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Chapter 122 Rabies, eating dog food, watching the sunset on the Ferris wheel!

 Ning Meng's opponent was a native dog, not big in stature, with yellow fur, looking very skinny, but very smart.

When it saw Ning Meng getting a sword, it immediately dodged away and barked five or six meters away, but did not attack.

Ning Meng was bitten all over, with wounds all over her body. Red blood flowed down, making her clothes stained with blood, which looked very scary.


Ning Meng cried, holding a bronze sword in both hands, and confronted the native dog. She was frightened by the bites and did not dare to take the initiative to attack and kill the dog.

"Mengmeng, don't stand there, go kill the dog!"

She Niu Nu urged her, she was extremely anxious.

"Ning Meng, go kill the dog!"

Shanshan was also urging: "After you kill him, let me use it!"

"You have the nerve to speak up. If we hadn't moved for you, we wouldn't have to suffer this!"

She Niu Nu became angry when she heard Shanshan's voice.

"I didn't force you to come?"

Shanshan retorted.

"What do you mean?"

She Niu girl cursed: "Did we rush to copy you when we co-authored it?"

"That's what it is!"

Shanshan sneered. She and Ning Meng were relatively close, and She Niu Nu came here on her own.

"Fuck you!"

She Niu's female lungs are about to burst with anger.

"Ning Meng, kill the dog quickly!"

"Everyone is still waiting for the sword to save their lives!"

"Please, go kill the dog!"

Everyone is urging.

"I...I don't dare!"

Ning Meng was crying hard and her whole body was trembling. She really didn't dare. The wounds on her body were still hurting.

"Then give me the sword!"

Shanshan urged: "Hurry up, I'll use it first!"

"Give me!"

The cow girl roared.

Ning Meng was at a loss.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

Shanshan shouted.

"NO, I have not!"

Ning Meng planned to give the sword to Shanshan, but as soon as she moved towards Shanshan and showed this sign, the native dog immediately jumped forward.


Ning Meng screamed in fear, and quickly held the bronze sword with both hands to confront the native dog.


She Niu Nu cursed. She rolled her eyes, suddenly threw away the Samoyed that was chasing her, and ran towards Ning Meng: "Ning Meng, give me the sword!"

When Shanshan saw this, she also went to grab the sword.

In their circle of close friends, one of the five people died, and the remaining one cried loudly and was at a loss: "Stop arguing, Ning Meng, you should kill the dog quickly."

"Kill the dog quickly, or give me the sword."

Lin Baici is also helpless and kindly wants to help you, but your performance is too poor, right?

If I had known earlier, I might as well have given the sword to someone else!

She Niu Nu ran to Ning Meng first and reached out to grab the sword: "Let go!"

Ning Meng had a weak personality and did not dare to resist. She let go subconsciously, but the next second, Shanshan rushed over: "Don't give it to her!"

The two men were fighting together.

"Ning Meng, come here and help me!"

Shanshan shouted.

"Oh, you stinky son of a bitch!"

She Niu Nu cursed loudly. She was stronger and stronger, so she had some advantages, and she dared to strike. She buttonholed Shanshan with one hand and punched Shanshan in the mouth with the other.

Shanshan can only pull her hair and scream.

When they did this, the wild dogs judged them as interfering with other people's dog fighting, so they were punished.

Woof woof! woof woof!

The wild dogs who were standing in the distance, forming a circle to watch these people fighting dogs, suddenly dozens of them rushed over.

"Stop fighting, the dog is coming!"

Xia Hongyao dissuades.

But it was too late, dozens of wild dogs swarmed up, drowned the three Ning Meng, and started biting wildly.


Three people screamed.

She Niu Nu grabbed the sword, but it was useless. Seven dogs bit her and she couldn't shake them away, so she couldn't swing the sword.

Lin Baici looked at Ning Meng lying on the ground, his eyes wide open and he had lost his breath. He was so angry that he vomited blood. What is this?

Obviously if you were bolder, you could survive, but in the end, the other two were implicated.

Sometimes, opportunities are really given to you, but they turn out to be useless.

"Get away!"

Lin Baici scolded, knocked away the wild dog in front of him, picked up the dragon tooth from the dead She Niu Nu, and then threw it to the short man.


