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The thirty-seventh chapter of the street (10)

"Jin Yi Gou, our Dayi Gang will fight with you!"

He was bleeding all night, and at noon the next day, a similar shout made Zhang Xing tremble out of thin air and almost vomited.

This time it was not in the brick kiln, but in a small alley. The person who was blocked here was Zhang Dacheng, another gang leader in Jiajingfang. This gang called Dayi Gang is currently not large in scale, mainly relying on the leader Zhang Dacheng.

Dacheng has extraordinary martial arts skills and outstanding loyalty, so even though there are only a dozen people, he is able to quickly establish a foothold in the workshop and quickly participate in the most competitive car dealership.

But now, probably because the tragedy of yesterday morning and afternoon was too clear, especially the battle in the afternoon, which was too bloody, Zhang Dacheng, who knew that he could not be merciful, became wild after being blocked in the alley, and saw that this man's hands were glowing with white light.

, the two big axes in his hands danced so hard that even the rain could not drain them, and they actually rushed directly towards the alley.

And he shouted the same words as his senior yesterday.

What is even more similar to yesterday is that the leader is so brave and always loyal. Naturally, the people below also became wild. They all followed him by howling loudly, wielding knives and sticks, and stepping on the water in the alleyway.


There is the side guarded by Zhang Xing and Qin Bao... There is no way, the other end is blocked by Hu Yan's people, the black belt is too obvious, no fool will run that way.

Considering that Bai Yousi may not be able to take action immediately this time, Zhang Xing felt guilty, so he first took out his sword, turned around and hid behind a large shield, and then gave the order:

"Fire the crossbow!"

That's right, although I thought all the bells and whistles before, it's only two battles, so all those extra preparations are useless.

Two classic raids - a top-down fixed-point sequential clearing, and a large-scale field battle plus street fighting chase, all proved that under the combination of excellent ordnance, militarized organizational form, and Bai Yousi's almost cheating outside world.

Facing Feixian's beheading tactics, these so-called Nancheng gangsters who dare to fight and kill have become nothing but a joke.

In fact, after the battle at the kiln yesterday afternoon, although there were still three or four smaller gangs in Jiajingfang, they were only chasing and arresting.

At this time, shields, steel crossbows, and long soldiers have become the favorites.

The shield blocks everything, and the long soldier stabs everything. As for the steel crossbow, in the narrow alley, there is no need to aim, and there is no need to worry about whether the crossbow string is damaged, just hold it open and shoot. It doesn’t matter who you are, who is a hero, or who dares to fight.

, the body is a mess and a few bloody holes are of no use.

It is for this reason that early this morning, Bai Yousi wrote a note and directly opened the city defense army's reserve warehouse, and then there were established serious sergeants, no matter whether they were street tigers or government servants, each armed with a steel crossbow.

It is these steel crossbows, coupled with the zip-line searches in groups, and the increasingly cooperative villagers, that make it impossible for the remaining seven gangs, large and small, entrenched in Jiaqing and Jiajing Second Square to even escape.

Turning back to his eyes, since Zhang Xing gave the order, the Dayi Gang advocated Dacheng not only did not retreat, but instead roared louder, and the white light in his hands suddenly exploded, almost covering the entire pair of axes, and even faintly showing the sharp edge of the axe.

A burst of golden color came out...it was Duanjiang Qi again. It was the same Qi as the master yesterday, but it just couldn't force out any substantial sword light or anything like that.

Seeing this scene, both Qin Bao and Zhang Xing were a little nervous. Qin Bao didn't know what he was thinking. Zhang Xing immediately felt a sudden shock in his heart. He only thought about whether the shield could block this thing, and then waited until Hu Yan came from behind to kill him.

But the next moment, with the sound of crossbows jumping out one after another, the leader of the Dayi Gang made a direct turn. I saw him wielding a golden ax with both hands, like two professional decoration sledgehammers, and hit one side of the wall hard.

, a hole was smashed open in the wall, and then with a deft roll, it disappeared into the alley.

