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Chapter 469: A perfect performance

Judging by appearance alone, Liu Langqing is about thirty years old, with fair, smooth skin, like satin. When she sat up, the quilt fell down smoothly.

There is also a bear, although it is not big, but it is very strong, trembling, and has a very beautiful arc.

If it weren't for God of Cookery's comments, who would have thought that Sister Liu Yu had had an abortion?

People should not be judged by their appearance!

Lin Baici was not a vulgar person, and there was no shortage of beautiful girls around him, so he didn't care about Liu Langqing's body at all. When he saw that she was awake, Lin Baici immediately ignored her and turned to see Xia Hongyao.

The high ponytail moves very neatly, and she has already put on sportswear.

The feeling of suffocation increased, and even if she breathed hard, almost no air entered her lungs. This reminded Xia Hongyao of the feeling when Xia Hongmian was practicing apnea diving when she was a child, and Xia Hongmian held her down at the bottom of the swimming pool, preventing her from getting out.

It feels uncomfortable to hold back.

But this time, the high ponytail didn't panic, but looked excited.

Because Xiao Linzi is by my side!

Another rule is polluting!

It’s time for our seventh star performance again!

Xia Hongyao tugged on Lin Baici's arm, what should I do next?

Lin Baici shook his head towards the door, his meaning was self-evident, go out first.

Liu Langqing was rich in experience. He glanced at the dormitory and immediately calmed down. He picked up the windbreaker on the bedside and put it on his body, then chased out.

When Du Ke saw Lin Bai quit, he immediately turned around and walked downstairs.

Liu Langqing's eyes moved back and forth between Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

These two young men are quite powerful.

Xia Hongyao is indeed Xia Hongmian's younger sister. Faced with the sudden rule contamination, not only did she not panic, but she looked excited.

This kind of person who loves excitement and takes life lightly is naturally suitable for the profession of god hunter.

The other little brother is even more powerful. He has a blank look on his face, but he can detect the pollution of the rules so quickly and come to save people. How strong must he be?

Liu Langqing considers himself an elite, so by comparing himself, we can understand Lin Baici's excellence.

Look at the Du Ke in front, who is trying to get out in a hurry. Compared with Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao, he is obviously a step behind.

Liu Langqing didn't panic because she had already figured it out.

In a place like this, it is impossible for rule pollution to break out, so it must be Pan Yunxiang's test. If it fails, the examiner will definitely not die. At most, he will be deprived of qualifications.

Xia Hongyao passed by every door. Although she didn't go in, she slammed the door three times.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Whether you can wake up from the nightmare depends on your luck.

Not far away, a door opened, and the forty-year-old aunt with big eyes and the red-haired elder sister came out. They were a little surprised to see Lin Baici and Du Ke appearing on this floor.

Because this means that people discover rule pollution earlier.

The two of them didn't have time to get dressed, so they both put on their coats and came out.

Everyone strode quickly to the first floor, where Lin Baici stopped.


Auntie and Liu Langqing were a little confused when they saw Lin Baici stopped.

The red-haired sister pushed Lin Baici on the back and told him to leave quickly.

Lin Baici frowned slightly, and after a few seconds, turned around and walked upstairs.

He didn't dare to run because he would take in too little air and it would be very uncomfortable if he ran.

Xia Hongyao heard the noise and looked back. Lin Baici ran away, and she followed immediately.


Liu Langqing grabbed Gao Ponytail's arm.


Gao Ponytail pulled Liu Langqing's hand away and went after Lin Baici.

Liu Langqing, the eldest aunt, and the red-haired sister looked at each other in confusion. Why is little brother Lin so crazy? But they soon understood.

Because you can see the lobby of the apartment building from here, where a man is standing, and the glass door leading out has been smashed, which means that the man went out and came back because the feeling of suffocation did not disappear.

In this case, it would be meaningless for everyone to go there.

"What a great observation!"

The three elder sisters admired in their hearts.

Based on their experience, after passing by and taking a look at the scene, they would naturally be able to figure this out immediately. However, since Little Brother Lin was so far away, he came to his senses and responded immediately.

