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Waking up Renekton wouldn't be difficult with Kal'ya here.

The subsequent elemental transformation can be considered a mature process.

The only problem is that this process takes a long time.

Unfortunately, only Kalya could handle this matter - but in desperation, his return to Demacia was once again delayed.

He couldn't just watch Renekton go crazy here, could he?

It's not difficult to wake up Renekton.

All he had to do was pull him into Kalya's little world - a place where he could isolate himself from the influence of the void and awaken Renekton.

Even if he cannot be awakened successfully, at least he can always maintain his sanity in the small world.

During the Battle of Tobitsia, Kalya confirmed this with Aatrox.

And now, in Renekton, this also takes effect.

Although Kalya's small world is small, even though the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, it is also an "incomplete demiplane". Before the power of the void erodes the space laws of this demiplane, Kalya can still get rid of it.


When Renekton was pulled into his little world by Kalya, Renekton's expression immediately fell into a dull state before he could figure out the situation.

"Ah, Teacher Kalya, you are indeed the God of Death." Renekton said with a serious expression, "Did you come to pick me up?"

"Pick you up?" Kalya's blood pressure suddenly increased. "I picked you up, and you were eroded by the void. Haven't you noticed yet?"

"Ah?" Renekton was stunned for a moment before he realized, "I'm not dead?"

"How can an ascended person die so easily?" Kalya snorted, "It's not bad. Looking at you now, the problem shouldn't be serious."

"So, what's wrong with me?" Renekton didn't seem to fully understand his situation. "I'm just looking for a way to recreate the ascension ceremony...is it the shark bead?"

"It seems that your brain is not broken yet." Kalya nodded, "Now you can tell me, Renekton, why did you choose to host a game about something you don't understand at all?

An ascension ritual using things as energy sources?”

"There's something wrong with those pearls?" Renekton was still in disbelief. "It's impossible. Those sharks said that these pearls can be exchanged for moon stones with people on Mount Targon. Didn't someone from Imperial University verify it before? The sun disk

It can also absorb moonlight..."

"When does being able to exchange moonstones equal having moonlight?" Kalya's tone was a bit habitual, so much so that Renekton's thick crocodile neck couldn't help but shrink back.

He stood up and said, "Also, have you ever taken ritual studies? What gave you this confidence?"

"I...I attended a few classes." Renekton lowered his head, and there was no expression on the crocodile's face. "So, was it the ceremony that made me lose consciousness?"

"Well, a few Bakai were born." Looking at his appearance, Karya finally could only shake her head, "The deep-sea pearls are contaminated with the breath of the void, and your two-knife ritual also infected yourself."

"Then wouldn't I become... a dark descendant?"

"It's not as good as a dark descendant." At this point, Kalya's anger couldn't help but boil up again, "You can still be sober here, but once you leave here, you will become a madman."

"Then what should we do?" Renekton was dumbfounded, "How could this happen?"

"Don't you have any respect for ritual spells?" Kalya shook his head, "Now you need to learn the advanced element introduction and element control theory here, and then transform your body and transform yourself into an element."

"Elementalization?" Renekton blinked, "Can I choose my own elements?"

"Theoretically, it's possible." Kalya's eyes were calm, "But that depends on your study of the introduction to elements and element control."

"Then if you don't learn so well..."

"Then it's up to me to help. Then you have no choice but to prepare a sandy body for yourself."

"Teacher Kalya." When Renekton heard this, he finally forced a dry smile on his face, "I know that your control over gold is much stronger than that of yellow sand——"

"Don't even think about it." Kalya shook his head decisively, "Azir didn't even get a body of gold, so you still want to get a body of gold?"

"Azir is still alive?" Renekton's eyes widened, "He has also become elemental?"

"Want to know?" Kalya's expression was calm. Renekton tried hard to see something from his face, but unfortunately he couldn't see it at all. "Of course I want to know..."