The bronze sword was stuck at the short man's feet.


The short man shouted, pulled out the bronze sword, and there were three swords.

He was fighting against a local dog, but this beast was obviously much more powerful than the ones in the village. If an adult wanted to deal with them with bare hands, he had to be extremely careful. If he was not careful at all, he would overturn.

If you are facing those large dogs, you can only ask for good luck.

As the sun sets, the lawn splattered with blood is bloody and messy, with corpses lying everywhere and hordes of wild dogs.

Less than half of the people have killed their dogs, and everyone is struggling.

The big man pushed the woman who threw the takeaway to the ground and punched her on the head.

"Please... don't kill me!"

The woman's eyes were bruised and swollen, her mouth was full of blood, and when she spoke, broken teeth and blood would come out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I also want to survive. If you want to blame, just blame the culprit who caused this!"

The big man was indifferent and had already taken action. Wouldn't it be stupid to show mercy again?

Among his companions, there were two others who had chosen someone. One had already killed the person and was standing next to him, panting. The other gave up halfway through the fight and squatted there with his head in his hands, crying helplessly.


The woman he beat was curled up and lying on the ground, crying too.

The old security guard held a husky in his mouth and kept making strange noises and gesticulating to intimidate the husky he was fighting against.

The husky was really frightened and kept growling, but did not dare to attack.

"Handsome guy, I'm done!"

The short man killed the native dog, grabbed the skirt of his clothes, and wiped it on the blade of the sword.

"Wang Bing, twenty-nine years old, is a male. He passes by the hair salon several times a month and wants to go in and fix it, but after all, he can't look like this."

The sudden words startled the short man.

"What the hell?"

The short man looked at the bronze sword in his hand. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that there were so many casualties and the situation was so bad that no one would even care about such a thing, he would be embarrassed to death.

Because this voice was talking about embarrassing secrets that he least wanted to be mentioned.

"What the hell?"

The slipper man and his girlfriend had already killed the dog and stayed nearby. He had been paying attention to the sword because he felt it was a good thing.

Now he suddenly heard the sword speak suddenly, and he was stunned and stunned.

"I'm short, dark, and have low self-esteem. I like watching short movies with little horses and carts the most!"

"Please, stop talking!"

Wang Bing ran to Lin Baici and handed him the bronze sword. His movements were as fast as if he was handing out a grenade that had been opened: "Give it to you quickly!"

"Handsome guy, give me the sword!"

"I'm about to die, lend me first!"

"I'll give you money! I'll give you money when we get out!"

Everyone who was still alive was begging Lin Baici in a low voice, or promising to give him money.

Lin Baici didn't listen. He followed the God's comments and helped kind people first. If they have good personalities, then it depends on their age and try to save the younger ones.

There was a middle-aged man who failed to borrow the sword and saw that he would not survive. His mentality collapsed and he began to curse at Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

"Fuck OO, why do you get to choose who lives and who dies? It's so fucking unfair?"

"Are you worthy of being a hunter? You relied on your body to get to the top, right?"


The middle-aged man used all kinds of swear words and made personal attacks on Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

Lin Baici was too lazy to pay attention to the barking of such insects.

He looked at the old security guard and met his eyes.

"It's okay. Save the young people first. They still have a long time to live. I'm an old cabbage gangster. It won't be a loss if I die. Oh my god, my Huazi!"

The old security guard dropped the cigarette in his mouth as he spoke.

Although the situation is critical, he is optimistic.

As time went by, people continued to be killed by wild dogs.

Lin Baici estimated that the wild dogs would not give him time to save everyone. Sure enough, after ten minutes of dogfighting, something unexpected happened.

The old security guard's mouth was crooked and his eyes were squinted, and the saliva was dripping out of his mouth, spilling onto his neck and chest. His eyes began to turn red, and he became excited.

He began to actively attack the wild dog.

Others began to show symptoms one after another.

"He...why do they look like they have rabies?"

Wang Bing sniffed and looked frightened.

"Be confident and remove the 'like'!"

The man in slippers sat on the grass, holding a piece of grass in his mouth: "Is what we are experiencing now called rule pollution? It's really scary!"

