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The 124th chapter on the forest line (3)

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Xing immediately realized his vulgar taste, and turned to be extremely grateful to Ma Du Gong, because the other party almost saved his life and posthumous reputation, Zhang Sanlang.

Just think about it and you will know that Mr. Ma is one of the three major governors in Beiya. He is usually very majestic and stomps his feet. The kind that makes everyone from the Jinwu Guard to the Twenty-Fourth Prison tremble... Now that he died suddenly, there are still rumors.

There are such bizarre rumors about Tao Se's death. Who in the capital would not care?

In this case, a mere Jing'antai black ribbon rejected Uncle Cao Huang's kindness. Although it was a bit strange, it didn't seem so conspicuous.

In fact, this can be confirmed from the attitude of Duke Gao just now. I thought that Bai Yousi's absence would be like making things difficult in court. However, because of Ma Dugong's death, this man was anxious to declare everywhere.

Sovereignty was let go so lightly...

However, since we were talking about Governor Gao, Zhang Xing did not think that this matter would be brushed aside by Fulongwei and ignored as the overjoyed Governor said.

"Ma Du Gong is one of the three governors of Bei Ya and a close servant of the imperial family. This matter is the responsibility of the Fusi of Xizhen. How could he ignore it?"

Sure enough, just as Zhang Xing thought, Bai Yousi arrived at Yangliu Forest, met with King Qi, and checked the personnel, but nothing happened. On the contrary, after sending King Qi away and returning, he heard about Ma Du Gong's death and the high governor.

After hearing the public's words, he expressed his position without hesitation and asked to take over the relevant matters.

The upper and lower faces looked at each other, and no one said a word for a while. Almost all of them looked at Zhang Xing and Zhang Heishou, who were probably among the top five in cultivation here. This does not mean that Zhang Heishou is so prestigious, nor does it mean that no one dares to jump out and flatter him... but that,

Who made Zhang Sanlang the deputy inspector?

You have to let the leader speak first.

Even Bai Yousi looked at him instinctively.

"I agree." Zhang Xing thought for a while and gave his answer and reasons simply and neatly. "One is that investigating the case itself is our responsibility. I won't go into more details. It is aboveboard and of course it is natural; the other is that Ma Dugong is both

Death, Duke Niu is a master and ignores common affairs. There is only one high governor who takes his monopoly of power as a matter of course. Chang Jian has just taken office. If we are so obedient to his wishes, we will only think that our superiors are not saints and Zhongcheng.

, but he, like the governor of Bei Ya... just for this matter, he took over the case with great fanfare and investigated it seriously, so as to tell the father-in-law of Bei Ya that Fu Longwei, the West Town Fusi, had his own dignity.


When I heard this, I felt very inspired.

Bai Yousi smiled and simply ordered: "Okay, that's it...it's just that things are in a hurry, and we haven't even been able to hand over the handover. I just want Qian Tang and Qin Bao to follow me to Ma Du Gong's mansion to take over. Look.

Let’s see if any of the acquaintances from Fusi in Zhongzhen come over; then, Zhang Xing, you are the deputy and you arrived half a day early. At this time, regardless of anything else, stay here and rearrange the shift. Be sure to select 20 riders for me, and then go

Let’s meet at Ma Dugong’s house... If anyone doesn’t listen to the arrangement, just make a list and be fired, and if someone comes from Beiya, you can directly prevaricate with me.”

After saying that, he didn't stop for a moment, just holding the sword in his arms. He didn't even have time to change into Fulongwei's dark uniform, so he went out first with his two veteran subordinates.

After Bai Yousi left, most of the remaining people were awed, and a few old people who had been employed by Sima Zheng's subordinates even put their extra thoughts aside.

In this way, Zhang Xing borrowed Bai Yousi's power and calmly followed the instructions, rearranged the shifts, selected twenty riders, and then asked Wang Zhen and other familiar faces to gather their colleagues and go to Ma Superintendent.

He went to the palace for support.