When we ran over, the time difference was just over ten seconds, which didn't seem like much, but sometimes, these ten seconds might determine life or death.

Moreover, Lin Baici's performance showed that even under such a heavy sense of suffocation, he still remained calm, observing the environment, and thinking carefully.

Two words, excellent!

After the three elder sisters understood, they immediately turned around and chased Lin Baici.

Du Ke rushed to the hall, glanced at the man who was standing thinking, and wanted to turn around and say hello to Lin Bai, but found that no one was there.


Du Ke didn't even bother to think about it, and immediately rushed out of the glass door and ran into the yard.

He was like a drowning man, almost suffocating to death!

But when Du Ke wanted to take a big breath of fresh air, he found that he couldn't breathe in it at all.


There is no use escaping!

The night wind is cool and the cold current is surging.

Ah sneeze!

Du Ke sneezed. He was thinking whether he needed to run further to escape from the pollution of the rules. But he soon discovered that the feeling of suffocation was getting worse.

It's like a noose around my neck, tightening.


Du Ke instantly understood that he could not leave the apartment, otherwise he would be strangled to death, so he hurried back.

Oh shit!

Running like this makes it even more uncomfortable!

Du Ke entered the hall and wanted to find Lin Baici quickly.

He was a little complaining and a little envious.

He complained that Lin Baici found it useless to leave the apartment, but ended up not calling him out. He envied that Lin Baici was more powerful than him and could deal with things more calmly.


The man standing in the hall grabbed Du Ke as he ran past him.


Du Ke couldn't make a sound, he just made a mouth shape.

The man pressed his hands down to signal Du Ke to calm down and stop him from running away.

Du Ke shook off the man's arm and went to find Lin Baici.

This handsome man shook his head.

Children cannot be taught!

He woke up from the nightmare and discovered the rule pollution, so he immediately escaped from the apartment, but found that the suffocation did not disappear, so he returned to the hall.

He stopped and thought about the key to purification, and thirty seconds later, he discovered that as long as he didn't move around, wasn't impatient, and stayed calm, the feeling of suffocation would lessen.

Although it's still there, it's not so uncomfortable that my face turns red.

So the man wanted Du Ke to walk slowly to reduce the damage caused by rule pollution, but the other party obviously didn't understand what he meant.

"This guy is pretty good too!"

In the monitoring room, Xie Yangchun looked at the man standing in the hall and checked his information casually.

Shen Nan, from Guangdong and Beijing Branch,

At the age of twenty-six, he has already had the experience of purifying the Shenxu alone twice.

"He looks pretty handsome too!"

Pan Yunxiang laughed.

After Lin Baici and Du Ke went upstairs, Shen Nan woke up and was the first to leave the apartment. He also apparently found a way to temporarily reduce the pollution of the rules.


Zhang Hao crossed his arms and curled his lips. Looking at Shen Nan alone, he was quite handsome, but compared with Lin Baici, he was not even a level up.

Moreover, this lady who likes to wear leather jackets and leather trousers, from the performance analysis of Lin Baici and Du Ke, it can be seen that Du Ke is just a fool. Without Lin Baici's help, he would still be trapped in a nightmare.

Lin Baici returned to the third floor and saw seven examiners awake and all going downstairs.

When they saw Lin Baici, some stopped, while others continued walking forward.

Lin Baici ignored them and returned to the room, starting with the bed and searching carefully.

Xia Hongyao followed in to help look for clues. Liu Langqing's three sisters also came in instead of waiting at the door. However, the dormitory was not big, which instantly made the place seem crowded.

As he stopped and no longer moved significantly, Lin Baici found that the suffocation feeling weakened a little. He immediately grabbed Xia Hongyao who was running around and pressed her down on the bed.

"do not move!"

Lin Baici made a mouth gesture, picked up the pillow, looked at it a few times, then tore it apart and took out all the contents inside.

The stuffing in the pillow suddenly flew everywhere.

There are no suspicious items.

Lin Baici knelt on one knee on the floor, stretched his head and looked under the bed.

The dust was very thick, and there was even a used small umbrella, which was shriveled up, like a mummy that had been dead for a long time.


