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Chapter 121 Bloody dog ??fighting, death and attrition

 No one has chosen. Some people are afraid, and some people don’t know who to choose.

These dogs are obviously more ferocious and powerful than ordinary dogs. If a large dog is involved, it will basically be cool.

Of course, you might be able to win, but you will definitely be bitten and bruised.

"Can you give me a weapon?"

She Niu Nu proposed.

"What are your teeth and hands for?"

Wild dogs despise.

"I choose the dog!"

Lin Baici urged: "Start quickly!"

"I choose a dog too!"

Xia Hongyao immediately opened his mouth.

They are all divine hunters, so they have no problem killing a dozen dogs.

There was some commotion among the dogs, and soon seven of them came out, six of them went to find Xia Hongyao, and one went to find Lin Baici.

Lin Baici looked at the dog and took out the bronze sword.

The dog walked a few steps and suddenly stopped. It looked back and found that no companion was looking for Lin Baici. It was dumbfounded. After waiting for a few seconds, it suddenly rushed towards Xia Hongyao.

"Is this okay?"

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Could he be immune this round? No need to fight the dog anymore?

"You're so lucky..."

Fitness pants are the envy of women.

"It should be a deterrent, right?"

The man in slippers looked at the bronze sword in Lin Baici's hand.

"What on earth did you do?"

Curious on the 24th.

"I also want to know!"

Lin Baici frowned, this might be the key to purifying this rule pollution.

When it comes to dog lovers, Lin Baici is definitely not one.

But why is it preferred?

Just as Lin Baici was thinking, this time, the wild dogs around him suddenly started barking.

Woof woof! woof woof!

More than thirty dogs rushed out of the pack and pounced on Lin Baici.

Without exception, they are all large dogs.

A vicious group.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

Everyone was startled and quickly backed away.

Lin Baici turned around and ran, preparing to distance himself first and kill them one by one to avoid being besieged.

This is only the second round, and we don’t know what will happen next, so Lin Baici doesn’t want to use Muscle Buddha and powerful divine grace.

What if the wild dogs think that they are too powerful and increase the difficulty?

Anyway, it’s better to be careful.

The three fastest Doberman pinschers had already caught up with Lin Bai.

Lin Baici suddenly turned around, faced a charging vicious dog, and swung his sword to kill it.


The sharp bronze sword cut into the vicious dog's head as easily as cutting through tofu, splitting it in two.


Blood spilled.

Before the dog's body fell to the ground, Lin Baici flew up and kicked it in the belly.

The dog corpses flew out like sandbag roadblocks, knocking over several dogs.

"When you finish killing the dog, lend the sword to my girlfriend!"

No. 24 shouted.

"I'll lend it to my girlfriend too!"

The man in slippers rubbed his hands on his clothes.

Everyone wanted to borrow the sword, but just as they were about to speak, the wild dogs barked.

"The countdown to fighting dog begins. In ten seconds, for those who haven't chosen yet, I will help you choose!"

The wild dogs howled ferociously.

Everyone's nerves were tense. If the wild dog had to choose this, it would definitely be the most difficult one, right?

"I...I choose him!"

The big man who was beaten by Lin Baici pointed at the girl who threw the takeaway.

She was alone, and even if she was killed, no one would stand up for her.

"Don't! Don't choose me!"

The girl shook her head, scared to death.

"Don't worry about face, survival is the most important thing!"

After the big man said this to his friends, he ran wildly to chase the girl.

The tragic death of the delivery boy frightened him so much that he did not dare to fight with wild dogs.

"If I can survive this time, I will work hard, live a good life, and never mess around again!"

The big man has a friend who lives in this community, and everyone gathers here to play together when nothing happens. This time the rules were contaminated, and they were all punished.

"I choose her!"

"I choose the dog!"

"I...I choose a dog too!"

Most of the big friends chose dogs, but two of them chose people. Although they usually fight and make trouble, they still dare not do such things as killing people.

"I choose the dog!"

After finishing speaking on the 24th, he urged Xia Xiaoying: "Vote quickly, otherwise others may choose you!"

Xiao Huya is thin and small. She is the kind of girl who will cry for a long time if she is punched. If it were not for the threat of No. 24, someone would want to choose her.

"I choose the dog!"

Little Huya cried anxiously.

