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The thirty-sixth chapter of the street (9)

"Jin Yi Gou, our Qingyang Gang will fight with you!"

In the afternoon, the summer rain continued, but the field of vision was still there. In the open space of the brick kiln in Jiajingfang, with a roar, the local Qingyang Gang leader Zhou Wu, who had a green sun tattooed on his face, looked ferocious and held an iron shield in his left hand.

, wielding a brow-tip long knife in his right hand, wearing a slightly old Mingguang armor, he rushed forward to kill him.

Behind him, there are hundreds of core gang members dressed in different styles. They are all heroes who dare to fight and fight, and all of them have swords, guns and clubs in their hands. Now as the gang leader moves forward, they are all naturally dancing with guns and sticks.

, stepping on the stagnant water to follow bravely.

And in front of him, there were fifty policemen of various colors... Among them were street tigers, Jinwu guards, city defense troops nicknamed watchdogs, and county government officers nicknamed soft persimmons... but they occupied the command chain.

, the one who obviously stands above everyone else is, of course, the Jin Yi Gou who was scolded just now.

There were not many dogs in golden clothes, seven or eight of them, but under the scolding and pressure of these dogs in golden clothes, these sergeants with various backgrounds piled four or five large shields in front, then set up steel crossbows, and there were long soldiers on the left and right, and in the middle

They were ordinary short-hand warriors, and a group of timid helpers were hiding further back, carrying some sheets, whistle sticks and the like.

Frankly speaking, in this posture, the officers and soldiers are obviously more powerful. At least they know the formation, and the ordnance is not fake. Bai Yousi wrote a note and borrowed it from the arsenal of the city defense army. It is a real standard ordnance.


But Zhou Wu had no other choice.

The closure of the workshop started yesterday, and the bosses in the workshop didn't take it seriously, but this morning, these officers and soldiers suddenly rushed in, and then went straight to the home of Lai San, the leader of the Black Clamp Gang, and more than a dozen practitioners swarmed up, some high-ranking and some low-ranking.

Hands, Lai San was caught off guard, and his head was chopped off on the spot by a man in brocade clothes and black ribbons.

Not to mention, after the successful attack, these officers and soldiers did not go to grab Lame San's family property. Instead, they divided into several groups and raided all the helmsmen, deputy helmsmen, and twenty of the Black Clip Gang in an organized and disciplined manner.

Several key members were almost powerless to resist, and just like Lame San, they died on the spot!

Then, they took advantage of the situation and ransacked the house, distributed rewards and rewards, and even distributed food, oil, firewood and vinegar to the surrounding residents, saying they wanted to thank them for reporting and assisting in the arrest.

At this time, the other bosses realized that the ones calling the shots this time were the rarely seen Jinyi Dogs from Jingantai. These people were prolific in killing people and were well-trained. They had always been the natural enemies of heroes in the world.

And they don’t seem to disdain corruption and perverting the law. It is said that the information about the Black Clip Gang was taken out from a small flag in the local Jingjiehu, that is, a lame brother who worships the boss. This small flag was quite righteous at first.

After a lot of dealings, all the fingers were chopped off and fed to the pigs.

In short, good things never come, and bad things happen. In the rumbling summer rain, Lai San and his Black Clamp Gang, who had been fighting Zhou Wu for most of their lives, just disappeared.

After receiving the news, Zhou Wu, as the leader of the largest remaining gang, felt as if he was struck by lightning. He immediately gathered the core members of the gang together and paid for them to appease him. He even invited people from other small gangs.

Come together.

As soon as the people gathered together, only two members of the small gang came, and Jinyi Gou led a large group of people to press over.

Zhou Wu, who had served as a soldier, was forced to fight.

As for this brick kiln, it was already the most suitable battlefield that Zhou Wu could think of to take advantage of his own numerical advantage.

Turning around, the war broke out.

But Zhou Wu's trump card seemed to be more than just the number of people and his own bravery. Just when all the officers and soldiers forcibly stabilized their position, preparing to wait for the opponent to approach and then release the crossbow, suddenly, behind Zhou Wu holding the shield, a figure jumped up high.