Not only that, when it got dark, Beiya came to ask in surprise, but Zhang Xing directly asked for the imperial edict with a straight face, and finally walked away.

Everything was ready, Zhang Xing simply waited in the small white pagoda in the willow forest of Xiyuan, and wrote dozens of invitations by the way, waiting only for the Qingtian ladies to come back before leaving it to them to make a decision.

In fact, if there were no emergencies like Ma Du Gong, this would be the first thing to do under common sense.

After all, Fulongweili are basically all experts at the Eight Meridians stage, and they are often very young. Their prospects are better than those of the Jinyi patrol team in Zhongzhen Fusi, and Sima Zheng is obviously willing to support his subordinates. This is why

As a result, the same situation as the second patrol group appeared here in Fulongwei - more than a dozen hardcore experts took advantage of the situation and followed Sima Zheng to join the army. As a result, the number of registered personnel hit a new low, with only about eighty people.


Yes, Fulongwei needs to recruit new people.

However, Zhang Xing thought about a dozen suitable candidates for Jing'an Taichung and sat there waiting until late at night, but Bai Yousi did not come back.

At this time, Deputy Inspector Zhang had already realized that Ma Dugong's case might not be simple.

Since I was left behind and could only wait, I simply suppressed all my worries and curiosity for the time being and stayed in the small white pagoda in the willow forest of Xiyuan - which could be regarded as a different kind of achievement of sleeping in a deep palace at night.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xing was called out by Zhou Xingfan because Bai Yousi had just led the team back at this time.

There is no way, this is Xiyuan, even Miss Bai cannot fly in in the middle of the night, she can only come in after the door is opened on time.

When Zhang Xing came to the corridor of the side room in the courtyard outside the tower, he saw Bai Yousi, Qian Tang, Qin Bao, and many uniformly dressed Fulong guards, many of whom looked tired and tired.

Drinking porridge and eating cakes - this is a palace practice and political tradition that has been in existence for many dynasties. Except for the leaders of Nanya who can enjoy the meal in the hall, all other officials have to eat in the verandah, which is called veranda.


It is difficult to explain the specific reasons, but a generally accepted theory is that within the palace ban, the eunuchs, maids, and the imperial army are from the inside, while the officials come from outside, so the food for the officials theoretically comes from the emperor and the court.

The reward should be to show that the reward is fair, and to avoid extravagance, waste, and private deductions, so that everyone can clearly see what they eat and drink.

However, as of now, each department already has its own small treasury and private chef, and eating in the corridor is just a tradition.

Even though Zhang Xing's heart was slightly moved at this moment, he just followed this allusion and thought of another meaning - Fulongwei was still eating in the corridor in Xiyuan. This shows that although Fulongwei's job type is "guardian", and in terms of general affairs

Most of them have to deal with Beiya, but in fact they still belong to the Jingantai system. The members of Fulongwei are also officials of Jingantai, not the Imperial Guard system or the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

His thoughts flashed slightly, and Zhang Xing had already sat down calmly. He also ordered a bowl of porridge, then took a pancake and accompanied the others to finish eating and drinking. Then he sat there and waited for the rest of the story.

"Ma Du Gong's case is a bit difficult to handle." Bai Yousi ate quickly and waited for Zhang Xing to finish before speaking.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xing asked seriously after putting down his bowl of porridge. "Is it Beiya or Zhongcheng who won't let go?"

"None of them." Bai Yousi looked calm and shook his head. "I'm not scared by them, and no one dares to argue in front of me...it's the case itself."

"Isn't it going to be windy soon?" Zhang Xing became curious.

"It is true that the father-in-laws of Beiya generally cultivate the Qi of Immortality in order to restore Yang. It is also true that many people practice it and gradually have changes. As for the father-in-law who has money, it is even more common to marry wives and buy concubines...

...But the problem is that Ma Du Gong is only at the stage of perfecting the meridians. How can he use his true energy to perform bed tricks, and how can he get the wind immediately?" Bai Yousi did not shy away from anything, and made it clear on the spot. "Beiya reported it.