"Everyone, hurry up and choose, don't wait for the dogs to choose people, otherwise there is a high probability that a big dog will appear!"

The slipper man urged.

Everyone is choosing, some are choosing people, but most of them still choose dogs.

When the countdown ended, some vicious dogs immediately rushed out of the wild dog group and pounced on their targets.

"Run, find a way to delay time, and wait for him to give you the sword!"

After speaking on the 24th, he yelled at Lin Baici: "Hurry up!"

Little Huya was lucky and met a Pomeranian, but on the 24th, she was unlucky and met an adult Canary Mastiff.

The tendon meat on his body looks stronger than that of No. 24, and when he stands upright, he is taller than a little tiger tooth.


Seeing the Canary Mastiff rushing over, No. 24 ran away.

Take time first.

It would be better if there were weapons.


My name is Feng Qin, not Wu Song.

No. 24 was already very fast, but the Canary Mastiff sprinted even faster. No. 24 only dodged twice and was bitten by the dog on his clothes.


No. 24 just punches.

Bang! Bang!

It's just that this dog's ability to resist blows is very strong, and these two punches also aroused the dog's ferocity and began to attack his neck.

"Handsome guy, please give me a sword!"

"Lend it to me first!"

"Please, give it to me first?"

Everyone was crying and asking Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao to borrow swords.

Xia Hongyao has killed all the dogs that besieged her, but her short knife is a terrifying sacred object. Except for her, let alone ordinary people, even if it is held by ordinary divine hunters, it is very likely to be contaminated.


"On the 24th, I have a torch that I can lend you, but it is very dangerous and will burn the person who uses it. Do you want to use it?"

Lin Bai was so frustrated that when the dogs saw that he was more powerful, they stopped attacking and began to engage in guerrilla warfare.

Which dog did Lin Bai resign to kill?

The dog ran away, while the others launched a surprise attack from behind.

"Use it!"

No. 24 yelled, with an anxious look on his face: "When did this happen? Are you still thinking about these things?"

Lin Baici quickly took out the pine torch and threw it towards No. 24.

"Catch it!"

"Just rub it on the ground and you can light the torch!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he immediately became alert and stared at the wild dogs around him. If they reacted, he would not be able to give others weapons to help them.

Fortunately, the wild dogs did not respond. It seems that as long as humans do not intervene and just give a weapon, it does not interfere with the fighting dogs.

No. 24 looked at the flying torches and suddenly realized that he had miscalculated.

"I should have run to him just now!"

No. 24 regretted that since he was a child, his abilities have been outstanding, so he rarely relied on others. Now when he encounters a crisis, he also wants to rely on himself to get through it.

So this habit made him suffer a little loss.

At least it would be faster and easier to run to Lin Baici and catch the torch.

But it doesn't matter.

No. 24 stared at the torch flying in the air, calculating the time to take off, but the dog suddenly abandoned him and ran towards the torch, obviously trying to intercept it.


No. 24 cursed, rushed over immediately, then jumped with all his strength, and hit the Canary Mastiff as if he was grabbing a rebound.


The dog was very strong, probably weighing hundreds of pounds, but No. 24 had more experience in this kind of confrontation. He knocked the dog away and stretched his arms at the same time.


No. 24 grabbed the torch and landed on the ground. The Canary Mastiff landed and immediately bit No. 24’s thigh.


Severe pain swept over him and he immediately stood up, making No. 24 grit his teeth in pain.


No. 24 vigorously rubbed the torch on the ground.


Like a match being lit, a flame ignited.

The orange-red light shone on her body, and it was as warm as a mother's embrace, making No. 24 want to rush over and hug it.

No. 24, without thinking, swung the torch at the wild dog.

"Don't light it, shake it off first, otherwise you will be lit too."

Lin Baici shouted.

No. 24 immediately gave up burning the dog, used all his brute strength, and punched the wild dog biting his leg.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The wild dog was beaten so hard that it let go of its mouth and prepared to go around behind No. 24 and bite his back so that he would not be able to punch him.

However, No. 24's reaction was super fast. As soon as the Canary Mastiff released his mouth, he swung out the torch.

The wild dog dodged for a moment and was not hit by the torch, but some of its fur was picked up by the flames. Then it was hit by a blast, and it was directly ignited as if gasoline had been poured on it.


No. 24 was shocked. Is this torch so powerful?


The wild dog screamed and pounced on No. 24.

