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Chapter 163: Plagiarized?

In the venue, Qi Xishao looked at Xu Chuan in surprise, and had even forgotten that the acceptance report meeting was being held.

He seriously doubted whether he had heard correctly just now.

Is it really possible to use mathematics to find the most ideal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks?

is it possible?

In theory, this is indeed possible.

But in fact, he has been working for many years, but he has never heard of any laboratory or university or physicist who has made any achievements in this area.

This is enough to prove the difficulty of this road.

Xu Chuan didn't pay attention to Qi Xishao's gaze. This was the purpose of learning mathematics.

Using mathematics to assist him in making progress in physics, materials and other fields is his original intention and what he has always done.

Yawning, he shook his head and replied: "I haven't calculated it yet, but I went to see Professor David Gross a few days ago and talked with him. We found a path that should be feasible. At present,

I'm working on my calculations."

"I haven't calculated it yet, but I have found a path that should be feasible."

Xu Chuan shook his head and replied. He hadn't calculated it yet, but it should be soon. He had a hunch that the breakthrough he got from David Gross was correct.

The instructor's press conference is still going on, but he is already a little sleepy now.

These days, he has been staying up late doing analysis and calculations, sleeping no more than six hours a day, all supported by Red Bull and his desire to directly calculate the data.

This would be interrupted, and the venue was very heated, so the sleepiness in my body couldn't stop coming up one after another.

If he hadn't been sitting in the front row, right next to the camera, and he might have to go on stage to give an explanation later, he would probably have fallen asleep leaning on his chair by now.

"Professor Gross? Do you still know the chairman?" Hearing Xu Chuan's reply, Qi Xishao glanced at him enviously.

Although he is an official researcher at the University of Science and Technology of China, he does not meet Professor David Gross very often.

There is a huge difference between an ordinary researcher and the chairman of such a large global organization.

Xu Chuan yawned again and replied dully: "I found my mentor Witten, and he recommended it to me."

"I almost forgot that you still have this relationship. After all, Professor Gross is still your master."

Qi Xishao patted his head. He was so envious that Xu Chuan could get guidance from Professor Gross that he almost forgot that they were from the same lineage.

With the guidance of Professor Gross, it is indeed possible to use mathematics to find the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

After all, this is a Nobel Prize winner in physics.

I'm so jealous, why doesn't he have such an opportunity?

But what Qi Xishao didn't know was that Professor Gross did nothing except give a suggestion.

The entire calculation process, methods, and data analysis were all completed by Xu Chuan himself.

Of course, this does not mean that this suggestion is not important, it does play a key enlightening role.

Without this suggestion, Xu Chuan himself would have thought about how long it would take to make a breakthrough using calculations of the soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution.

He did stand at the top of the physics world in his previous life, but that doesn't mean he can solve all problems by himself.

Compared with those systematic protagonists hanging on the wall, he is just an ordinary person.

When facing a brand new problem, you can only rely on the knowledge and experience in your mind to analyze and break through. You cannot directly find a breakthrough with the help of plug-ins.


The acceptance report will go smoothly and will be completed in more than half an hour.

Xu Chuan was originally prepared to go on stage to explain, but to his surprise, the other physicists in the auditorium did not ask any questions at all.

After saying hello to his instructor, Xu Chuan returned to the hotel and fell directly on the bed without taking a shower.

In this sleep, he slept directly from 4pm to 3am. More than ten hours of sleep finally made up for his energy consumption in the past few days.

After getting up from the bed and taking a shower to refresh himself, Xu Chuan sat back at the table in high spirits with a bag of yogurt in his mouth.

Here in Europe, milk, yogurt, butter, cheese and other dairy products are very common here, but Xu Chuan doesn't like milk very much and always feels that there is a dull smell in it.

Fragrance? Fishy smell? Xu Chuan couldn't tell what it was, but it did have a smell that he didn't like very much.

As for yogurt, the smell disappears after fermentation, and some sugar, honey, jam and other additives are added to make it taste better.

On the glass table, yesterday's unfinished calculations were placed messily on it. The sheets of manuscript paper carried dense mathematical and physical symbols, and the formulas connected them together, pointing to the final answer.

With yogurt in his mouth, Xu Chuan picked up the ballpoint pen on the table and started to continue the work he had not finished yesterday.

