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Chapter 162 Improving calculation methods

Starting from the asymptotic freedom phenomenon of quarks and ‘quark confinement’, this is the suggestion given to Xu Chuan by David Gross.

If he hadn't been the chairman and had some understanding of most of the collision experiments and analysis data, he might not have been able to give suggestions.

After all, this is a field that few physicists have entered.

It's just that he didn't know how much the young man in front of him knew about these two fields.

After all, he is too young.

According to common sense, this age is still in the stage of learning and absorbing knowledge. Even if you can make some achievements in certain fields, it is only relative.

Because of his age, he is destined to have a lot of basic knowledge gaps in other fields.

But so far, it seems to be inspiring?

Perhaps this young man is exposed to these two aspects of knowledge in the area where he studied physics?

No matter what, he had great hopes for the young man in front of him.

From when Witten learned about him to when he stood on the podium to solve the mystery of the proton radius not long ago, Gross saw the talent and talent of this young man.

This is a genius, a true genius.

Whether it is mathematics or physics, he has what can be said to be top-notch talent, and he has also blazed his own path in mathematics and physics.

Many people think that academics or research require single-minded focus, but David Gross doesn’t think so.

In his opinion, as long as you like it, you can do it.

Do what you like; dare to ask questions and take risks. Young people must dare to try. You may fail if you try, but you cannot succeed if you don't try.

Moreover, if you do what you like, you will still be happy even if you fail.

For the young man in front of him, Gross hopes that he can go further.

For someone like him who has devoted his whole life to physics and has already died half of his body, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing successors in the field of physics.


In the office, Xu Chuan fell into deep thought.

He followed the guidance of Professor David Gross and continued to think.

He is very clear about the two fields of ‘quark asymptotic freedom phenomenon’ and ‘quark confinement’ mentioned by Professor Gross.

Both of these are knowledge in the field of particle physics.

The former is the result of the old man in front of him winning the Nobel Prize.

It is a counter-intuitive and magical physical phenomenon.

In short, its core is that the nuclear force of the atomic nucleus weakens in a short distance, allowing the quarks in the atomic nucleus to behave like free particles. But when the distance between the two quarks in the atomic nucleus increases,

The attraction to bind them becomes stronger.

This characteristic can be compared to a rubber band. The longer the rubber band is stretched, the greater the rebound force will be, but when you don't pull it, it will become loose.

This is the 'asymptotic free phenomenon of quarks', which can be perturbed through the cross-sectional dglap equation of deep nonlinear scattering in particle physics, thus giving rise to the subject of 'quantum chromodynamics'.

In 2004, three physicists, David Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek, also won the Nobel Prize that year.

And 'quark confinement' is also a physical phenomenon.

What is described is that quark particles do not exist alone.

We all know that quarks are the basic unit of matter.

Quarks combine with each other to form a composite particle called a 'hadron'.

For example, the most stable particles among hadrons are protons and neutrons, which are the basic units that constitute the atomic nucleus.

Due to the existence of the strong interaction force, quarks with color charge are restricted to other quarks, making the total color charge zero.

The force between quarks increases with distance, so quarks that exist alone cannot be found.

To put it simply, because of the strong interaction force, quarks cannot exist scattered one by one like protons or neutrons.

It always comes in pairs or cuddles together for warmth.

For example, the proton is composed of two up quarks and one down quark through the strong interaction of gluons.

Or the pentaquark particle discovered by the LHC last year, etc.

But, do these two theories have anything to do with using mathematics to narrow down the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks?

Theoretically, these three can be said to be three completely different things.

Even if Xu Chuan looks at it from the perspective of the physics world twenty years later, these three are not closely related.

If we insist on saying that there is a relationship, it is 'quantum chromodynamics' derived from the 'asymptotic freedom phenomenon of quarks', which has a certain relationship in the study of the strong interaction force.

However, it seems that this aspect cannot be applied to the most ideal search decay channel for Yukawa coupling between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

However, it is obvious that a Nobel Prize-level scholar cannot make a mistake. Since Professor Gross suggested to study from the direction of 'quark's asymptotic freedom phenomenon' and 'quark confinement', there must be something hidden in it.

These things can certainly be applied to the search for the most ideal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

It's just that he hasn't seen it.

Physics is so big that even if he is a top physicist who was reborn twenty years later, it is impossible for him to be familiar with every knowledge point.

Of course, the greater possibility is that this is just an idea that came to Professor David Gross's mind in the past two days.

This is just like the evolution of organisms. Without external stimulation, organisms cannot genetically mutate and evolve.

Normal physicists would never study this aspect at all.

If it weren't for the email he sent to the professor yesterday, the old man probably wouldn't be thinking about this problem in his mind.

It is normal for ideas born out of accident not to be passed down in the future.

Xu Chuan is not entangled in this aspect. He is thinking about how to study the optimal search decay channel from the direction of 'quark's asymptotic freedom phenomenon' and 'quark confinement'.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! The old man across the desk obviously had some ideas in this regard, but he did not say it directly, but gave a hint.

This should be a test for this old man to see his talent or ability in physics.

Even if he can't come up with any results in the end, the other party should tell him the complete idea.

But Xu Chuan couldn't just give up his independent thinking. If he couldn't do it even though he already had a clue, he wouldn't be worthy of standing at the top of the physics world.

All kinds of knowledge in my mind were quickly turned over, starting from the 'asymptotic freedom phenomenon of quarks', to quantum chromodynamics, from 'quark confinement', to the vacuum excitation of the lowest energy state...

A series of knowledge points quickly formed a tortuous but connected clue in Xu Chuan's mind.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and suddenly raised his head, staring at the old man opposite the desk with shining eyes.

“Soft gluon resummation effect on transverse momentum distribution?”