At the same time, the twenty crossbow bolts shot out at the same time pierced the bodies of the gang members who were following him most closely. Two of them were afraid that they would not survive on the spot, and the remaining few were also wailing.

On the ground, he cried for his father and his mother, and at the same time cursed Jinyi Gou and his own gang leader as descendants of turtles.

Zhang Xing was dumbfounded, and then became furious. With a wave of his hand, he asked Qin Bao and his men to continue the frontal attack, while he continued to pursue from the gap with two shields and four or five crossbows.

The leader of the Dayi Gang is really a talent. He is wearing the Duanjiang Zhenqi from Bai Diye Xuanmen's True Tradition. He has already cultivated it to an unfathomable level. When he saw the dog in golden clothes pursuing him from behind, he mustered up his courage and continued to swing.

He picked up two golden axes and chopped down the courtyard wall on the other side of the house.

The frightened children of this family who were hiding in the house burst into tears.

Zhang Xingzhui was panting, but his anger grew stronger and he still pursued closely.

In the end, the gang leader actually chopped down five courtyard walls in one breath, and finally lost his breath. He lost his strength and threw his ax in front of the sixth courtyard wall. Then, with his legs shaking constantly, he turned around to look at his pursuers.

"But Brother Zhang, the handsome man in Jingantai?"

The gang leader threw the ax and fell to his knees with a plop. He raised his hands and threw himself into the stagnant water, begging for help. "When you blocked me before, I heard someone call you that. If it's true,

Then we are still our family..."

"it is true."

Zhang Xing, who was out of breath, nodded, squatted down across the yard and asked sincerely from afar. "I...how far have you practiced Duanjiang Zhenqi? It's really amazing."

"Eleven of the twelve main meridians have been connected." The gang leader hurriedly answered. "My family, let's discuss it. You see I still have some strength... How about sparing my life? I will sell myself to you.

I will be a cow and a horse for you for half my life, and I will never have any second thoughts."

Zhang Xing was startled for a moment, his face expressionless, and then he shook his head: "I have only opened five main meridians, how can I dare to use the hard method of clearing eleven?"

Gang Leader Zhang had no choice but to stand up, as if looking for his own axe.

At this time, Zhang Xing could only look up weakly and look at the crossbowmen beside him. The crossbowmen had already been impatient to chase him. At this time, seeing the steward's approval, four or five crossbow arrows were fired at the same time.

But Gang Leader Zhang was not a vegetarian. Seeing that there was no way to survive, he grabbed the ax on the ground and threw it violently.

After a while, the dust settled, and all I could say was that the leader of the Dayi Gang was indeed a real person. He was hit by three steel arrows, one hit his knee, one shot into his abdomen, and one pierced his ribs. He still dragged his body and tried to escape.

, the steel arrow was pulled away by the debris on the ground, and the blood was scattered in the rain, instantly turning the whole yard red.

But the ax he threw hit Zhang Xing's shoulder and hit the wall.

Zhang Xing was completely angry, and he also had some thoughts at this time, but he gritted his teeth and stood up, then moved forward with the knife and stabbed twice in the back of this great master who had access to eleven main meridians.

But halfway through the third stab, he hastily stopped his hand as if he was on fire.

Then, the golden-clothed dog paused for a moment, as if he had choked on his meal, and then quickly put away his knife and turned it into a hand. After a long pause, he finally shouted weakly into the house: "People in the house, please come out to wash the floor. You are not allowed to do that."

Take off the clothes and exchange the whole corpse for food, firewood, and salt... The credit of this righteous gang leader belongs to you as a whole, not as a family, you know? After killing for two days, you should know the rules, right?"

After saying this twice, there was still no sound in the house. Zhang Xing didn't bother to pay attention. He just carefully picked up the knife and led the person away... After the person left for a while, a resident stuck his head out.

Then he didn't dare to touch the corpse, and instead looked back into the house.

Inside the house, a young man with tattoos on his arms was holding his arms and trembling as he stared outside the house. He was stunned for a moment, fell to his knees again, covered his face and cried bitterly. However, a woman rushed out and covered her tightly.


