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Chapter 470 Meeting friends with wine

 In the corridor, the light from the energy-saving lamps was a little dim, making the corpses of mosquitoes left behind after being swatted to death on the wall look like a cinnabar mole.

The examiners moved lightly, moving away from the shirtless strong man. They did not go downstairs. First, because the rule pollution broke out, and they probably couldn't escape by going downstairs. Second, everyone also guessed that this should be from the chief examiner.

If Pan Yunxiang fails the test, his qualification as an examiner will most likely be revoked.

"Brother Lin!"

Liu Langqing tugged at Lin Baici, wanting him to step back and stop being so close, otherwise it would be his turn behind these three people.

When most god hunters encounter rule contamination, the most common method they use is to let others go first and observe in secret to find the key to purification.

Lin Bai resigned and did not move.

"Brother Lin, there is no need to act heroic at times like this!"

The eldest aunt advised me that if I failed, I wouldn’t die, but I would definitely lose face.

"You guys should stay away!"

Lin Baici reminded that he smelled a strong aroma of wine, so he estimated that the pollution should be related to alcohol, and he himself owned a wine pond and meat forest, which might be the right medicine for him.


When Liu Langqing saw Lin Baici's appearance, he didn't know how to persuade her. The red-haired sister made a quick decision and immediately stepped away, more than ten meters away.

"Red medicine?"

Liu Langqing and his eldest aunt looked at Xia Hongyao.

"Don't panic, Xiao Linzi is here, stay safe!"

The high ponytail gave a thumbs up.

The two eldest sisters wanted to leave, but it seemed that they were not as courageous as a newcomer of half a year. It was too embarrassing, so they did not move.

"As expected of someone who completed a trip to Busan, he was so calm!"

Liu Langqing sighed.

For reasons of confidentiality, Xia Hongyao did not say that they had killed the gods and purified the Busan shrine. They only said that they had completed the trip to Busan.

But even so, this achievement is quite dazzling.

"Brother Lin, let me see your wonderful performance!"

The eldest aunt patted Lin Baici's arm and stopped leaving.

Liu Langqing pouted, grabbed Lin Baici's butt, and grabbed it hard.

Lin Baici straightened his body and turned back in shock.

Making trouble?

Liu Langqing looked at Lin Baici and licked his fingers.


The eldest aunt covered her mouth and smiled softly.


Lin Baici wanted to say, does your husband know that you are so promiscuous?

The others were not in the mood to play around, they all stared at the strong man and the three examiners.

"Three brothers, why don't you say anything? Do you look down on the Sa family?"

The strong man wore coarse cloth trousers, a pair of cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles, a jacket wrapped around his waist, and six-pack abs, as hard as steel.


The strong man put the big wine jar in his hand on the ground and made a loud sound.

This thing is one person tall and half a meter in diameter. If filled with water, it can feed a family of three for several days, but at this time it is filled with slightly turbid wine.

It looks like it should be rice wine.

"Brother, you're worried too much. It's just that I'm too tired to drink, so I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy it with my brother!"

The short-haired young man considered his words.

Try first to see if you can stop drinking. If you really can't avoid it, drink again.

"Brother, as the saying goes, a thousand cups are too little to drink with a close friend. Come, drink as much as you can!"

As the strong man spoke, he stretched his handle into the wine jar, then fished it out. He held two black-glazed porcelain bowls in his hands. After each scooping a bowl of wine, they handed them to the short-haired young man.


The strong man smiled, looking like a pair of fair-weather brothers.

The short-haired young man smelled the strong aroma of wine in the air and took the wine bowl. He felt that if he didn't agree, the other party would change his face on the spot.

"Sajia Takesaburo, please!"

After the strong man finished speaking, he raised his neck, drank all the wine in the bowl, and then pointed the bottom of the bowl towards the short-haired young man.

"He's an elder brother, and he's from the Sa family. Why does he smell like "Water Margin"?"

Xia Hongyao whispered.

"To be exact, it smells like the Song Dynasty!"

Liu Langqing corrected.

In addition to the two titles of brother and Sajia, the strong man's clothes, as well as the wine vat and bowl, are all in the style of the Song Dynasty.

"With Wu Sanlang's heroic spirit, I'm afraid that after finishing the wine, he will drag people to the Liangshan Mountains to rob him of his birthday!"

The eldest aunt complained.

The short-haired young man looked at the rice wine, which was about three taels, took a deep breath, and drank it all.

Of course, the short-haired young man played a trick and raised his head to drink. His movements were stronger and he drank faster, so some drink flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

As much as you can sprinkle!

When Wu Sanlang saw this, he was unhappy and punched him out.


The short-haired young man received a punch, and with a loud gulp, he not only spat out the drink he had just drank, but also fell backwards and fell to the ground.