Zhongzhen Fusi, Zhongcheng sent Chai Changjian and two familiar old criminal names. They told me that there was no trace of male and female affairs at the scene. It could only be said that the body happened to be found on the bed... It was immediately reported that the wind was blowing.

I am afraid that the palace is used to being dirty in private. As soon as they saw the corpse in disheveled clothes, they immediately spread such ridiculous rumors... In fact, according to the inspection, it is probably poisoning, but the poison is extremely rare and needs to be verified.


"I see, I said the rumors are too ridiculous." Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, but then he thought deeply. "Then the key should be his concubine who was supposed to have sex with him at night?"

"That's right." Bai Yousi nodded, and then hesitated for a while, but still told the truth honestly. "That's the problem. Her concubine is missing, and she can't be found no matter how hard she looks for it... We looked for her.

All night long.”

Zhang Xing glanced at the twenty Fulong Guards who were obviously tired in the hall, and he was obviously stunned.

"Deputy Inspector Zhang, please don't look at us like that." One of them was Wang Zhen, the man who caused trouble in Wenwenfang that day. This man was obviously shallow-tempered and unable to hide his troubles. At this moment, he met Zhang Xing's gaze and immediately added angrily.

"It wasn't just us last night... some of the father-in-laws from Beiya, the Jinwu Guard Brigade, the patrolmen from Zhongzhen Fusi, and the Jingjiehu from Dongzhen Fusi were all dispatched, but they were not found alive or dead."

Zhang Xing became more and more puzzled and looked at the people around him again: "If he died at night and was found at noon, we should start searching for this person, right? Even if he was killed and his body was dismembered, traces would be found, right?"

Is he disguised as a pill condensation master?"

"Some people have already speculated like this. After all, Duke Ma is considered an important figure in the court." Qian Tang couldn't help but sneer. "But a master of condensation, in order to assassinate a governor, actually did it to the governor.

Having been my concubine for several years...and then suddenly assassinating her...is too unreasonable."

Zhang Xing nodded, he was just complaining. Of course, he knew that the other party was also complaining.

"What's more, when she went out in the morning, she didn't look like a master. Instead, she took a few maids and guards and took a car pretending to go to Bei City to buy spices. When she got to Bei City, she suddenly escaped by going to the toilet and climbing over the wall." Qin.

Bao took it over at this time and continued to talk about it. Although there was no Qian Tang, Wang Zhen was in a state of frustration, but it was obviously difficult to understand and helpless. "I just couldn't find her, so a guard rode back to the house to ask for instructions.

Ma Du Gong, only then did he realize that Ma Du Gong was completely cold."

Zhang Xing was also completely speechless: "So, I just can't find it?"

"Yes!" Bai Yousi nodded simply.

"Then everyone is looking for it. Whoever finds it will have the initiative both inside and outside the case?" Zhang Xing continued to ask. "In the final analysis, we just want to find someone?"

"Yes." Bai Yousi nodded simply.

"What are the characteristics? Any explanation?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

Of course, Bai Yousi had no reason to hide it from Zhang Xing: "Young and beautiful, she is a noble girl from Dongyi."

"People from Dongyi?" Zhang Xing became even more surprised. "How did a noble girl from Dongyi become Ma Du Gong's concubine?"

"Before the first expedition to Dongyi, Dongyi was afraid and sent envoys to sue for peace. They also sent eighteen noble girls." Qian Tang calmed down at this time and took the initiative to tell the story on Bai Yousi's behalf. "Later, the first expedition to Goryeo failed, and the saint was furious.

, sent the noble ladies in the palace as slaves, Ma Du Gong got the moon first by approaching the water tower, and brought one of the girls to his own house, who is the person related to today's case... Based on this matter, it can be deduced that either this girl is the original

There is a specious suspicion of Dongyi spy, or she thinks that she is a noble daughter, and Ma Dugong is a father-in-law, and she is resentful for this... You know, Dongyi people are very particular about their origin, and it is said that Ma Dugong is also because of this.