Of course Zhang Xing didn't know that a crackdown that had made him feel numb had saved a young soul, and he didn't care if he knew it. Trying to be a good person in this world might be the beginning of another tragedy.

In fact, as soon as he returned to the alley, he was urged by his boss to work overtime.

"Zhang Sanlang!"

Maybe it was because of Zhang Xing's idea that Hu Yan, who had been under pressure from political review before, got very intimate this time, but the intimacy was still intimate, and it did not delay him from urging the other party to get to work. "What's the matter with you? You're still from the vanguard.

Well, after only two days of killing, he is already staggering from exhaustion? Look at Qin Bao, you have the same cultivation level, but he is still so energetic..."

Zhang Xing, who was leaning against the wall, felt weak and wanted to defend himself, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he finally spat it out. Fortunately, the ground was covered with blood, and it was impossible to see what he had eaten for breakfast.

Seeing this situation, Hu Yan immediately felt a little embarrassed: "If you get sick from the rain, you might as well tell me... That's good. Don't come up front to kill people. The team asked Qin Bao to pick them up. You go to the street to count the corpses and write a message to

Tell the superiors."

Zhang Xing reluctantly heard the end and just nodded quickly.

That's right, Zhang Xing was not sick, nor was he so frightened by Bai Yousi that he vomited overnight. He was holding on, and he had been holding on since yesterday... For the first time, he discovered that the infuriating energy absorbed in a short period of time

It's too much, and it can actually hold up.

In fact, Zhang Xing has not dared to use it indiscriminately since Yamamura Huohe discovered this effect, which is similar to gaining experience points from killing monsters.

First of all, I naturally feel that human life is precious, and secondly, I have some defensive mentality, even more serious than guarding against the compass.

Because the compass is, after all, an introduction that guides the development of things, and it comes from outside; and the true energy can directly affect his own body, let alone conspiracy theories, if he takes too much, he will be paralyzed, or if he takes too much

What to do if it explodes in the future?

Old Han Legs, who had just traveled through time that day, didn't want to experience it a second time.

But coming back to this operation, isn't this a rare opportunity to crack down on crime? Isn't it a large-scale concentration of special operations? So Zhang Xing went on a killing spree with almost no psychological burden... He didn't deliberately avoid it, nor did he deliberately go

He wanted to rob those cultivators, but he managed to survive yesterday's targeted killings, a large-scale melee, and all the subsequent fights, chases, and escapes.

He has tasted the most common kinds of Qi such as Qingdi's immortality Qi, Red Emperor's Lihuo Qi, Baidi's Ruibing Qi, and Sanhui Zhengtu's Glowing Qi.

, not many times every time, but really a lot of times.

At the beginning, the heat rushed to his face, and he could still feel some obvious positive benefits from it, either his body was warm and comfortable, or his spirit was suddenly refreshed, or his vision and hearing suddenly became sharper.


However, after cutting people until night, my hands and feet were still numb, but the so-called Dantian Qihai area was obviously swaying.

It was a hard to describe feeling, it really felt like motion sickness after eating too much.

There is no problem at all when a person stops there, but as long as he moves, even if he shakes his arms, he feels like he is meditating on the Chongmai, and he feels so angry that he wants to rush over and feel uncontrollable.

As for the person who caused him to hold up until he vomited, Zhang Xing went to kill him with a complicated emotion... Maybe he did have the greed to absorb the true energy. After all, he was a rare master, but he was almost cut by an axe.

Angry, but a more important reason is to seek a kind of verification, a speculation caused by yesterday's large-scale battle.

This master who had almost exhausted his own true energy was a natural sample for comparative observation, and through this sample, Zhang Xing came to a very key conclusion, that is, there seems to be a guaranteed reserve of true energy in the body of the practitioner.

This reserve is directly related to the practitioner's level of practice. It is generally difficult to use, but it can still be easily obtained after being killed by him.

In fact, the infuriating energy he captured after killing people was probably just this kind of storage, rather than the infuriating energy that he usually cultivated in his Dantian and then used to make iced sour plum soup...

In other words, Zhang Xing was keenly aware that what he had captured was probably a kind of Qi-related object such as 'position' or 'grid', rather than direct Qi.