Lin Baici's eyes lit up

The bed board was made of plywood pressed with wood, and there were obvious signs of splicing. In the corner near the wall, Lin Baici saw a small bunch of hair embedded in the gap of the bed board.

It was late at night, and although the lights were on in the room, it was still dark under the bed. If Lin Baici's eyesight hadn't been good enough, he would have missed it.

He took out his cell phone and tried to take a photo with his flashlight, but it didn't work.


Lin Bai cursed and wanted to take a flashlight from the black alms bowl, but could not speak.

Now there's trouble.

Fortunately, Du Ke is back.

Lin Baici immediately went over and put his hand into his pocket.


Du Ke was startled, what if this is going to happen?

But he didn't struggle.

Lin Baici got the lighter, went back under the bed board, and then used the light of the fire to see clearly. It was a bunch of hair, about a dozen strands, intertwined together.

This should be it.

Lin Baici did not touch them rashly, but got under Du Ke's bed board. Sure enough, there was also a bunch of hair.

[After the female water ghost's hair sticks to the bottom of the bed, anyone who sleeps in this bed will have her neck tangled in the long hair that the female water ghost cannot see!]

[Most people have nightmares and suffocate to death in nightmares, but in reality, they will die immediately. 】

[Some lucky people with strong qi and blood will wake up, and if they stay quiet and sit still, they can live a little longer.]

[The more intense the movement, the tighter the ghost's hair is wrapped, and the faster it is to death.]

God of Cookery review.

[Water and fire are in conflict with each other and will be destroyed if burned!]

Lin Baici immediately lit a fire and moved it under the bunch of hair.

After about seven or eight seconds, there was a bang, and the ball of hair started to burn. Soon, it burned to ashes and fell to the ground.


Du Ke found that the suffocation suddenly disappeared, and he was so happy that he blurted out: "What did you do?"


The three elder sisters immediately stared at Du Ke, and then looked at Lin Baici who was hiding under the bed, their eyes shocked.

The key to purifying rule pollution was found so quickly,


Lin Baici came out from under Du Ke's bed, waved to the three elder sisters, and then got under the bed board.

Liu Langqing and Xia Hongyao all crowded over.

Because there are so many people, we inevitably get bumped into each other.

Lin Baici first pointed to the hair under the bed board to show it to the four people, and then lit it.

The feeling of suffocation disappeared and a large amount of air entered the lungs, making Lin Baici feel like he was alive.

Liu Langqing patted Lin Baici's shoulder hard.

My sister remembered this favor.

Because he was only wearing a windbreaker and was still kneeling on the ground, Liu Langqing's collar was wide open, and Lin Baici saw a huge scenery.

The mountains are undulating and the forests are dyed.

It’s whiter and dazzling than Li Bai’s frost!

The three sisters have left, but Xia Hongyao is still waiting for Lin Baici.

"Go and burn your hair quickly, why are you so dazed?"

Lin Baici handed the lighter to Xia Hongyao.

Du Ke's voice attracted several examiners. They saw that this boy could speak and had a relaxed look on his face, which meant that the rule pollution had been solved.

They want to know the answer.

Du Ke said nothing and looked at Lin Baici.

This was purified by others, and I am not qualified to answer it.

The examiners looked at Lin Baici.

"This rule pollution should be a question asked by the chief examiner. I can tell you the answer, but I am not sure whether you have passed the test by using this method?"

Lin Baici explained.

When several examiners heard this, their faces darkened, and most of them walked away. Two others entered the room, obviously preparing to check for traces.

Lin Baici didn't stop him and waited in the corridor outside.

"This bastard chief examiner, I'm here to be an examiner, not a candidate!"

Du Ke was unhappy and a little uneasy. After all, he relied on Lin Baici to get through.

I don’t know if it counts as qualified?

Du Ke looked at the examiners who were suffocating, with embarrassed faces and uncomfortable expressions. He felt that he was so lucky to be assigned to the same room as Lin Baici.

"Thank you. When the work is over, I'll treat you to a big dinner!"

Du Ke was grateful.