A lean middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man did not have as exaggerated equipment as Zhou Wu. He was dressed in civilian clothes and only had a three-foot iron sword in his hand.

However, the officers and soldiers who had been able to hold their ground against Zhou Wu before suddenly changed their expressions when they saw this person, because the opponent just jumped up and handed the three-foot sword in the air, and a white light suddenly appeared from the sword.

It was as if the sword body had been lengthened by half out of thin air, and then the blade also became slightly golden.

There is no way, anyone with a little common sense knows that this is the authentic Qi passed down by the Western Emperor Bai, which is called Duanjiang Zhenqi. Duanjiang Zhenqi is not terrible, but what is scary is that the Duanjiang Zhenqi can manifest this.

A person at this level must be a master at the level of the eight extraordinary meridians.

With this kind of master combined with Duanjiang Zhenqi, any large shield and steel sword will be broken in two by one sword, and even a steel arrow can be easily split.

In a panic, the Jinwu guard in front who was holding up a shield threw down his shield, turned around and walked away.

But at this moment, suddenly, several sharp whistles sounded out of thin air, and with this whistle, a white shadow flashed from the eaves behind the officers and soldiers, and then two more than one foot wide

Golden light appeared out of thin air and streaked across the open space of the kiln.

Few people could see the white shadow behind the eaves clearly, but the golden light was so conspicuous that no one could ignore it. It came so quickly and left so quickly, which inevitably made many people feel at a loss.

But it doesn't matter, they will soon realize what happened. Zhou Wu, the leader of the Qingyang Gang, who was dressed in iron armor, and his friend, a master of unknown origin, almost fell to the ground together, and not all of them.

After Zhou Wu fell to the ground, his head rolled around on the ground seven or eight times, and finally it stopped on the discarded shield, with a corner pressed down. This was called the head being dislocated out of thin air.

As for his master friend who had reached the level of the Eight Meridians, it was even worse. Probably because of his previous leap, so after two golden lights, his whole body was simply broken into three sections and four sections.

Hu la la, it fell from the sky.

The visual impact of this scene was so powerful that the brick kiln, which was filled with shouts and shouts just now, was quiet for several breaths, and for a while there was only the sound of rain.

Even the Jinyi dogs who understood what was going on were stunned on the spot, not daring to move for a long time. Zhang Xing, the instigator, almost vomited... I knew that this old lady was powerful, but I didn't expect that she would be so cruel. She is a martial arts master and a fairy.

Don’t you dare to be more elegant as a character?

A bit of cold light flew over, blood blossomed between the two people's eyebrows, they fell to the ground with smiles and died...

While I was thinking wildly, an unexpected person broke the silence.

It was the Jinwu guard who had just abandoned his shield and fled. He carefully returned to his position, tried to reach out and retrieve the shield from under the head of the Qingyang Gang leader, and rearranged it.

But for some reason, he stretched out his hand into the bloody water seven or eight times, but could not pull the shield back, and he burst into anxious tears.

Hundreds of people on both sides just looked at him blankly.

Finally, Zhang Xing, who couldn't stand it, decided to save the poor Jinwu shieldman. Of course, maybe to embolden himself, he grabbed the steel crossbow of a crossbowman on the side, raised his hand and pressed it on the person opposite.


The steel arrow flew out, shooting one person over and causing a scream.

The members of the Qingyang Gang finally reacted, but they all shouted out, and then fled in all directions as if half of the nest had been blown up... It was really all directions, and some people actually ran straight towards the front of the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers who came to help finally came to their senses, and with a bang, they fired their crossbow bolts, and then rushed forward in a chaotic manner, drawing their swords, lifting their shields, and dancing with their spears.

At the same time, the two squadrons of officers and soldiers who were ambushing on both wings did not wait for the signal at all, and rolled out from the two wings like crazy.

Then, the blood really flowed into a river, and everything was clean.

PS: Happy New Year everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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