.5 billion, and China accounts for one-third. If it gets to the point of getting out of hand, Qiao Yu firmly believes that China will definitely be able to survive until the end.

China has now implemented its third five-year plan, and its steel production has exceeded 10 million tons. There is no doubt that China has entered the ranks of second-rate industrial powers.

Qiao Yu is getting more and more confident. Now China's national railway network has basically been built. Of course, there is still a long way to go before it is complete, but it can also ensure that all major cities, key border defense areas, and super large-scale railways are connected by railways.

All industrial and mining areas are connected by trains.

In addition, China has renovated the original Yunnan-Vietnam Railway from narrow gauge to standard gauge, which is completely connected with the domestic railway. In order to strengthen the connection, the railway from Nanning to Hanoi is also under construction.

Narrow-gauge railways are easy to build and low-cost, but they are slow and have small transport capacity, which has fatal flaws. Later Vietnam has continued to follow the railways left by the French. The speed is only more than 40 kilometers, and it takes more than a day to go from south to north.

And China from south to north only takes this time.

Initially, when Sichuan was building the Sichuan-Hankou Road, it was limited by its technical capabilities, and China had to adopt narrow gauge. However, after so many years of technological accumulation, China has formed a strong construction team and accumulated rich experience. In Vietnam, that is,

Building railways in Annan Province today is just a piece of cake.

China has a bigger plan, which is to start from Saigon, connect Phnom Penh, and build it all the way to Bangkok, the capital of Siam. In this way, China will be able to completely control Siam. The great powers were crazy about grabbing railways in China.

, wherever this road is built, the power will extend.

Although China has a port in Siam, it is not connected by land. It is not easy to completely control a country. At this time, Siam was in an even worse situation and was actually surrounded by China.

The three Indo-China countries in the east fell into the hands of China and became Annan Province and South-Central Province, while Myanmar in the west was mostly controlled by Chandela's forces. Siam also knew that Chandela was supported by China, and now the east and west sides

They are all Chinese forces, and the Gulf of Siam to the south is also under China's control.

What King Rama VII regrets most now is the purchase of the Chao Yong. Since this aircraft carrier entered Siam, China's power has also followed. It is simply unstoppable. He bought a ship and sold it to a country.

This is also where Rama VII was most troubled.

Of course, he didn't know that if it weren't for the Chinese market, Siam would not be able to escape the impact of the economic crisis. King Rama VII would have been ousted from the throne long ago. In the end, Siam colluded with Japan, which was an even more tragic fate.

In this time and space, Siam relied on China's strong military support and large amounts of government procurement to survive the economic crisis. On the contrary, it was still very comfortable.

Most small countries like this are like this. No matter how big the kindness is, it will be quickly forgotten. Once something is wrong, it will arouse resentment, as if a majestic world-class power wants to revolve around it.

However, Qiao Yu does not expect them to be grateful. What Qiao Yu needs now is to first build the railway, then control the economy, and then promote two-way immigration, and finally completely merge into China and become a province of China. This is without any

There is room for negotiation!

Of course, infrastructure construction in Indochina requires the use of a large number of local labor forces, the most important of which are Vietnamese. These monkeys are the most rebellious, and Vietnam's folk customs are also the most sturdy after years of war. China dispatches many administrative officials.

It was attacked several times, killing and injuring dozens of people.

The same two provinces. The security situation in Central and South Province is much better. In summary, the Vietnamese people have the strongest will to resist. Therefore, the government also hates these monkeys the most. It first sent them to the northwest in large numbers to let them

They went to build defense fortifications.

Now we need to build infrastructure in Indochina, and they are also the main force. Vietnam's population is not too large, only more than 7 million. During the war between China and France, a large number of Vietnamese servants were wiped out. The number exceeded

400,000, and another 500,000 young and strong laborers were recruited for the construction project.

Most of the entire Vietnam is old, weak, women and children, and the resistance has been severely weakened. At this time, a large number of Chinese immigrants immigrated from the country. You must know that China has a large population, and there are many bachelors. Now Annan is seriously short of men. As long as you have some skills, you can even marry two

A daughter-in-law.

In addition, China is vigorously promoting Chinese education. I believe that in the next 20 years, the original blood of the Vietnamese will be completely diluted, and the indigenous people will become ethnic minorities. By then, this place will probably be Chinese territory. No one can even think about splitting.

go out.

Before that, what China needs to do is to get rid of those Vietnamese who still have the will to resist. Hold the stick with one hand and wave the carrot with the other. As long as you truly belong to China, you will get benefits. If you have different aspirations, just

Can only be erased!

The focus of China's entire Third Five-Year Plan is to expand its military, prepare for war, and manage Southeast Asia. Other countries' actions are similar. China's evil neighbor Japan is also vigorously developing Indonesia's resources at this time. The Japanese's methods are more direct and violent than China's.

They expelled a large number of Indonesian monkeys to desert islands and left them to fend for themselves. You must know that there are tens of thousands of islands in Indonesia, and some of them are undeveloped areas where cannibals exist. They are simply completely different from civilized society.

The prehistoric world.

Once you get to this place, you will most likely end up in a dead end. The Japanese completely ignore any accusations. More and more Japanese are migrating from the mainland to Indonesia. There are too many undeveloped areas in this largest archipelago in the world, with superior climate conditions and abundant products.

Rich and not troubled by earthquakes, it is simply an ideal paradise.

Ever since Japan occupied Borneo, going to Southeast Asia has become the loudest slogan of the Japanese. Japan's desperate efforts to develop Indonesia also feel the atmosphere of war and strive to expand its strength.

"Austria was once part of Germany, and all the Austrian people are also part of the German people. They are our brothers and sisters, brotherhood. We Germans cannot continue to be divided. We must unite together and build a strong


Every time Hitler said something, the soldiers and civilians in front of the square burst into cheers, which made Mustache proud. After Germany got the aircraft carrier, it quickly mastered the key to the aircraft carrier. Now the shipyards are working day and night to build the German aircraft carrier.

own aircraft carrier.

With the surge in confidence, Hitler was no longer satisfied with the existing land. Germany needed a larger living space. The first target was Austria. Austria was originally part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the process of German unification,

Among them, Austria was excluded and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was established. After the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria became an independent country and had been within the scope of Italy until now.

Now Germany is finally pointing its finger here. Hitler wants to complete what Bismarck did not finish and turn Austria into a part of Germany. At this time, British Prime Minister Chamberlain actually said that when Germany occupies Austria, don't expect to get support from other big countries.


Chamberlain's words perfectly demonstrate the shamelessness of Western politicians. How shameless does it take to say such a thing? Austria is a member of the League of Nations, and Britain has repeatedly made guarantees to maintain Austria's independence and signed various treaties.

There were a lot of them, but they were all turned into waste paper at this time. Even politicians in Britain and France said that Germany had just entered their own back garden.

With the connivance of these people, the German army rushed into Austria without bloodshed. Hitler turned Austria into the German Eastern Province without firing a shot.

The Chinese military and political leaders were also extremely horrified by this situation. Jiang Baili couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "The British are feeding a tiger and shooting themselves in the foot. They can swallow up a country so easily. Germany's appetite is only

It will get bigger and bigger!”

"A fragile country will always be fragile. We have witnessed the fall of an empire. The more we indulge our enemies, the less peace we will get. I am afraid that war will happen faster than we imagine. We must be prepared for war.


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