"It seems that as the dog fighting continues, if it is not ended quickly, humans will gradually develop rabies, and the condition will worsen. I don't know if they will die!"

The gymnast girl swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with fear on her face. She was now glad that she got help from Lin Baici, otherwise she would have gone crazy.

Thinking about how terrible it would be if she had rabies, the gymnast girl suddenly felt that it would be better to die directly.

"Hey, take the sword!"

Lin Baici shouted at a man, but after the man heard his words, he suddenly roared and rushed towards him, showing his teeth and claws in a terrifying posture, like a zombie.


Lin Baici kicked him in the stomach and pushed him away.

This man is finished!

In other words, those people who are still fighting dogs are finished.

The dog fighting stopped one after another. These people did not die, but they got rabies, the most serious kind.

The wild dogs stopped attacking them, but they began to attack each other, hugging each other, scratching and biting each other like crazy dogs.

Lin Baici counted and kept his sense. There were more than twenty people who passed this level. Almost all of them were able to kill wild dogs because they had his dragon teeth.

In addition to those who were bitten to death, there are still more than 60 people left, but they all have rabies, and it is not known whether they can be cured.

Little Huya sat at the place where No. 24 died, carefully collecting the soil on the ground with his hands, as if he wanted to collect No. 24's ashes.

But he has been burned to ashes.

Little Huya didn't make a sound, but his shoulders were twitching and he was crying very sadly.

"This is a big show that makes dogs happy. Humans, how do you feel? Is it very pleasant?"

The wild dogs teased.

"How long are you going to torture us?"

Wang Bing spat and looked around among the dogs, wanting to see if there was a dog king. If there was one, he would kill him directly.

"The last game is to find dog food. As long as you find dog food, you will be our dogs' good friends and you can leave this dog paradise alive!"

The wild dogs suddenly sat back on the ground, raised their front legs, and began to applaud.

"come on!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

The wild dogs applauded in unison.

When everyone saw this scene, they didn't think it was cute, but instead found it fascinating.

"There is a quarter of an hour limit, let's start looking for dog food."

Wild dogs urged.

"Just this little time?"

Everyone was panicked.

"Nima, a quarter of an hour is enough for what you can do? It would take longer than this for me to hold a hairpin!"

Wang Bing cursed angrily.

"Oh? Then I'm better than you. I do it for half an hour every time!"

As soon as the slipper man finished speaking, his girlfriend squeezed his arm hard.

"Can you add more?"

The man in the slippers had a big heart, he laughed, shouted at the wild dogs, and bargained.

"There's already a lot of time!"

The wild dogs all shook their heads.

"What if... what if I can't find it?"

Gymnast girl worried.

"Don't worry, you won't die if you can't find it. After all, our dogs are not demons!"

The wild dogs comforted them: "It's just that they will get rabies and go crazy!"

"Then it would be better to die!"

Slipper man's girlfriend cries.

"Can you give me some clues?"

Xia Hongyao clenched his fists, very excited, "Very good, this is what I am good at."


The wild dog shook his head.

"How can you find it without giving clues? Do you have to rely on guessing?"

The slipper man was so happy.

"It depends on luck!"

The wild dogs dispersed and started playing in twos and threes.

"You have made it clear that you want us to die!"

Wang Bing cursed

"But this young man is our dog's friend. I can tell him that he has seen the most critical clue!"

The wild dogs all looked at Lin Baici.


Everyone was staring at Lin Baici.

"Handsome guy, ask them quickly!"

Gymnast girl urges.

"We're running out of time!"

The slipper man's girlfriend was very panicked.

"Shit, it's been a minute. Wait, it hasn't started yet, right?"

The big man cursed.

"Don't ask me, I've already told you, you've seen the most critical clue!"

After the wild dogs finished speaking, they all ran away.


Lin Baici wanted to ask, why do you prefer me so much?

The man in the slippers wanted to make a joke, "You were a dog in your last life, right? That's why they got close to you." But he suddenly realized that it was a curse word and quickly shut up.

"Handsome guy, it's up to you!"

The gymnast girl gave up. She had never been good at using her brain since she was a child. She never watched palace dramas because she couldn't understand them and couldn't figure out the relationships in them.

