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Chapter 790: 130 trillion electron volts collision experiment

Chapter 790: 130 trillion electron volts collision experiment

Standing on the stage in a venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Xu Chuan straightened the microphone, cleared his throat, tried the microphone, and spoke in a steady and clear voice.

"Welcome all the scholars and representatives from various institutions here to China and to Star City. I would also like to thank everyone who came from afar to attend the launching ceremony of the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider."

For a grand event, it is a standard way to express respect and gratitude to the scholars who have participated in the event.

Xu Chuan was no exception, putting his tribute and thanks to the scholars who came to attend the event at the forefront.

However, a very ordinary sentence suddenly made the venue, which held tens of thousands of people, instantly become noisy.

Some were surprised, some were surprised, some were confused, and some looked at the speaker on the stage with disbelief.

Because the language used by the person standing on the stage at this moment... is not English, which is universally used in the world, but Chinese.

This sudden language switch caught many scholars and even the backstage staff off guard.

Because in the preparation for the kick-off meeting, everyone did not have this preparation and discussion.

After all, this is an international conference for hundreds of countries around the world, with different skin colors, different people, and different races. English, a universal language, can be said to have always been the default.

As a result, no one expected that Xu Chuan would change the language of his speech from English to Chinese.

"Do you want to activate the translation system?"

In the background, although there were some surprises and panics, the staff responsible for the entire kick-off ceremony quickly responded and asked the leaders around them.

As it is built in accordance with the CRHPC, the world's largest physical institution, the auditorium for lectures is naturally equipped with a real-time translation system, which can translate Chinese, English, French and other languages ​​into other languages ​​in real time.

Although there was a slight accident, it was not a serious problem for CRHPC.

After thinking for a while, the logistics director in charge of the entire kick-off ceremony said: "Let's get started. No matter what, we must at least let these arriving scholars and guests know the content of Academician Xu's speech."

Although I know that the person in front of the stage wants to promote Chinese, this situation is indeed a bit sudden. Most of the scholars participating in the conference have basically no understanding of Chinese.

If there is no translation, I am afraid that most people will be confused.


On the stage, after a simple opening remarks, Xu Chuan looked around the lively venue with a smile on his face.

It was his decision before taking the stage to switch the language of his speech from English to Chinese.

The reason is simple. A universal language is an important tool that serves as a conversational medium in international exchanges. It is not only a symbol of national strength, but also a fundamental key to the prosperity of basic science.

Just as the Tiangong space station uses an all-Chinese operating system, if scholars from other countries want to enter CRHPC, it is natural for them to learn Chinese and Chinese.

There is no reason why the CRHPC ring super particle collider, which is fully invested and built by them, still needs to use English or other languages ​​to communicate!

After looking at the somewhat chaotic venue, Xu Chuan didn't care. He continued to speak in Chinese:

"Since the turn of the millennium, many people have questioned whether our physics has come to an end? Frontier theories are developing so rapidly that it seems difficult to verify them experimentally in this century."

"People often call the 21st century the century of biology or the century of artificial intelligence. In short, this century must belong to a rising new field."

"From this point of view, physics seems to be a relic of the last century - the world-shaking revolution caused by quantum mechanics and relativity, and the subsequent gold rush for elementary particles, which won dozens of honors for high-energy physics.

Bell Prize.”

"When that golden age has long passed, to this day, people always sigh at the desolation: maybe we won't find new particles for another few decades; maybe, there will never be new particles again."

"However, this does not mean that hope is lost!"

"In 2019, the emergence of sterile neutrinos and traces of warm dark matter gave us a glimmer of hope that could surpass the standard model."

"To this end, we began to explore the full picture of this particle that surpassed the standard model and built a CRHPC collider with stronger performance."

"Superconducting materials with a critical magnetic field of up to 40 Tesla, a 62-kilometer-long annular pipeline, and a collision intensity exceeding 130 Tev energy level... The performance of the CTHPC ring super particle collider has brought

We, the entire physics community, and the entire world have unlimited hopes."

