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Chapter 371 Probability Problems


The entire crew went crazy, applauding vigorously, and Fang Yi crawled out of the container, gasping for air.

"How about it?"

He asked Guo Fan.

Guo Fan trotted under the container, stretched out his thumb, "You are the one!"

Then he went to the monitor to look at the shot - in fact, the picture now was very messy, with several angles at the same time, and Fang Yi needed to conceive the final product on the screen in his mind.

The effect is good, but it could actually be better.

In the words of Zhang Yimou who often encourages people, "Come on, you can just do better."

But considering the cost, Fang Yi could only live with it. This is how live shooting is. Once the props are destroyed, no matter whether you can do it or not, the effect will be like this. You have to spend money to start over, or accept it.

In order to avoid mistakes, the number of people in the scene has been reduced as much as possible, and the perspective is limited to "Yu Huanshui".

Ma et had been checking his watch since Fang Yi entered the water. He was shocked, "I held my breath for five minutes and forty-five seconds. Isn't that outrageous?"

Zhang Chaoyang showed his MIT graduate wisdom and said: "The water hasn't been filled yet... At least half of the time Fang Yi is floating on the water, why are you holding back your breath?"

"He has a high amount of exercise. He can't hold it in for just one minute."

Zhang Chaoyang admitted this, "Anyway, he is more powerful than ordinary people, but he is not a land god. I will never see one who can fly or enter the sea... Do you understand what I mean? He is not a god, but there should not be one in the world."

"I don't understand why it shouldn't be there."

Lao Zhang clapped his hands, "Don't think I'm a fool for giving him a Rolls-Royce... This is a question of probability. For example, one out of ten people can hold his breath for five minutes... Well, among a thousand people

There is one.”

He continued to gesture, "His appearance now is, say, one in a million, it's not an exaggeration... For the sake of calculation, we still choose one in a million here."

Ma et bit his finger, "You say it, I'm listening."

"The next thing is that you are lucky. You never encounter bad luck. Even the people around you can get it... 1% okay?"

Ma et gradually became interested, and probably knew what he was going to say: "Okay."

"Let's talk about this height. It's a little over 1.8 meters. It's a real height. It's said that it's almost 190 now - what fraction do you think it is? One-tenth?"

Ma et not let Zhang Chaoyang talk any more, and used his expertise as a teacher: "Then there is his self-taught acting skills, his very smart mind, and..."

He thought of Fang Yi's magical power that day.


Although each of them has a basis in reality, it is s on abcd, but if s is raised to the nth power, it is only theoretically possible, but not possible in reality.

He grinned, convinced by his own logic - actually Zhang Chaoyang's logic.

No wonder the Ph.D. in Physics has changed his mind.

The mathematical idea of ​​limit tells us that infinitesimal is essentially equal to zero. This is a leap in mathematics for mankind.

Lao Zhang seemed to hear what Ma et was thinking. He explained, "The light of our Chinese people, Nobel Prize winner Yang Zhenning, believes that this world does not happen naturally - because everything is set too exquisitely and coincidentally.

If we use probability theory to enumerate them, they are exquisite creations that cannot be enumerated even after exhausting the universe. Although it is not perfect yet, it should no longer exist."

Ma et said: "You mean Fang Yi is also like this?"

Lao Zhang nodded and said, "I still say the same thing. I can be considered Yang Zhenning's disciple and grandson. I have absorbed his wisdom, so I believe in science. If I have to find something to comfort me, Fang Yi is better than a snake.

Those people are reliable, and the probability of his birth can be calculated from reality - it is zero."

"It actually doesn't matter to me what you worship. Is it the Flying Pasta Cult? The Cat Cult? In fact, it's all possible, but from a mathematical point of view, you have to convince me first and make me believe that everything can't be a pure coincidence."

Ma et caressed his hairless chin and murmured, "coincidence."

A series of Fang Yi's previous performances on the monitor reappeared repeatedly in Teacher Ma's mind. He said, "The shot of Fang Yi climbing up the ladder just now looks really... unusual."

Lao Zhang found a like-minded person, clapped his hands and said, "Heroes see the same thing."

Unexpectedly, after Fang Yi announced that the film was completed, Ma et al rushed to Fang Yi before Zhang Chaoyang.

"Director Fang, our Ahri Group plans to sponsor your movie..."

Fang Yi frowned: "We've finished filming, what's the sponsorship?"