When the slipper man saw his girlfriend actually using her brain, he couldn't help but advise her: "Don't waste your brain cells, you don't have the intelligence!"


My girlfriend wants to hit me.

"Xiao Linzi, tell me the clues!"

Xia Hongyao urged: "I'll guess with you!"

"I also want to know!"

Lin Baici frowned and reasoned.

The rule pollution must be related to Du Shan who stole the battery car. As for what the taboo animal is, it is currently unknown, but it should be related to dogs.

Could it be dog food?

Lin Baici went through the information he knew about Du Shan and his girlfriend Wen Li in his mind. In fact, there wasn't much, most of it came from the gossip descriptions of Du Shan's classmates.

"Let's not stay here anymore, let's go look for it and get moving!"

The big man didn't want to die, so he wanted to give it a try even if he didn't have a chance. But after he finished speaking, he found that the eyes looking at him were very cold.

"I don't know much!"

Lin Baici analyzed: "Generally speaking, the most critical information must be around the key person, so it is in Du Shan's rental house!"

Lin Baici recalled the process of entering Boshuo Community, talking to the old security guard, finding the ninth floor, asking questions one by one, and finally hearing the sound of a dog in the room and breaking the door.

Then kill the dog and enter the room.

The room was too dirty, so I had no interest in searching. I just went to the balcony to take a look. There was an astronomical telescope on the balcony. It was not facing the sky, but facing a window.

Does Du Shan still have voyeurism?


Lin Baici raised his eyebrows. Du Shan liked Wen Li so much that he was willing to steal a battery car to support her. Even after he was caught and fired, he still didn't blame her, but still wanted to be with her.

Since he loves that Wen Li so much, would he be interested in other girls?

Lin Baici immediately looked at the old security guard. It's a pity that he is the person who is most familiar with this community, but now he has gone crazy.

"Which of you has lived in this community the longest?"

Lin Baici squatted down and used his bronze sword to draw a rough figure on the lawn based on the location of the building he remembered during his afternoon visit.

"This is the building where Du Shan lives. What is the building number to the left of him?"

Lin Baici asked.

The slipper man's girlfriend glanced at it: "Building 5!"

"What room number is this window on this floor on the west side?"

Lin Bai bid for a position.


The girlfriend of the slipper man has lived in this community for several years. She also likes to hang out and gossip, so she knows the layout of this community.

Not to mention the room number, Lin Baici just asked her which house and who lived in it, and she knew quite a lot.


Lin Baici thought, this is the final answer that can be found through the existing clues.

He is now under rule pollution and cannot go out to check in that room. So what is the significance of this number?

Lin Baici stood up and looked up.

The park is so big that you can't see everything.

Lin Baici immediately started running and rushed towards the Ferris wheel.

"Have you found the answer, handsome guy?"

The gymnast girl is excited and looking forward to it.

"Hurry up and follow!"

Wang Bing urged.

"Quick, quick, the leader seems to have discovered something?"

Even though the slippers man is wearing slippers, he can run faster than anyone else.

Everyone swarmed to follow.

The Ferris wheel is built on a concrete platform and is rotating slowly. Each car is small, like the kind of electric tricycle used by old people on the street to send their grandchildren to school.

Lin Baici ran over and saw numbers on the car, which cheered him up, but then he frowned again.

The number on the car is 07, and the next one is 08. Obviously, it only refers to the order of the cars, and has no other meaning. However, Lin Baici still did not miss the details of anyone.

"Slipper man, you and your girlfriend will enter 02. Brother O and gymnast girl, you will enter 05, check carefully!"

Lin Baici himself pulled open the door of the 09 car and rushed in.

"Wait for me!"

Xia Hongyao jumped forward and rushed up.

"It's better to wait a while, right?"

Wang Bing was anxious, waiting for the car to turn down, feeling that it was too late.

"Others, don't be stunned. Hurry up and look down at the entire park. You might be able to find useful clues!"

The slipper man urged.

I plan to go to bed at 12 o'clock tonight. I will definitely not finish the next chapter, so everyone should go to bed early. I will try to post it at noon tomorrow. I remember the chapter I owed yesterday and will make up for it as soon as possible.

thank you all!

This chapter has been completed!
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