No. 24 immediately turned around and ran away.

"Xiaoying, hurry up, burn the dog!"

No. 24 rushed towards Little Huya.

"Throw away the torch!"

Lin Baici shouted that he had killed the last dog. He was shocked when he saw that No. 24 had not let go of the torch.

As long as a person holds a pine torch, he will have the urge to burn others or himself to death at any time.

Lin Baici ran towards Xiao Huya.

Due to the hand-to-hand killing of the dog, a lot of blood was spattered on his body, and he looked like a murderer who came out of a murder scene.

"Xiaoying, burn the dog with a torch!"

Because the wild dog almost snatched the torch just now, No. 24 did not throw the torch to Little Huya, but planned to hand it to her directly.

He had big steps and ran very fast, and he soon reached Little Huya.

"Come on, get the torch, this is very useful!"

No. 24 was very anxious. If the wild dogs hadn't refused to help, he would have helped Xia Xiaoying burn the dog to death.

Pomeranian bit the little tiger's leg.

Little Huya endured the pain and reached for the torch, but the moment he touched it, No. 24's mind was contaminated by the rules, and an urge to burn everything came to his head. Without thinking, he held the torch and hit

Little Huya's head.


Little Huya screamed in fright.

The moment the torch hit her, a bronze sword flew over and hit the torch.


The torch was turned on and sparks flew.

No. 24's face was distorted, and he wanted to continue burning Xiao Huya to death, but Lin Baici had already rushed over and kicked him on the chest.


Fell out on the 24th.

"Throw away the torch!"

Lin Baici urged and ran over at the same time, trying to snatch the torch back.

It was too late. No. 24, who was knocked away, did not get up. Instead, he took a torch and suddenly lit it on himself.


He set himself on fire.


Lin Bai cursed, but still didn't catch up.

If I had known earlier, I would have used a flying sword to cut off No. 24's right hand. Although he would have been disabled, at least he would have survived.

Perhaps it was the burning pain that allowed No. 24 to regain some sense.

He knew he was doomed, so he yelled at Lin Baici.

"Save her! Please!"

After shouting to Lin Baici on the 24th, he looked at Xiao Huya: "I..."

Feng Qin wanted to tell Xia Xiaoying that he really loved her,

He wanted to say, if only I had seen my feelings earlier and confessed to you?

But time did not give him this opportunity.


The flames ignited, and No. 24 was burned into a ball of ashes, which was blown across the lawn by the wind blowing from the lakeside.


The pine torch fell to the ground.

When No. 24 died, Lin Baici didn't bother to pick up the torch. He turned around to pick up the bronze sword and handed it to Xia Xiaoying.

"Kill the dog!"

"Feng Qin!"

Xia Xiaoying cried, took the bronze sword, held it with both hands, and slashed at Hiromi who was biting her calf.

"Handsome guy, help!"

"Let me use the sword!"

"I beg you!"

Everyone was crying and borrowing swords from Lin Baici. Originally, there were some people who wanted to borrow torches, and there were even a few people who were very close to the torch who wanted to go over and pick it up, but after seeing No. 24 being lit,

, they were too scared to pick it up.

Of course, some people borrowed money from Xia Hongyao.

"You can't use my knife!"

Xia Hongyao was helpless. She also wanted to help, but her dagger was really useless to others and would be contaminated if they got it.

"Hurry up and chop!"

Lin Baici had no way to help, and could only hope that Little Huya would be stronger: "If you kill it early, I can help one more person!"


Little Huya cried and chopped the Pomeranian hard.

The king's sword and the dragon's fangs are very sharp. Just three swords made the dog's skin and flesh split open, and blood flowed freely.

Hiromi did not let go, but bit her harder, as if she wanted to kill the little tiger tooth before being killed, but she was still hacked to death by the little tiger tooth.

"Stop the bleeding yourself."

Lin Baici threw a pack of bandages to Xiao Huya and snatched the bronze sword from her hand.

"Lend me! Lend me!"

"I'm about to die, lend me first!"

"I beg you!"

Everyone is begging.

Lin Baici frowned so tightly that he could pinch a nest of sea crabs to death. He felt tremendous pressure, because his choice would determine who lived and who died.

Save someone you know?

Save the person closest to you?

Or should we save the weak first?

Lin Baici ran towards the gymnast girl with various thoughts running through his mind.

