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Chapter 789: Establish your own international awards!

Chapter 789: Establish your own international awards!

Peach Blossom Ridge.

The CRHPC headquarters building is in the backstage lounge where the launching ceremony of the Circular Super Particle Collider will be held.

Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, was sitting in front of a mirror, reading the messages on his phone while enduring the make-up artist beside him applying makeup on his face.

Affected by the report meeting on the acceptance work of the strong electric symmetry breaking coupling constant experiment held at CERN, many physicists who had booked air tickets and were preparing to come here to attend the kick-off meeting have changed their itineraries.

Judging from the statistical list, there are more than two digits of top physicists, and more than a palm number of Nobel Prize winners, who have changed their itineraries.

However, among these people, including Professor Francois Engler, the founder of the Higgs particle, Professor von Klitzing, Professor David Pulitzer and other Nobel laureates, they all asked Xu Chuan before changing their schedule.

Or the CRHPC organization has said hello and expressed its apology.

He also promised to come to CRHPC as soon as possible to participate in the follow-up research work of the kick-off meeting after the acceptance report of the coupling constant experiment of strong electric symmetry breaking is completed.

Xu Chuan can understand the decisions of these scholars.

If they had not already had a stalemate with CERN, it is estimated that many domestic scholars would go there to attend the press conference.

After all, the verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking is really important to the theoretical physics community.

If this acceptance report is passed, the world of theoretical physics will really change.

In the world of physics where the unified theory of strong electricity is completed, the sky will become brighter and more spacious.


After briefly flipping through the information in his hand and looking at the list above, Xu Chuan shook his head subconsciously.

As a result, when he shook his head, the young lady who was putting on his makeup didn't pay attention, and the powder puff in her hand was knocked away, leaving a little rosy mark on the side of his face.

Looking at the makeup that was put on in the wrong place, the slightly funny cheeks, and the makeup girl holding back the smile on her lips, her cheeks almost turned red.

After taking several deep breaths, she tried her best to suppress her smile and began to use makeup tools to correct the misaligned blush.

Looking at himself with rosy cheeks in the makeup mirror, Xu Chuan sighed and asked: "I said...how long will it take to finish?"

Although this is not the first time he has been put on make-up, for a boy like him who may be more straight, having him put on make-up is really awkward to the extreme.

To be honest, when the makeup girl applied the powder brush to his face, he always felt like a wall in the hands of his father Xu Jianguo...

His father occasionally does work such as plastering cement on walls and scraping putty.

As if expecting Xu Chuan to ask this question, or maybe she was used to it, the makeup lady responsible for helping him groom his appearance had a soft smile on her face and replied in a formulaic manner.

"It will be ready soon. Academician Xu, just wait patiently for a few more minutes."

"e=(′o`*))) Alas."

Sighing, Xu Chuan muttered: "Can't I just wear makeup? I think I'm handsome even without makeup."

Sitting aside, the familiar old man was also being manipulated by the makeup girl. He turned to look at Xu Chuan, smiled and explained helpfully:

"There is a big difference between taking photos with makeup and without makeup under the light. Without makeup, your face will be darker, and the photos taken will generally not look good."

"You are the face of our country and represent the image of our Chinese academic community. You can't just do it casually."

The arrival of the old man is not unexpected. Even if you leave aside the physics community, the Circular Super Particle Collider is a super project that has invested more than 100 billion.

The completion of this kind of project is a matter worthy of national celebration even for a big country like China.

The senior leaders came over to send blessings and inspected the work normally.

What's more, this kick-off meeting is held for the whole world and has a diplomatic nature.

Skipping this topic, the old man smiled and said: "Speaking of which, is this kick-off meeting going well so far? I heard that CERN pulled away many scholars who were originally invited?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Well, a key breakthrough has been made in the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity. Indeed, many scholars have gone there to listen to the report meeting."

"However, the impact is not very big for us. After all, the 130Tev energy level collider is our greatest confidence."

The old man smiled kindly and said: "I don't know much about academic things, but if the unified theory of strong electricity is verified, you should be able to win another Nobel Prize, right?"

Xu Chuan: "Winning or not winning the Nobel Prize doesn't mean much to me now. After all, I don't need the fame and blessing of the Nobel Prize."

The old man smiled and said: "That's you, you don't care about this at all. But if you really can win the Nobel Prize, you can still go and get it."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan looked over in surprise and asked curiously: "Relax?"

Xu Chuan probably had some idea of ​​what situation he was in.

Except for the first time he went out to receive the award in the year he returned to China and in 2022 when he went to Tsarist Russia to attend a National Congress of Mathematicians, he had never been abroad.

After all, safety has always been a big issue.

Next to him, the man smiled faintly and explained: "That's not true, but if you really want to go out and communicate, as long as you don't go to North America, the country can completely guarantee your safety. There is no problem with that."

After a slight pause, he continued with a smile: "A strong country is our greatest confidence. The Air Force Equipment Department has established an aerospace fighter production line through cooperation with the Xinghai Research Institute, and it is already in production...


"If you want to, wait a little longer and go abroad to communicate with other scholars or institutions."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan suddenly understood.

As this person said, confidence comes from one's own strength, and the truth is only within the range of the cannon.

Nowadays, they may have the ability to suppress the entire Eurasian continent.

There is a rapid response force of air and space fighters. The world is really big and it can be used anywhere.

Smiling, Xu Chuan nodded and said, "If that's the case, find some time to go and collect the millions of dollars in gold from the Clay Mathematics Institute."

"Hodge's conjecture, NS equation, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem... there are three million meters of gold here."