"We have high hopes for it, hoping that it can test our standard model and verify the unified theory of strong electricity; we hope that it can complete the appearance of sterile neutrinos and explore particles beyond the standard model; and we hope that it can find dark matter and dark matter.

Energy, and even matter that exceeds the predictions of our physical theories..."

"Now, the day has finally arrived!"

With Xu Chuan's words, the atmosphere in the venue was pushed to its peak. Everyone turned their attention and stared eagerly at the figure standing on the stage.

Looking around the crowd, Xu Chuan took a deep breath and spoke calmly, powerfully and clearly: "On this special day, on behalf of the CRHPC organization, I announce to the world that the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider...


"Starting today!"

"Officially completed!"

The moment the sonorous words fell, waves of applause came one after another, sweeping the entire venue in an instant.

Everyone was celebrating and applauding, and the roaring applause was like thunder, almost knocking over the ceiling of the entire auditorium.

Sitting in the front row of the venue, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with hair wax on her head, the extremely solemn Academician Wang Yifang's face was full of excitement, and her hands applauding were even red, as if she had exhausted all her life's energy.

The completion of the CRHPC Circular Super Particle Collider is not only the dream that he has been working hard for for more than ten years, it has finally come true today.

It also means that China’s physics community will be on top of the world!

From today on, CRHPC will be an institution that can be on par with CERN, and may even completely replace it in the future and become the center of physics in the new era!

From today on, they will serve as true guides, standing at the pinnacle of the physics community, guiding the development of physics around the world and leading the trend!

From today on, they have the ability to enable physicists from all over the world to serve China's research. They are no longer left to do marginal work and contribute to the physics building located in the Western world.

This is the building of the new era of physics that stands where the red sun rises in the east. It is the sky that everyone is looking up to!

It is said that science knows no borders and everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by science.

But as a native of China with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, who doesn’t want his motherland to be on top of the world in every field? Who doesn’t want his motherland to lead the development of science?

Not only him, but almost all the descendants of Yan and Huang are waiting for this day!


The wave of applause lasted for a long time. Facing thousands of scholars and guests in the audience, Xu Chuan walked out from behind the podium, bowed slightly and saluted before leaving the stage from the side.

The opening ceremony did not allow him much time to speak, only two and a half minutes in total.

After Xu Chuan walked off the stage, the next person on stage was the leader.

On behalf of China, he expressed to the world his affirmation and support for the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider, and also expressed his welcome to the scholars and physics institutions from various countries who came to participate in this event.

He also said that China is an open country and welcomes scholars from all fields to come here to develop.

After the speeches of Xu Chuan and the old man, the next people who took the stage to speak were representatives of high-level officials from Tsarist Russia, the United States, the European Union, and East Asian countries.

Although there is a direct competitive relationship between CRHPC and CERN, as a country, when faced with the implementation of this kind of scientific research equipment that is beneficial to the world, every representative expressed their views on this century project on behalf of their country's officials.

, and sent good wishes.

This historic scene was also permanently recorded by the cameras standing on both sides of the auditorium with tens of thousands of people, and was broadcast in real time through the Internet to thousands of TVs and even online live broadcast platforms.

【Awesome! Thumbs up for the motherland!】

[On this special day, August 1st, the CRHPC collider is the most appropriate gift! 】

[130Tev collider! This has exceeded the upgraded LHC several times! It’s amazing!]

【A strong country and a prosperous people! A new era and a new era!】

[Looking forward to the first collision experiment, maybe there are other substances in the universe that we have not discovered, such as vacuum zero-point energy, white holes, matter waves, etc.]

【Big changes unseen in a century!】

【Like and that's it!】


The opening ceremony came to an end quickly.

Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, stepped onto the stage again.

At the same time, behind him, several large screens were lowered vertically, and the ultra-clear projectors arranged in the venue projected the full view of the CRHPC ring super particle collider and core detectors onto the screen.

And the curtain in the center projected the core work of this event!

"130 trillion electron volts collision experiment!"

There is no doubt that this is the collision experiment that everyone here is most looking forward to!


PS: To make up for the update from the day before yesterday, there will be another chapter late. It’s the end of the month. Please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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