Hearing this, Professor David Gross showed a surprised look and asked in surprise: "How did you think of going up here?"

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him could find a breakthrough point in such a short period of time.

After receiving the email yesterday afternoon, he thought about it all night, and used the countless collision experiments and analysis data he had come across over the years to find a path that seemed feasible, and it took no less than five or six hours.

Unexpectedly, Xu Chuan found this secret intersection in less than five minutes of thinking.

Even though he had given me a hint first, this was too incredible.

The soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution can be said to be the most cutting-edge and unpopular field in today's physics community.

This field is used to calculate and handle the chromatic interference effect between the initial state and the final state of particles.

But in today's physics world, colliders are still looking for new particles and checking whether the standard model is correct. How can anyone pay attention to the color interference effect?

The entire physics community can count those who know something about this.

If it weren't for his role as chairman of the board of directors, he would not have learned this knowledge.

He was quite surprised that Xu Chuan could find a breakthrough so quickly.

Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "I have learned some QCD level calculation methods."

Hearing this, Professor David Gross suddenly understood.

The qcd sub-leading level calculation is based on the results based on the qcd soft-collinear effective theory.

Part of the qcd soft-collinear effective theory involves the knowledge of the soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution.

If this is the case, we can indeed find a breakthrough by following this clue.

But what I have to say is that he can successfully find a breakthrough in the soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution along the clue of "the asymptotic freedom phenomenon of quarks". The thinking of the young man in front of him is really leaping.

In other words, his intuition and talent in physics and mathematics are truly amazing.

After all, there are many twists and turns of knowledge points in between. Even if you have learned QCD calculations at a first-level level, it is not that easy to deduce them smoothly.

It's like playing a game.

Ordinary players only think about the current matchup and opponents, while high-end players will consider the next move.

And some people have unparalleled talents in the game. They can calculate farther and even declare the end of the line when the enemy line is hit by the opponent.

It sounds outrageous, but people with such talent do exist.

This is true in the gaming world, and it's the same in academia.

If you give some geniuses a little inspiration, they can return you a lot of achievements.

For example, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation when he was hit by an apple. But ordinary people would just pop it into their mouths if they were hit by an apple.


After bidding farewell to his master, Professor David Gross, Xu Chuan went directly back to the hotel room.

With inspiration and inspiration, the next road will be much easier.

Huddled in a hotel room, he started from the calculation of the soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution and began to use mathematics to calculate data on the Dalitz diagram in his hand.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but a cell phone ring suddenly rang in the silent room.

Being interrupted from his calculations, Xu Chuan impatiently picked up the phone from the table and said 'hello' after answering the call.

"Junior brother, the acceptance report meeting for this experiment is about to begin. Where are you? I sent you a message and I didn't reply."

The call was from Senior Brother Qi Xishaoqi. After hearing this, Xu Chuan came back to his senses and looked at the time in the lower right corner of the laptop screen. Unknowingly, he had already stayed in the hotel room for three full days.

Xu Chuan asked: "Which conference room is it in? I'll go there now."

He had to go to this report meeting no matter what.

After all, he is a member of the project team. Even though he only joined in the middle and late stages, he is still a member, and he should attend the scientific research project report meeting in which he participates.

If during the report meeting, someone has objections to the part of the analysis data that he is responsible for, he is obliged to explain.

Fortunately, this time using mathematics to find the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks has a fixed direction. The remaining work can be slowly improved without worrying about the inspiration flying away.


"Lecture Hall No. 2 is about to start, so hurry up."

Xu Chuan responded, hung up the call, rushed into the bathroom, washed his face and tidied his messy hair.

If time permits, you should take a shower and tidy up your appearance before going there.

But unfortunately time does not allow it now.


I rushed to the No. 2 Lecture Hall in a hurry, and the acceptance report meeting had already begun.

As a member of the project team, Xu Chuan has his own fixed position, right next to Qi Xishao.

"What the hell, little junior brother, what have you been doing these past two days? How did you end up like this? Although you are young and have strong firepower, you must also pay attention to the number of times and protect your waist."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As soon as he sat down, Qi Xishao's voice came over.

He was shocked by Xu Chuan's state. Although his hair had been arranged, it was shiny and oily, as if it hadn't been washed for several days. His eye circles were dark, as if he had stayed up for several days and nights.

It looks like it has been overdrawn a dozen times.

Thinking that he had not seen this junior brother in the office in the past few days, he naturally thought that this junior brother had gone to play with the Gallic Chicken next door.

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "What are you thinking about? I've been in the hotel for the past two days. I have some ideas from before. I have been checking the calculations for the past two days."

"Looking for the most ideal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quark? You haven't given up yet?" Qi Xishao asked in surprise.

Xu Chuan nodded, and Qi Xishao sighed: "Pay attention to your health. Scientific research is important, but your body is even more important. It's not worth it to exhaust yourself."

Although there is no shortage of diligent and hard-working people engaged in academics, it is really rare to see people who are diligent and hard-working to the extent of this junior fellow student.

Qi Xishao thinks he is diligent enough, but he also has other hobbies.

And this junior brother seems to have no other interests except academic research?

Anyway, in the past few months of contact, he has not seen Xu Chuan show any other hobbies. His basic activities are related to scientific research. He often sees him lying in front of the table for half a day.

It can only be said that there is a reason why he can solve a world-class problem in mathematics and physics at the age of eighteen.

If such people are unsuccessful, who will be successful?

Xu Chuan smiled shyly and said, "I will pay attention."

"Wait a minute, you just said you found a way? Calculated the most ideal search decay channel?"

Zhen sighed. Suddenly, Qi Xishao remembered something, turned around and asked in surprise.

He just seemed to hear this junior brother say that he had an idea and was making calculations?


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