"... Derived from the lund string breaking function, it is assumed that the point has been reached from the forward direction of the light..."

"□The probability of giving birth to a hadron is f(z)dz...."



"After n times of infinite energy rupture, the distribution of n particles is:"




At his desk, Xu Chuan swiped the ballpoint pen in his hand, splitting the data one by one from the dalitz diagram and integrating it using mathematics.

And try to find a corresponding functional relationship to determine the Yukawa coupling distribution between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark (top quark t and bottom quark b).

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is a very tedious job that requires the perfect integration of mathematical knowledge and physical knowledge to establish a new method.

But Xu Chuan enjoyed it.

Because this is a new improvement for him, he has not made a new breakthrough in the physics world for a long time.

But today he felt this pleasure again.

The perfect combination of mathematics and physics once again expanded the boundaries that could not be broken before, which also made Xu Chuan more and more convinced that the path he chose after his rebirth was the right one.


The Dalitz diagram on the computer is constantly flipping with the calculation, and the collision data of each item is analyzed from it, and then substituted into the mathematical formula.

Now that he has found a breakthrough, the remaining calculations are no longer impossible for him now.

From the calculation of the soft gluon resummation effect of the transverse momentum distribution, we circle back to quantum chromodynamics, and then give an energy level upper limit to the coupled decay of the Higgs particle through quark confinement.

Step by step, Xu Chuan used the data in his hands to unravel the cocoons and used mathematics to find the most ideal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when I put down the pen again, two sets of data on the manuscript paper quietly emerged from the water.

[The sger equation is... The corresponding energy eigenvalue is ea=(n 1/2)a,h→bb-bar decay energy level is 128gev~131gev,h→bb(μvbf=3.0^ 1.7~-1.6


Staring at these two sets of data, Xu Chuan's eyes revealed a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

He calculated it.

The optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks was calculated.

Although there has been no collision experiment to verify whether these two sets of data are correct, theoretically speaking, there cannot be errors in these two sets of data.

For a physics experiment, especially a high-energy collision experiment started by a large particle collider, there are too many things that can deceive people's eyes.

But for mathematics, as long as the calculation is correct, the answer will be correct.

At least Xu Chuan is very confident in his calculation process.

All that's left is to wait for lhc to verify.


In the room, Xu Chuan sorted out the manuscript papers on the table, entered the calculation process and methods into the computer, converted them into pdf and ppt presentation files and saved them.

He calculated the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks, but this was not enough. He also needed help and needed to use the LHC to verify his data.

If we can successfully discover the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks according to the calculation results, we can prove that he is right.

As of now, this is just a theory.

After handling these, Xu Chuan sent an email to his mentor Chen Zhengping and David Gross, the chairman of Witten.

This analysis and calculation is based on Chen Zhengping's experimental data, and he naturally has the right to know.

To send emails to Professors Witten and Gross, you need their help.

Now, you need to apply for the LHC's collision experiment in advance. For example, for the collision experiment in the second half of this year, you must submit the application at least in the first half of the year, and it will be arranged only after it is approved.

This is the basis of operation.

After all, it is a large-scale global cooperative organization, with funds coming from various countries. The arrangement of the collision experiment is a top priority, and there are many things to consider.

lh other experimental equipment, it is the largest and most important large strong particle collider in the world today.

There are countless ideas and theories in the high-energy physics community, but there is only one LHC, and the theories that can be verified are limited. Therefore, the annual collision arrangements must be discussed in advance and debated for a long time.

If you want to jump in line, you need to apply for a seminar and then report your theory at the seminar.

If the board of directors thinks your report is important enough, they may discuss postponing a subsequent collision experiment and arrange one for you.

Apart from this, there is almost no other way.


After processing the data in his hand, Xu Chuan got up and went downstairs to buy some food.

But just then, his cell phone rang.

Xu Chuan took out his cell phone and the person who called him was an unexpected name.

"Hey, Senior Brother Hu."

Xu Chuan answered the phone and said hello.

The person who called him was Hu Xingjian, a graduate student at Sun Moon University and a disciple of Academician Zhang Weiping, who he had met last time at the Morning Star Mathematics Award Ceremony.

"Sichuan God, I didn't expect you to still remember me."