"Then study hard." Kalya ignored the other party's expectant gaze, "When you master the elementalization and leave here with a clear head, you will know everything."

Renekton wanted to ask, but the next moment, a tome as thick as turning his head was pressed into his face.

"Don't ask, learn!"


Kalya loves being a teacher.

Although he was in a bad mood because his schedule was delayed, he still entered the state perfectly after entering the teaching state.

But it's a pity that Kalya is a good teacher, but Renekton is not a good student.

Renekton is different from Nasus in that he has nothing to do with scholars - he is good at running rampant on the battlefield, but if he is asked to study magic theory, it will really cost him his life.

Renekton has keen combat intuition and his reaction speed is also very good, so he is a natural combatant. He can charge into battle, or he can serve as a vanguard or even a commander after accumulating a certain amount of experience.

But he has a specialization in the art, and in his eyes, the more than 3,000 pages of advanced element introduction is simply more troublesome to him than the 30,000 enemy troops.

His keen intuition allows him to perform at a higher level in battle, but he is prone to self-righteousness in academics - he is already impatient because he wants to know Azir's situation. When the two are combined, the result is Karl

In aspects that have not been discussed before, he will first form an understanding of "drawing inferences from one instance to other cases".

However, this kind of cognition is intuitive and irrational. In the course of Introduction to Advanced Elements, every one of them is a typical negative example.

Therefore, Kalya had to spend more time explaining everything in detail, trying his best to eliminate Renekton's wrong inferences.

As a result, the already long teaching process was further delayed.

Kalya, who could not return to Demacia for the time being, could only entrust Shyvana to deliver a message to her and communicate with Lux remotely.

Kalya has not experienced this slow and inefficient way of communication for a long time. For him, this is also a kind of nostalgia.

However, for Lux, in the second year after leaving Kalya, she rarely experienced the feeling of being in a hurry again.


Originally, after Kalya set off for Ixtar, Lux thought that she had gradually become accustomed to making decisions on her own.

Although Demacia still has many internal problems and the industry needs to slowly turn around, from Lux's point of view, everything is indeed developing in the direction she expected.

The contradiction between the north and the south is not a problem at all under the premise of economic development and market prosperity. As long as we seize this precious window period and transfer some suitable industries in the south, the subsequent differences between the north and the south can also gradually narrow.

However, just when everything seemed to be on track, a piece of news from the north disrupted all Lux's arrangements.

An urgent message came from the Freljord's intelligence team.

At the same time, a man who claimed to be the "Frost Guard Messenger" came to the door and asked Lux ​​to go to Freljord to form an alliance.


What's going on?

A confused Lux ​​first chose to accept the intelligence from the intelligence team, and after the intelligence was deciphered, she quickly frowned.

According to the intelligence team, they also met the Frost Guard envoy at Laxtak's station, and the other party also invited them to form an alliance.

But before that, the intelligence team had not received any relevant information.

The Guild Alliance is a very important thing in Freljord. The ceremony of the Guild Alliance needs to be prepared in advance, especially the Guild Alliance in Rakstak, which needs to be prepared in advance - this is a sacred thing.

There is no room for carelessness.

An alliance was notified to the Demacians, but the intelligence team directly found the station and the leader of the intelligence team without finding any traces of preparations in advance. This is not a normal situation.

Moreover, the Frost Guard tribe who came to the door also made the intelligence team murmur.

Although trade between the North and the Freljord has been going on for more than twenty years, the intelligence team also has a general understanding of the situation in the Western Freljord, and the ownership of natural resources such as pastures and lakes.

He also gradually became clearer, and gradually became aware of the power of the Freljord tribe.

But the Frost Guard tribe still belongs to the "background board" category for the intelligence team.

There's no way, the Freljord is too big.

The headquarters of the Frostguard Tribe is in the Frostguard Fortress, and the Frostguard Fortress is among the mountains of the East Freljord. If there weren't some Frostguard priests walking on the ice fields, I'm afraid the intelligence team wouldn't even be able to contact the Frostguard tribe.