She helped everyone once, and with her physical fitness and ability to withstand pressure, after getting the sword, she should be able to kill the wild dogs in the shortest time, instead of getting into a stalemate and wasting time.

"thanks, thanks!"

The gymnast girl who had been bitten and bruised took the bronze sword and immediately gritted her teeth and slashed at the dog that was chasing her.

When everyone saw this scene, they understood that Lin Baici wanted to help the ten people who took the Frisbee first.

"Captain, you don't have to save me, help my girlfriend first!"

The man in the slippers yelled. He had already been thrown to the ground by the wild dog. He grabbed its head with both hands and barely managed to avoid being bitten in the throat.

"Use this torch to burn the dog. Remember, if the dog is burned to death, throw away the torch immediately!"

Seeing him like this, Lin Baici was worried that he wouldn't be able to wait for the bronze sword, so he threw the pine torch.


The man in slippers saw that the flight path of the torch was not very good, and it was about two or three meters away from him. When he was thinking about how to get it as soon as possible, a stone suddenly hit the torch.


The torch was knocked and landed right next to the man in slippers.

He grabbed the torch and swung it wildly at the wild dog.

The wild dog suffered a painful blow and was beaten back.

The man in the slippers immediately struck the torch on the ground, lit it, and then rushed towards the dog.


The man in the slippers waved the torch three times and hit the wild dog. It snapped and burned. Then the man in the slippers did not throw away the torch, but ran towards his girlfriend with it.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Baici shouted.

"Bet on your life!"

The slipper man is very sensible. He knows that his girlfriend may not wait until she gets a bronze sword, so it is better to fight with a torch.

From the looks of it, if it only takes a few seconds, it should be fine.

Fortunately, when these two were fighting dogs, they were right next to each other and the distance was relatively close, so no time was wasted.

"Honey, come and get the torch!"

The man in slippers threw the torch out: "Trust me!"

His girlfriend was hesitant at first, but after hearing this, she gritted her teeth and rushed over to pick up the torch.

"Quick, beat the dog!"

The man in slippers kept watching the battle and commanded his girlfriend: "Left!"

His girlfriend trusted him very much, so she lit the torch to the left.

It worked.

Wild dogs were set on fire.

"Throw away the torch!"

The man in the slippers yelled, relieved when his girlfriend threw down the torch.


"Hurry up and say thank you to the handsome guy!"

It’s not strange for a man in slippers to urge his girlfriend to be polite to many people. What’s more, the situation is obvious. Lin Baici is the key person who determines whether everyone can survive, so we must have a good relationship with him.

The gymnast girl killed the dog and threw the bronze sword back to him without Lin Bai's instructions.


Lin Baici caught the sword and gave it to the woman wearing red fitness pants.

"You two, keep it up!"

Lin Baici was talking about the first and fourth people who came on stage. They were men and could last longer.


The woman in fitness pants who had been bitten and dripping with blood was overjoyed, took the sword, and slashed at the wild dog fiercely, but she was extremely happy and sad.

She thought that she would be invincible if she got the sword, so she underestimated the enemy. This killing was too casual.

The wild dog she faced deftly dodged to avoid the slashing attack, and then swooped down. When its front legs pressed against the chest of the woman in fitness pants, the dog's mouth also bit her throat.


The woman in fitness pants fell to the ground, looked at Lin Baici, and wanted to call for help, but no sound came out.


What can Lin Baici say?

Why not be more cautious?

In this critical moment, every choice may lead to death!

Seeing that the girl in fitness pants was hopeless, Lin Baici was cruel and took the bronze sword from her hand, intending to give it to the short man who was the first to catch the Frisbee.

"Let others use it first, and I can still persist!"

This kid was as agile as a monkey, and the dog that bit him was a small dog, so he was very calm.

The fourth man to catch the Frisbee had been bitten to death and could be ignored. Lin Baici rushed towards Ning Meng.

This girl is his schoolmate and she even gave him a seat in the cafeteria once.

"Quick! Quick! Kill the dog with your sword!"

She Niu Nu urged her with an excited look. When Ning Meng finished using up, it should be her turn, but God's fate was not good enough, and an accident happened.

Thinking that there was still a chapter left to write, I woke up at around 6 o'clock. I felt comfortable typing in the morning! After all, I had a full night's rest!

This chapter has been completed!
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