"Straight mother-in-law, you are such a bastard, do you look down on the Sa family?"

Takesaburo's eyes widened.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

The little trick was seen through. The short-haired young man coughed and cursed secretly, but there was doubt on his face: "What do you mean?"

"This is the best daughter's red. It has been stored in the cellar for twenty years. Don't spill it!"

Wu Sanlang explained, scooped out a bowl from the wine vat, and walked up to the short-haired young man: "It's the Sa family who were reckless. I'll apologize to you!"

The short-haired young man looked at Wu Sanlang's thumb digging at the edge of the bowl and soaking it in the rice wine. He didn't want to drink it, but he had no choice.

People under the eaves lowered their heads temporarily.

So take the bowl and drink!

A spicy mouthful!

Oh shit!

It's so spicy. Are you telling me this is rice wine?

The short-haired young man was full of slander, but this time he didn't dare to spill the beans.

After he finished drinking, he showed the bottom of the bowl to Takesaburo.


Wu Sanlang laughed and pulled the short-haired young man up: "Come again!"

This drink is six bowls, which is almost two pounds.

"You haven't asked me your brother's name yet?"

Takesaburo fucked the short-haired young man again.

"Zhou Ziyang!"

The short-haired young man breathed out the breath of wine. This kind of wine was quite spicy, but it wasn't too much. Anyway, he was just a little dizzy now and not drunk yet.

"Brother Zhou, please!"

Takesaburo continued to persuade him to drink, and he drank first.

"How long are you going to drink this for?"

Xia Hongyao is curious.

"You shouldn't drink until you die, right?"

Liu Lang has a good drinker. If she can get through drinking, then she's fine.

"I guess there is some key point. If you do it, you shouldn't need to drink it!"

The eldest aunt guessed.

By the time he drank the ninth bowl, Zhou Ziyang was still not drunk, but he felt uncomfortable in his stomach and was in over his head, and he couldn't hold it back any longer.


Zhou Ziyang bent over and vomited out.

The smell of wine and the fermentation of dinner permeated the corridor.

Wu Sanlang's face was stunned, and he immediately made a fist with his left hand and punched Zhou Ziyang's stomach.


Zhou Ziyang was knocked to the ground, holding his stomach and convulsing.

"You're a bitch, you're a bad drinker, you're not worth keeping company with!"

Wu Sanlang shook his head and looked at the two examiners next to him.

"Brothers, come and have a drink!"

Li Bo and Yang Zhi did not leave while Zhou Ziyang was drinking, mainly because they were too close. Once they left, they might be targeted immediately.

"Haha, Brother Wu, I can't drink enough, can you drink less?"

Li Bo made a tentative suggestion.

Takesaburo's answer was simple, he punched him.

"No matter how much nonsense you say, you will naturally have fun drinking!"

Takesaburo was dissatisfied and hated people who said they couldn't drink the most: "I'll have one bowl for you and you'll have two bowls. If you can't finish it, I'll beat the shit out of you!"

Li Bo had no choice but to drink.

Yang Zhi also accompanied him.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have said anything!"

Li Bo looked at Zhou Ziyang who was lying on the ground. Instead of getting up, he snored and started pretending to be dead.


But as long as you can survive the pollution of the rules by just being punched twice, you can accept it.

The body of a divine hunter has been strengthened. If someone of Li Bo's level drinks two or three kilograms of liquor on a daily basis, there will be no problem.

When Yang Zhi drank the eighth bowl, he felt so uncomfortable that he felt like vomiting.

"Brother Wu, can I go to the toilet?"

Yang Zhi requested.

"The lazy donkey poops and urinates a lot, go and come back quickly!"

Takesaburo waved his hand in disgust.

Yang Zhi ran a few steps and was about to go to the toilet in a farther room, but was caught by Wu Sanlang.

"Just go pee in there!"

Takesaburo pointed to the bedroom next to him.

Yang Zhi had no choice but to obey. He entered the dormitory and closed the door, but Wu Sanlang pushed him away. Fortunately, Wu Sanlang did not let him urinate directly in the dormitory.

Ugh! Ugh!

Yang Zhi squatted on the toilet, retching and trying not to make a sound.

After vomiting for about a minute, Yang Zhi washed his face and came out quickly.

He did not dare to delay for too long, lest he trigger more serious rule pollution.

But Takesaburo was still dissatisfied.

"Why does it take so long? Come on, I'll drink three bowls of wine as a penalty!"

Wu Sanlang urged: "Drink quickly!"

By the time Yang Zhi finished drinking the fine wine, Li Bo had already drunk the twentieth bowl. After shaking his body for a few times, he suddenly fell to the ground.


