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Chapter 643: Receiving Borneo

Japan and Germany and Italy are not the same. Italy embarked on the path of fascism after World War I, while the German Nazi Party entered the stage of history after the Great Depression. Both countries embarked on the path of external expansion due to economic distress.

Japan has determined the basic national policy of aggression and expansion since the Meiji Restoration. From Meiji to Taisho to Showa Emperor Hirohito, three generations of Japanese monarchs and dozens of prime ministers have spared no effort to pursue the policy of expansion.

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that their living space is limited, and it is normal to invade and expand. I never think that such expansion is sinful.

Therefore, if we want to rectify the source, we must start from the starting point of this trend of thought. First, we must clean up the various sins committed by the expansion during the Meiji Restoration period, and then gradually clean up, until Hirohito is now, for more than half a century.

, we must not just liquidate the crimes of World War II.

What's more important is that Japan's outward aggression is supported by three forces: warlords, chaebols, and politicians. These three forces are unified under the imperial power. They all regard expansion as a normal choice. At the same time, they

They are all eager to gain benefits from it and achieve Japan's prosperity.

Occasionally there are some disputes between the three, but this is just a dispute over strategy. In essence, they are all the same. In the original history, only some military figures were drawn as representatives, including

Including the emperor, other forces escaped legal punishment.

Moreover, even for the military forces, only the generals who commanded the troops were dealt with, while the staff officers who played an important role in formulating the aggressive policy escaped, such as Ishihara Kanji, Tsuji Masanobu, Seshima Ryuzo and other criminals

All the staff members escaped justice.

The Japanese militarists who escaped trial later even changed their identities and re-entered the political arena. For example, Okamura Neji continued to intervene in the Chinese civil war under the pseudonym Moto Kuni. The main responsibility for the impunity of these people lies with the United States.

After the United States monopolized Japan, it retained the remnants of the old Japanese era to the greatest extent and used the intact Japan as a base to fight against the Soviet Union. These dregs of the old era spawned a large number of militaristic remnants, but they were not completely eliminated.

The specter of militarism is always ready to reappear, becoming the biggest hidden danger to East Asia's security.

The situation in Japan is very different now. China and the United States jointly occupy Japan, and the resentment against Japan in the United States is beyond imagination. Neither country can monopolize Japan, so the only solution is to completely liquidate it and exploit it to the maximum extent.


Dig deep into the root causes of Japan's war of aggression and hold accountable all those responsible for the war. After the Allied forces took control of Japan, they immediately launched a large-scale search operation. All senior Japanese military and political officials, members of the royal family, and wealthy businessmen were all

They are all under arrest, and no one is spared.

In addition to arresting people, there is also a vigorous search for property. Japan has plundered a lot of gold and silver in Nanyang and other places over the years. In addition, the good things Japan obtained from China and North Korea in the early years are still there.

Hidden within the four islands, China’s political ax must not be given up.

The more valuable items were some heavy machinery from Japan, and Qiao Yu also ordered them all to be moved back to China in the name of compensating for war reparations to supplement China's industrial system.

In addition, the research results and data of Japanese research institutions are also very valuable. Among other things, it is difficult to measure the value of those research results on germ warfare. After all, China cannot use countless living people like the crazy Japanese.

To do experiments, we can only directly check the existing data.

Not only do China regard these things as treasures, Americans are no exception. China has a weak foundation and the measures it takes are to clean them up comprehensively. Everything of value will not be spared. Even farm cattle and other things must be shipped back to the country. As for the United States,

People are very focused. They target the chaebols and squeeze as much profit from them as possible.

The supply ships that originally transported supplies to the Chinese and American armies did not become easier because of the cessation of the war. On the contrary, they became even busier. A large amount of supplies were shipped out. China contributed the most in the battle to attack Japan, so naturally it should get it.

The most generous piece of loot, so most of these things were shipped to China.

Special markets have been opened in Shanghai and other places to auction these things. Of course, no matter how good they are, they basically become cabbage prices after they are shipped back. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in China have joined this feast, saying

Although this machine is not top-notch, there is no problem at all in making some civilian products. They can buy ideal products at a quarter or even a fifth of the cabbage price. Some Chinese businessmen even directly organize groups to go to Japan.

Ben, if they fancy something, the army will do the demolition work for them.

In addition to machines, high-level skilled workers are also needed in China. Japan had just experienced a war at this time and a large number of people died. Before that, it also suffered a food crisis that lasted for two years. Millions of Japanese were starved.

Death, for most Japanese, as long as they can have a full meal, is their greatest luxury.