Her status as a noblewoman makes her look particularly high on her... In short, there is no lack of motive for murder."

Zhang Xing nodded, then shook his head again and again.

Without him, the clearer the origin and the clearer the motive, the more absurd he felt: "So, the case itself is also very clear, but the person can't be found?"

"That's right." Bai Yousi nodded and asked sincerely, "Do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Xing shook his head: "In a hurry, I have no clue."

"I think so." Bai Yousi shook his head helplessly. "Our Fulongwei manpower is far less than that of other companies. We can't find it in one night, so we can only press the matter for the time being... Do you have anything else?


"There are many people, but the most important thing is the manpower problem." Zhang Xingyi said. "Many people from Fulongwei have followed General Sima and transferred to the army. Now they are thirty or forty men short of full strength. It is about time

Go to Jing'antai, the military and other relevant departments to replenish manpower... I made a list last night, maybe I can invite some people from Zhongzhen Fusi, and I also need to send a document to the Ministry of War to request coordination."

"It's a matter of course, you go ahead and do it." Bai Yousi nodded. "I'll also go through the Trinity Orthodox Church to find some people... I'll gather the people together first, and I'll also keep an eye on Ma Du Gong's case...

...Both those who went to search for people and those who stayed behind are already tired. When the next group of people who change defense comes over, they will go back to rest."

When everyone heard these words, they felt relieved.

Zhang Xing also put aside everything for the time being and concentrated on coordinating and properly handling official affairs. He also sent official documents to the Ministry of War, and used official documents channels to send letters to the Jingan Taichung Town Fusi. He was busy until noon, and then received a dark brocade suit.

He wore a robe, uniform and a set of light armor, and returned to Chengfu Square with Qin Bao, who had been waiting for a long time.

Back home, he was still busy. Qin Bao first went to take care of the horse he had just brought back from Jing'an Terrace yesterday, and then went to practice martial arts. However, Zhang Xing also received Yan Qing from Beishi City who had been waiting here for a long time.

As expected, Yan Qing came to give money, a whole box of gold cakes, which captivated Zhang Sanlang's eyes on the spot.

Yan Qing was very embarrassed about this, mainly because Zhang Xing made it clear on that day that he had to act quickly, so he obviously lost a lot.

"That set of Danyang Three Mountains is such a pity." Yan Qing accepted the piece of gold cake handed by Zhang Xing magnanimously, but he still couldn't help but talk about related matters. "The owner of the Tongtuofang shop I am familiar with said to me,

He knew that there was a wealthy businessman from Xijing, who probably wanted to give a gift, and had been looking for Wang Canjun's authentic signature... According to him, if he could wait until the wealthy businessman came from Xijing, and make a move together, he would probably lose three thousand taels of silver.

Question... But because I was too anxious, I hurriedly sold it here and only got two thousand taels. But even so, when I came out with a few calligraphy, painting and antiques, I still had a lot of money. My family is just a horse dealer, so I didn’t dare to hide it boldly.

, I had to go to the silver shop of the eldest princess’s house. I paid half of the silver and exchanged it for gold and deposited it. I waited until I heard that Brother Zhang San was coming back today, so I took it out and sent it to you.”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can get rid of it." Zhang Xing listened carefully and calmly changed the topic. "What is the price of silver now? Is it going up or down?"

"A while ago, we said we were going to build a big golden pillar, and it went up quite a bit." Yan Qing thought for a moment before answering seriously. "But now all the Nanya officials are trying to shirk it, and they haven't been able to build it. Instead, they've declined... This kind of news

If you can't hide it from others, the family members of dignitaries will react first."

Zhang Xing nodded and asked another question: "Then did you know that there was a fugitive who sneaked away in Bei City yesterday?"