"You little bastard, with your drinking capacity, you are not even as good as the little lady who sells cooking cakes in our county!"

After Wu Sanlang finished speaking, he walked up to Li Bo, grabbed his hair with his left hand and pulled him up, then grabbed his collar with his right hand and gave him a hard hiss.


Li Bo's clothes were torn off.

Wu Sanlang was still not satisfied, so he took off all his underwear without even leaving him any underwear. Then he took out a rope from his trousers pocket, tied Li Bo several times, and hung him from the ceiling.

Li Bo wanted to resist, but the alcohol had an anesthetic effect and he couldn't do it at all, so he could only let Takesaburo do it.

Liu Langqing and his eldest aunt trembled when they saw this scene.

Oh shit!

Pan Yunxiang is really not a son of a man.

If he were stripped naked and hung up, he would be dead.

"Hong Yao, let's go upstairs!"

Liu Langqing urged in a low voice.

"What are you doing upstairs?"

Xia Hongyao was puzzled: “You can’t avoid pollution!”

Liu Langqing wanted to say, do you have any brains? You will definitely not be able to escape, but the people upstairs are all female examiners. It is not embarrassing to be stripped naked.

"Is it possible that you want to be seen by men?"

The eldest aunt asked back.


Xia Hongyao understood, but didn't panic at all: "With Xiao Linzi here, it's fine!"

The two sisters were speechless. You trust Lin Baici too, right?

The male examiners also looked very unhappy, but Shen Nan was an exception.

Yang Zhi felt numb. He looked at Li Bo, then at Zhou Ziyang, suddenly bent over and started to vomit.

He would rather be beaten than hanged.

"You're a bastard, you're wasting the family's good wine!"

Wu Sanlang cursed and punched Yang Zhi in the face.


Yang Zhi staggered back, his nose bleeding. He clenched his fists and wanted to fight back, but he held back.

What if you fight back and trigger a more violent counterattack?

never mind,

Be patient for a while!

But Takesaburo didn't let him go and continued to beat him, because he drank more and vomited more, so he wasted more.

This is intolerable!

Yang Zhi held his head and huddled up. Just when he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to fight back, Wu Sanlang finally gave up.

"tui, trash!"

Wu Sanlang spit out thick phlegm on Yang Zhi, then looked around, and his eyes fell on Lin Baici.

"This brother, does he dare to drink wine at home?"

Invited by Takesaburo.

"Why don't you dare?"

Lin Baici smiled slightly.


Takesaburo applauded.

"Brother from the Wu family, how about I go first?"

A voice interrupted Takesaburo.

Wu Sanlang turned around and saw a handsome young man speaking.

"In Xia Shennan, people from Guangdong and Beijing like to meet friends over wine the most!"

Shen Nan cupped his fists.

"This kid just lost a game, and now he definitely wants to win it back!"

Xia Hongyao analyzed that for geniuses who are arrogant and arrogant, they cannot accept being left behind.

Lin Baici didn't care. If the other party wanted to come, then go ahead.

"Haha, so happy!"

Wu Sanlang let Lin Baici go, grabbed the wine vat and the black-glazed wine bowl, and came to Shen Nan.

Ladle the wine and pass the bowl.

Shen Nan took it and drank it in one gulp without spilling a drop.

"Atmosphere, happy!"

Wu Sanlang laughed loudly and drank a bowl along with him.

There was no nonsense or scheming, Shen Nan just kept going bowl after bowl, and continued with Takesaburo.

Until after the eighteenth bowl.

"Brother Haiduo!"

Wu Sanlang handed over his hand: "Let's meet again in the future if we are destined to do so!"


In the corridor, the examiners who were watching screamed in surprise.

This monster means that Shen Nan has passed the test.

Shen Nan nodded and smiled, very gentlemanly.

"It seems that drinking enough eighteen bowls will be enough!"

Xia Hongyao crossed her arms and steadied herself. She had a good drinking capacity.

"That Li Bo who was hung up drank more than eighteen bowls!"

Liu Langqing frowned.

"He was punished with alcohol. According to Takesaburo, he probably had to drink thirty-six bowls!"

Lin Baici explained.

Wu Sanlang grabbed his wine jar and walked towards Lin Baici.

In the control room, Xie Yangchun nodded, very satisfied with Shen Nan's performance.

"Shen Nan should have some kind of divine grace related to wine!"

Pan Yunxiang comments.

No matter how good the physical condition of the divine hunter is, he will not get drunk after drinking eighteen bowls of rice wine, but he will still vomit and will definitely receive two or three punches.

Even if Pan Yunxiang continued to bully the examiners, he could not break the pollution. After being beaten, no one would dare to explode.

But Shen Nan got it done.