However, this wish is not easy to realize. Japan's food production is seriously insufficient, and the poison of Agent Orange is still widespread in the land. If they want to get food, they can only rely on the Allies to transport it. But the Allies did not go to Japan.

When Japan does good deeds, they must extract as much oil from Japan as possible.

Moreover, the Allies also knew that if the grain trade was opened and a large number of ships entered Japan, the Japanese chaebols would also take this opportunity to give away their property. This was not what the Allies wanted to see, so the Allies issued strict orders.

Under martial law, no one was allowed to trade with Japan without the permission of the Allies.

After cutting off foreign aid, Japan's domestic situation has become even worse. Although the major chaebols still have countless wealth, they do not have enough food to fill their stomachs. If they want to maintain their huge family businesses, they must endure

At high prices, grain is purchased from the Allies. In fact, grain has become a weapon in the hands of China and the United States, used to squeeze out all the oil and water.

Under this situation, the chaebol can barely survive, but ordinary Japanese can't survive. They just want to leave this ghost island and find a way to survive.

At this time, a large number of labor service companies from China entered Japan, mainly recruiting Japanese industrial workers, especially middle and senior technicians. As long as they have skills, they can go to China to start a new life with the help of labor service companies, and for

Some people with special skills can also leave Japan with their families.

The salaries offered by China are not small, which is undoubtedly great news for the desperate Japanese. They are rushing to sign up for labor service companies, hoping to leave Japan.

Of course, China will not take advantage of these Japanese in vain. The contracts signed by both parties are long-term, often lasting more than 20 or 30 years. As long as these Japanese sign this contract, they are tantamount to selling themselves to China, and their talents and wisdom are sold to China.

It can only contribute to China’s industrial system.

After losing these precious workers, Japan's industry will be devastated and may even shake the foundation of Japan as an industrial country. In doing so, China is undoubtedly shaking Japan's foundation. The Japanese are not looking forward to it.

If you don't come out, you are just a knife and a knife, and I am a fish and meat. These Japanese can only be slaughtered without any power to fight back.

Within the short period of time when the Allied forces took control of Japan, all the wealth that Japan had accumulated since the Meiji Restoration was lost almost instantly. Seeing all this, the Japanese themselves were extremely sad.

These factories were accumulated bit by bit by Japan. How many of them were obtained by Japanese women who went to Nanyang to exchange their bodies, how many of them were exploded by the Japanese from the bone marrow of Koreans, and how many of them were obtained by the Japanese.

This government was earned by depriving the people.

It can be said that behind every machine is a string of memories of blood and sweat. Now all these things have been easily taken away by the Allied forces. Even the technical talents that Japan has painstakingly cultivated have been lost. Does Japan still have a future?

Ishihara Wanji kept asking himself. He originally thought that by handing over the emperor, Hirohito would be responsible for all the crimes, and Japan would be preserved. Now it seems that it was completely wishful thinking. The Allies did not hesitate at the time.

He agreed to his request, but now the Allies have turned their backs and forgotten all these promises.

Looking at the current situation, the Allies will definitely not let go of anyone related to the war. It's just that the Allies are still cleaning up the loot and have no time to deal with it.

Hirohito's hoarse shouts have always echoed in Ishihara Kanji's ears these days. They were indeed too stupid to believe the words of the Allies and betrayed their own emperor. Ishihara Kanji only felt a heartbreaking pain.

, he wished he could kill himself and wash away his stupidity and sins with his blood.

China really does not have time to deal with these war criminals. After catching Hirohito, China immediately asked Hirohito to issue a surrender edict to the Japanese stationed in Borneo. At the same time, the Chinese [***] team launched a large-scale

The landing operation defeated the demoralized Japanese army in one fell swoop and took control of the entire Borneo.

There are currently nearly 10 million Japanese in Borneo. They do not belong here and are not qualified to occupy an inch of land. Although they have invested a lot of effort in developing Borneo, these people are destined to be just passers-by and have no qualifications.

Enjoy this fertile land.

The Chinese [***] Corps was not polite and launched a cleanup operation against all Japanese. All their properties must be left behind and then the people should be returned to their homeland. Immediately, Chinese immigrants moved into Borneo.

After painstaking efforts by the Japanese, Borneo's infrastructure is considered the best among the Southeast Asian islands, and there are many factories. Now they are all ownerless. Chinese immigrants can enjoy these results without any effort.

, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Countless Japanese were driven out of Borneo, where they had lived for more than ten years. They thought they had arrived in a new world, but only now did they realize that God had played another joke on them.

(To be continued)

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