Hearing this, the big leader sitting next to him looked over curiously and asked, "You shouldn't be short of these three million meters of gold, right? Are you short of money? Isn't it?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I am indeed not short of money, but who would dislike the medals on my body? The awards from the Clay Mathematics Institute are world-renowned."

"Although they haven't given out any bonuses so far..."

Hearing Xu Chuan's description, this person couldn't help but smile and said, "Since you want to go, then go ahead."

"A few million dollars may not be much, but the honor of the Millennium Problem is indeed worth it."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Let's talk about it then."

After a slight pause, he continued: "And instead of receiving the award, I think I can also create a special award to reward those who have made great contributions to academic development and technological development."

Hearing this, a look of interest suddenly flashed across the old man's eyes, and he quickly asked: "What should I say? Do you need help from the country?"

Establishing an internationally renowned award does not just mean having money, it also needs to be famous.

For example, the Nobel Prize, the three natural science prizes of the Nobel Prize (physics prize, chemistry prize, physiology or medicine prize) are indeed the most well-known in the world and the most prestigious award in the field of natural science.

But the Nobel Prize has been in operation for more than a hundred years before it has its current reputation.

In this regard, there is still a long way to go in China.

Even the Morningside Mathematics Prize established by the more famous Qiu Chengtong and the Shaw Prize established by Mr. Run Run Shaw are difficult to compare with those top awards in the world.

As for the first prize of the National Natural Science Award, the National Science and Technology Supreme Award, these are the highest honors in the country, I will not mention these, after all, they are not for the whole world.

If Xu Chuan takes the initiative to establish an international award, there will definitely be no need to consider the popularity aspect, it will definitely be world-famous.

In the future, as long as they maintain this award, China's development in the field of basic science will definitely become more attractive to the world's top scholars.

At least, they will occupy a place in the top international awards and will no longer be in the wilderness.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and then briefly introduced: "I plan to establish a large-scale international award, divided into general awards and awards in different scientific fields, such as mathematics awards, physics awards, chemistry awards, materials science awards, etc."

"There are no subject restrictions for the total award. It will be selected every two years or every four years. The breakthroughs that have made the greatest contribution to the development of human science and technology in the past two or four years will be selected for awarding. Three to four results can be selected at one time.

, no more than four servings at most.”

"The awards in different scientific fields adopt a method similar to the Nobel Prize. They are selected once a year to select the achievements or scholars who have made the greatest contribution to their respective fields in the past year."

"The former does not set an age limit and does not limit whether the winner is still alive. It only considers contributions and breakthroughs."

"The latter considers temporarily setting the age under fifty years old. Compared with the total award, it is more oriented and encouraged to young and middle-aged scholars."

"As for the amount of the bonus, this has not been determined yet, but considering that the number of awards will be relatively large, a stable source of income is needed, and it needs to be discussed and considered."

After listening carefully, the old man said with a smile: "You can just negotiate the awards, but the bonuses can be more. The state can provide subsidies for this kind of work that is of great benefit to the country."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Don't worry, the bonus will not be stingy."


Taohualing, the headquarters of CRHPC.

It was approaching ten o'clock in the morning, and the auditorium where the kick-off meeting was held was crowded and dark.

Physics scholars from all over the world, as well as representatives from top physics institutions in various countries, are sitting here at this moment.

In addition, there are many scholars who have not received the invitation letter and come to participate in the kick-off meeting at their own expense. They are also looking for a place in the crowd.

With about ten minutes left before the opening ceremony of the kick-off meeting, the physicists and representatives of physics institutions from various countries who came to participate in the meeting were basically seated.

Whispering discussions resounded throughout the double-story auditorium, which was spacious enough to accommodate nearly 10,000 people. The scholars who came to attend the kick-off meeting were communicating with their friends.

"Guess who I saw when I came in just now?"


"Professor Edward Witten!"

"WT? Are you sure you read it correctly? Didn't Professor Witten actually go to CERN to participate in the acceptance report meeting of the coupling constant experiment of strong electric symmetry breaking? He is one of the authors of the unified theory of strong electric force!"

"I can be absolutely sure that I saw it right, it's him!"

"It's unbelievable that Professor Witten actually gave up CERN and chose to come here."

"Perhaps he wants to use the CRHPC collider to verify his string theory?"

"Isn't it possible? Although the collision energy level of CRHPC is as high as 130 Tev, there is still a long way to go before we can verify string theory."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Who knows? Anyway, I saw a lot of top talents here."

"It feels like the world of physics is really going to change. Maybe CERN will no longer be the holy land of physics in the world."

"This depends on the performance of the collider. If any huge results can be discovered in energy level collision experiments exceeding 35 Tev, CRHPC will undoubtedly replace CERN and become the new holy land of physics!"

"Tsk, tsk, these are all brought by Professor Xu. He single-handedly drives the development of the entire country and even the world. This kind of person is really terrifying!"

Just as everyone was whispering to each other, the lights on the stage in the auditorium were fully turned on.

Following that eye-catching light, everyone in the audience consciously stopped talking and looked towards the stage.

The noisy discussion gradually subsided, and under the spotlight, Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, walked up to the stage from the side passage and stood in the center of the stage.

At this moment, the auditorium, which was spacious enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, was silent.

There is no need for anyone to maintain order in the venue, and there is no need for other staff to remind everyone present to keep quiet.

The moment Xu Chuan stood on the stage, the entire venue suddenly became quiet, and the sound of breathing could be heard.

Everyone looked up and their eyes fell on the jealously young top scholar on the stage.

They are all waiting for him to speak, waiting for the news of the official completion of CRHPC.

Waiting for physics, waiting for the field of high energy physics to enter a new era!


PS: Double update tomorrow, it’s the end of the month, please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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