"It's Lin Bai's turn to quit!"

Zhang Hao didn't care about Shen Nan, he just wanted to see Lin Baici's performance.

She really hoped that Lin Baici would get drunk and then be stripped naked and hung up.

She had no ill intentions, she simply wanted to take a look at Lin Baici's body and collect a piece of dark history so that she could tease him later.

【Meeting friends with wine, eighteen bowls show true love!】

[Don’t vomit, otherwise you will be beaten. The more you vomit, the harder you will be beaten! 】

[You can’t be drunk. If you are drunk, you will be stripped naked and hung up in public.]

【Drink thirty-six bowls, Takesaburo will agree to your small request.】

[One punch to Musaburo will make you drunk, and after ten punches, you will be completely drunk to death!]

【If the wine jar is not empty, Takesaburo will not die.】

[Kill Wu Saburo, and you can get a divine grace called ‘making friends with wine’! 】

【When you make a toast, no one can block your toast.】

The God of Food commented in one breath.

Lin Baici has already seen a lot of incredible rule pollution, and now that he heard this, he still found it interesting, especially the last one about "making friends with wine", which made him raise his eyebrows.

If you get this, wouldn't you be invincible at the wine table in the future?

If you want to trick someone, who can stop you?

Lin Baici frowned.

This rule pollution was most likely summoned by Pan Yunxiang's sacred object. If he killed Wu Sanlang and received the divine favor, Pan Yunxiang would probably be angry to death.

But it doesn’t matter,


When Liu Langqing and his eldest aunt saw Wu Sanlang approaching, they still took a step back and let Lin Bai out. On the other side, Du Ke couldn't resist the pressure and retreated even more.

When Wu Sanlang saw this, he immediately stared at Liu Langqing and Liu Langqing. However, because they were women, Wu Sanlang didn't want to argue with women and children, so he glared at Du Ke.

"What do you mean by retreating like a bird? Do you look down on the Sa family?"

Takesaburo snorted coldly.


Du Ke looked at Lin Baici.

"You can't escape drinking!"

Lin Baici reminded in a low voice.

"Brother Wu, I feel uncomfortable in my legs and feet. I have no other intention. Come on, have a drink!"

Du Ke apologized and reached for the wine bowl.


Wu Sanlang slapped Du Ke's hand away, and poured the wine in the bowl on Du Ke's face: "You are a bird, you are not worthy of drinking with the Sa family!"

Du Ke's face immediately turned green and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Kneel down and learn how to bark three times. Grandpa will spare your life!"

Takesaburo scolded.

Du Ke suddenly gritted his teeth and rushed towards Wu Sanlang.

I would rather get beaten than bark like a dog, otherwise I will never be able to hold my head up again in the security bureau.


Du Ke exhaled, shouted loudly, stepped forward and punched Wu Saburo.

Liu Langqing and his eldest aunt wanted to remind Du Ke to stop drinking first, but they were worried about being rejected by Wu Sanlang and losing the opportunity to drink, so they didn't say anything.

Du Ke had some wit and seemed to attack Takesaburo, but when he was about to hit him with his fist, he suddenly kicked out and stabbed the wine vat like a spear.

Takesaburo raised his hands and legs.

Bang bang!

Easily blocked Du Ke's attack.

Du Ke was not discouraged and continued to attack.

Wu Sanlang held a large wine vat and fought with Du Ke. No matter how he moved around, not a drop of the wine in the vat was spilled.

Bang bang bang!

The two were punching and kicking, and kept exchanging blows.

Du Ke felt dizzy, as if he had drunk a lot of liquor. When the tenth blow hit Wu Sanlang, his eyes suddenly rolled, and with a bang, he fell to the ground, drunk to death.

Du Ke snored a little.

"What the hell?"

Everyone was shocked.

Why did you lose suddenly?

Wu Sanlang stripped Du Ke naked and hung him from the ceiling. Then he came to Lin Baici. Without saying a word, he directly scooped up a bowl of rice wine and handed it over.

Lin Baici activated the wine pond meat forest, took the black glaze bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and then did it himself without waiting for Wu Sanlang to persuade him to drink.


Gudu! Gudu! Gudu!

"Brother is so generous!"

Wu Sanlang laughed and drank with him.


Two bowls!

Xia Hongyao and the other three counted silently. Soon, Lin Baici drank eighteen bowls without any trouble.


Xia Hongyao cheered, then got ready to drink, but found that Lin Baici hadn't stopped and was still drinking.

"what's the situation?"

Liu Langqing and the eldest aunt didn't know why, but Gao Ponytail understood.

"My little Linzi found a way to crack it!"

Xia Hongyao covered her mouth with her little hand and showed off happily to the two of them.

This chapter has been completed!
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