Three minutes later, Xia Hongyao and four others came down.

"Little brother!"

Liu Langqing's eyes were filled with affection, and he came over and gave Lin Baici a hug: "Thank you very much this time!"

Lin Baici immediately felt a softness.

"Xiao Linzi, you are this!"

The red-haired sister gave a thumbs up.

"Have you had enough hugs? It's my turn!"

The eldest aunt licked her red lips and was eager to try.

Xia Hongyao stood aside with a proud expression.


Isn’t my little forest awesome?

What Liu Langqing and the others were most grateful for was Lin Baici's carefulness and consideration. He did not tell everyone the answer directly, but asked everyone to get under the bed board to look at it. Obviously he was worried that the act of "telling the answer" would make them lose.

Examiner qualifications.

"Do you think there is still a test?"

Du Ke geared up and prepared to perform well.

"With Pan Yunxiang's acting style, there must be more!"

Liu Langqing knew that Captain Pan was strict with his subordinates.

In the control room, Zhang Hao looked at Lin Baici.

Although the situation in the room could not be seen, through the reactions of people like Liu Langqing, they could understand that it was this boy who found the female water ghost's hair and purified it.

"Captain, this kid is quite powerful, shall we dig him over?"

Good suggestion.

"Wait and see!"

Pan Yunxiang was unmoved. He felt that poaching a new person from Xia Hongyao was very simple and he could do it at any time.

"Maybe it's shit luck!"

Xie Yangchun saw Shen Nan finish checking the mail room and then walked back. Normally, he would have praised him for being mature, steady, and calm in times of crisis. But now with Lin Baici in comparison, Shen Nan's behavior seemed very strange.



Lin Baici greeted Xia Hongyao and walked forward.


Xia Hongyao follows up.

"Don't go, you'll offend someone!"

The aunt gave me some advice.

You have purified the rule pollution and just stayed quietly, but then you walked around in front of others. What does this mean?

Show off?

"I just want to see the strength of these examiners sent by each branch!"

Lin Baici didn't care whether he made enemies or not, and at present, it seemed that there were not many that he could treat with caution.

Liu Langqing and the three of them looked at each other.

"Let's go, at this time, you have to support your little brother!"

The eldest aunt chased after her.

Shen Nan walked up the stairs and saw this scene. Lin Baici was surrounded by four women, followed by Du Ke.

This scene made him stunned for a moment, and then he frowned.

The other party solved the rule pollution faster than yourself!

Lin Baici also frowned slightly when he saw this handsome guy.

Very calm!

The way he walked upstairs was as leisurely as if he were taking a walk in the wild, and it didn't look like he was suffocating at all.

"Did you solve it?"

The red-haired sister asked.

"Definitely not!"

Liu Langqing reasoned: "He was standing in the lobby on the first floor just now. He obviously went out for the first time and found it useless. After thinking about the clues, he now plans to go back to the dormitory to take a look."

"It's not that complicated. If he doesn't speak, it proves that it hasn't been purified!"

Xia Hongyao smiled and looked at Lin Baici: "How is it? Is my reasoning correct?"

The high ponytail was like a pug waiting for praise, wagging its tail, wanting to hear Lin Baici's praise.

Lin Baici gave a thumbs up.

Xia Hongyao suddenly puffed up her chest proudly and smiled happily.

Lin Baici walked around the third and fourth floors. He did not go upstairs because the examiners from various branches lived there, and he had to save some face for others.

However, there were also two examiners who purified the rule contamination and stepped down.

One was fat and the other was thin, his eyes fell on people like Lin Baici.

So fast!

Judging from their calm expressions, it was obvious that the rule pollution had been solved.


Du Ke immediately said hello to the fat man.

Lin Baici looked over and it was obvious that this was Deng Mingyu, the examiner from Xijing.

"well done!"

Deng Mingyu encouraged.


Du Ke was embarrassed, glanced at Lin Baici, and explained bravely: "I didn't, I can't, thanks to Lin Baici, I have benefited from him!"

Du Ke was embarrassed to take advantage of such honor.