"How come you don't know? The North City was almost overrun by Jinwu Guards, Jingjiehu and Jinyi Patrollers. Fortunately, my family was able to escape from the disaster by claiming Brother Zhang's name..." Yan Qing immediately smiled bitterly, but then suddenly remembered

What? He turned around and asked carefully. "But Brother Zhang, why are those patrolmen in fine clothes a little strange when they hear your name?"

"How strange?" Zhang Xing himself was also very curious.

"I stopped immediately. It's just that Hei Shou, who took the lead, was obviously afraid." Yan Qing replied seriously. "The reaction was a bit too much."

"It's considered a normal reaction." Zhang Xing thought for a while and responded calmly. "The main reason is that I just followed our Bai Changjian and was transferred to Fulongwei in Fusi, Xizhen... and by the way, I was promoted to the black ribbon."

"Congratulations to Third Brother Zhang and Second Brother Qin." Yan Qing was immediately in awe. "Especially Third Brother Zhang, it's only been a year...how can you become a black ribbon? In two years, wouldn't it be?

Do you want to enter the palace and become a serious nobleman?"

"It's difficult." Zhang Xing smiled and shook his head, but then he remembered something. "What about you... you said you want to take part in the imperial examination, are you prepared?"

"According to the usual practice, it is estimated that we will have to wait until next year." Yan Qing smiled bitterly when he heard this. "I don't have much certainty..."

"You'd better work harder." Zhang Xing said with a smile. "The main reason is that I don't know where I will be next year... If the situation is still the same, as long as you pass the exam, even if you are not appreciated by the nobles, I can still select you into the ambush.

Long Wei will be a civil servant and come here step by step."

Yan Qing was even more overjoyed, but felt embarrassed. After saying a few words, he took the initiative to leave.

As soon as the people left, Zhang Xing felt bored in front of a box of gold. In addition, he didn't sleep well last night, so he simply took a nap in his seat and thought about things at the same time.

After all, I had been away for several months. After I came back, I didn’t have time to adapt. First I encountered the drama of being adopted as my son, and then I immediately changed to a new environment. There was no time to buffer from all kinds of incidents, big and small, and everything ended up in chaos.

, to the point of confusion.

It seems like everything is important, but nothing matters anymore.

Thinking about it, although there were more people and things experienced in the past two days, compared to the previous experiences, it was a bit childish and weak.

What is the demonstration of the high governor's manipulation of power compared with the oppressive feeling of Uncle Cao's request to take in his son?

What is the story of Ma Dugong being poisoned by Dongyi's concubine, and then Dongyi's concubine disappearing, compared with the thrill of Ziwu Sword?

Similarly, there is gold in front of you. How does it compare with the food shortage in the seven counties of Jiangdong?

How does Fulongwei's manpower and next year's imperial examination compare with the river of blood by the Whirlpool River?

Each one of them is quite interesting, and they are all the same thing. They should be taken seriously, but they just can’t get excited... This is something you need to learn from Bai Yousi. That old woman is almost like a world-class person.

Who else's spirit is truly remarkable?

Just as I was thinking about it, someone suddenly came in and then went out again.

"What are you hiding from?" Zhang Xing opened his eyes and was speechless. "Now that you are here, help me and Yueniang to build a chicken coop in the yard and hide the gold."

Li Ding, who had dark circles under his eyes, turned around awkwardly and clasped his hands in response to Yueniang's curious gaze behind him: "I'm sorry, I'm used to being poor. I've never seen so much gold. My first reaction was to hide."

Zhang Xing thought for a while and then asked seriously: "By the way, Li Silang, what is your ambition... to be a generalissimo or a general?"

Li Ding was at a loss for a moment, but he still answered seriously: "It's nothing. It's about conquering the world and ascending to the throne."

"Yes, yes, yes, conquer the world and ascend to the throne." Zhang Xing suddenly realized, and then finally stood up. "You'd better help me build a chicken coop first, and by the way, help me refer to the following case of Ma Du Gong..."

Li Ding was just confused from beginning to end.

This chapter has been completed!
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