"I don't want you to shoot anything, as long as you add our Ahri in the subtitles of the movie. Let me think about it..." Ma et encouraged himself, maybe he thought of something beautiful, and couldn't help but laugh, "

Special thanks to: Ahli Group.”

Just as Fang Yi was about to respond, Dr. Zhang from MIT stopped them, "——Director Fang, this is what I want to tell you!"

Ma et's smile froze, and he changed his tactics, "Add them all, let's jointly thank you."

Dr. Zhang emphasized: "Souhu must be in front of Ahli."

Ma et raised his voice: "Don't be wary of me. I chose to sponsor the movie to help you and to give some strength to the movie."

Zhang Chaoyang said angrily: "I told you, don't use this against me... Director Fang, Director Fang, don't leave -"

——"Seventeen Again" has been completed twice, once in Jinling and once now.

This time in Beijing, it was more like a superficial effort for sponsors and study groups. Han Sanping invited the media at the closing banquet and announced that "Seventeen Again" would be related to 863's Jiaolong project team, as the director

Fang Yi is about to ride a submersible in the South China Sea and become the first diving director in China.

"He is also the number one diving director in the world," Han Sanping said proudly.

Of course reporters will ask: "Where did you put Cameron who was filming "Avatar"? They made their own submersibles."

This little thing doesn't bother Han Sanping at all. He has been trained for a long time and can find the place to fill the gap and lead the world from anywhere.

“The world’s number one scientific diving director!”

This title was eventually written into the Beijing Daily section the next day to build momentum for "Seventeen Again".

Jiaolong is a representative project of deep-sea exploration in the 863 program. The scientific research community is very willing to present its final report in a movie that is estimated to be worth around one billion, as a gift to the people of the country.

In the next few days, the news that Director Fang was going to the South China Sea to do a popular science program and shoot some movie scenes was published in mainstream newspapers. He took a celebrity as a passenger and went thousands of miles under the sea without any harm, and then came back without any harm.

Naturally, it’s just the right way to show off—it’s just that you are number one in the world, and you can bring a third person with you.

At a police station in the capital, Liu Mi's old father, a film police officer, was drinking tea as usual. The sunlight filtered through the rusty iron fence and reflected on the newspaper under the green glass.

Father Liu also opened the entertainment section of the newspaper as usual and looked for any news about his daughter.

But there is no need to turn to the entertainment section today. The headline on the front page is not about the leader, but:

"Director Fang Yi wants to dive three thousand meters to shoot a movie!"

"Recently, in response to the 863 Project deep-sea exploration development plan and the support of the relevant scientific research team of the deep-sea scientific research detector Jiaolong, the famous young director Fang Yi will join the Jiaolong project team on May 17th and become one of the three underwater divers.

Audiences across the country conduct relevant science popularization. It is reported that Chinese scientists have discovered a total of 17 new species in the South China Sea this time, which is a useful exploration of marine biodiversity by the Chinese scientific community... After the report is completed, the Jiaolong will be near Huangyan Island

Make a short stop and wait for the navy to arrive to escort you."

"Huangyan Island is the only island in the Zhongsha Islands that is exposed to the water. It has been my country's legal territory since ancient times... During the Ming Dynasty, fishermen from Fujian and Guangdong fished here and left relevant traces. In March last year, Porcelain pieces from the bottom of a bowl "made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty" were found in the waters of Huangyan Island. The cultural relics department confirmed that this is the first archaeological discovery in the waters of Huangyan Island in Zhongsha..."

Dad Liu struggled to read the article until at the end, he wrote this sentence:

"The film directed by Fang is "Seventeen Again", which tells the fantasy story of a middle-aged man named 'Yu Huanshui' who accidentally returns to the past. The main actors are Fang Yi, Liu Yifei, Yu Feihong..."

"—and Liu Mi."

Many years ago, when Liu Mi was famous for starring in TV series such as "Wang Zhaojun" and "The Condor", Liu's father just treated her like a child and didn't take her seriously.

My daughter complained harshly.

When he remembered that he took the initiative to find news about his daughter in the newspaper, he couldn't find any trace.

Now I finally see some positive news. She is both my favorite actor and my daughter. Unfortunately:

He felt strange.

I have almost never heard of my daughter mentioning Fang Yi on her own initiative.

His eyes fell on Liu Yifei.


Father Liu drank a jar of tea in a depressed mood.

This chapter has been completed!
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