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0797 Contaminated Shark Beads

Renekton, who was drawn into the reservoir, had no room for resistance for the time being. Under the impact of the water flow, even the body of an ascended person would be stirred to pieces, upside down, and left and right.

Unless the water in the reservoir calms down completely, there will be absolutely no way for Renekton to escape.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nasus needs to temporarily seal him.

Sealing an ascended person is not a simple matter. Even though Nasus has mastered hundreds of different types of sealing techniques, only a few of them can be used to seal an ascended person.

Considering that we also need to ensure Renekton's safety, the most reliable way should be the elemental seal.

Although the elemental seal is relatively bulky and the drawing of the magic circle is more troublesome, fortunately this is the old site of the underground waterway. The walls in many places can be used as sealing materials by removing them. Just use these materials to build a sealing platform, and then put Renekton on it.

Putting it on top and sealing it with sand can temporarily inhibit his movements.

Considering that Renekton would be free once the water flow stopped, Nasus took the initiative to find Nami while looking for a wall that could be removed and used.

He needs several seal assistants.


After learning about Nasus' request, many of the Mermaids in the Marine Corps seemed reluctant.

In Vastaya in the sea of ​​​​merman, their civilization has almost no intersection with land civilization. Although they were fighting hand in hand with Nasus just now, that was just because both sides had a common purpose.

In fact, they are not willing to get involved in more things.

However, after thinking for a moment, Nami agreed to Nasus' request - of course, she also put forward her own conditions.

She asked Nasus to take a look at the bakai.

Although Nami didn't know the relationship between Nasus and Renekton, judging from their previous performances, the relationship between the kobold and the crocodile man in front of her seemed to be very similar to her and those twisted predecessors.

It seems that the kobolds don't want to hurt the crocodile people.

Therefore, if possible, he hoped to learn a little bit about Bakai from Nasus.

There was no need for Nasus to refuse.

In a sense, Bakai can be regarded as the trouble caused by Renekton.

Therefore, taking the opportunity to look for available wall space, Nasus also told Nami some things he knew about Bakai.

As for what happened to these sharks Bakai, the only thing Nasus could confirm was that they seemed to have gone through a very twisted ascension ceremony. Nasus didn't know the origin of this ceremony, but judging from the results, they had ascended.

It was completely unsuccessful, not only distorting their bodies, but also distorting their souls - even Renekton, who presided over the ceremony, was greatly affected.

Nasus didn't know what the source of ascension was, but looking at the looks of the Bakais, Nami took out a deep-sea pearl after hesitating for a moment.

"Could it be the source of ascension you mentioned?"

It's not surprising that Nami can think of this. After all, these seniors left the Shark Sea in order to exchange deep-sea pearls for moon stones. They don't have these precious pearls with them now, and Nasus said that the ascension ceremony requires an energy source.

, Nami naturally thought of deep sea pearls.

After Nasus saw these deep-sea pearls, his expression instantly became serious.

The dazzling pearl looks pure and flawless. Apart from the lingering smell of the sea, it seems to be a rare treasure.

However, according to Nasus' perception, its aura is very similar to the chaos on Renekton.

More importantly, when Nasus took the pearl and looked at it carefully, he felt a faint sense of danger.

This kind of aura was something Nasus was very familiar with - it was found on those dark descendants who had been eroded by the power of the void.

Realizing this, Nasus's expression became serious. The jackal head that originally looked a bit scary now seemed to be looking for people to eat, full of aggression.

"Where was this found?"

Nasus' reaction clearly frightened Nami.

Although the two sides were fighting side by side just now, it is not certain how much trust they have in each other.

Nami really hopes to get some information about Bakai from Nasus to see if she can rescue these seniors, but Nasus looks like this now... Could it be that he has some unreasonable thoughts about the deep sea pearls?


Looking at Nasus, he was about to turn into a mad dog.

"You, what are you going to do?" Nami waved her staff eagerly, trying to snatch the pearl back, "This is the Sharman tribe's own business -"

"It is contaminated with the breath of the void." Nasus calmed down a little, let go of his hand and let the water flow bring the pearl back to Nami's hands. "The void is very dangerous. If you are using its power, I have to advise you.

Please stop it quickly."


Nasus' decisive letting go made Nami feel a little more relaxed. She carefully put away the pearl, moved it back without leaving a trace, and then spoke.

"The pearl has been contaminated by the darkness of the abyss. You don't need to remind me of this." The little shark said while being wary of the possible robbery by the kobolds in front of him, "We picked it in order to exchange for the moon stone and suppress the darkness!"

"In exchange for moonstones?" Nasus blinked and finally understood, "Those giant gods?"

"I don't know what a Titan is. I only know that under normal circumstances, a Moonwalker will exchange moonstones for pearls every hundred years."

"That's the Protoss." Nasus obviously knew something about the power of Mount Targon, "They are indeed unreliable."

"So do you have any reliable method?" Listening to what Nasus said, Nami was obviously looking forward to it. "The abyss under the sea is spreading, and darkness is squeezing our space."

"Is there an entrance to the void at the bottom of the sea?" Realizing this, Nasus's expression became more serious, "This is really bad news. To be honest, I really don't have any good solutions now. The only thing I can do about your encounters is

All we can do is find a way to wake up Renekton, and then figure out the Bakai ritual he presided over to see if anything can be done to remedy the situation."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "..."

Although she was disappointed, Nami nodded slightly to indicate that she understood.

"As for more... the void is the enemy of all life in Runeland. It not only exists in the abyss, but there are also believers on the land who are spreading its seeds. Maybe we can unite." Nasus said cautiously, "

However, considering the gap between land and sea, this combination may not achieve very good results for the time being."