Deng Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Baici with his two round eyes, looking at him with a scrutinizing attitude.

Xia Hongyao knew who this guy was. Thinking of his nephew who had done all kinds of bad things, she immediately lost her face and rolled her eyes.

"Hello, I am Wang Lei from the Guangdong and Beijing branch!"

Wang Lei reached out and was the first to reach out to Lin Baici. Judging from the positions of these people, this young man was the core.

"Hello, Lin Baici!"

Reaching out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, Lin Baici shook it casually.

After everyone introduced him, Wang Lei asked with a smile: "Where is our Shen Nan? Do you know what room number he lives in?"

The eyes of the two examiners fell on Xia Hongyao.

"Shen Nan? He is the genius who single-handedly purified two sacred ruins. He is here too?"

Liu Langqing was surprised.

Wang Lei nodded with a smile. It seemed that Shen Nan's name was still very loud.

Liu Langqing and the other two looked at each other, then looked at Lin Baici with shocked eyes.

My dear,

Brother Lin is faster than that Shen Nan!

In the Security Bureau, there are some young people with outstanding records and great reputations, such as Ying Baili, Shen Nan, and Xia Hongyao. Although they are also famous, they mainly have a powerful sister.

Wang Lei noticed that these people were looking at something wrong, and suddenly thought, Shen Nan hasn't purified the rule pollution yet, right?

But think about it, two of the six examiners are still racking their brains.

Wang Lei didn't look good. If Shen Nan fell behind, no, it would be a shame if he didn't get first place. After all, he was the most famous among these examiners.

In fact, when the two of them came down, they just wanted to give their team members a heads-up. Unexpectedly, they bumped into Lin Baici and six others.

"Captain Yuan is still looking for hair!"

Wang Lei smiled and patted Lin Baici on the shoulder: "You are much better than him!"

Lin Baici ducked back, allowing Wang Lei to take a shot.

Wang Lei's expression froze.

"Captain Wang, Commander Deng, you are busy, we are leaving first!"

Liu Langqing tried to smooth things over and pulled Lin Baici away.

When they were far away, the eldest aunt immediately reminded: "Brother Lin, that Wang Lei has evil intentions, you must be careful!"

Wang Lei seemed to be praising Lin Baici, but if these words fell into Yuan Jifeng's ears, he would definitely not be able to bear it. It would be strange not to put some shoes on Lin Baici.

"Just because Lin is faster than Shen Nan, I want to trick him. This is too narrow-minded."

Liu Langqing sighed.

"Shen Nan is the trump card of Guangdong and Beijing. Now he wants to become a stepping stone for Lin Xiaodi. I would be anxious if it were me!"

Red-haired sister haha.

In less than a quarter of an hour, most of the examiners had found the hair of the female water ghost and successfully purified the pollution. The remaining six unlucky ones were running around anxiously.

These people either came through the back door to be gilded, or they were pure newcomers who were brought to see the world. Now they are blind and embarrassed, and they want to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

"This is the world of the divine hunter, where strength speaks for itself."

Liu Langqing was filled with emotion. The backstage background was all useless. After encountering the pollution of the rules, he knew who was swimming naked.

Du Ke patted his chest, feeling frightened for a while. Without Lin Baici, he would be the one who was embarrassed.

Everyone gathered in the corridor, whispering and glancing at Lin Baici from time to time.

Suddenly, a burst of singing sounded.

"The river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky join the Big Dipper!"

A seven-foot-tall, shirtless strong man walked up to the third floor, carrying a large water tank in his right hand.

"Isn't it? Are you coming again?"

"Damn it, is it over yet?"

"What a cheat!"

Complaints abounded.

The strong man was wearing linen clothes, which looked like ancient times. No need to ask, it was another rule pollution.

Those closest to the strong man wanted to leave, but it was too late.

"Brothers, walk slowly! Walk slowly!"

The strong man strode forward, chased after him with a smile, and grabbed a man with short hair: "Today is a happy event, and I am in a happy mood. I wonder if my three brothers can join me to have a few drinks with me?"

The three examiners looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Is it a promise?

Or refuse?

This chapter has been completed!
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