On the other end of the phone, Hu Xingjian's voice sounded a little surprised, as if he was surprised that Xu Chuan still remembered him.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "What do you want from me?"

"That's it, Sichuan God, have you paid attention to "Progress in Mathematics" recently?" Hu Xingjian asked on the phone.

Xu Chuan shook his head and asked curiously: "No, what's wrong? Is there any new progress in mathematics?"

No wonder he asked that, after all, the only things related to mathematics journals are mathematical results.

However, he has been studying physics in recent months and does not pay much attention to the mathematics world.

Moreover, "Progress in Mathematics" is a domestic mathematics journal. Although it is ranked among the top three in the country, it is not very important internationally. The papers posted on it are of average importance, so he does not pay much attention to them. Even the other party's

The message prompts are not turned on.

It is an inevitable fact that top journals are basically controlled by Western countries.

"Then I'll send you a link. You can read it first and then talk about it." Hu Xingjian didn't say anything directly, but sent a link through the software.

Xu Chuan curiously clicked on the link and looked at the content.

[Another major new achievement in the history of Chinese mathematics; Peking University professor Mo Kun proved the rankin-selberg l-function non-null hypothesis! This may greatly advance the breakthrough of the langlands program. 】

The title is a typical marketing account style, but the content surprised Xu Chuan.

Is the rankin-selberg l-function non-null hypothesis proved?

This is a core issue in the l-function problem under the langlands program.

He had previously discussed this matter with Brazilian mathematics professor Avila Artur. In addition, he had studied with Professor Deligne at Princeton some time ago, and he had some understanding of the issues in the langlands program.

This hypothesis was first proposed in the 1970s. After the hypothesis was proposed, many important results about the special values ​​of the l-function were obtained based on the non-null hypothesis.

But no one has ever given a clear answer on how to prove this hypothesis.

A reviewer of the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" once pointed out that the non-null hypothesis is "a fundamental difficulty in all work" in this direction, which shows the difficulty of this problem.

But the name Mo Kun is a bit familiar, as if you’ve heard it somewhere?

Staring at the name in the title, Xu Chuan felt a sense of familiarity.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly recalled it.

"Mo Kun, isn't this the mathematics professor from Peking University whom I met at the Morning Star Mathematics Award Ceremony? We were even discussing it together."

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. If he remembers correctly, this Professor Mo from Peking University must be at least over fifty years old, right?"

Xu Chuan sighed, although being in his fifties is not considered an advanced age, he can still study mathematics tirelessly at this age. This spirit is really admirable.

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan sat back in front of the computer again.

Although he did not subscribe to "Progress in Mathematics", "Progress in Mathematics" has a website where published papers are published.

If Professor Mo's paper proving the rankin-selberg l-function non-null hypothesis has been published, he can find it there.

Sure enough, after connecting to Peking University's mathematics journal website through the tool, Xu Chuan saw this paper on the homepage.

[Proof of the non-null hypothesis of rankin-selberg l-function.]

After downloading the paper through the pdf tool, Xu Chuan clicked on the paper and prepared to read it.

After all, the rankin-selberg l-function non-null hypothesis is still very important in the Langlands program, and is related to the field of research on the special values ​​of l-functions.

However, as he read through it, Xu Chuan's expression gradually became weird.

The core tool of this paper seems to be the argument he and Professor Artur Avila made in May.

Although some things have been slightly changed, the core ideas and calculation processes have hardly changed.

It's just that at that time, he and Professor Artur Avila were researching in the direction of the new Mersenne conjecture. Here, it seems that Professor Mo applied it to the proof of the non-null hypothesis of the l-function.

But no matter what, it is certain that Professor Mo directly 'borrowed' the results of him and Professor Artur Avila.

Not only the core ideas, but also the calculation methods and some calculation data were copied directly.

And he hasn't even said hello to him or Professor Artur Avila. Isn't this a little bit unreasonable?

Xu Chuan was almost certain that Professor Mo had not said hello to Professor Artur Avila. If so, Artur Avila would definitely contact him.

After all, this is a joint research between the two of them. If you want to borrow it from others, according to the rules of academia, you must say hello to another colleague.

"Let's ask Professor Avila first and ask him if he knows anything."

Staring at the paper, Xu Chuan shook his head.

If Professor Artur Avila didn't know about it, this would be a bit serious.


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