"That's it." Nami nodded, "Anyway, this is a direction - my people will set up a shallow sea outpost on the nearby seaside. If you find anything, you can contact them, Shark

Humans are different from you terrestrials, but what is certain is that anyone who is willing to fight against the darkness of the abyss is a friend of the sharks."


Nasus and Nami left simple "contact information" for each other, and then together they sealed Renekton with sand.

After the two parties said goodbye, Nami and the Mermaid Marines controlled the Mermaids with water bubbles. Nasus carried the sealed Renekton and left the underground sewer from the maintenance station.

Due to the impact of the battle and the fact that the walls of the waterway were stripped off for sealing, this section of the waterway is completely destroyed - without the Nasus function, the energy gate of the reservoir will soon fail, and the entire section will be soaked.

If you enter the sea, you will be completely ruined.

But no one cares about this now.

After Nami left some of the Mermaid Marines in the shallow sea to build an outpost, she took the rest of them and controlled the Bakais to rush to the deep sea to find the Sharman elders.

Although she did not get a complete and reliable solution, she at least gained a lot of relevant information. At this time, Nami needed to plan her subsequent itinerary after bringing the Bakai back to the deep sea.

After Nasus returned to the surface, he hired a cart and drove the sealed Renekton straight to Antasil.

Considering that the ascension ceremony hosted by Renekton most likely used deep-sea pearls that were corroded by the breath of the void, although he has not yet become a Darkin, he must undergo thorough purification.

As we all know, once you get involved in the void thing, it will be a trouble that is difficult to get rid of.

If it is really difficult to purify, I'm afraid Renekton will have to consider whether to undergo an elemental transformation on himself - this technology is already very mature for Shurima, and the only obstacle is that Renekton himself is in the elemental state.

My level of magic is very low, so if I want to carry out elemental transformation, I need to make up for it first.

Maybe I have to teach my stupid brother a lesson!

Although Nasus cared about Renekton very much, he thought of giving him lessons to supplement his knowledge about elements...

Even though he had been a Grand Maester of Shurima for a long time, Nasus couldn't help but have a headache.

After all, even though Renekton has already become an Ascendant, his spellcasting level is not even that of a Shurima University graduate. If the elemental body transformation is not handled properly, I am afraid that Renekton in the future will only be missing arms.


Moreover, as a physics professional, Renekton was used to running rampant on the battlefield and sitting in the meat grinder. If he underwent elemental body transformation, he would be lucky to have only eight points out of ten.

I'm afraid that even if Renekton regains his sanity, he will have to spend more time on command in the later stage.

With complicated thoughts, Nasus finally brought Renekton back to Antasil.

Then, he was surprised to see Kalya.

Good guy, I was worried and didn’t know what to do, and Teacher Kalya took the initiative to come to my door!


Kalya's main purpose in coming to Antasil was to find out what the Kamavians were up to.

The situation in Shurima is a bit delicate now. Both Ixtal and Icathia have their own relatively clear directions, so before Kalya returns to Demacia, he needs to take a look at Azir first.

Understand why these Kamavians came to Antasil.

Unfortunately, neither the information collected by Azir nor the intelligence collected by Kalya himself were enough to explain the main purpose of the Kamavians' trip.

These Kamavians opened their mouths and hoped that the Shurima Empire would unite with them, so that everyone could carve up Noxus together and completely eradicate the dark rule of the Noxian Empire.

What, you ask about the specific plan?

The specific plan is that the Shurima Empire should start preparing for war now and assemble its troops. When Kamavia is ready, everyone will rush into the Noxus Empire and bulldoze the Immortal Fortress!

If it hadn't been confirmed through various channels that these people were indeed Kamaviya's envoys, Kalya would almost have thought that they were a group of lunatics who didn't know where they came from.

To be honest, Kalya has lived for such a long time and has seen a lot of various situations, whether participating or observing.

But this was the first time he had seen this kind of diplomacy relying on nonsense literature.

This is not to say that there is no nonsense in diplomatic activities, but in diplomatic situations, nonsense also has its meaning.

But looking at the posture of these Kamavian envoys, they are just talking nonsense.

In Kalya's opinion, their proposal was simply a waste of their time - if they had not received news of the Murloc War from Azir, there would have been news from Ses within a short time, and Kalya had already set off.

, returned to Demacia.

As a result, by waiting, I was waiting for an extra job.

"Teacher Kalya, look at Renekton's current state. Can he be purified?"

Carefully observing Renekton, whose mud seal was broken open, Kalya's expression was subtle.

He knew this seal.

The magic circuits spliced ​​together at Renekton's feet looked quite familiar to him.

Then, when his eyes fell on Nasus, the Grand Maester looked away slightly embarrassed.

"It can be considered a waste." Kalya didn't say anything more about Erha's demolition of the house. He just stretched out his finger and tapped Renekton's body for a while, "His state is very strange...


"It may have something to do with the void." Nasus and Kalya told him about the Mermaids and the Pearl. "Rekton seemed to have presided over the ascension ceremony."

"That's a bit troublesome." Kalya's expression became serious after hearing this, "The person who presided over the ceremony was the one who was most affected. Those guys who were in the Ascension Order were the most pious fools."

Nasus remained silent, as if he didn't want to comment on the man who was directly responsible for the destruction of the Shurima Empire.

"Let's let him go and check his condition first." After studying for a long time, Kalya was not entirely sure. "Call Azir and Xerath over to see if we can control him and try to wake him up.


Renekton's seal is broken.

As a result, it was no surprise that he started to go crazy and completely lost control.

Under the joint control of Azir, Xerath, Nasus and Kalya, Renekton in a violent state was quickly sealed again.

At this point, Kalya finally came to a conclusion.

Void erosion has occurred, but he is still far from becoming a Darkin. The only way to save him is to wake him up first, and then carry out elemental transformation!

This chapter has been completed!
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