I’ve never heard of the name!

Moreover, the intelligence team mainly relies on the power of the Avarosa tribe, and although the Avarosa tribe has maintained many Freljord traditions, it has always been unfriendly to the Frostguard priests.

Although these priests are rare healers on the ice sheet, and being willing to accept them means that the tribe has some medical protection, but for some reasons that the intelligence team does not know, Ashe is wary of the Frostguard priests and would rather come from the north.

They would spend more money to obtain medicinal materials through cross-border trade, and were unwilling to accept Frostguard priests to join the Avarosa tribe.

As a result, the intelligence team only knew about the Frostguard tribe through hearsay.

The special geographical environment has led to the extreme isolation between different tribes in Freljord. Even though the Avarosa tribe occupies the Rakstak Wasteland and has some contact with the surrounding tribes, the members of the intelligence team can collect

The information is also quite limited.

Therefore, when the envoy of the Frostguard Tribe, a man who claimed to be the Frostguard Priest, came to the Avarosa Tribe and asked to see the Demacia envoy by name, the intelligence team stationed in Rakstark City was caught off guard.


This is not the most terrible thing.

The most terrible thing is that just when everyone in the intelligence team was muttering, the Frost Guard messenger had a clear understanding of the intelligence team.

Yes, although the intelligence team didn't know much about the Frostguard tribe, the Frostguard priest seemed to know the intelligence team very well - he even mentioned the hometown of the leader of the intelligence team and the envoy in Avarosa.

This is simply fatal.

The leader of the intelligence team, who had served as the envoy within the Avarosa tribe for ten years, had no means of dealing with it at all. He could not make a decision on his own, so he could only delay the Frost Guard envoy, and at the same time use secret channels to give him immediate advice.

Lux sent a message back.

The above is the news from the intelligence team.

But what's even more bizarre is that another person who claims to be the Frost Guard messenger came to Forsbarrow at the same time as this information.

After reading the news sent back by the intelligence team, Lux immediately launched the intelligence team's internal review.

Judging from the cryptographic imprints of the intelligence, the members of the intelligence team who sent the message did not encounter any interference in the process of delivering the message, and there were no problems with the intelligence network.

This information is reliable!

So... is it a coincidence that the Frost Guard messenger arrived at Forsbarrow together with the intelligence?

The answer is no.

When Lux suppressed the doubts in her heart and met with the Frost Guard envoy, the other party directly mentioned the information sent back by the intelligence team in a very direct and not very standard Demacian language.

This Frost Guard messenger also knew that "a piece of information was sent back"!

Lux was well-informed, and her first reaction was that the other party was deceiving her.

But judging from the behavior and tone of the blindfolded messenger, this does not seem to be fraud.

Lux, who gradually became proficient in acting after getting to know Kalya, has a better say in whether to judge whether it is a bluff or a conviction.

She was very convinced that the woman who claimed to "follow the will of the Frost Witch" and took the initiative to find her really knew that she had received a piece of information from the intelligence team.

Lux, who realized something was wrong, reacted immediately and quietly tried to test the other party's channels in turn, but unfortunately, this Frost Guard envoy had a very strict mouth.

"A witch's will does not need a reason." Her voice was extremely cold, as if it were ice forever, "This is a notice from the Frost Witch."

Using the word notice in diplomatic language made Lux's expression stiffen for a moment.

She really didn't know why the other party, when facing a leader of a force with whom she had never had any contact before, could immediately tell him to come and join the alliance.

Is this crazy?

"Witches can always discern the thoughts of those who are trying to hide them." The Frost Guard messenger continued, "And you, Your Excellency Laxana, the witch has seen everything about you."

Due to Kalya's influence, Lux has never been very interested in the occult.

But at this moment, she still couldn't help but miss Kalya.

Learned teacher Karya, do you know what is going on?

This chapter has been completed!
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