Of course, these are just thoughts hidden in his heart. After killing the boss, for the sake of his own life, Zhang Xingwei cannot kill anyone casually anymore.

He needs to eat.

"Are you Zhang Xing?"

I changed my career to work as a corpse recorder for about an afternoon, and the energy in my body stabilized for a while. The inspection team sent by Jing'an Taiwan arrived, and what was a little surprising was that the Zhu Shou who came was actually a

The person he met was none other than Xue Liang, who called Cao Lin his adoptive father that day.

"Hey, it's my subordinate." Zhang Xing, who was sitting in the office on the corridor of Tianjie, quickly put down his paper and pen and stood up to salute with enthusiasm. "What are your orders from Xue Zhushou? Do you want to sit down to take shelter from the rain and drink tea?"

"Um...where are you, Inspector Bai? Or Deputy Inspector Hu?"


By the way, have you ever caught...a fugitive?"

Zhang Xing, who stayed at the zebra crossing where the corpses were placed for an hour, fully understood Xue Liang's hesitation, and he immediately answered sincerely:

"Reporting to Xue Zhushou, Inspector Bai is on the tower of the north city wall, ready to fly down at any time to help us kill people in the two workshops, while Deputy Inspector Hu is leading people to kill people in the workshops. He pointed me to do paperwork here in case

Taichung sent people to ask... As for the fugitives, we haven't caught the fugitives who escaped this time. We only caught Ma Kui, the 'Zongyun Sword' on Taichung's wanted list, but it was also broken. What kind of gang leader is there?

, who hid the armor privately and was also beheaded.”

"Let's not talk about Ma Kui... Just tell me, what happened to these?" Xue Liang seemed too lazy to ask why he said 'broken', and just couldn't wait to point to the 'corpse zebra crossing' and ask, his tone almost trembling.

, and I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the bay red horse under his crotch looked a little uneasy.

"Reporting to Xue Zhushou, this is the imperial edict, the Nanya Order, and the military order of our Zhongcheng. They all require us to thoroughly investigate the area we lead and ensure that the fugitives are found." Zhang Xing answered with his hands crossed, still explaining in detail,

Sincere attitude. "That's what we do, but the local gangs don't allow us to conduct a thorough investigation, and then offer a reward. People in the village say that if someone is harboring a fugitive, it must be those gangs... Xue Zhushou also knows that we patrol in vain

She has a bad temper and is loyal to the king, but her cousin is still responsible for this incident. She also has a sense of shame that the family is unfortunate, so she asked what if these gangs are harboring fugitives? What can be done?

Just take us and kill them. What should we do after we kill them? It’s not good to leave them in a shop to scare people, so just leave them outside..."

After Xue Liang listened blankly, he finally took a long breath, then lowered his voice on the horse and leaned over to ask, "Is there a number?"

"What number?"

Zhang Xing was startled for a moment, but when the other party frowned, he immediately understood. Then he turned around and took out seven or eight forms that he had just filled out from the table and handed them over. "Yes, some... two square meters."

, a small population of 40,000, so far, a total of 127 people have been killed. These are all extremely vicious people who dare to openly resist the law with weapons. They are all displayed on the street, and the broken ones are put together as much as possible.

The person's name, guilt, gang affiliation, how he violently resisted the law, which comrade he risked his life to kill for, and how he killed them are all written here... There are more than 300 injured, all locked up on the cross street in the square.

, some people were seriously injured and couldn't hold on from time to time, and it's estimated that it will take about a day to kill before they are clean, so the list may still change and more will have to be added."

Xue Liang was silent for a while, and once again glanced at the neatly arranged corpses on the zebra crossing, he gasped seven or eight times before reaching out to take the pile of papers. Then, he neither went to see Bai Yousi nor looked for it.

Instead, Hu Yan rode his horse northward in the rain and headed back to Jingantai as if he was flying.

PS: Happy New Year everyone.

By the way, I sacrifice a book:

"Revitalizing Shu Han: Starting from Tianshui Qilin'er" has one million words, so it is safe and practical.

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